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Chapter 641 Recuperation

The third day of September in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

Liu Chengzong was so busy that he never touched the ground, and he was very happy to plan the granaries of various counties in Xi'an Prefecture.

Although migratory locusts come in waves, the organizational framework of the counties in Xi'an Prefecture is still there, and the impact of the locust plague is minimal.

This organizational framework is not the government, but the counties in Guanzhong are less affected by military rebellion and have a large population base. With a little organization, they can prevent locust plagues.

Correspondingly, outside Guanzhong, prevention of locust plagues is not possible.

For example, Guyuan and Jingning prefectures used to have many soldiers, but now they have fewer people. Last year, the local areas were unable to clean up insect eggs. This year, they directly became the nest of locust swarms to the west of Liupan Mountain, causing a large number of migratory locusts to invade Jinglu, Zhuang Lang and even Zhuang Lang.


Jingluwei and Zhuanglang counties themselves are vast and sparsely populated places, and have poor resistance to locust plagues. The local areas are helpless and can only report the disaster.

However, the overall impact cannot be said to be bad.

Once you get there, you won't be eaten until you lose everything.

Secondly, because of Zhang Xianzhong, Zhuanglang County was still in the exemption period, and the Jinglu Guards were a tug-of-war between Cao Yao's Gansu Army and the Ming Dynasty's Ningxia Army. Everyone who could escape ran away.

As for Liangzhou, Cao Yao, the governor of Gansu, sent a very optimistic report to Liu Chengzong.

Because the three oases in Gansu, after cleaning up wealthy families, military fields, and dividing the land, all promoted Liu Chengzong's land-grabbing method under the auspices of Song Xian.

The Farming Method itself will not bring about a bumper harvest, but it will simply allow people to divide their fields into five zones. Four zones will be planted extensively but yields will be low, and one zone will be fertilized and cared for twice as much, in order to improve Gansu's poor soil fertility.

Nowadays, the results of the farm-friendly law have not yet materialized. After Liangzhou was hit by the locust plague, the people of each family simply ignored the fields that were extensively cultivated and had poor harvests. They only had to concentrate on driving out the fields in one area that were given extra care, so there was little pressure to prevent locusts.

The harvest is also satisfying.

After all, locusts are a natural disaster. During a natural disaster, being able to keep a harvest is already a blessing among misfortunes.

With this harvest, not to mention Gansu paying food to the Marshal's Mansion, at least Liu Chengzong did not need to worry about the Gansu army's military food.

At present, all counties in Xi'an Prefecture have collected summer taxes and paid them into the county treasury. As for those who plan to transport grain and grass to the Chinese army, they are only in Yaozhou, Qianzhou, Pizhou, Wugong, Xingping, and Xianyang.

More counties, such as the county magistrate Zhang Jinyan, just sat on the fence and watched, and only reported the actual amount of conscripts to the commander-in-chief's central army.

Of course, the most blatant fence-sitting faction in Shaanxi is Hancheng Zuo Maodi.

The county magistrate has obviously become one with Hancheng.

Liu Chengzong announced that Hancheng would be exempted from taxes for one year, but Zuo Maodi was still collecting taxes; but the tax was Zhengse Zese, and not a single grain of wheat was transported to Shanxi.

In Hancheng, he used taxes to rob the rich and help the poor. He built canals, planted trees, dredged silt, and recuperated without getting tired of it.

When Liu Chengzong heard the news, he raised his head and laughed on the Shaoling Plateau, and wrote a letter to Zuo Maodi: My brother is more like a prince than I am.

Zuo Maodi's policy in Hancheng was a good thing for him.

On the one hand, as long as it can harm the Ming Dynasty, even if it is detrimental to the Marshal's Mansion, it is a good thing for him.

It's not a big problem that Zuo Maodi doesn't listen to him, as long as the grain collected is not transported to the court.

On the other hand, he has been collecting grain now. If Hancheng is in the hands of the Marshal's Mansion in the future, there will be no public outrage if he continues to collect grain, which is the second good thing.

