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Chapter 82: Unmoving as a Mountain

 The officers and soldiers formed two formations on the west side of the north gate of Fucheng, one on the left and one on the right, fighting and retreating.

The Hungry People's Army formed ten brigades and used weapons from the Fucheng and County treasury to attack in batches.

When a brigade is defeated.

The surviving hungry soldiers were beaten until they cried for their fathers and mothers, but when they looked at the river beach, no one would run away.

Just pick up the weapons, wipe away the blood and tears, find the commander of the Lion Battalion, reorganize the team, and prepare to join the next assault at a further back position.

Because their parents, wives and children were crossing the river from the beach with food on their shoulders.

This is a transaction, a transaction completed in Fucheng.

Lion Camp will not take any of the food.

Each person can identify his parents, wife, children, brothers, and friends, and they will carry the food out of the city and then cross the river into the mountains.

The rest were reorganized by the Lion Battalion, led by ten commanders, and were armed with weapons from the county treasury.

Attack all enemies who stand in their way.

Behind the team, on a mountain of dirt piled with chariots and grain, Liu Chengzong watched the situation.

This army, which numbered only a hundred or so, was well equipped.

It seems to be the flag army that Fucheng had previously trained in response to Li Bei's actions.

They formed a formation, like a rocky mountain, standing still despite being attacked by the army of hungry people.

The battle continues until now, and ten brigades have taken turns to attack twice, leaving dozens of casualties and hungry people in front of the battle.

As for the officers and soldiers, except for Liu Chengzong who saw them dragging two corpses into the formation, the hungry people had no other results.

But officers and soldiers are human beings, and people will get tired.

A formation composed of people cannot be as solid as a rock.

They didn't have enough to eat and were already very tired.

Liu Chengzong asked Liang Shanxia: "Are you ready?"

"Has the time come?"

Cao Yao put on the chainmail armor obtained from the county treasury, handed the magistrate's blunderbuss to his side, picked up a large crossbow and said, "I've wanted to play with this for a long time."

The divine arm bow obtained from the county treasury.

Yang Yanchang originally wanted to sell this thing to Liu Chengzong, two stones and one piece.

They robbed the county treasury and got seven bodies.

There are three sizes, the lightest is 90 kilograms, the middle one is 120 kilograms, and the heaviest is 150 kilograms.

Liu Chengzong jumped down from Liangshan Mountain and put on his chainmail armor. He also raised the crossbow and ridiculed: "Do you have the strength to pull it?"

"Hey, if you can hold it open, I can hold it open."

As Cao Yao spoke, he wrapped a piece of cloth on his hand and strung up the crossbow. He suppressed it until his head and face turned red: "It's on!"

Liu Chengzong took the cloth mat, also stepped on the crossbow, and said to the left and right: "There are five or six hundred guardsmen waiting in the west. They will not want to fight for a while. They will help the brigade to create a gap and then retreat."

There are more than 40 of them, and they are basically the manpower needed to seize city gates and attack county offices.

Each person is accompanied by two prisoners with shields to form a three-person team, which serves as the offensive force to tear apart the front line.

Cao Yao glanced that way and said with a smile: "Three or four miles away, it's enough for us to fight. Zhang Xiong is here, and you are looking for him."

"I'm looking for him, but my brother hasn't come over yet. There are cannons over there, so I can't fight back."

After a while, Liu Chengzong and others packed up their weapons and equipment, and more than forty people formed a separate team and entered the battlefield under his leadership.

Li Wanqing, who commanded ten brigades to attack in sequence, saw this scene and ran behind the formation to boost morale and said to Golgoshi Chang: "Teams three, five and eight will attack, and the remaining six teams will prepare!"

The ninth team was still engaging the enemy, leaving a few corpses behind and retreated again. The hungry sergeants were no longer able to carry out assaults.

Their physical strength is worse than that of the official army.

Soon, the nine brigades dispersed, and it was barely possible to see that there were three teams as the forwards and six teams as cover.

The officers and soldiers also felt that the hungry people were preparing for a decisive battle, and they all worked hard.

