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Chapter 97 Guerrilla Lu Cheng

 Killing like crazy.

The post horse team was like a strong wind, sweeping through the scattered wounded troops behind the official army formation, and crashed directly into the rear formation transporting artillery.

There were figures everywhere in the dark night. They just stretched their bows and shot, thrust their spears and stabbed, until they fell off their horses and fought in close quarters.

From this attack on, neither Cao Yao nor Gao Xian could restrain their subordinates.

The officers and soldiers blew up the camp.

The large number of wounded soldiers of the two troops of Lu Guerrilla and General Baoba were placed at the end of the team. Even when the team did not stop, they could hold their breath and help each other move forward.

Once you stop, even if the people in front are working on a problem, the people behind you will fall over or even fall asleep standing up.

Maybe only those who were standing were sleeping, and those who fell down might have died from excessive blood loss.

No one can tell them apart, and no one cares about them.

There is a huge difference between fighting at night and during the day.

If it were daytime now, this unit would have gradually collapsed since someone left.

Just because it was night, people who wanted to desert the army did not dare to run away.

When the post cavalry burst in from behind the formation, the sleeping soldiers screamed and the stress reaction of war trauma followed.

The stress response is not about yelling or dropping something and thinking it's a bomb, it's just a symptom.

Deeper inside, it is the uneasiness of people jumping out of the familiar environment, and the subconscious mind is out of sync with the outside world.

The vast majority of wounded soldiers who were awakened behind the formation did not think that the chaos came from the enemy attack, but firmly believed that it was another internal strife.

The defenders of Yanshui Pass believed that the officers and soldiers of Jingbian Battalion were retaliating for the shelling, while the officers and soldiers of Jingbian Battalion believed that the defenders of Yanshui Pass were avenging the defeat.

There is also a lack of vitamin supplements for a long time, resulting in per capita night blindness.

They couldn't see the captain's flag and spear, nor could they see the flag on the commander's back.

The teams immediately dispersed, never to be reunited again.

Shi and Shi were also disconnected along with the battle. People stood back to back, people next to each other, frantically grabbing all the weapons at hand and attacking in all directions.

Jingbian Camp, Yanshui Pass, and Lion Camp, the three armies have exactly the same uniforms and armors, and they cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy in the dark.

The officers and soldiers were mixed in the bandits, and the thieves couldn't tell them apart. The bandit soldiers from the two sentries didn't know each other much.

The thieves infiltrated into the officers and soldiers, and the officers and soldiers couldn't tell them apart.

The thieves had two outposts, so they simply had two parts. The guerrilla troops were transferred from Jingbian Fort on the Great Wall to defeat the thieves, and General Bao's troops were stationed at Yanshui Pass at the junction of Qin and Jin. No one knew each other.

Even the people who sneaked in didn't know it, so they could only follow it until they heard something was wrong from the shouting.

But as several people who shouted and identified themselves screamed the next moment, people did not dare to shout.

He could only widen his eyes, trying his best to look for the bonfire in the distance reflected by the sword light beside him, and then let out a meaningless roar and fought back against the light.

Cao Yao, who led the attack, was helpless and relied on his voice to gather a small group of soldiers and attacked in the direction of Yanshui Pass.

His thoughts coincided with Gao Xian on the other side.

You can either retreat or advance. If you lose this battle, your retreat will be divided by the army. Then you can only advance, pass through the enemy formation and reach Guanxia, ​​and still have a chance of survival.

The soldiers fought and screamed like ghosts crying and wolf howling, which made General Bao feel scared from the bottom of his heart: "General, the rear line is in chaos!"

Guerrilla general Lu Cheng could hear the voices coming from behind the formation. He closed his eyes in pain and sighed softly: "Mr. Bao, go to the front to supervise the battle."

Lu Cheng has been in charge of the army for many years, and he knows what he is facing at this time - his army finally collapsed.

Night fighting is a double-edged sword.

