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Chapter 1,171 The cunning Cheng Fu


Seeing someone walking out of the ward, Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan suddenly stopped. Their faces changed drastically, and they were obviously a little panicked.

Cheng Yu saw the expressions of these two people and their defensive subconscious movements, and basically concluded that these two people were Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan.

So, Cheng Yu asked again in English: "Do you know Tianyu Song?" He was smiling, even a little innocent, as if Cheng Yu was a harmless guy.

Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan looked at each other, and both of them put their hands on their lower backs. It was obvious that they were about to touch the gun.

Xiao Ruan took half a step back cautiously, staring at Cheng Yu's hand behind his back, and said, "Who are you?"

Cheng Yu still smiled slightly and asked again: "Do you know Chen Wentan? He asked me to tell you that he is dead."

After saying that, Cheng Yu's hand was finally exposed from his back, and exposed to the eyes of Xiao Ruan and Da Ruan was an MP5.

Cheng Yu clicked the final confirmation button on the light screen in his mind. When he saw the gun skills on the light screen turning into golden light and dissipating, Cheng Yu raised his hand and fired two bullets. It was Daruan.

He and Xiao Ruan had already reacted quickly. They had already taken out the pistol from their back waist, but before they even had time to push the safety with their thumbs, the two bullets fired by Cheng Yu had already kissed their lips.

Above the forehead.

There were two pops, and outsiders could hear the sound of their heads being penetrated by bullets.

But in the heads of Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan, the sound sounded empty like a bell.

Fortunately, the noise was only for a moment. After this moment, Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan no longer had any signs of life. There were only red and white things scattered on the corridor, which was too horrible to look at.

Cheng Yu looked at the percentage on the light screen in his mind, and a perfect 100% appeared in his field of vision. This showed that his judgment was not wrong at all, and the second intermediate task had been completed.

There was no time to submit the task, Cheng Yu knew that the two gunshots would definitely alert the ward's Li Fu, and he had to rush in as soon as possible, otherwise something might happen.

Cheng Yu quickly rushed to the last ward. The firearms skill was not over yet. Cheng Fu also had 150 points. Cheng Yu would not forget it.

Kicking on the door of the ward, the wooden door opened with a sound. Cheng Yu rushed in, but he was surprised to find that there was no one in the ward, and it didn't look like anyone had lived there at all.

No, I was fooled!

But why did the dean lie?

Maybe he didn't lie, but because he arranged for Cheng Fu that all the wards in this half were vacant, so Cheng Fu moved to another ward out of caution.

Cheng Yu quickly walked back and kicked open the adjacent ward.

This time, Cheng Yu knew that he was in the right place, because the bed in the ward was obviously messy, indicating that someone had been lying on it not long ago.

Moreover, almost every table in the house has a variety of food, drinks and daily necessities, which further proves that this house has always been occupied.

Cheng Yu rushed to the hospital bed in two steps and touched the mattress. It was still hot.

After looking around the room, Cheng Yu strode to the toilet door and kicked it open.

The toilet is not big, you can see it at a glance, and there is no one inside.

Cheng Yu looked at the ceiling above his head and confirmed that no one could be hidden in the ceiling. He walked towards the only closet in the house and opened the closet door with the muzzle of his gun. There was no one in the closet. Cheng Yu suddenly fell to the ground.

Looking under the bed and the sofa, he didn't want to rush to the window easily. Even if the window was wide open at the moment, some people would often take advantage of this misunderstanding of thinking to make him

The intruder thought he had escaped through the window. Anyone running outside the window might be mistaken for the target person. In fact, that person was still hiding in the house.

Cheng Yu lay down and immediately saw Cheng Fu's face.

In other words, it is not Cheng Fu's face, but Qin Chuan's face.

Qin Chuan's face was full of horror. Cheng Yu smiled. He almost wanted to shoot Cheng Fu in the head.

"Fu Cheng is right here, hurry up and get rid of him. No, get rid of the system in his head..." Cheng Yu was silently communicating with the God System in his mind.

The Shenxi system rarely said: "I need time."

Cheng Yu thought to himself, Male Gobi, this means that I can't kill this kid for the time being.

While he was thinking about it, he used the muzzle of his gun to signal Cheng Fu to crawl out from under the bed obediently. Cheng Yu said, "I know your name is Qin Chuan. Don't play any tricks with me. I'm hiding my identity as a Thai."

Don’t stop me.”

Although Cheng Fu was surprised, he was still calm. He was even a little proud, thinking that the best you could do was check here, because no one in this world would know that my name is Cheng Fu. He slowly crawled out from under the bed.

When he came out, Cheng Fu raised his hands and said, "Who are you? We don't seem to know each other, right? If someone wants to pay for my life, then I can pay ten times the price. If you don't abide by that

What bullshit principles."

Cheng Yu laughed loudly. Now whether it was his appearance, figure or voice, Cheng Fu would never detect any clues about him.

He laughed and said: "Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan, do you think someone like you, a thief who is nothing, would pay for your life? Why don't you think about it again, why should I come to you?"

?" This time, Fu Cheng was in trouble. After all, Fu Cheng didn't understand who Qin Chuan had offended, and he couldn't understand why someone would pursue Qin Chuan and pursue him all the way to Vietnam. How could he know?

