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Chapter 606: Zhao Yun rushes out

Where did the cavalry come from?

Bu Yingdi felt that he was totally confused this whole night.

He always stayed in the seemingly safest place in his own military formation.

But they have to be the first to receive the harshest beating in every conflict.

Bu Yingdi didn't know why...he wanted to go home.

His army was also shocked by thousands of guns and cannons, and the soldiers lay on the ground with the help of low walls for defense.

Before there was time to organize a defense, the cavalry of Luo Rucai's cavalry had already rushed close at hand, and the half-battalion of Bu Yingdi's soldiers almost dispersed in a rush, leaving the military formation in pieces.

The new recruits of the Ningxia Battalion, who lacked the experience of collapse, dropped their weapons and ran away, while the veterans with rich survival experience simply lay down facing the enemy cavalry with their heads in their hands, leaving their lives to God.

This is an action that goes against common sense. Facing the approaching cavalry, the survival rate of lying down is actually higher than turning around and running.

Because the cavalry on horseback will be happy to stab the fleeing soldiers with their weapons, but the war horses are not willing to trample on the people lying on the ground with their hooves.

Facing a fallen soldier, a war horse's usual choice is to raise its hooves to jump over an obstacle. Only when it is unable to avoid or cannot be seen, will it trample with its hooves.

Not only is this something the horse doesn't want to see, but the cavalry on horseback also doesn't want their mounts to trample people.

This is definitely not because the handsome thief-turned-cavalrymen are kind enough, but because the high-speed horses step on the uneven human body and can easily injure their hooves.

As the saying goes, there is no horse without hooves.

As we all know, the Marshal's Mansion has mastered the core technology of turning injured horses into horse meat for burning.

In a very short period of time, more than four hundred cavalry led by Wang Guocai rushed through half of Bu Yingdi's military formation as if they were in no one's land. Only then did the first column of cavalry in the sharp formation of the horse army hit the first spearman.

Descend the souls of the dead.

It was a Ningxia team surrounding the guard team. The soldiers united into formation in panic and hurriedly turned their heads and pointed their weapons south.

In fact, this guard team did not want to stop the charge of the Marshal's cavalry. The defense was just an instinctive reaction in the panic moment of being attacked. However, this instinct caused them to suffer disaster when the training level of the entire military camp was uneven.

When a row of cavalrymen rushed toward them with their spears drawn, everyone was confused when they saw that someone dared to stand in front of them.

In fact, the more than 400 cavalry led by Wang Guocai were not the elite cavalry of the first echelon of the Marshal's Mansion.

Most of the cavalrymen who have experienced cavalry confrontations or even forced infantry formations are under the command of generals such as Yang Yao, Zhang Tianlin, and Wei Qian'er.

Luo Rucai's cavalry were essentially elite infantry thieves.

As one of the bandit leaders who defected to Liu Chengzong, Luo Rucai had great autonomy in the deployment and selection of his troops.

This determines that the soldiers with war horses are the most powerful bandits under his command. After the Luo tribe was merged into the regular army of the Marshal's Mansion, these people naturally became cavalry.

What they are good at is mostly forming a ring outside the military formation and galloping, or relying on fast horses to kill in the midst of a broken army... This is also a very standard way of using cavalry.

Qualified cavalry officers should try their best to avoid using cavalry to directly collide with well-organized infantry formations.

Only by launching an attack when the infantry is caught off guard can the cavalry avoid unnecessary casualties and have a chance of victory.

As for a formation collision like this on a narrow road, let's put it this way, let alone Luo Rucai, there were not many cavalrymen with such extreme experience in the entire Ming Empire.

The reason is obvious, this is considered a small probability event on the battlefield.

What's more, most of them who can survive such a highly dangerous and small-probability collision are already officers.

That's why the torch-waving kingdom saw this formation of infantry squad, and immediately waved the torch to try to get the cavalry to divide into two teams and outflank them from the left and right flanks.

However, the pride in the hearts of the cavalry that crossed half the battalion had swelled to an indescribable level.

Those cavalrymen with their spears straightened up at the head of the team, all they saw along the way was that the spearhead was invincible; the cavalrymen who stood up and put their sabers on their shoulders simply overwhelmed the enemy as if they were lining up for drill.

As for the cavalrymen with blunt weapons at the end of the team, their hands were itchy and they wished they could hit something with the gourd.

Do you expect them to get out of the way at this time?

Avoid the egg!

The cavalryman lowered his head, straightened his lance, and hit him!

In an instant, the spearhead penetrated, the long pole broke, the horse hit and people flew, and a small formation was scattered almost immediately.

The cavalry also had difficulty maintaining their formation. Almost all of the first batch of cavalry were forced to dismount. Those who were unlucky were knocked to the ground by the infantry's spears on the spot. Those who were lucky were able to jump off their horses earlier and draw their swords to fight.

But even so, they can't be counted on in this small-scale battle.

