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Chapter 59 Happy Stick

 The lack of food brought Heilongshan to its end, and it also brought people to new life.

If you are ambitious, you will dare to do anything.

Cao Yao gathered several blacksmiths among the refugees together and asked them to make him a musket.

The craftsmen didn't even say a word, they just started banging.

He said that the musket he wanted to make was from Liao Town, with a total length of five feet, a three-legged iron frame, and a weight of 18 kilograms. It could be operated by two people and could shoot at a level of 200 steps. It was called the Big Wind Chaser.

When Liu Chengzong heard this, he raised his gun and asked him: Why are you doing this?

Cao Yao said that street fighting is particularly advantageous. In the small street between the front and back yards of Wangzhuang Fort, ten people can be defeated by just hanging from the back hill and spraying loose powder from the gun.

Liu Chengzong stopped his somewhat crazy thoughts. He couldn't see clearly at night. The guards at Wangzhuang were no match for them. If they messed with one of their own, the gain would not be worth the trouble if they were sprayed.

Gunpowder is not a big problem.

Heilong Mountain already had some gunpowder, but Liu Chengzu was cautious and did not recommend that they use gunpowder from the machine soldiers.

So I chose to prepare it myself. Cao Yao was in Laomiaozhuang and Liu Chengzong was in Heilong Mountain. They collected saltpeter from every household and made up a lot of saltpeter soil.

Shaanxi produces saltpeter, and most of the Shaanxi frontier troops can do the work of boiling saltpeter, but they are just too tired.

At a time when the refugees distributed by the government were all eating hard food at home, they arranged for a few people from the firecracker maker named Huang Laosan to hide in the mountains to do this.

Yang Dingrui heard that Liu Chengzong wanted to use sulfur, so he probably guessed what it was about, so he quietly asked Liu Chengzong.

After all, he is a teacher, so he can't hide it, so Liu Chengzong can only tell his plan.

Little did he know that Yang Dingrui was filled with hatred as soon as he heard this: "It should be killed. I wanted to kill Zhang Qing back then. Zhao Shou sent by Governor Lu was my friend, but he was tortured to death!"

Zhao Shou was a scholar who served in the mansion of Lu Zhaoxiong, the governor of Shaanxi. The governor sent him to secretly investigate the Qin vassal's occupation of thousands of hectares of horse farms, and was eventually beaten to death by Zhang Qing's men.

Lu Zhaoxiong participated in the imperial court, but Emperor Tianqi asked the Qin government to resolve the matter on its own. At that time, Shaanxi officials were very angry and helpless.

But by now, Yang Dingrui saw that Black Dragon Mountain was desperate and did not dissuade Liu Chengzong at all. Instead, he took over the whole matter of Brimstone.

I only borrowed one person from him, and took Guo Zashi away on two donkeys.

That night, the two men brought back two donkeys, carrying four large clay pots on their backs, carrying a total of 195 kilograms of sulfur.

Yan'an Prefecture used work as relief at Yuanlong Temple in the south of Heilong Mountain, built glazed pagodas, mined and burned kilns, and sulfur was the product of burning soap alum. The person in charge there was the secretary of the government office, remembering Yang Dingrui's love, and spoke.

It still works.

And it was a good time to go. Originally, Yang Dingrui had not planned to ask for so much.

The work-for-relief program is about to stop, and this batch of sulfur has to be transported to Yan'anwei. The recipient is Zhang Qianhu. When Yang Dingrui heard this name, he was an acquaintance.

It would be better to feed a dog to a guard official who is not doing his job.

Bring it to you!

The two of them packed as much as they could, and finally took four cans weighing 180 kilograms. They asked Guo Zashi to take off his clothes and packed another 15 kilograms before leaving.

Liu Chengzong, who got up in the middle of the night, was so shocked that he was worried that if Yang Dingrui brought back so much sulfur, he would harm the book office of his workshop.

Who knew that Yang Dingrui was still not satisfied? If he had known that the batch of sulfur would be given to Zhang Qianhu, he would have had to call two cars to bring him back with a weight of five to six hundred kilograms.

As for the office of the workshop, Yang Dingrui told him to relax. They used more than a dozen large blast furnaces, each of which burned a thousand kilograms of green vitriol and produced more than thirty kilograms of sulfur at a time.

Even if he can lift 600 kilograms, it will only last half a day.

Spread it over a month and the sulfur loss will come out after changing the screen.

Everyone dared not do anything serious, but they did these things very efficiently. Even if they didn't ask for it, someone would take the things and sell them in the city.

Liu Chengzong never dreamed that Yang Dingrui could get him so much sulfur.

