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Chapter 67 The top evasion technique


An arrow was nailed to the earth wall, and the crow feathers at the tail of the arrow were still trembling.

The sergeant who was about to swing his sword was frightened and kicked the man who was under the sword and turned around to look at him.

He saw a man holding a soft bow, wearing official boots and wearing a plain middle coat.

The sergeant felt very strange and said with a ferocious smile: "You dare to come out and beat grandpa while wearing underwear?"

Before he finished speaking, another arrow was fired.

The sergeant held his throat and stepped back, waving the knife randomly in his mouth, trying to push Liu Chengzong away.

But he couldn't muster the strength, and soon he couldn't even hold the waist knife weighing one and a half kilograms.

Finally, he leaned against the wall and watched helplessly as Liu Chengzong pulled out the arrow stuck in the wall.

The last sentence he heard was Liu Chengzong asking him: "Are you a soldier or a thief?"

Bang bang bang!

Three extremely fast gunshots were fired together.

The sound of lead like cutting cloth rang in his ears. At that moment, Liu Chengzong's heart suddenly lurched, and he felt like he was dead.

The musketeer in front of him holds a three-eyed musket that is smoking, and the earthen wall behind him is densely packed with lead eyes.

For an instant, the two of them, who were seventeen or eighteen steps apart, froze on the spot.

The Musketeers are looking at Liu Chengzong.

Liu Chengzong also looked down at himself, then raised his head and smiled contemptuously.

The musketeer, who had missed all his lead shots, became angry and charged with a three-eyed gun.

Liu Chengzong picked up his sword and faced him, throwing out the crow feather arrow he had just picked up.

While dodging, he stepped forward and slashed the side of his leg with the knife.

The musketeers retreated, Liu Chengzong advanced, stepped forward and struck his shoulder with a chopping knife.

On the third step, the Musketeer fell.

Liu Chengzong repaired his knife and signaled to the villagers hiding aside to tell them to go back.

Then he turned back to pick up the bow and arrow, took off the leather belt with the scabbard from the dead guard, and looked at the gun hole in the earthen wall with lingering fear.

Nine lead pellets were hit on the wall in the shape of a "pin".

The standard method of loading three-eyed muskets for the Northern Ming Army.

There is no need to look at the blunderbuss. With such a trajectory, the three blunderbuss tubes must be straight. The problem lies in the iron plates that fix the three blunderbuss tubes at the front and back.

The back is small and the front is big, so the spread of the three straight blunderbuss tubes together is too great.

No matter who this thing targets, the people around the target will definitely die.

The best dodge technique is to remain motionless.

Li Wanqing came late with his bow and arrows, and said anxiously: "We are still breaking into the collapsed sky, so just gather twenty or thirty people. We will die if we go in. Save a few people and run away!"

Looking back, in the village on the hillside, men, women and children were all running towards the mountains to the east. Only a dozen young people came this way under the leadership of Liu Guoneng.

This has nothing to do with people's courage. Ordinary people simply cannot resist when the government and soldiers encounter rebellion.

"There's only so much land in the mountains, where the hell can we go!"

The Yang Yanchang who spoke had bad luck running around here and there and couldn't find a handy weapon. Only then did he notice two people lying next to the underground wall and said: "There are already two?"

As he spoke, Liu Chengzong stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, and fired it towards the guards who had just walked out of the courtyard door more than ten steps away, saying: "Three!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man was hit by an arrow, but the arrow seemed to be nailed to his armor. He cursed, his shoulders sank, and he threw the captured woman to the ground. He raised his knife and yelled at his accomplices before stepping forward to kill him.


Then he was shot down by Li Wanqing. He said: "Brother Tiger General, your bow is too light. Can we exchange it?"

"Easy to use!"

Liu Chengzong didn't use his own bow. He was invited by the prefecture's Yamen, but he didn't bring any weapons.

The bow he found in the village was very light, and it was easy to draw it full, which made him feel like he was back when he learned archery from Li Hongji.

After taking a few steps and kicking away the guard's waist knife, which was curled up and moaning after being hit by an arrow, Liu Chengzong said to the frightened woman who hid back in the house: "Tie him up."

The good mother-in-law in northern Shaanxi is still brave.