Cheng Yu simply

It's just to delay time, to buy some time for the God-cutting system. "Don't move, you'd better be more honest..." Cheng Yu saw Cheng Fu trying to move, and he immediately raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at Cheng Fu. Feeling

As time went by as the firearms technique continued to take effect, Cheng Yu felt really distressed, but

He didn't know how long it would take to master the system. In case it would be fine soon, he canceled the firearms skill. If he wanted to earn Cheng Fu's 150 points later, he would have to exchange for another firearms skill.

"How long do you want, Mr. Cheng?" Cheng Yu asked in his mind.

The Shenzhen System ignored Cheng Yu. It was obviously trying to figure out the system in Cheng Fu's mind.

Cheng Fu knew nothing about this. He was just constantly wondering who the man with the gun in front of him could be.

He seemed to see that the other party was a little distracted. Cheng Fu gritted his teeth and thought that he would definitely be dead if this continued, so he might as well take a gamble.

So, taking advantage of the moment when Cheng Yu was distracted while questioning the Shenji system, he suddenly pounced on the window that had been opened long ago to pretend he was jumping off the building to escape.

Cheng Yu found out and was about to stop him, but then he thought that his grandson couldn't die yet, so he could only rush to the window and try to catch Cheng Fu. But it was obvious that Cheng Fu was now in Qin Chuan's body.

Although he is thin and short, his agility is still good. Cheng Yu couldn't stop him for a moment, and could only watch as Cheng Fu jumped out of the window.

go out.

After Cheng Fu rushed out of the window, he was obviously well prepared. He probably knew that there was a tree outside the door, so he immediately spread out his hands after rushing out, clearly intending to have a close contact with the tree.

By the time Cheng Yu chased him to the window, Cheng Fu had already grabbed a branch and hung it on the tree. Seeing Cheng Yu rush to the window, Cheng Fu hurriedly let go of his hand and dropped it to the ground. Cheng Yu was intentional

Cheng Fu can be killed with one shot. Since he has come into contact with Cheng Fu to this extent today, Cheng Yu will never let him go again. As for the system in his mind, he will leave it to the Shenji System.

Just worry about it. But just when he was about to pull the trigger, Cheng Yu suddenly felt an ominous omen, which made him stop his fingers, hesitated, and watched Cheng Yu after he landed.

Fu got up

, limping towards the door of the nursing home. Cheng Yu squinted his eyes slightly, wondering where the ominous omen in his mind came from, but he also knew that time could not be wasted. Of course it would be okay for him to jump from here, but

If you twist your foot, you'll be in trouble. Exchange it for a martial arts

It's convenient, but it's a waste of points.

But Cheng Yu soon understood that this was not the time to worry about points.

Before this, Cheng Yu had already redeemed a martial art but had not used it yet. This time, Cheng Yu planned to use it. But when Cheng Yu clicked on the martial arts, a dialog box popped up in the system.

It reads: It has been detected that the host has a system capability that is in conflict with martial arts. Please end the current system capability.

After that, use martial arts again?

Huh? Can't firearms and martial arts be used at the same time?

I don't know about this. Cheng Yu thought about it and found that he had never used firearms and martial arts at the same time.

Damn, you are cheating!

In such a blink of an eye, Cheng Yu discovered that Cheng Fu had almost ran out of the door of the sanatorium. Cheng Yu did not hesitate any longer, regardless of martial arts, he climbed over the window and jumped out. Of course, Cheng Yu jumped out of the window.

I don't know how much better it looks than Cheng Fu. The MP5 was wrapped around his neck. Cheng Yu's hands directly grabbed a branch, and Cheng Yu used his body to hang it up with a slight movement.

With the force of the bullet, he naturally swung upwards, then released his hands, and naturally rushed forward, landing steadily in a half-crouched posture, which was perfect. Cheng Yu stood up and faced Cheng Fu's figure.

He chased in the direction where he disappeared. As he chased him, he asked: "Xie, don't pretend to be dead. I don't have time to play with you anymore. If you keep going like this, that boy Cheng Fu will deserve it."

He ran away, and this time he ran away again, where can I find him? What happened to you? And, being so far away, can you still peel off his system?"

The Shenxi system finally replied, saying: "The signal is a little weak. You need to catch up with him. I have broken through its first layer of firewall. In two or three minutes, I should be able to get it done..."

I'll go, two or three minutes, twenty points a minute, forget it, I'll finish the firearms skills first. Damn, if this happens in the future, please tell me clearly in advance, what's the point of consuming my points like this?

? Cheng Yu actually didn’t say this, but the Shenhu System obviously sensed it, and it actually said: "Don’t worry, host. I won’t deduct the extra points you just lost. This time, the firearms skill will only last for

Count you

One second."

Cheng Yu was overjoyed, was there such a good thing? He immediately sped up his running speed and chased after Cheng Fu's back.

Cheng Yu immediately ended the application of firearms skills. He was very happy when he saw that his points had only been deducted by one point, but increased by 300 points.

Cheng Fu in front obviously couldn't run as fast as Cheng Yu. He couldn't run away from Cheng Yu, and now he obviously sprained his foot. He was quickly chased by Cheng Yu to within twenty meters. But just when Cheng Fu was extremely nervous, he was about to run away.

When he was caught up, Cheng Yu suddenly slowed down and kept a gap of twenty meters, hanging behind Cheng Fu.

This chapter has been completed!
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