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Chapter 87 Nine and a half pounds

 "It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous, you're like a madman!"

With these words on his lips, Cao Yao raised his hand and asked his men to use their long shields to nail a row of small cannons in front of Jin Mingyi's earth city.

"Have you not wanted to have sex with the imperial court for a long time? No, I will fulfill your wish."

Liu Chengzong smiled and sat upright on the horse, and Tucheng shouted: "Brothers in the post station, listen, I am Liu Chengzong, the magistrate of Pofu City, and I only ask for horses. Please open the city gate quickly!"<


The inns in the border areas are like small castles, and some are even covered with bricks during the Longqing Year.

This Jinmingyi Station has relatively strong defensive power and can be used as a horn outside the city when Yan'an Prefecture is besieged.

Liu Chengzong came out this time and brought 300 soldiers, including Feng Yu's left sentry, Gao Xian's right sentry, and Cao Yao's battalion artillery sentry.

In his plan, he destroyed the post station to destroy Shaanxi's information transmission system, and also looted grain, grass and horses.

The post city is difficult to attack, and this kind of earthen fortress, which is thousands of steps across, is not easy to deal with.

But he has two advantages.

First, the artillery post obtained a lot of artillery from the guard post.

They can't carry medium-sized artillery. They only have ten small cannons ranging from thirty to sixty pounds.

Can bombard the defenders on the city.

Secondly, Emperor Chongzhen, the sage king of the Ming Dynasty, laid off some employees of the post station, and more than 10,000 post workers in Shaanxi were laid off.

Therefore, Liu Chengzong believes that there are very few defenders in the city and even fewer people who have the courage to fight.

But he was wrong.

As soon as he finished speaking, a postman came from the top of the city and yelled: "I used all my strength to avoid being dismissed by the emperor, and you are here to attack the post city again!

Brothers, fight to the end with these job-killers!"

There was a lot of curses on the earthen wall, and at least twenty postmen stood with their bows and arrows ready.

Liu Chengzong and Cao Yao were scolded directly.

Why is it different from what you thought?

Liu Chengzong spoke earnestly and advised the postman on Tucheng: "Is it worth dying here for six cents a month for work and food?"

"If you fart for six cents, it's only three cents!"


Liu Chengzong was so angry that your grandma had the nerve to correct my mistakes when her own money was embezzled.

Cao Yao was the more ruthless: "The imperial court has a rule of six coins, but you Yi Cheng are greedy for money! Push him down, and I will kill him for you!"

The man in the city cursed a few more times and stopped talking.

After a while, the crowds of people retreated from the battlements, and soon there were sounds of fighting and yelling.

Liu Chengzong immediately raised his hand and ordered.

Feng Lun, the left sentry, led his men closer, swung his claws up to the top of the city and began to climb.

On the right sentry, Gao Xian led his men with bows and crossbows to get closer to the city. When Feng Yu and others started to climb up the city, they also threw out their hooks and climbed up.

Not long after, the gate of Jinmingyi City opened.

The postman who had been cursing at the post station earlier was escorted out by Gao Xian, holding his neck.

He lived like a terracotta warrior, and kept shouting to himself: "Did I scold you wrong? Damn it, this world just doesn't let good people live!"

Liu Chengzong took two steps to fight the horse. When he saw that the man's clothes were bloody, he asked Cao Yao to go in first to collect the spoils and prepare to demolish the city: "Brother Gao, let him go.

This is not a world where good people can live, so what can you do? Can you ride a horse?"

Upon hearing this, Gao Xian pushed forward and released his hands.

The postman was pushed and staggered. He was very angry. He moved his neck and rolled his eyes at Liu Chengzong: "Hey, that's interesting. I can't ride a horse as a postman?

I can also shoot arrows and use the red tassel gun. Don’t kill me yet. Come down here and let’s have a fight. If I don’t fight, you’ll be looking for teeth all over the place!”

Upon hearing this, the soldiers at the surrounding artillery posts burst into cheerful laughter.

Especially the few soldiers who were serving as flag soldiers under Zhang Xiong a few days ago, they are reminded of the scene where Qianhu's head was chopped off by Liu Chengzong.

In all my life, I have never seen anyone begging for a beating before dying.

The smiles on people's faces are thought-provoking, which makes the postman's heart skip a beat.

He thought to himself: This group of people... why do they look so perverted? The leader is so happy to be beaten?

"Fuck you, who has time to fight with you?"

Liu Chengzong was also happy. He raised his head slightly on the horse and said to the postmen who were escorted out by the soldiers: "In the drought years, with only three coins per month, my parents, wives and children are all hungry at home.

You are the mainstay of the family, I won’t kill you.

If you want to go home, you can take as much food as you can from the fort. I just want donkeys and horses.

When someone asked, they said Liu Chengzong robbed it."

As he said this, he stood for too long, and Hongqi twisted around to interrupt him.

Liu Chengzong held the reins and slowly circled in a circle, his body rising and falling with his mount, and then he raised his arm and pointed in a circle.

"You, and all of you, are good at riding and shooting, and if you are willing to come with me, I will ensure that you die a violent death, and that your parents will be well fed and your baby will not be hungry before you die."

He waved his hand and pointed inward from outside the post city: "Don't stand there, carry grain and lead horses!"

The post soldiers who were still in a hostile state a moment ago were released. Except for the artillery sentry soldiers who stayed outside the fort, the left and right sentries returned to the fort again.

The postmen hesitated for a moment until a man, his eyes red, trembling all over and gritting his teeth, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the east three times.

That's Beijing, the direction of the Forbidden City.

He raised his head, his face full of tears, and said to everyone: "I, I'm at the end of my life. I have to let him have a full meal before I leave. I don't care."

After getting up again, the man ran into Yicheng and never looked back.

Then, one after another.

Some people kowtow, and some don’t.

Some people cry, and some don't.

At first, people would give reasons to the left and right, but later they no longer needed reasons.

Liu Chengzong didn't want to see this. He tried his best to hold his head high on the horse and watch the soldiers from the post city leading their horses.

Three coins of silver, beaten into balls, only the size of a fingernail.

According to the price listed outside the store on the day of the robbery, it was enough to buy nine and a half kilograms of millet.

He understands.

Humans don't just cry when they're sad.


When disaster strikes and your wife and children starve, no matter if you are kind and diligent or hard-working, if you can't bring back food when you go home in the evening - that's a coward.

Not like a man.

But kowtow rather than kowtow, this official road that they once galloped through has witnessed their loyalty to the Ming Dynasty.

Someone is gently tugging on the reins.

Liu Chengzong lowered his eyes and saw that it was the postman who was yelling at the post city. He was a little worried: "If I sell you my life, my father and mother can be fed. Is the baby not hungry?"

Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "Why not?"

The postman looked at his expression suspiciously, trying to find clues of conspiracy from this smiling face, but after thinking about it, he felt that he had nothing good enough to deserve others' calculations.

He simply changed his mind and asked: "You are a thief. I scolded you like that in the city. Are you not angry? Won't you kill me?"

"What's your name?"

"Wei Qian'er."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly, paused and then said: "I am a little angry, but you are right to scold me. I just came to destroy your job, and I did destroy your job.

But you think it’s just you who can’t live a good life? I’m a thief or a scholar, and I almost became a martial arts examiner, so what, can I still eat this bowl of rice?”

Liu Chengzong didn't look at him anymore and raised his arms to point at Yicheng.

"Go carry your food, grab your weapons, bring out your horses, follow me to the next inn, and destroy their jobs too!"

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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