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Chapter 1,170 Director of the Sanatorium


Cheng Yu actually really wanted to take the gun out of his backpack. He believed that as long as the muzzle of the gun was pressed against the head of this doctor-looking man, he would definitely tell him about Cheng Fu's ward. But this man

Obviously it's not that damnable. Cheng Yu's mission this time also includes a rule not to harm unrelated persons. Although this doctor-looking person is not closely related to Ruan Qingzhu, there is a high probability that the only unrelated person in the mission is the chef.

And the maids and the gang, but what if the system shamelessly comes to a "generalized" irrelevant person? Obviously, literally speaking, the man who looks like a doctor in front of him can obviously be regarded as an irrelevant person.


Therefore, Cheng Yu could neither kill him nor knock him unconscious. As long as Cheng Yu made a move on him, it might lead to the failure of Cheng Yu's intermediate task two. Cheng Yu did not want to fail before the last step.

So, Cheng Yu decided to take a gamble.

"It seems that you should know our commander, so you should also know our adjutant Chen Wentan, right?" The doctor-looking man nodded subconsciously. Cheng Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, making a stern expression, and said: "Look

If you look like this, you should know which room Tianyu Song lives in. To tell you the truth, Chen Wentan launched a coup last night and tried to kill the commander and replace him. However, I can tell you clearly, Chen Wentan

It has failed, and the commander is now intact. Moreover, the person guarding Tianyu Song here is the person selected by Chen Wentan, and Tianyu Song is our commander’s most important helper now. That’s why the commander sent me to rush there early in the morning.

Come here, and I have no way to contact the people here. I can't let them notice my appearance in advance. If you can

It's best to cooperate. If you can't cooperate, don't blame me for being cruel..." As soon as he said these words, the doctor-looking man seemed to be discouraged. He murmured: "It turns out that Adjutant Chen has failed, but he yesterday

He even called me at night and assured me that he would be able to take control of everything soon.

Let me help keep an eye on Tianyu Song and make sure he doesn't run away. But how could he fail? It doesn't mean that everyone was drugged..."

Is it such a coincidence that Cheng Yu was thinking? This man who looks like a doctor actually knows the inside story? And he seems to be very familiar with Chen Wentan? Cheng Yu lowered his voice, but said extremely fiercely: "So you are also Chen Wentan's person! It seems that you are also Chen Wentan's person.

, I'm really lucky. Since you are Chen Wentan's person, then you don't have to continue living..." He said

When he said that, Cheng Yu grabbed the doctor-looking man's neck and tried to pull him towards the back door. The man was trembling with fear and quickly explained: "I'm not, no, I'm the director of this nursing home.

, I know both Adjutant Chen and Commander Ruan. If your people are injured, they will be sent to me for treatment. We have been cooperating for many years. Adjutant Chen and I know each other, but I am not his person.

Wow, your internal disputes, or who is the boss, have nothing to do with me. Adjutant Chen called me and just told me that he was going to take over the entire organization, and he was worried about Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan, because Xiao Ruan

Yesterday, he dared to call and threaten him, so he asked me to help send people to keep an eye on Tianyu Song. After all, the most important thing for Adjutant Chen to rise to power was Tianyu Song, the poison maker. None of this has anything to do with me. I just happened to know about this.

It's just a matter. I have never been one of Adjutant Chen's people. I only used money to do things, and I have never intervened in the struggle between him and Commander Ruan... This

It's none of my business, it's none of my business, don't kill me, I'll tell you where Tianyu Song lives, and I'll take you there myself, and I can tell you one more thing..."

Cheng Yu kept dragging the man who claimed to be the director of the nursing home toward the back door. It wasn't until he said that he could tell Cheng Yu one more thing that Cheng Yu stopped pretending to be interested.

"You'd better tell me something that interests me. If I find out that this matter has nothing to do with me, you should know your fate." The dean sighed, adjusted his breathing, and calmed down his panic.

Said: "Yesterday, Adjutant Chen called me. I actually didn't want to help him. But he told me that he had stunned almost all of Commander Ruan's men. Now, he is the only one in the entire army who has not been poisoned. Ruan

The commander's time is running out. If I don't do him this favor, then I will become his enemy. You also know, how dare I follow you?

We soldiers with guns are fighting against us. I have no choice but to agree to him."

Cheng Yu snorted and said: "Stop talking about these useless things. What I want to hear is not how you cleared up the relationship and talked about business!" The dean nodded vigorously and said solemnly: "Okay, okay. I

I hung up the phone. It was already very late at that time. I originally wanted to call and arrange for someone, but then I thought it would be safer to come in person. So I went directly to the nursing home. After making arrangements, I

I simply didn’t go back and just slept in the duty room all night. Just now, the person who I arranged to keep an eye on Tianyu Song’s ward called me and told me that Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan had committed suicide.

The other two people were killed..."

Cheng Yu's eyes widened and he said sternly: "What?!" The dean wiped the sweat from his forehead and added: "Actually, they are not entirely sure, but Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan did put a needle into the tube.