Darkness will deepen people's fear, and the battlefield is the most terrifying place.

Especially when a soldier's physical strength, energy, and willpower reach their limits under high tension.

Not to mention that many people have not yet gotten over the guilt of accidentally killing Pao Ze.

Lu Cheng knew that this situation would happen sooner or later, and he even collapsed many times during battles with Yanshui Pass officers and soldiers at night.

The mental breakdown of an individual person will lead to the collapse of the army.

But the collapse of the army does not necessarily require a mental breakdown.

As long as the organization is lost, the soldiers cannot find generals, and the generals cannot find soldiers, the army will collapse.

But if we find it later and reorganize the organization, we can still fight.

On the contrary, even if everyone in the back line is fighting like now, but the commander cannot mobilize anyone, then this army will collapse.

It is too easy to collapse in the wild at night, so Lu Cheng must lead his troops to Yanshui Pass to rest.

As soon as he woke up in a safe environment, his military heroes came back again.

This situation is too powerless for generals. In the face of a defeat, even famous generals from ancient times can only abandon their troops and retreat to the rear to regroup and reorganize.

The armies of Wang Mang, Fu Jian, and Ge Shuhan all collapsed here.

However, Lu Cheng was attacked from both sides in the dark night.

With barriers in front and thieves behind him, his soldiers didn't even have a chance to break up.

Bao Bao always had no such thoughts: "But general, the rear line is in chaos, lead your servants to break out!"

"Military order, go to the front line to supervise the battle." Lu Cheng turned his head expressionlessly, looked at General Bao Ba and said: "Stabilize the morale of the troops in the front line, otherwise all the soldiers will die, how can you and I have any shame in surviving?"

Generally speaking, Lu Cheng, the guerrilla general on Yansui Middle Road, has a higher military rank, but Baobao at Yanshui Pass is not his subordinate, and there is no subordinate relationship between them.

However, at this time, anyone standing in the position of Commander-in-Chief will be happy to obey the orders of the superior.

The combat effectiveness of the army comes from organization. The more effective the organization, the higher the combat effectiveness.

General Bao suppressed his fear of the collapse of the rear line, clasped his fists and said, "I take orders!"

Even so, when I stepped in front of the formation, I couldn't help but turn my head and look back.

With the fighting in the rear formation becoming the background, he saw Lu Cheng taking a torch from the soldiers on the left and right, still looking at him expressionlessly.

In other words, the soldier in the front looked beyond him and towards the battle formation, still able to maintain some sense in the campfire.

It's not that Lu Cheng isn't nervous or scared, it's just that he firmly believes that he is right.

From beginning to end, I didn’t make any wrong judgment or decision.

He admitted that he lost the battle due to being outschemed.

It is impossible for him to surrender to the thieves as a dignified guerrilla general.

It is even more impossible to leave the soldiers and lead the family to break out.

In the panic of the Chinese army, the eight servants each held a big flag. Lu Cheng raised a torch and lit one side. He stood upright under the burning flag and asked the sergeants on the left and right to shout with him.

"On the middle road of Yansui Town, the guerrilla general Lu Cheng is here. The officers and soldiers are gathering towards me to form a formation to defend against the thieves!"

The burning flag is like a guiding light in the darkness before dawn.

The unanimous shouts of more than thirty sergeants resounded throughout the battlefield, allowing the officers and soldiers who were fighting independently to find a backbone, and also caused the long-silent artillery on the city to roar again.

The shells smashed into the soil.

The sergeants who had just gathered dispersed again, like earth peeled away by cannonballs.

Only Lu Cheng, who took over the burning flag amidst the screams of the broken-armed sergeant, still kept his spine straight and walked towards the collapsed and scattered soldiers with his head held high.

"I am not afraid, so what are you afraid of? Don't be afraid, form a formation to guard against thieves, and follow me to break through!

Even if he died in battle, Guerrilla Lu Cheng will be buried with him, which will comfort and add glory to the heroic spirit!"

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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