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Chapter 654: Defending to the End

The governorship of five provinces was once Chen Qiyu's lifelong honor.

But if God could give him a chance to start over, he would rather not be an official.

It was too torture to fight Liu Chengzong and be surrounded in the city.

He doesn't even know the point of holding on to this city now. The military morale of the city's defenders has long since collapsed in an unimaginable direction.

There are two Ming princes, one in the city and one outside the city.

The old King of Qin in the city has nothing to lose, and if he opens his mouth, he will die in this city. The little King of Han outside the city is shouting every day that the Generalissimo is destined to surrender and that the troops in the city should surrender as soon as possible.

This is nothing, the key is that a few days ago, there was really trouble in our city of Xi'an.

The defenders at the west gate mutinied and opened the city gate for half an hour to recruit the marshal's troops to enter the city. No one even looked at them and refused to come in at all!

In the end, the three hundred defenders made a noise, tied up the defender Li Kcong, and marched out of the city to surrender.

In fact, this siege, which had never been fought hand-to-hand, continued until this point. The thoughts of the soldiers and people in the city were no longer about how to defend the city.

Because what the Marshal's Army did outside the city during these days was basically a public statement.

Not only did he let the defenders on the city see him, but he also did not hesitate to let the defenders and flag soldiers who came to the city to buy food and do small business to inquire.

The military fields of the Four Guards, the civilian fields without owners, and the village fields of the Qin Dynasty are all ownerless fields as long as no one claims them during registration.

The unowned fields were all official fields of the Marshal's Mansion. The land that was supposed to be harvested was not only harvested, but also new crops were planted.

Chen Qiyu also tried to seize this opportunity. He selected a hundred dead soldiers from the army who had fields outside the city, each carrying pieces of armor, arrow clusters, gunpowder, etc., and mixed them into the siege camp, waiting for opportunities to cause chaos.

As a result, someone went out of the city and reported the matter. Not only the selected dead soldiers, but also the unlucky guy No. 100 who went to the city to buy food. In a blink of an eye, the military registration was transferred to the military office on the west side of the river.

Everyone escorted Dalai to the military training camp in Taiji and asked for a one-way ticket to the Tianshan Mountains.

By this time, Liu Chengzong's intention was already very obvious.

They don't want to attack the city at all, let alone enter the city - what on earth are you defending?

The defenders of Xi'an Fucheng have been tortured like this, and there is no need to talk about the will to defend the city. At present, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city, and the question they are considering is if this continues, will they be starved to death by Liu Chengzong this winter.

Many people even believed that Liu Chengzong's purpose was to starve them to death.

Because the soldiers and civilians in the city had already figured it out by this time, the significance of Xi'an Fucheng to Liu Chengzong was just Xi'an Fucheng.

There was not much food in the city to begin with. After all, the farmland was outside the city. The food was not yet mature when the city gates were closed. Now Liu Chengzong had to harvest it.

And all that the city possesses is nothing more than gold, silver, treasures and inedible items. Those things cannot be eaten, and people are starving to death. The things are still there, but the city is still there.

Despair hangs over Xi'an Fucheng.

During this period of time, Chen Qiyu's main focus was actually on having the defenders prevent the common people from attacking the city gates.

The conflict between Xi'an's officials, generals and civilians and Liu Chengzong's enemies and ourselves, due to hunger and the refusal of the marshal's army to attack the city, evolved into internal conflicts between the military and civilians and officials and generals headed by Chen Qiyu.

Among them, the local officials in Xi'an, because of their family members, conservatively persuaded Chen Qiyu to let him go out of the city, while the radical ones began to persuade Chen Qiyu to consider his funeral.

The implication is that it is time to consider surrender.

But Chen Qiyu could not surrender.

He was forced to do nothing, so he simply gritted his teeth and wrote to Liu Chengzong, saying that the city's food rations were exhausted and he asked him to withdraw from the siege, otherwise he would let the people in the city go.

Liu Chengzong was happy when he read the letter at first, and said to himself that Chen Qiyu didn't look very smart. You, the governor of five provinces, were threatening me with this.

Are you out of your mind?

When officials were defending the city, they treated the people in the city as burdens and released them to the besieging army. This was a huge joke and scandal in itself.

This is not a dereliction of duty, but an abandonment of legitimacy and self-degradation.

Only bandits who occupy a city would do this.