On the other hand, Fan Zhimao, the magistrate of Heyang, was not as tough as Zuo Maodi. He sent people in a mighty convoy all the way to the north bank of the Wei River under the guise of paying taxes to the court and depositing grain for transportation.

When he saw Marshal Juntangqi, he immediately dropped his grain cart and ran away.

Someone ran over and shot a tax receipt with a bow and arrow. The summer tax on wheat was 11,130 shi, but the actual tax was 8,791 shi. The local government had misappropriated 320 shi. Actual explanation 8

One thousand four hundred and seventy-one stones.

The collection ratios of all counties in Xi'an Prefecture are basically the same. The summer tax amount is 339,886 shi, and the actual collection is about 89%. Each county has a shortfall and a small proportion of misappropriation.

In addition, there are various kinds of discounts, but they are all collected during the autumn grain harvest.

For example, there are more than 500,000 bundles of fodder, each bundle weighing 15 kilograms, which is enough for a horse in one day; more than 400 kilograms of silk, 160 kilograms of silk floss, more than 110,000 pieces of cloth, and more than 15,000 kilograms of cotton.

Now the autumn grain collection is about to begin, and must be paid in November. The amount is 459,966 dan.

These additional levies were calculated by Zhao Jifang, the younger brother of Zhao Jichang, the magistrate of Xianyang County.

He is now serving as a Langguan in Liu Chengzong's shogunate, in charge of the taxation of Xi'an government, which shocked Liu Shishi.

What is the gold content of Guanzhong Plain!

But not every place is as well-behaved as Guanzhong.

For example, Yan'an Prefecture, Liu Chengzong's hometown.

A batch of grain and grass sent from Yan'an Prefecture has just arrived in Yaozhou and is being escorted out of Xi'an in batches. The person in charge of escorting the grain is Feng Dakui, the general manager of Ding Guodong Camp.

Feng Dakui was an extremely familiar subordinate of Liu Chengzong. He was also a native of Yan'an Prefecture and was a horseman.

He was originally a peasant army member of Shangtianhou, and was later sent to Zhuantianmao, where he became Mr. Liu's favorite disciple. He joined Hehuang and served as the Hundred Commander in the Army Training Camp. He made meritorious service in the Hehuang War, and was later transferred to Ding Guodong Camp as the Qian Commander.


When Liu Chengzong received the report, he was very happy at first, thinking that the Yan'an Prefecture could even hand over the grain and deliver it in batches.

As a result, half a day later I saw Feng Dakui, behind him were thirty-eight large and small vehicles, sixty donkeys, mules and horses, transporting more than two hundred kilograms of fried noodles.

Feng Dakui said: "Commander, there are a total of 1,300 stones left in Yaozhou, and they will be transported in six trips."

At this time, Liu Chengzong was not disappointed and applauded: "What a great job! The food collected from Yan'an Prefecture can not only support the army, but also transport food to Xi'an!"

"Commander, Commander, that's not the case."

When Feng Dakui heard this, he waved his hands in despair and explained: "Yan'an Prefecture really cannot collect grain, the prefect Zhang Yungong cannot collect it, General Ren cannot collect it, and General Zhang cannot collect it either."

Liu Chengzong leaned back, frowned and thought for a moment: "What about this food?"

Feng Dakui lowered his head and said, "I bought it."

Hearing the news, Liu Chengzong couldn't help but smile.

He had always heard about the situation in Yan'an Prefecture, and Ren Quan'er once wrote to him to complain, saying that the Yan'an Weijiao people in the Yanhe River Basin avoided tax collectors, taught very well, and everyone studied very seriously.

In the end, Ren Quan'er, the teacher who taught everyone how to avoid taxes, also suffered a boomerang.

He recruited tenants to farm the military fields of Yan'an Guard, but the people rushed to harvest the military fields before the harvest and fled with the grain.

