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Chapter 94: Yanshui Pass

"Hurry up and stop the artillery! That's one of our own, General Lu is going to be killed by you!"

At the foot of Yanshui Pass, more than a dozen frontier cavalry pointed at the defenders on the city and shouted curses.

The defenders panicked, and their commander-in-chief led his troops out. At this time, the highest commander in the pass was a commander-in-chief.

Under the light of the torch, President Bai was at a loss for the news. He rubbed his hands and wondered, "Aren't they traitors? How could they be General Lu's people?"

"What a thief! The thief soldiers killed our President Bai in Jingjiagou and robbed the soldiers of their uniforms and armors.

The general was worried that thieves would deceive Yanshui Pass and rushed to rescue him all night long. How could he know that our brothers would die under your cannon fire?"

Feng Ling glanced sideways at Liu Chengzong, thinking that the leader was quite involved in the drama, as if his brother had really died under gunfire.

But this tone is a bit too strong.

Cheng Guan is also a general, so it's okay to be panicked and afraid for a while. After a while, you can come back to your senses after thinking about it a little.

No matter what, can a little Tangqi point his nose and scold him?

Feng Lun cleared his throat, turned back and pointed to the northwest, and stepped forward to beg: "General Baiji, please show your respect and tell General Guannei to stop the artillery. If we continue to fire, my general will be gone!"

Liu Chengzong almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

The guard at Yanshui Gate helped him a lot.

He thought that the passing guerrillas would pursue him, and in the middle of the night he also thought that the official army might be delayed by the artillery, but he did not expect that the entire passing guerrilla force would arrive.

At least five artillery pieces with a range of one mile can still compete with the twelve cannons mounted on the hilltop by the Yanshui Pass guard.

If he was not in a hurry to deceive Guancheng, he really wanted to watch the largest artillery battle in his life as a spectator in Shibanshan.

Artillery battles are not unusual.

The caliber of the artillery used by both sides is not large, and it cannot be moved if it is large. At best, it can shoot one or two catties of three to five hundred catties of artillery.

The number is not too large, only seventeen if you add one. At the foot of the mountain are Folang rapid-fire cannons, and on the mountain are front-loaded general cannons.

The precious thing lies in being an audience, not the one being bombarded.

Maybe this is the only chance in this life.

But he left this precious opportunity to Cao Yao and Wei Qian'er.

Feng Lun's words had an effect, and hundreds of people in the city were even more panicked.

He looked to the northwest where the firefight was still taking place. It was far away and could hardly hear the loud noise, but he could still see the faint light of fire, which made him feel uneasy.

Finally, President Bai made up his mind, raised his hand and hit the battlements, deciding to mediate the battle caused by misunderstanding. He said to the left and right: "The front team will follow me, and the others will guard the city gates and open and close the doors."

The bonfire set up by the defenders outside the pass illuminated Liu Chengzong's iron-helmed frontier soldier's face.

Listening to the squeaking sound of the heavy door slowly opening, he lowered his head slightly, his iron helmet eyebrows suppressing the shadows and covering the raised corners of his mouth.

The sleep-deprived defenders lined up in Erlong Water Formation and slowly walked out of the opened door. President Bai rode his horse in front and said: "Come on, come with me to see Mr. Ba."

"Master Jiang, I won't take you there, but I can send you..."

When he got lost, Liu Chengzong turned his horse's head and walked side by side with Mr. Bai. He whispered, causing Mr. Bai to turn around.

At this moment, his left thumb pushed away the Yanling sword, and he swung the sword with his right hand. The tip of the reverse-edged sword accurately avoided the iron helmet in an instant and passed between his neck.

"Sending you to see Emperor Taizu!"

With a loud shout, he held the saddle with one hand and jumped down from behind the red flag, turned around and rushed into the deep city gate with his sword: "Seize the pass!"

Behind him, more than ten horsemen held bows and arrows and fired into the city gate. Feng Yu also dismounted and followed him into the crowd with his sword.

There was a sudden change, not to mention that the armored frontier infantry did not react, even the gatekeeper on horseback did not fall down.

The officers and soldiers were approached by him. For a while, all the spears and boring handles were waved in the city gate, and they were blocked by him. In the next moment, he bullied them and stabbed several people with knives.

Behind me, there was the sound of thundering hoofs on the ground, and I saw the door open and the infantrymen of the Mule Battalion hiding in the distance coming.