But Liu Shizi thought about it carefully and called Zhang Xianzhong.

The two of them got into the handsome tent for a long time and found that Chen Qiyu's threat was a bit stupid, but it was still lethal.

All the people in the city of Xi'an were released, and Liu Shizi really couldn't afford to feed him.

After all, in this season, approaching winter, it is indeed difficult to resettle the people, and it will cost them a lot of food.

But what they spent was on food, and what they gained in terms of hearts and people was a net loss to the court. They even lost their legitimacy. How long can Xi'an's capital city be defended?

It's like killing two hundred enemies and losing eight thousand to yourself. It's like crazy.

Liu Chengzong said to Zhang Xianzhong: "I think carefully, this is not a bad thing."

Xi'an Fucheng has always been a hidden danger to the Marshal's Mansion, which was determined by Liu Chengzong's strategic policy of entering Guanzhong.

If he wanted to attack Fucheng, he would have defeated it long ago.

It's just that the rapidly expanding army of the Marshal's Mansion exceeded Liu Chengzong's imagination and exceeded the capacity of the Marshal's Mansion, making it impossible to do things perfectly.

Therefore, they swallowed up the army's farmland, swallowed up the fields outside the city, and took advantage of the people to hide in the city and robbed this year's harvest outside the city.

This in itself is quite inappropriate.

Eat those within the city and live outside the city.

But the problem is still there. This is not a matter of city people starving to death, but not Chen Qiyu's ability. It must be solved.

At this moment, Chen Qiyu couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to release the people in the city, just to give Liu Chengzong the opportunity to deal with it in batches.

But no matter how he thought about it, Liu Shizi always felt that Chen Qiyu was out of his mind for making such a move.

If the people can no longer defend themselves, how can they defend the city?

Han Xiaowang learned the news from Zhang Xianzhong, and went to Liu Chengzong with his sleeves raised: "Commander, Xiao Wang heard that Chen Qiyu wants to release 100,000 people in Xi'an to eat the commander's military rations?"

"Commander, don't be angry with him. With an order, Xiao Wang sent a letter back to the vassal state. My Sufan brothers in Pingliang immediately sued the emperor of the fourth ancestor's family and severely impeached him Chen Qiyu."

Liu Chengzong was stunned.

You're a guy with very unique ideas.

Can this still be reported to the emperor?

"Don't bother, it won't happen."

Liu Shizixin said that Chen Qiyu's family is in my hands and he is also in Xi'an. The emperor has nothing to do with him.

What's more... although the report he sent to Chen Qiyu was a bit abstract, it was to break Chen Qiyu's will.

To complain to Chongzhen from two thousand miles away was a blow to Chongzhen's will.

It makes no sense.

"Chen Qiyu wrote this letter because he lost his mind and began to make demands on me as an emperor."

Liu Shizi spat on the ground: "Do I need him to ask for it? I got into the army uniform myself. He doesn't want the position of herdsman, I do."

"He lets people go if he wants to. I will take in as many as he lets out. If I can't support them, I will raise them by force. The artifact must be returned to someone with virtue. He has ruined all the virtues of the imperial court in Shaanxi!"

On that day, Liu Chengzong ordered people to shoot arrows at the top of Xi'an City to deliver letters, and shot more than a hundred letters in a row.

The meaning of the letter is very simple. You have no food, and I don’t have food. If you let people out, they will starve to death. Therefore, the garrison brothers in the city told the people in the city to bring some food when they come out. When the time comes, they will allocate land to you.

Don't starve to death before you reach the wasteland.

Chen Qiyu in the city received the news, took the letter and read it, thinking that Liu Chengzong was a fucking fart.

In the whole of Shaanxi, who has more food than you now?

If you don't have food, others will starve to death.

To be honest, Chen Qiyu sent the letter to Liu Chengzong and lowered himself to make the plan to release the people from the city. In fact, the target was not Liu Chengzong but the King of Qin.

To be precise, it is true that he wanted to reduce the pressure on food in the city, but more importantly, he wanted to put pressure on the Qin vassal nobles and wealthy families with food in the city, forcing them to come up with food.

Because Chen Qiyu no longer knows what he can do.

If you fight, you cannot defeat; if you defend, you cannot defend; if you flee, you have nowhere to escape; if you surrender, you cannot surrender.

All he can do is wait for death.

The problem is that even delaying death is difficult without food.