In the military formation, Mr. Wu Qian was shaken in his heart.

He has cursed countless times, and a large number of friendly troops are clearly on his side.

As long as Zhang Xiong leads his army to cover up the attack, this team of hungry people will immediately be defeated.

It is obviously a battle that you will never lose no matter how hard you fight.

However, Zhang Xiong is even more immobile than him.

Mr. Wu Qian was so angry that he gritted his teeth and was extremely shaken. He stared at the troops taking shelter at the base of the west city wall.

Such humiliation in the army makes it meaningless for him to lead his men in bloody battles.

The worst thing is that he knows very well that there is only one way for him to die.

If you can't defeat the hungry people, you will die; if you defeat the hungry people, Zhang Xiong will fight for the benefit of others and he will die.

Even if he even runs away, even if the hungry people let him run away, when Zhang Xiong comes back, the evil people will complain first and accuse him of running away.

Last time the troops were scattered by bandits, and if he ran away again this time, he would still die if he was punished for both crimes.

"Being sent to Yan'an Mansion by Du Si is a bad luck for eight lifetimes...Brothers!" Mr. Wu Qian raised his helmet and brows high, holding a knife and shouted: "Stabilize the front!"

His subordinate Bai Zong also ordered: "Raise the spear and prepare the sword and shield!"

Rows of spear formations were set up, and the flag soldiers' arms were shaking. They could no longer hold the eight-foot-long spears stably, and the spearheads kept shaking.

The sword and shield hand lowered his body and crouched under the spear bush.

Some hold shields and knives in their left hands, while their right hands hold the remaining javelins.

Some no longer have javelins, so they can only shield with a sword on the left and a sword on the right, with half of their head exposed above the round shield.

His eyes were fixed on the scattered but overwhelming front line of hungry people.

Fifty steps, no arrows were fired.

The crossbowmen's arrow sacs have long been empty, and they can only stand behind the formation with their sabers raised, waiting for the battle.

Twenty steps, there were a few sporadic gunshots.

The three-eyed blunderbuss has been fired, and the quick shooter loaded the blunderbuss tip onto the long-poled fire blunderbuss.

Ten steps, the last few javelins were thrown.

All bullets are gone.

The leaders of the hungry people on both wings shouted loudly and attacked both sides.

The hungry people took out spears from the hands of the corpses on the ground, broke them, and threw them into the formation with a roar.

Stones, clods of earth, axes and sticks were thrown in the air.

Once again, the people waved their weapons desperately and missed the spears, squeezed under the spear array, and fought hand to hand with sword and shield hands.

Later, more hungry people's brigades surged in, leaving the flag troops in formation in a hurry.

Screams, roars, roars, calls for help and orders were mixed on the front line of the battle.

People surged up like a tide and fled like a trickle.

At this moment, a more well-organized team appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

Liu Chengzong carried a large crossbow on his shoulder, and was guarded by Guo Zashi and the veterans.

Cao Yao and Gao Xian, who were also protected in the middle, went hand in hand with him.

They advanced to twenty steps, and the seven divine arm bows were projected towards the front of the military formation under the protection of the shield bearers.

The crossbow arrow passed through the low-lying sword and shield hand, punching a bloody hole in the body of the spearman behind him, drawing a thin line of blood in the air and penetrating into the second man's body.

The spear could no longer hold up, and together with the corpse, it crushed the sword and shield bearer in front of him.

The crossbow was thrown to the ground. Cao Yao grabbed the blunderbuss on the left and right, blew up the match rope and fired another blunderbuss into the formation.

Gao Xian held his bow and fired several arrows in succession, shooting down two flag soldiers.

Cai Zhongpan is on the right wing, holding a knife with his left hand hanging down, and holding a blunderbuss in his right hand. He pulls two triggers while walking forward.

The two faucet poles fell one after another, with two bangs and gunshots, and gunpowder smoke spewed out in front of the formation.

Liu Chengzong pulled out the wild goose-wing knife in his hand, and under the cover of his shield, he pushed aside a few spearheads, and with the sound of mail armor, he jumped into the formation dragging the knife.

This chapter has been completed!
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