Approaching the city gate, they dismounted, some took out homemade hooks and threw them towards the city, while more people rushed towards the city gate with weapons.

Liu Chengzong was now more courageous. The armor around him had been strengthened many times by collected armor pieces, and he was no longer cautious about close combat like before.

The long soldiers of the defenders couldn't stretch out. The infantrymen in front hit them with spear poles, which was like scratching an itch. The people behind them stabbed them with spears. As long as they avoided their necks, they couldn't penetrate the overlapping armor seams.


On the contrary, against these armored defenders, no one could stand a chance against him, even if he protected his neck, it would be useless.

As a former Yuhe Fort frontier soldier, good armor is limited, and he knows very well where soldiers will put the rusty and bad armor.

It has almost become his instinct to find weak points in the protection under the cloth mask.

It's like having a pair of clairvoyant eyes, and those nails that can be seen through when poked are accurately pierced by him.

In the blink of an eye, half of the bloody path was cut through the city gate.

For a while, the defenders blocked in the city gate looked chaotic.

The fearful people in the front wanted to retreat, and they huddled together with the invincible people in the middle, but they were pushed away by the defenders inside the pass who couldn't see clearly the situation and just wanted to rush forward.

"Push them out!"

Liu Chengzong shouted like this.

Feng Lei understood, threw the knife at the enemy, grabbed a spear, held it horizontally, and stuck it in the city gate. Liu Chengzong also held the spear shaft, and the two of them pushed inward with all their strength.

On one side, there are two former frontier soldiers who have been eating well for several months.

On the other side are the frontier troops who are outnumbered but hungry and sleepy.

They were pushed and squeezed together by two people and retreated.

One step, two steps, someone falls.

Liu Chengzong walked forward faster and faster, and more and more thieves and soldiers behind him joined in, pushing the defenders into the pass.

Finally, at a certain moment, seven or eight people were pushed to the ground and rolled over, and they entered the city gate.

Liu Chengzong lost his spear shaft and rushed towards the defenders with his sword again.

They collapsed.

Soldiers from the Mule Battalion poured in from the city gate in groups and chased them everywhere.

Others returned to the city gate, mounted their mules, and galloped into Yanshui Pass to pursue the fleeing defenders.

This guarding the Yellow River ferry, the pass leading to Shanxi, changed its surname this night.

Liu Chengzong stood at the city gate. There were four artillery pieces he had never seen before. They all seemed to weigh six to seven hundred kilograms.

Feng Lun shook his sore and swollen arms and climbed to the city gate, asking: "Chief, what should we do next?"

Liu Chengzong smiled.

He could feel that since he left Yan'an Fucheng, he had robbed an inn, rushed to deliver a store, and fought several battles in succession.

His prestige in the team grew day by day, and he became the undisputed leader of the group.

"What else can we do? Those two groups of officers and soldiers will fight until dawn at the latest. I guess I have figured it out by now. They must be coming here.

I remember that you used to be in the Beijing Army Firearms Battalion. Do you know these four cannons?"

Feng Lei only took one look at it and said happily: "What a good thing! Ye Gong's magic gun and forged cannon can shoot far and are durable."

"We will ask among the prisoners if anyone is willing to join us, we will recruit them into the auxiliary army and provide them with two meals a day. The gunners will be directly brought up and the soldiers will watch and fire the cannons.

Those who don’t want to follow us should surrender and don’t harm anyone. Just strip them naked and tie them up as usual. They must be tied up tightly.”

Liu Chengzong didn't mind if the prisoner continued to fight him after being rescued.

The released prisoners are tools to spread fear among the enemy.

When surrender becomes a habit, they will lose their tenacious courage and think of surrender when encountering slight setbacks.

This will make future battles easier.

Feng Lun took the order and told these things, and then asked: "Can we hold this pass?"

"What are you thinking about? If you ask brothers Cao and Gao from Shibanshan to come over and gather more than 500 people, we can probably defend it. With just a hundred people like us, we will definitely not be able to defend it."

As he spoke, Liu Chengzong smiled, with a fierceness in his smile: "If you can't defend, you have to fight, otherwise if you escape by luck, the number of officers and soldiers will increase.

Fire the artillery on time, and the leader will kill one one, or two to kill a pair, so that they will be frightened when they see the mule riders in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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