Now it is no longer something that can be solved by borrowing food, let alone whether there will be chaos in the city due to lack of food.

Even Chen Qiyu wanted to lead his troops to rob rich households in the city.

So the only way he could think of was to release all the civilian soldiers in the city who were not so determined.

If 60,000 to 70,000 people escape and the city can share the same hatred with the enemy, the Qin vassal and the wealthy households will have to take out the food and grass, and they can defend the city until next spring.

It would be even better if more than 100,000 people fled and not many people were left in the city.

It means that he took the wrong road and this city should not be defended.

The Guizhou donkey is so incompetent.

As Liu Chengzong's letters spread throughout the city, the city became... even more chaotic.

The government asked people to come out, and people rushed to hide in the city; people everywhere in the city were buying grain privately, and even stole money and grain and ran away from the city wall secretly.

However, the turmoil did not last long. Within a few days, Chen Qiyu really opened the city and released more than 2,000 old, weak, women and children who had no food.

As soon as Liu Shizi saw it, he understood Chen Qiyu's thoughts.

They released more than 2,000 old, weak, women and children, obviously to test whether they would accept aid.

This was not a problem at all for him, and he immediately ordered the soldiers to set up porridge sheds outside the siege camp.

At the same time, he also sent Li Rugui, the Qian Commander of Luo Rucai's Ministry, to lead a general to find a Qian household residence outside the city and set about setting up a refugee camp that could survive the winter.

This is also Liu Shizi's test for Li Rugui.

This guy was a fierce general under Luo Rucai. He led a small group of cavalry in a night battle and raided. He shot and killed Cao Dingjiao, a general under Cao Wenzhao, and Luo Dai, a general under Zuo Liangyu. He was cunning and brave.

Based on his military exploits, he would not be out of line even if he was promoted to a general. However, Liu Shizi didn't trust the organizational and management abilities of Luo Rucai's old brothers.

So I left the resettlement of the refugees to him and gave it a try.

If he does well, Liu Chengzong plans to let him serve as a guerrilla general in Zhang Zhen's Yanqing Brigade.

For seven days in a row, Chen Qiyu let people out of the city, first letting out the old, weak, women and children, and later just families, without closing the city gates, until Liu Chengzong was anxious.

For no other reason, it didn't matter if Chen Qiyu let this guy out. He actually didn't let anyone bring food or gold or silver. Anyone who ran away had money on him and had to sneak it down from the city wall.

Liu Chengzong thought to himself, you miser, just don't let people bring food, you can eat in the city, I understand.

Why don't people bring money? You can't eat gold, silver, and copper coins in the city!

The most important thing is trouble.

Silver is in short supply in the Marshal's Mansion.

Chen Qiyu did this. When the Marshal's Mansion captured the city of Xi'an, Liu Chengzong had to order the city to dig three feet into the ground and dig it out completely.

Liu Chengzong didn't bother to get angry with Chen Qiyu, so he simply ordered: "Please come over, General Zhou, and bring Chen Qiyu's family members to the city!"

Gypsophila Zhou Qing is not a general of the Marshal's Mansion, but his intention to move closer to the Marshal's Mansion is very obvious.

Liu Chengzong asked Zhang Zhen to find Zhou Qing, and Prime Minister Hui Deng borrowed some experts who had been to Shanxi as guides, and sent dozens of people into Baodezhou to bring Chen Qiyu's family members over.

As a result, when Zhou Qing heard that it was the general's order, he abandoned his troops and led 800 troops across the river from Fugu to Baodou. He brought back more than 470 members of Chen Qiyu's family, basically killing all of them.

All the relatives who had left Wufu were brought back to Shaanxi, and the whole family moved there.

Moreover, things were done very carefully. In addition to Chen Qiyu's more than 60 close relatives, the remaining clan members and the elderly who were inconvenient to move were all placed in Suide.

The most powerful thing is that the troops of Zhou Qing of Mangyexing were not an elite division known for their excellent military discipline, but they insisted on not fighting back against Chen Qiyu's tribesmen during this operation.

However, the fly in the ointment was that Zhou Qing did not take Chen Qiyu's old mother over and stayed in Suide. He only brought Chen Qiyu's baby mother Bai Shi.

Liu Chengzong was very happy when he saw the list of Chen Qiyu's family. The names of their family were quite interesting in this generation. The names were the same as those of Han clan clan members in the late Han Dynasty.

