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Chapter 63 Purpose

 In the next few days, the people of Yan'an Prefecture lived like a Chinese New Year.

News of the appearance of heroes spread widely among the refugees. People said that they would appear in large groups on horseback at night and throw food into the yards of poor people's homes.

Put it in a sack, or wrap it in tattered clothes if you don't have a sack. If you don't even have rags, you just sprinkle it in the yard, like feeding chickens.

The people who were awakened asked their names, and some said that their leader was called Tiger General.

But no one knows who the tiger general is; no one knows what great things the tiger general has done.

All I know is that he sent people to feed the poor, and warned the wealthy families to be nice to the people.

From village to village, the news spread rapidly through the people begging outside, until it spread to Fushi, Ansai, and Ganquan counties, and spread to the surrounding areas.

There is also Yan'an Prefecture. Zhang Nian, the prefect of Yan'an, received two letters signed by Tiger Generals in three days.

One letter was from a cave in the northwest of Fushi County. There was a large amount of rice waiting for him to receive, so that he could continue to provide disaster relief in Yan'an Prefecture.

Before this batch of grain was received, another letter came from the tiger general again, but the handwriting was different, asking him to go to a cave in Ansai County to receive the grain.

He was still allowed to continue providing disaster relief in Yan'an Prefecture, and he was also warned that if he could put the letter into the prefect's Yamen, he could enter the back house of the prefect's Yamen, and if he dared to commit corruption, he would be replaced by another prefect.

The prefect Zhang Nian was surprised, angry and happy.

Fortunately, the government's grain reserves, which were unable to survive, were finally settled. These two batches of grain were more than what was raised by selling one's crown, belt, and glory.

In a very short period of time, the security around Yan'an Fucheng suddenly improved, there were fewer homeless people on the road, and the hordes of big eaters disappeared.

Roadblocks and robberies still happen occasionally, and they are inevitable even in ordinary times.

The common people in Yan'an Prefecture want to know who the tiger general is, and those who can survive want to see the tiger general to repay his kindness.

If you can't survive, you'd rather just go to your side and lead a horse and ride on it, so that you can have enough food and clothing.

The government wanted to know who the tiger general was, especially where he got so much food.

Because of the name Tiger General, the prefect Zhang Nian specially sent someone to call Xiao Guandou, who was paying filial piety to his grandfather, to the government office.

After some testing with words, I found that although Commander Xiao and Tongzhi came from a family of generals, there was no trace of tigerishness in them.

The entire Yan'an Prefecture is looking for the tiger general.

But no one can imagine what General Tiger is doing.

In fact, Master Liu already knew that his two sons and brother-in-law were taking Cao Yao to cause trouble in the Black Dragon Mountain.

Once you start being a thief, there is no turning back.

But he didn't stop it.

The younger son persuaded Liu Xiangyu again and again, but Liu Xiangyu could still persist. Even if the world was getting worse day by day, he could insist that he would conquer the world without pushing him.

But persistence is his own business. He can always find a job to support his family if he really shames himself. If his tribe cannot, they will starve to death if they persist.

Even if a tribesman becomes a thief, without his own Qilin to take him with him, he will be slaughtered to fill trenches.

Fathers always feel that their sons are the most promising.

On the day Liu Chengzong went out to check out the spot, Liu Xiangyu also went out and mingled with the group of villagers going to eat at big restaurants.

People say that hearing is in vain and seeing is believing. Mr. Liu decided to use his own eyes to measure the troubled times caused by the disaster.

But the purpose is no longer whether there is any other way to survive, nor whether the hungry victims can survive by following the rules.

He wanted to see the living conditions of the poorest people and see how poor the people were in the imperial court.

As a result, after only a hundred steps out of Black Dragon Mountain, he met the poorest people, but the people could not tell him how they felt about the imperial court.

It has been dead for two days and is half buried in the loess, just like a tree trunk with its bark stripped off.

The villagers said that this man committed suicide. He came from nowhere and could not walk any further, so he hanged himself.

Originally there was a tree here and people were wearing clothes.

Yesterday the trees were gone and the people were without their clothes.

Passers-by couldn't bear to see his body exposed in the wilderness, so they deliberately dug a hole and buried him.

But everyone is so hungry that they have no strength. Even if they have strength, they have to think about finding food, and they will add loess to him when they pass by.

Not only the people in Heilong Mountain, but also the hungry people rushing to rob him will add more soil, and he will be buried in two days.

Liu Xiangyu was unlucky, and all the big houses around him were eaten by the common people.

He followed the team and walked sixty or seventy miles a day, starting from Heilong Mountain towards Fucheng. Halfway through, he changed roads and returned home.

Basically, the situation is that the closer you get to the capital, the more chaotic the law and order will be, and the more people will die, but he believes that the reverse is also true.

The area between ten and forty miles away from Fucheng should be the most chaotic place.

Liu Xiangyu benefited a lot from a long trip.

He was basically convinced that it would be difficult for the imperial army to receive supplies when marching in Yan'an Prefecture, and that it would be difficult to get a response when government orders were implemented in Yan'an Prefecture.

The Ming court's control over Yan'an Prefecture in Shaanxi Province is at an unprecedented low point.

However, even after the investigation, Liu Xiangyu still did not support his son becoming a thief.

He was afraid that his son would regard being a thief, a temporary solution during the drought, as his own career.

Being a thief should be a means, not an end.

I haven’t quarreled with my son in many years.

While his two sons and brother-in-law were doing things outside, Liu Xiangyu was gearing up at home, thinking about how to teach them a good lesson.

At the same time, the clan was mobilized to do a general cleaning of the unused cave dwellings.

If your son goes out to grab a big business, he can't come back empty-handed, right?

If you really want to go empty-handed, there is no need to argue, which means that something as difficult as falling grass is not suitable for them.

He even thought about how to inquire about the deployment of the Yan'an garrison in the future.

The only thing I didn’t consider was the problem of not being able to store the food brought back.

Until that night, as soon as he fell asleep, he was awakened by the shouts of people in the village.

I put on my clothes and ran out of the yard, and saw everyone running wildly towards the mountain.

The vehicles that were pushed out came back, one or two, with grain piled high on them.

He heard Guo Zashi loudly urging everyone to bring dustpans and shovels to hide the ruts before dawn.

No one spoke to him, only Xiao Zhuanfeng stretched out his long legs and circled around him, raising his head and barking twice from time to time.

Men, women, old and young from Black Dragon Mountain all joined the battle and ran like a gust of wind.

Master Liu also had a smile on his face. His two sons knew that he had made a mistake and were hiding from him.

It looks like there are more than 400 stone grains, which is enough for Black Dragon Mountain to last until July.

Liu Xiangyu thought that his sons must have robbed a big family because of their hard work.

It is not easy to grab the earth-enclosed houses of big families.

Who knew that people were unloading one car after another in excitement, without even saying a word, and then pushed the wheels around and disappeared into the dark night of the mountain pass.

Half an hour later, it turned into a fully loaded convoy again. This time it was not just a convoy, but dozens of cattle, mules, and donkeys, all carrying grain.

Even the young and middle-aged students are returning with food on their backs.

Soon the village entrance was filled with grain, but the grain transport team still did not stop.

One trip, another trip, and another trip.

Liu Juren's blood pressure exceeded his height and he lost his ability to think.

If success or failure was judged solely by robbing food, he believed that the title of thief was no longer worthy of his son.

With this ability in handling food, working for the imperial court can make the food supervisor and councilor lay off his job.

How about working for the imperial court... Liu Xiangyu shook his head while stroking his beard.

Ming Dynasty is in danger!

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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