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Chapter 1083 Cheng Yu is not sick


Cheng Yu checked anxiously, and he had a suspicion in his heart. If his suspicion was correct, then he would find the best way to solve this damn special task. In the department, the chief physician was also waiting anxiously.

He had never encountered a case like Cheng Yu's in his many years of medical practice. After thinking about it, the only possibility was that the American colleagues had misdiagnosed it. But the American colleagues were not like this.

Unreliable, right? It’s a credit to Cheng Yu that he only showed him the initial examination results of the small private hospital. If he had been shown the diagnostic results of two hospitals in Los Angeles and the most famous Presbyterian Hospital in New York, which were famous throughout the United States,


The doctor will definitely subvert all his knowledge of medicine.

Because the miracle was right in front of him, this guy who was judged by two experts from the Presbyterian Hospital to not live for more than a week was still alive and kicking here, asking him to order and check. At the same time, the doctor was also thinking about this Cheng Yu

How worried was he? Doctors in the United States told him that he didn't have much time left. Judging from the doctor's diagnosis, as long as it wasn't a misdiagnosis, Cheng Yu had terminal brain cancer, and it was impossible to live for more than a year. But the result

This guy should eat, drink and sleep after returning to China. From what he said, it seemed that it was not until today that he accompanied someone to the hospital and thought that he could get a check-up on the way, so he made a call and asked himself to be checked.

He writes a checklist.

Is it true that a young man doesn’t know what it’s like to be worried? But to be honest, if Cheng Yu hadn’t shown him the diagnosis report of his American colleagues, he would never have believed that Cheng Yu was in the late stage of brain cancer. Even if there was a tumor, he would never have believed it.

There is a high probability that it is benign or has just grown.

A little bit, otherwise how could it have no impact at all?

After waiting anxiously, the results were finally obtained after forty minutes. Cheng Yu now happened to use medical skills. Although the individual targeted was Chu Chu, it happened to be tumors and brain surgery, so the test results were the same.

When he came out, he discovered that he had some kind of brain tumor?

There are no tumors in the chest at all, right? Cheng Yu’s skull X-ray is so clean that it can be used as a demonstration in medical school.

The skull wall is smooth, with no localized changes visible anywhere, and no trace of bone hyperplasia. It is perfect and can be described as silky smooth.

The shape of the sella turcica is perfect, with no sign of ballooning enlargement or any form of change. It is also perfect and can be hung on the wall as a specimen.

The petrous bone is intact, and there is no sign of bone defects in patients with advanced tumors. The internal auditory canal is symmetrical from left to right, just like a flipped photo, with no trace of expansion. Calcium spots, well, there is no calcium spot, not even a bit.

There are no children at all. A normal plain film can be described as clear and transparent. If there is a tumor in such a head, it can only mean that the entire brain is covered with calcium plaques.

Just cover the whole head. As for the CT scan results, it goes without saying that the doctor who performed the CT examination on Cheng Yu simply couldn’t understand why the chief physician of the oncology department ordered Cheng Yu this brain CT scan. This was considered an over-examination.

?If you suffer from

If the patient is held accountable, the lack of coverage is another conflict between doctors and patients.

Cheng Yu looked at the test results and was speechless.

Damn it, where's the tumor?! In fact, there is no tumor in the brain, which is a good thing. But the problem is, just yesterday, the damn God System kept telling Cheng Yu that the reward for the success of this special mission is that the system will

Help Cheng Yu heal his brain

Disease. And now, Cheng Yu's brain is so healthy that it's ridiculous. If you search the whole world and save 7 billion people, you may be hard-pressed to find a brain that is healthier than Cheng Yu's brain. Cheng Yu's brain

brain, open skull

, you can just pour some soy sauce, squeeze some mustard and eat the brain sashimi, you know, right? Cheng Yu estimates that if he takes this examination report to the oncology doctor, the doctor will definitely say that the diagnosis report on your mobile phone is

Isn’t it from PS? Because it’s definitely impossible for him to believe that his American counterparts are mediocre.

He was treated to such an extent.

The key point is that Cheng Yu really doesn't dare to show it to him. What if the guy gets excited and kneels down and calls God after watching it?

Cheng Yu was so angry, but he didn't have time to settle accounts with the system now. He wanted to solve the hidden dangers of the oncology doctor first. While running towards the oncology department, Cheng Yu entered on the light screen in his head.

I went to the system mall and redeemed a silence spell. I clicked to use it without saying anything, and then set the silence spell to the available one.

Lian's chief physician's name. Arriving at the door of the oncology office, Cheng Yu saw the chief physician who was still waiting anxiously, and silently clicked the confirmation button. When he filled in the forbidden area, the chief physician's face

The anxious expression suddenly disappeared, replaced by a blank look on his face, probably thinking, what was I doing just now? It seemed like I was waiting for something, but I didn’t seem to remember anything. So what am I doing now? Oh,

It's almost time to get off work. You shouldn't be sick.

I'm here, I'm going to pack up and go home tonight to cook and recharge my brain. It seems like my brain is a little out of whack.

Seeing the doctor in this state, Cheng Yu knew that the silence spell had taken effect. As early as when the silence spell was still at an intermediate level, Cheng Yu had used it once, and it was used on the kind old man on the island. He was

I judged that the so-called gag technique does not really make you understand what you remember in your mind but cannot say out loud. That is not science, it is a myth. The reason why the gag technique is effective is that, to put it bluntly, it is aimed at a certain person.

