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Chapter 238 Shuangsu Shuangfei

Without saying a word, Guan Lu immediately returned to his desk and started making plans based on the company's employee list.

Cheng Yu was still talking: "Think carefully about how to allocate personnel, not only to ensure the normal operation of the company, but also to ensure that everyone has equal exposure, and there should be a maximum of five people per trip."

"Don't worry, I will definitely handle it properly. Otherwise, I will take advantage of this opportunity to take Yi Ren there..."

"You have to pay alone..." Cheng Yu said without hesitation.

"Hey! Mr. Cheng, you're not going to do it, are you?"

"At least you have to pay for your own ticket..."

Guan Lu rolled his eyes, but was helpless. After all, Meng Yiren was not an employee of the company. It would be a bit unreasonable to book tickets for her in the name of the company. He still had to explain to Cheng Yu and Shen Zhiqiu!

Especially since Du Xiaoyu paid for it all by himself, and even spent a lot of money...

There are not many people in the company, but precisely because there are not many, so if five people are taken away, the other few people will probably not be able to do their jobs.

The manager did the math and said, "I thought about it, it's unrealistic for these people in our company to make two trips, at least they will get three points."

"Three times is three times, isn't that twenty days?"

"Then what if Du Xiaoyu has friends over there and wants to go there?"

"Don't worry about it, I will make it clear to her."

"That's it, not counting Yi Ren and I, there are nine people in total, divided into three batches. The time is just right, twenty days from beginning to end, barely three weekends. It depends on which trip they want to take."<


Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll tell Du Xiaoyu that apart from me and her, she can occupy up to two of the five places."

After making the decision, Cheng Yu and Guan Lu summoned all employees and informed everyone of their decision.

Suddenly, the company was filled with joy, and every employee was extremely excited.

Needless to say, Xue Qing, Tan Wulian and the two cashiers at the front desk have never been to a place like this. Now that the company has such benefits, they are extremely happy.

The four people who were seconded from Du Xiaoyu were also very excited. Although they had enjoyed the company's travel benefits in the Du Group, they had never been to a place like Madai, which was just Southeast Asia.

Although the trip must take up two of their rest days, this opportunity is definitely what they dream of.

The accountant is a part-time employee and he is not here today. The pipe manager is responsible for contacting him.

Hearing about such a good thing over there, he naturally agreed with a smile, but he proposed to bring his wife with him, and at the same time stated that he could pay for his wife's expenses himself.

Guan Lu discussed it with Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu agreed. He said to Guan Lu: "Let's make the schedule more compact. It will also save money in case Du Xiaoyu has friends to go. You and Meng Yiren will go with the accountant and his wife.

Let's go together, so you don't have to take up your rest day. The remaining eight people will be divided into two groups. One group will leave with me tomorrow, Friday, and fly back next Wednesday morning. For the other group, you can arrange for them to leave on Tuesday night and pick up the first group on Wednesday.

I will go back to my room on Sunday. As for your schedule with the accountant, I will discuss it with Du Xiaoyu and see what her time requirements are."

"Okay!" Guanlu agreed, and then discussed with the company's current eight employees, divided them into two batches, and quickly determined the candidates and travel time for the first and second batches.

"I will arrange the air tickets. You ask them to give me their passports and so on. I will arrange it for them before departure tomorrow, and then I will settle the settlement with the company when I come back."

Cheng Yu must take care of arranging the air tickets himself. Only in this way can he guarantee that after the twenty days are over, he will come back to reimburse himself, so that the God Stingy System can use this expense as a reward for his stingy success.

After finalizing everything, Cheng Yu told Du Xiaoyu his decision.

Du Xiaoyu listened on the phone and was silent for a long time. Cheng Yu could almost imagine her rolling her eyes.

"Co-author, you are so smart. I paid half of the money for you, and you used it to provide benefits to the company. Mr. Cheng, your calculations are too precise!"

Cheng Yu chuckled and said, "So, haven't I only occupied twelve days? I still have eight days left for you. You can see how to arrange your friends. Of course, in these twelve days, I have only occupied

Four places need to be occupied. If you have any friends who want to go alone, it’s no problem during these twelve days. Anyway, it can’t exceed five people per day.”

Du Xiaoyu thought for a while and didn't bother to be pretentious with Cheng Yu. He said directly: "Okay, I'll go back and ask the people around me to see how to arrange it. I will inform you after I confirm the time."

"There's no need to inform you. We have to fly together tomorrow. Just tell me when we stay and fly together."

Du Xiaoyu blushed and spat: "Bah, who will stay and fly with you?"

"We will fly tomorrow, is this a double flight, right? We have to stay together on the island tomorrow night, this is a double night, right? I was right!" Cheng Yu looked very innocent!

"Go to hell!" Du Xiaoyu angrily hung up the phone.

Cheng Yu shrugged and said, "No grace."

Du Xiaoyu, on the other hand, curled his lips, but soon he was also amused. Not to mention, it was really like staying together and flying together.

After asking around with people around me, I quickly found four or five people. Of course, they would not only book a four-day trip like the employees of Cheng Yu Company, but would directly book the eight days.

After confirming the time, Du Xiaoyu still sent a message to Cheng Yu. As for Cheng Yu's claim that Du Xiaoyu could arrange someone's affairs during those twelve days, Du Xiaoyu was too lazy to bother.

Cheng Yu got the timetable from Du Xiaoyu's friend, which was pretty good. Du Xiaoyu had reserved the last four days of the entire vacation, just in time to arrange for the accountant couple, Guan Lu and Meng Yiren.

In this way, everyone can come back together, and the chartered flight will not be wasted.

Cheng Yu immediately told the four people in the company who decided to be the first to go there, telling them not to prepare their passports, but to bring their luggage and passports to work tomorrow and just follow him after get off work.

The charter flight can accommodate up to 13 people anyway, so if you don’t use it, you won’t use it.

With the arrangements in place, Cheng Yu left the company early and returned home.

After a brief tidying up, Ning Kezhu called and asked about Cheng Yu and Du Xiaoyu's travel plans.

Cheng Yu could only tell her patiently, and Ning Kezhu said with satisfaction: "Son, come on! It would be better if I could take this opportunity to give my mother a grandson! Oh, a granddaughter is even better, I like it.


Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and hung up the phone without even answering.

The next day, Cheng Yu received the passports of the remaining four people in the company. He helped those four people book their tickets for next Tuesday and arranged everything.

After get off work, Cheng Yu took the four people from the company and headed straight to the airport.

The special plane chartered by the travel agency was waiting early. Since the people following Cheng Yu this time happened to be the four people seconded by the Du Group, of course they also knew Du Xiaoyu, and the six of them were no strangers together.

After getting over the initial slight restraint, the four people quickly relaxed.

For a flight that lasted more than eight hours, the crew prepared plenty of meals and drinks. Cheng Yu and Du Xiaoyu naturally relaxed and drank with them happily.

When we arrived in Male, it was already past four in the morning local time.

This chapter has been completed!
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