This situation made Liu Shishi dumbfounded.

He discovered that this little guy Ren Quan'er was indeed unique in education and was good at transformation.

Whether you educate others or be educated by others.

I remember when Li Bei taught Ren Quan'er the reward regulations and assassination martial arts, and wanted Ren Quan'er to take his head, a famous thief, to receive the reward.

As a result, almost all the knowledge and skills Ren Quan'er learned were used on Yang Yanchang.

Later, Quan'er taught the people of Yan'an Prefecture how to evade taxes, and everyone also changed their ways and resisted all tax collectors equally, and no one could get a hair from them.

"It's okay if we can't collect taxes."

Liu Chengzong stood up and muttered with emotion: "Back then, I wanted to let the township party have enough food and survive. Now it seems that they are doing quite well... Hey, there is still a prefect in Yan'an now?"

Feng Dakui replied: "Yes, my name is Zhang Yungong. He is from Ye County, Shandong Province. He has been the prefect of Yan'an for several years and has never left the capital."

"Where are the other officials?"

"Earlier, there was a county magistrate named Meng. He died of illness last year, and the people elected a magistrate named Zhang. A native of Fushi County, his name is Zhang...Zhang Pan."

"Oh, I know these two people. The acting magistrate died of illness, and Secretary Zhang has become the county magistrate."

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said to himself that Dai Magistrate was the first official I appointed after the uprising. I casually said that he actually became Dai Magistrate.

It sounds like he has been working for several years.

Then the problem comes.

Liu Shizi spread his hands and asked: "Since Yan'an Prefecture cannot collect taxes, how can officials like them eat?"

Regarding this matter, Feng Dakui explained with a smile on his face: "Commander, the township party members can do their job. In fact, Yan'an Prefecture is no different from other places except that there is no summer tax and autumn grain. There are also corvee services, and it is Taizu."

The emperor’s style.”

"The three squads of government officials in Fucheng and county towns all rely on the chiefs of each district. They provide rations from their families and go to the Fucheng to serve. When something happens, they go to court and the district chiefs come together to discuss it."

"The prefect and county magistrate do not receive official salary, but the back house of the yamen has a large area and the garden has been converted into a vegetable garden. The yamen servants help plant some vegetables when there is nothing to do. When there is something wrong, let the prefect grow it himself. Anyway, everyone eats it."

"By the way, Magistrate Zhang is still giving lectures in Fuxue County. Everyone can listen. If you understand something you don't understand, you have to give a few eggs. There is also a prayer for rain. The magistrate leads the people to open an altar to pray for rain. Everyone in every district has to pray for rain.

Give me some millet."

Liu Shishi laughed dumbly when he heard this: "It sounds like this Yungong's life in Yan'an Mansion seems to be... pretty good?"

"It's a good life or a bad one, but he can't run away anyway." Feng Dakui said with a gloating smile: "Commander, our Yan'an Prefecture is not a mountainous area. The people are really not willing to pay taxes because they feel that they can live better without the government.


"However, they respect the commander-in-chief very much. Those village chiefs have all fought with the commander-in-chief in the past. If the commander-in-chief insists on taking them back, I have worked with General Zhang and General Ding and I think we can take them back."

When Liu Chengzong heard this, he waved his hand and said firmly: "It's not necessary."

"Yan'an Prefecture has poor water and soil. After the military disaster and drought, the population is sparse, so taxes will not be levied for the time being. I will write a notice later. You can take it back to Fengweizhen and ask him to spread the word to Lijia in various places in Yan'an, announcing that starting from this year

, exempt from tax for five years.”

It's not that Liu Chengzong doesn't want to levy, but he knows better than anyone else that even if Yan'an Prefecture imposes a tax, it won't be able to levy half or even one-third of Xi'an Prefecture.

As it is now, if we can rely on the border trade with the Ordos tribe to be self-sufficient and support Zhang Zhen and Ding Guodong's two battalions, we are already doing our best.