It was inserted into the back of the two people's necks, but I don't know what the composition of the solution they pushed in was. But I speculated that it was probably an overdose of drugs. Afterwards, they borrowed a wheelchair and pushed the two people away. I

After learning this, I was about to rush to Tianyusong's ward to see the situation, but you stopped me.

Now." Cheng Yu took a breath of air. He finally understood why the percentage on the light screen suddenly changed before he passed through. It was a few minutes ago that an armed man named Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan

elements and killed two of their companions. These two guys also threatened Chen Wentan last night. They... must have used Tianyu Song to threaten Chen Wentan. Then, they may have called back today.

In the village,

But there must be no one to pick up the answer. These two people may have noticed it. They killed their companions now to prevent the accident from happening. Bao Buqi was preparing to run away with Cheng Fu...

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu grabbed the dean's collar and said anxiously: "Then what nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and take me to Tianyu Song's ward."

Pushing the dean hard, Cheng Yu took off the backpack on his back. The dean led the way and turned his face to take out an MP5 player from the bag. The dean's expression suddenly changed.

"This... this gentleman, you can't shoot in the nursing home. All the dignitaries live here. If you hear the gunshot, you will be in big trouble..."

Cheng Yu was too lazy to pay attention to him. He just pointed his gun at him and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, you will be the first one to hear the gunshot."

The dean had no choice but to stumble forward and lead the way, while Cheng Yu followed behind him cautiously. After bypassing the two buildings, he met many people on the way. The staff of the nursing home naturally knew their hospital.

The grown-ups stopped to say hello to them one after another, but of course the dean had no time and was not in the mood to talk to them.

He ignored them and just kept passing by, but the dean also felt strange, why didn't these people show fear? Could it be that they couldn't see what was in that person's hand...

The dean subconsciously turned his face and saw that Cheng Yu was holding his backpack to his chest. There was no doubt that he blocked the gun with his bag, so the people he met on the road didn't see the gun at all. Standing

In front of a staircase, the dean pointed upward and said: "On the second floor, the room at the top on the left is. Because it needs to be quiet and to prevent other people from being harassed, the room at the back is arranged.

And the one on the left

Some rooms are empty, only the one at the top is occupied by Mr. Tianyu Song."

It seems that the dean doesn't want to go up, because whether Cheng Yu kills Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan after going up, or the two brothers kill Cheng Yu, this is not something that the dean can do. Cheng Yu also

Not wanting to involve innocent people, he said: "You'd better think about how to explain the gunshots for a while, but I can assure you that there were only two shots, and neither of them deserved to let me fire a third shot. I hope there will be no consequences from this."

What trouble, otherwise, Commander Ruan will definitely come to trouble you." After saying that, Cheng Yu put his backpack on his back, and the MP5 was exposed again. Cheng Yu gently pulled the gun bolt, opened the safety, and then

He quickly ran upstairs

While going upstairs, Cheng Yu exchanged for a gun skill. Although there were only two people left, three hundred points were still very good, and it only cost ten points and a little bit of damage due to the duration.

points deducted

You can get it. As for what Big Ruan and Little Ruan look like, it doesn't matter anymore. Since all the wards on the left have been deliberately arranged to be vacant, then as long as the man who appears on the left is either Qin Chuan's appearance, or

That's big

Ruan and Xiao Ruan, there cannot be anyone else.

After Cheng Yu quickly reached the second floor, he stood at the corner and looked to the left. The corridor was empty and there was no one.

Cheng Yu crouched, held the gun, clicked on the gun skills to the last step, took small steps, and walked toward the end of the corridor in a half-crouched position.

The reason why he maintains this posture is that walking forward in this way can ensure that there are no footsteps to the greatest extent, and if the footsteps of other people come nearby, Cheng Yu can hear them in time.

And just when he walked not far forward, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs and the voices of two men talking.

Of course, Cheng Yu couldn't understand what they were talking about. The two people were speaking in Vietnamese, but Cheng Yu made a decisive decision, opened the door of the nearest ward at hand, and rushed in.

Then, he pressed his back against the open door and listened to what was going on outside.

The footsteps had already reached the second floor, and they were obviously coming in the direction of Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu estimated that these were the two militants Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan. He poked his head out a little, and Cheng Yu saw that indeed

There were two men walking in his direction. Although it was almost certain that they were Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan, Cheng Yu wanted to prevent Intermediate Task 2 from asking questions at the last moment.

Question, he was still going to confirm it again.

But, how to confirm? Cheng Yu didn't know the full names of these two people, let alone speak Vietnamese. But Cheng Yu quickly thought that Cheng Fu couldn't speak Vietnamese, how could he communicate with these militants?

What about communication? Although speaking Chinese is probably enough, Cheng Fu is now a Thai. Even if the Chinese in Thailand can speak Chinese

There is nothing unusual about speaking Mandarin, but he would not dare to be so presumptuous when living with others. He would always be worried about being discovered as a Chinese. So, Cheng Fu should be able to use English to communicate with these militants, right?

In this way, these two militants are relatively highly educated under Ruan Qingzhu. After all, they are proficient in English. Even Vietnamese who can master daily conversations are certainly rare. "Hey, man!"

This chapter has been completed!
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