This is enough for two thousand kilograms of gunpowder. If you give Cao Yao the opportunity to dig a hole, he can really lift the high wall of Wangzhuang Fort.

It's a pity that they don't have that much saltpeter, so bombing the fort is still a joke.

Moreover, Liu Chengzong discovered that even blowing up the door latch had a big problem.

They could make a dynamite bag, but it would be difficult to secure the dynamite bag opposite the latch of the fort door.

You can’t just hammer nails under someone’s fort door, right?

Even if the defenders were really lax, if they were asked to drive nails, they would have to drive several large nails to blast open the thick wooden door.

While Huang Laosan was boiling saltpeter for a few days, Liu Chengzu was focused on stoking the charcoal in the brick kiln.

Only Cao Yao and Liu Chengzong racked their brains to worry about this problem.

Until, another strange thing flashed in Liu Chengzong's memory - an onboard happy stick, whose scientific name is Thorny.

A metal shell, a cone-shaped copper cover, a large amount of black gunpowder poured into it, and a long wooden pole were placed on the fort gate.

Changing the charge can punch a hole in the tank.

Can I use it to accurately punch a hole in the door and break the latch behind it?

But Liu Chengzong drew the blueprint, and the more he looked at it, the more uneasy he became. After all, this thing looked very suitable for the hungry people of this era, but it was not suitable for blowing up the fort gate.

The hungry people's brigade held up a long explosive pole and shouted, "The days are mourning, we will all perish!" and charged towards the gleaming Han general under the gate of the Forbidden City.

Suitable, so suitable.

Cao Yao is like Liu Chengzong's Doraemon. No matter what he needs, he can take it out of the old thief's belly. If he can't get it out, he needs to find other ways.

After drawing the drawings and extorting a bag of Wanli Tongbao from Cao Yao, the delighted Liu Chengzong picked up the hoe and went to the blacksmith to place an order.

Copper coins and hoes are both materials.

"Make a thicker iron cylinder shell, and pound copper coins into a thin awl shell. Just like the picture. Yes, remember to leave holes in the iron cylinder for the pole. Which pole do you think of? Which pole is the longest in the mountains?"

The honest refugee blacksmith suddenly became anxious when he saw what kind of pole he was talking about, so he could only reply aggrievedly: "The spear is eight feet long."

"Yes, whichever one is the longest is used."

The pole cannot be short, Liu Chengzong has not lived enough.

However, this thing is indeed much simpler to make than Cao Yao's wind chasing gun. It only took the blacksmith half a day to make it.

It wasn't until the gunpowder was poured in that Liu Chengzong was dumbfounded and forgot to drill the fuse.

The blacksmith was asked to redo the work again, and Cao Yao was asked to rub a lead wire and fill it with three kilograms of gunpowder. Several gentlemen carried long poles and broken door panels to the back mountain in the middle of the night.


Both Liu Chengzu and Cai Zhongpan thought this thing was stupid, but they were of high quality and did not say it out loud.

Only Cao Yao said it.

Cao Yao is quite annoyed with Liu Chengzong right now.

I wanted to have some fun with my aunt the day before yesterday, but he took off my pants and took me out to survey the terrain. I had a long journey yesterday, and today I just laid down in the house and he asked for money again.

At night, I finally felt that the opportunity had come, and I was invited out to watch the experiment.

Moreover, the baby he picked up was thrown away at his house, and he was asked to train him how to take care of the baby first.

Finally, I have to light a fire on this particularly stupid-looking thing.

Three door panels stood on the ground, and Liu Chengzong stood there holding the tail of a long pole, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

Cao Yao held the fire stick in front of the cone-shaped blasting tube, swallowed his saliva, and asked Liu Chengzong: "Really? Don't blow me up."

"How about you go to the kiln and get Song Shouzhen over?"

Liu Chengzong said this sincerely, and I don’t know what Cao Yao was thinking, so he cursed: Damn it, the court didn’t even kill me!

Before Liu Chengzong could hear clearly, he saw a burst of flames, Cao Yao holding his head and rolling to the side, followed by a bang.

The burst of fire ahead was deafening, and a vibration came from his hand, pushing him backwards.

When he got up, the smoke filled the air, making him cough, but he was not injured.

Looking forward, the top of the long pole has cracked, and the iron-shelled blasting barrel has cracked, like an exploding firecracker.

Further forward, three wooden doors were punched through holes as big as bowls, neatly arranged.

Amidst the cheers of the three people, Liu Chengzong's face showed a smile that was different from others.

He shouted crazily in his heart: It works!

My memory is useful!

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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