The cavalrymen rushing from behind had already put down the wild goose feather sabers leaning on their shoulders, slowed down their mounts, and picked up their sabers to chop at the beards and thorns in the chaotic military formation.

It was not even the turn of the cavalry from behind to rush forward, and the hastily assembled small army formation was defeated and defeated.

On the left and right sides, the galloping cavalry had already swept through the entire military formation like a hurricane.

Amidst the crazy shouts and conflicts, Luo Rucai's more than 400 cavalrymen had never fought such a hearty and victorious battle.

Most of the cavalrymen in the Kingdom's cavalry did not get a chance to fight at all.

The army horses had jumped all the way through the pile of dead people and rushed over the low wall, dividing a battalion of soldiers into several parts like a hunting dog chasing a rabbit.

After they fought their way out, Wang Guo turned around again and jumped over the ditch first, holding a torch. The cavalry immediately turned around, rushed out of the military formation and trampled on the living people, killing the entire Bu Yingdi Battalion of the Ningxia Army.

When the entire military formation was shattered, broken troops ran around, and horses fled everywhere, then the battle stage that the cavalry was most familiar with entered.

They were divided into small groups from the main group, and the small group was divided into small groups. In groups of three or five, they brandished their sabers and swords, crossed the camp again and again, and chased and killed them on the southern battlefield.

As for the conductor... there is no conductor anymore.

During a fight, Wang Guocai used a torch to hit the begging bowl of a Ningxia soldier. Sparks burst out and the entire cavalry lost the guidance of the fire.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! No one knows where the kingdom is, so they can only follow the nearest officer and launch an assault on the nearest enemy.

In fact, Kingdom was intentional. While leading the charge, he was wounded in the chest by an arrow shot from nowhere. It must have been a very close strong bow, armor-piercing awl, and the chest armor piece was all pierced.

The mount was also stabbed several times and had no strength left. Then he randomly found a lucky head and smashed out the torch, then fled towards Gao Yingdeng's military formation in the north with his tail between his legs.

Leading the charge into battle is certainly the most heroic moment in life, but in the end, life is still at stake.

Although he was embarrassed when he entered the battle and was guarded by friendly forces, the kingdom felt that he could still save his life.

To be honest, Gao Yingden didn't believe that this man was the leader of the four hundred cavalry.

He had just ordered the troops to attack, and according to Liu Chengzong's order, the troops had to fight and withdraw quickly. They fired a wave of guns and then retreated back to the formation. It was very exciting.

Then I saw someone coming out from behind the enemy formation... No kidding, a Zhao Yun came out.

Leading the cavalry into and out of the enemy's formation seven times.

Gao Yingdeng thought to himself, this reinforcement general is as majestic as I was when I was young!

As a result, Guo Guocai ran over with his tail between his legs, looking like a bereaved dog.

He would rather believe that 'Zhao Yun' had died in the battle than believe that the person leading the charge would be the fake woman in front of him who even screamed in pain after pulling out an arrow.

He said to himself: My good aunts in the Generalissimo's Mansion are not so afraid of pain!

However, Gao Yingdeng really didn't bother to observe Wang Guocai at this moment. As early as when Wang Guancai rushed into the formation, he had already dispatched elite cavalry from the army and quickly assembled 800 armored cavalry, waiting for Wang Guocai to hide in the formation.

This cavalry has already fought its way out.

And on the other side of the battlefield.

Liu Chengzong's hope that the Ming army would fight him was in vain.

Cao Wenyao's elite cavalry was blown away by rockets and fled all over the place. They retreated hurriedly to the east, trying to join up with the friendly forces attacking from the south.

On the east side of the battlefield, Shen Guangxian was indeed leading the cavalry to make a detour. At the same time, along with several attacks on the marshal's army formation, he was planning to attack the east side of the army formation.

The two cavalry armies met in the dark.

But Liu Shizi’s fantasy was obviously a dream.

He made this arrangement because Liu Chengzong had experience in provoking enemy troops to kill each other.

But this time it was a huge miscalculation.

He watched helplessly from the high platform. Under the night cover, two dark cavalry teams, one from the south and one from the north, approached quickly. Then, as soon as they met, they broke away from the contact at a faster speed and quickly fled the battlefield in opposite directions.

Liu Shizi was so angry that he yelled: "These two are cowards!"

For no other reason, for the enemy armies to kill each other, one condition needs to be met: both armies must be mad dogs, and they must pounce on the enemy and bite them as soon as they see it.

The elite cavalry led by Cao Wenyao were indeed selected as vanguards from various departments in Ningxia Town, but they had experienced a failed night attack and were blown apart by rockets on their sides, so they no longer had the will to fight.

The divine light showed that the army of that battalion was not to mention.

The three thousand battalions were reduced to two thousand battalions overnight, especially when there were still 500 people who were beaten to pulp by artillery fire in front of their eyes. At this time, even if Chongzhen faced him, they could not be allowed to charge into the formation.