I was scared, but I was extremely obedient. After a while, I not only took the rope, but also held the scissors: "If you want to kill my boss, let me stab him twice first!"

At this moment, two guardsmen came running from the end of the street. One of them was holding a sword and a shield, throwing a short target while the other was holding a three-eyed blunderbuss. He was kneeling on one knee and facing the match rope.

Liu Chengzong was so frightened that his hair stood up. He hurriedly picked up the guard and held it in front of him. He thrust it forward with a knife and asked the woman holding the rope to hide in the house.

Liu Chengzong didn't know how to use firearms. Although he understood the principles of firearms in another memory, he didn't quite understand the firearms of this era.

In his eyes, this thing can no longer be described as terrifying.

Things that hit accurately are scary, but as long as you don't let them aim at you, you won't be afraid.

Things that you can't hit accurately are scary, but as long as they are aimed at you, you won't be afraid.

Only this kind of thing, which may or may not be hit accurately, makes people unable to avoid it.

This is probability, and one cannot go against probability.


The lead flying by his side, Liu Chengzong walked forward.


With a heavy blow on his hand, the guard in front of him screamed.


The third time the barrel of the gun didn't hit him, instead the guard in front of him slammed back, knocking Liu Chengzong off his feet.

It was actually another guard with a sword and shield who rushed forward, slammed the shield with his sword, and then killed him with a rolling knife.

Liu Chengzong hurriedly swung his sword, but was hit so hard by the sword-shielding hand that he almost couldn't take it back.

The center of gravity of this sword and shield hand is extremely low, with a skinned round shield protecting the top and bottom, just like a bastard shell, and the idea is very clear, it is to use the shield to hold you up and move forward with a single sword, before you can take it back.

A weapon will stab you with a knife.

Liu Chengzong knew that when he met an expert, he couldn't hit him with his weapon, so he pretended to lift the sword and walked back.

Fortunately, Li Wanqing was on the side, and he drew his bow and arrows and shot at the sword and shield man. Three arrows in a row were blocked by the shield.

This gave Liu Chengzong some breathing space, otherwise the sword and shield hand would have the opportunity to give him a javelin.

In the past, Gao Yingxiang told him in Dalao, Mizhi County, that when a single swordsman sees a sword, shield or big spear, he has to run away, but he must be careful of the javelins. The swordsman and shieldman must have several javelins.

He turned around and ran back to the yard, picked up the waist knife that he had kicked aside earlier, picked up the two knives and faced it again.

Although the weapon was still suppressed, Liu Chengzong pointed east and west, kept moving around the sword and shield, trying to hit the gap on his left side, and after a few sword strikes, he still gained some advantage.

In particular, Li Wanqing was waiting for the opportunity, and Yang Yanchang also picked up the three-eyed musket that was inaccurate and completed the loading.

After only a moment of delay, a shot was fired in the distance.

Naturally, the shot is not accurate, so no one can use this gun to hit the target accurately.

But the musketeer behind him was scared away, and the sword and shield wielder who was fighting with Liu Chengzong was also distracted.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Chengzong stabbed him with his dominant hand, causing the knife in his left hand to take advantage of the opportunity to steal the leg, and then went around him to make up for it with two stabs to avoid suffering.

The fight made Liu Chengzong sweat all over his body, partly because he was tired, but mostly because he was frightened by using a sword against a shield.

But now that he was comfortable, he chose the better one from the two knives and picked up the buckler and held it in his hand.

Li Wanqing and Yang Yanchang were very sensible. One of them held a bow and the other a blunderbuss. The woman who was hiding in the house also came out and picked up the knife. They avoided him and pushed forward.

For a time, the team swept all the way along the village streets. Some of the scattered officers and soldiers were shot by Li Wanqing as soon as they came out of the house, and some were wounded by Yang Yanchang's random gun skills.

There was even a man who didn't believe in evil and rushed over, asking Liu Chengzong to hit him and take his life.

In a moment, the surviving villagers picked up weapons and gathered behind them, and the team grew larger and larger.

At the end of the street, the young men led by Liu Guoneng finally completed the encirclement, blocking the remaining dozen guardsmen in the village, surrounding them on both sides and strangulating them.

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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