Yu, Huang, Lian, Hu, Ying, and Zhang are all rare stone ritual vessels next to the character "王". Except for Chen Qiyu, all of them are scholars.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Regarding this matter, Zhou Qing also specifically explained to Liu Chengzong that it was because Chen Qiyu’s old mother was very cruel. She kept catching and scolding anyone on the road, as if she was rushing to die.


All the brothers in their family begged Zhou Qing, saying that Tai Laojun would commit suicide when he got to the city. He wanted to do something bad. If he wanted to persuade Chen Qiyu to surrender, we would do it together.

Chen Qiyu originally had a younger sister named Chen Jing.

When their father Chen Jiacheng was working in Guangning, Liaodong,

She was betrothed to the son of the Guo family in Baodou since she was a child, and Chen Qiyu also took the Guo family's daughter as his concubine.

By the time Chen Jing was sixteen, it was time to consummate the marriage. Chen Qiyu was already a noble man and wanted to break off the engagement because he didn't like the scoundrel son of the Guo family that his sister was going to marry. But his sister wanted to get married and when she heard the news that she was going to break off the engagement, she locked herself up.

in the room.

Their mother didn't open the door no matter how she screamed, but Chen Jing was heard inside saying that her daughter wanted to take a bath, so her mother boiled water outside. When she boiled the water and went in, Chen Jing had already hanged himself from the beam.

Therefore, Mrs. Chen's old lady has always been very remorseful and no longer wants to live.

Therefore, Zhou Qing was also afraid of bad things, so he put Chen Qiyu's mother in Suide and sent someone to take care of her, and then came over first.

But when Liu Chengzong heard this, he asked someone to take the old lady over again - in this world, he has seen too many people rushing to death, so what is new about this.

At this time, Liu Chengzong's order had just been issued. Not long after, he heard from a distance the old lady in the camp cursing along the way.

When they arrived outside the camp, the old lady saw Liu Chengzong and scolded her even more vigorously: "You traitor, kill me if you want. I, Mrs. Chen, will never persuade Yuxuan to surrender!"

Even Chen Qiyu's brothers who were following behind were ashen-faced and hardened.

No way, my body was soft earlier because I thought Zhou Qing had been very friendly to them along the way, and it looked like there was still a way to survive.

Now that the old lady has scolded her like this, the rebel leader is furious, and the entire Chen family will definitely have to answer here.

Kowling down and begging for mercy is a death, and being adamant is also a death, so why are you so polite? Why don't you give him a break when he's angry?

Unexpectedly, Liu Chengzong didn't speak after hearing the old lady scolding him for a long time. He just looked at her jokingly and smiled from time to time.

There was no way he could let Mrs. Chen's attack power break through her defense.

On the contrary, he was tired of waiting for others to scold him, and then he looked like a fool and said doubtfully: "Who told you that I asked Leader Zhou to invite you here to persuade Chen Yuxuan to surrender? Who do you think he is?"

Zhang Xianzhong, who was standing beside him, had a look of understanding on his face.

Sure enough, his guess was correct.

As early as he knew that Liu Chengzong sent people to pick up Chen Qiyu's family, he guessed that even if Liu Chengzong pinned everyone down under the city and killed them to vent his anger, he would not be able to use his family to persuade him to surrender.

Based on his understanding of Liu Chengzong, the generalissimo has always been arrogant, and it is impossible for him to do such a villainous thing.

"If he wants to fight, the allied forces of the five provinces will be destroyed day and night; if he wants to defend, he will even throw away the people in the city; now the whole territory of Shaanxi is in my hands, and if he doesn't surrender, he will defend to the end... ha."

Liu Chengzong laughed out loud as he spoke, and raised his head to glance at the towering Xi'an Tower from a distance: "Do you think I will let you persuade you to surrender, or kill you all here? I am not the one who will kill you."

"In the Ming Dynasty, Councilor Duan Fuxing was ordered to defend Qianzhou by Chen Qiyu. He piled firewood in the Drum Tower and placed his mother, wife and daughter upstairs. When the city was broken, he set fire to the building and died in the battle."

Liu Chengzong raised his hand and pointed to the city: "All the family members of the defenders are in the city, so why are Chen Qiyu's family members in his hometown? You all go into the city and teach Chen Qiyu a lesson. What do you mean, defend to the death!"

This chapter has been completed!
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