Liu Chengzong only became angry for a moment, then raised his hand to Wang Wenxiu and said: "Send your troops to chase them, no matter where they go, chase them to death!"

Wang Wenxiu was stunned for a moment and didn't react at first.

But it only took a moment to realize from Liu Chengzong's eyes with great joy... Enemies who cannot kill each other are good enemies.

This is a sign that the two Ming armies in the north and south have been tortured by this long night and have lost their will to fight.

In other words, the slightest disturbance will cause them to collapse, so what are they waiting for?

Wang Wenxiu, Brigadier General of the Generalissimo's Mansion, attacks!

The mighty armored cavalry rushed out from the east of the military formation, divided into two teams, one south and one north, and drove the two enemy cavalry that were more numerous than themselves eastward.

Wang Wenxiu was not only the leader of the army in battle, he was also the commander of the brigade.

What is a brigade commander?

It was Yang Chengzu who had just burned down the four camps of Cao Wenzhao in the first half of the night in Qianyang City. In the second half of the night, he was called out by the news that his troops from the Tang Dynasty were knocking on the door, and received his own military order.

Immediately, the 2,500 garrison troops in Mianyang City put on their armor and packed their food supplies, mounted their horses, and held up their torches under the night sky to form a fire dragon that rushed toward the southeast.

As for the Bu Yingdi camp in the south, it was obvious that they did not receive such high treatment.

The only person responsible for chasing and driving him away was the 800 cavalry led by Li Baliang, the commander-in-chief of Qian under Gao Yingden.

Of course, there are also more than 300 Luo cavalry who have lost their commanders.

The armor of both sides was almost the same. Hundreds of defeated troops rolled into a ball with the chasing cavalry. The pursuers might also be being chased, and the chased might also be chasing others. Anyway, they were already chasing each other.

Can't tell who is who.

No one dared to stop, and no one knew who was chasing them.

There are even some who are so confused that they don’t even know who the friendly forces around them are, and they don’t dare to ask, so they just run away anyway.

We ran all the way to the bank of the Wei River, where more than 3,000 people huddled together. Please close your eyes in the dark before finally revealing the answer.

By this time, there was no need for any identification marks. If someone tried to cross the river, someone would shoot their bow and arrow.

The marshal's army will not want to cross the river, and the Ming army will not shoot arrows at those who cross the river.

Then they fought again until Bu Yingdi, who was mixed in the crowd, shouted loudly to stop the soldiers around him from fighting, and laid down his weapons and surrendered to Li Baliang's pursuers.

Li Baliang still didn't believe it, so he glared at Bu Yingdi with a tigerish face: "You are a Ming general, why did you surrender without fighting?"

When Bu Yingdi opened his mouth, he heard the four-character Chinese curse I started with.

It's already like this, and you still get a slap in the face.

Although he was scolded, Li Baliang believed it in his heart: Hey, this is the feeling. The generals of the Ming army did not do well in battles. If they lost, they would hold their necks and curse others and beg for death.

Sure enough, before he could say anything, Bu Yingdi's next sentence came: "Kill if you want, there is so much nonsense!"

"A very good man, but after losing a battle, don't seek death and survival. Surrendering is a good thing."

Li Baliang laughed. He was a bandit and was used to fighting at night. His eyes were much better at night than others, so he was not afraid of the Ming army gathering together to fight again.

He waved his hand to Bu Yingdi to collect the surrender troops, but said with a smile: "Whether we win or lose this battle, Shaanxi is still like this. You are all border troops. It would be great if you continue to defend the border."

Bu Ying was the first to hear it and became energetic.

This night, he, the Ningxia battalion general, recognized the strength of the Marshal's army very much.

If he could be allowed to lead troops back to Ningxia and be called Hanhan Commander, that wouldn't be impossible.

He asked: "General, what do you mean, if the general surrenders us, can we be released back to Ningxia to guard the border and defend the Northern Tatars?"

"Defend the Northern Tatars?"

Li Baliang was dumbfounded. With his background, it had been a long time since anyone mentioned the word "Beilu".

He spent a lot of brain cells trying to put this word into words, but found that the more he thought about it, the more he looked like his good brother.

In the end, he had no choice but to wave his hands and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, general? There are no Northern Tatars anywhere in the world. What I mean is that if you are willing to defend the border, you can go to Tingzhou. It is time for the defense there to change this year."


Where the hell is that place?

The two of them were talking to each other, and neither could keep up with the other's thoughts.

It was Li Baliang who realized this problem first and asked Bu Yingdi, "Do you know He Huchen?"

"Dashuai He used to be my commander, so I naturally know him."

As soon as Li Baliang heard that he knew him, he thought that this would be easy to handle, and said with a smile: "He Huchen, what you are doing for the commander now is to be a northern prisoner."

This chapter has been completed!
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