To put it bluntly, if the Marshal's Mansion collects taxes from Yan'an Mansion, it will never be able to collect rations for the Zhang and Ding battalions.

"Besides, Zhang Yungong and Zhang Pan are interesting. You bring back two letters of appointment, magistrate and county magistrate. If they are willing to work for me, they can accept the appointment and continue to work. If they don't want to, they can go home."

Feng Dakui was happy when he heard this. He cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Commander, Zhang Yungong is definitely willing. Now let him go back to Shandong via Shanxi, but he won't dare!"

"There is an epidemic in Shanxi, this is the reason."

Liu Chengzong smiled himself as he said this, and said: "If the two of them receive the letter of appointment, I will send someone to escort them to Xi'an to see me."

Liu Shishi was pacing the side hall of Huayan Temple, thinking in his mind: "Yan'an Prefecture does not need to levy summer taxes and autumn grain taxes, but the government must also play its role in planting trees, water conservancy, encouraging students, and cultivating fields. Of course,

There are also fields and population records that must be completed. I want to know how many people are left in each county of Yan'an Prefecture."

This is actually the thing that most fascinates Liu Shishi in Yan'an Mansion.

It is true that the Yan'an Prefecture cannot pay much in taxes, especially given the current situation, whether it is land tax or small grains, even if it is forced to pay, it will not be able to pay much.

At this point, Liu Chengzong was greatly inspired by Zuo Maodi's thoughts.

Rather than insisting on imposing taxes and damaging the people's hearts, especially in Yan'an Prefecture, which is his hometown and the base of the rebellion, it is better to find a way to recuperate.

Although Yan'an Prefecture used to be a large prefecture with a population of 600,000, the current soil and water situation is not good, and it was destroyed by the war. Let alone one or two years, even three or five years, one-third of the population can be restored slightly.

Even if it is cured.

Feng Dakui agreed to all the affairs arranged by Liu Chengzong in Yan'an Mansion. Then he suddenly remembered something and casually called Yu Linqi outside the palace to come in and ordered him to go to Huben Camp to find an idle officer.

Not long after, Li Hongsi, the former deputy commander-in-chief of the Ming Army in Gansu, came over.

Although Li Hongsi had a high official position, he was a bare general when he surrendered. He had neither troops nor money and food, so he had been giving lessons to the officers in the Huben camp. When he suddenly heard the summons, he seemed a little uneasy.

He asked: "Commander, why are you summoned?"

Liu Chengzong said: "General, how much do you know about Chen Qiyu?"

Li Hongsi's anxious heart suddenly fell back into his stomach, and his face even looked better: "Commander, your humble position has nothing to do with Chen Junmen."

He was a border general in Gansu. He used to be under the banner of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three provinces, and had nothing to do with Chen Qiyu, the governor of the five provinces.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shizi was quite dissatisfied with this answer. He frowned and said, "Don't you understand at all? You must know where he is from. I remember he is from Shanxi."

"You know, Chen Junmen is from Baodou, Shanxi, just across the Yellow River in Fugu County."

Liu Chengzong nodded and said to Li Hongsi: "Okay, I understand. General, go and get busy."

Monk Li Hongsi and Zhang Er were confused and went down in a daze.

Even Feng Dakui didn't know what Liu Chengzong was going to do.

But Liu Shizi looked at the map for a long time, then turned around and said, "Have you seen the two Hengshan leaders Zhou Qing and Hui Dengxiang?"

"I've seen them before. They hit it off with General Zhang and they want to join him."

"They have been with Wang Jiayin for a long time, and they should be very familiar with Baodezhou. Go back and tell Fengweizhen to borrow some rural guides who are familiar with the roads from Zhou Qing and Hui Deng, and send some good people to Baodezhou."

Liu Chengzong thought for a moment and then ordered: "There is some plague on the road. Take Chen Qiyu and his family to Xi'an. Cross the Yellow River and stay in Suide for a while. When it is safe, go south."

This chapter has been completed!
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