Something just formats this memory in his mind. In other words, it buries it deeply and makes it a part of the memory that will not be remembered. The human brain itself has such a function. When facing

Among the many events we see and hear every day, we will selectively remember some of them, and bury the remaining large amounts of invalid information deep in certain memory units that are rarely used. Sometimes we will face a certain

When I was watching the scene, I felt like I had seen it somewhere before, and it felt like it was familiar. In fact, it was just this.

The result of certain memories buried deep in the memory unit being touched. The silence technique takes advantage of this. The Shenhu system should not have the function of directly erasing memories. Otherwise, if it can erase the memory, it can be written into the memory.

Then the human brain will become a hard drive, and then humans will not need to learn at all. All the knowledge since the development of humans will be engraved into it when they are born. Then the development of human science and technology will inevitably advance rapidly, because in that case, everyone will be

Scientist, everyone is an artist, everyone

The content of human knowledge is the entire development of human culture and science and technology. Therefore, Cheng Yu judged the true mode of the gag technique and just hid those memory units, just like setting certain folders on a computer.

It's the same as hiding invisible. This will create a memory gap for the person targeted by the silence spell, and will cause some strange changes in his psychology, but the impact will not be too great, as long as Cheng Yu writes when using the silence spell.

It is good that the range of entry is not too large. Otherwise, if Cheng Yu uses the silence technique to target Gao Yiming and make him silence Cheng Yu as a whole, it is equivalent to hiding all the memories about Cheng Yu in Gao Yiming's mind.

, then this will be a memory that lasts for more than a year. Gao Yiming will find out

Now, his memory is still before meeting Cheng Yu at the beginning of last year, but now, it has been a year and a half, which will definitely make him have a mental breakdown on the spot. This is why the gag technique must fill in the objects and objects to be silenced.

The reason for the banning incident is not to draw a random range, which can easily lead to problems with the mental state of the banned person. At the intermediate level, the banning technique has not made it particularly clear about this point, and it may be at the intermediate level.

The effect of the silence spell is limited. But at high levels, the description of the silence spell clearly states that the silence event must be a single event, and Cheng Yu's

The single event filled in by the doctor was "Cheng Yu's visit to the doctor".

But just like that, Cheng Yu also deleted nearly fifty minutes of the doctor's memory. Fortunately, in less than an hour, which was just the time to take a nap, the doctor's self-regulation ability should not be so bad.

Then the next step is the problem with the Shenzhen system. But Cheng Yu doesn't dare to ask the system to hold him accountable now. After all, this is still in the hospital, and he still needs to fulfill his agreement with Chu Chu, even if he actually has everything under control.

He learned everything he needed to know, but he had to do the whole thing when acting.

Otherwise, how can we finally cure Chu Chu’s disease?

After tearing up his test results and throwing them into several different trash cans, Cheng Yu returned to the location of Chu Chu's last test. As soon as he appeared, Du Xiaoyu anxiously came over and asked where he had gone and called him.

No one answered. Cheng Yu took out his phone and took a look, only to find that his phone had been put into silent mode because he thought this was a hospital.

However, there were several calls from Du Xiaoyu. "My classmate sent me a message, and I found out that he was on duty tonight, so I just called him and explained the situation here. Then I went to squat again.

I have a large number, my phone is on silent, and I didn’t notice your call." Cheng

Yu made up a random reason.

Du Xiaoyu said angrily: "You are really like this. Sister Chu Chu has checked here, but she can't find you, but her family is so worried that they thought something happened. You go and follow them yourself."

Explain it." Cheng Yu hurriedly walked over to Chu's father and Cui's mother, who looked worried, and told them the same thing again. However, Chu Chu looked calm and said as if it had nothing to do with him: "I just said no.

What's the problem, you guys?

Just worrying blindly."

Cui's mother hurriedly apologized, and then asked nervously: "Xiao Cheng, what did your classmate say?" Cheng Yu smiled and comforted her and said: "It's okay, aunt, he can't say anything now. After all, I'm just a simple person."

I told him about Sister Chu Chu’s situation. I can talk about the parts that are similar to the test results two months ago, but I don’t understand the changed parts, so I don’t dare to talk nonsense. I just give a general introduction to the situation.

So that he can make preparations in advance. For the specific situation, I still have to wait until I take photos of all the examinations that Sister Chu Chu did today and send them to them for review. Don’t rush this, my classmate is still a medical student.

, his understanding is limited, and he will have to wait until the evening, that is, after the American side goes to work, to have further news. Let’s go back first. Sister Chu Chu has been checking for a day, and she must be very tired. Let her eat something first.

Let’s take a break, I’ll just sort out the inspection reports and send them over, and then I’ll just have to wait patiently. I’ll listen to my colleague

Follow that tone, he is very satisfied with the parts of the condition that I mentioned that have not changed much, and there is a high probability that the surgical solution he mentioned can be directly applied. Don’t worry.”

Mother Cui felt relieved now, but she was still worried.

"Then what do you say? Should you go back to the farm or come home with us?" Cui's mother turned her face and asked Chu's father. Chu's father did not hesitate and said: "It's such a big thing, how can I have the heart to go back to the farm?"

This chapter has been completed!
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