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Chapter 489: Various restrictions on tasks

Primary task two.

When Cheng Yu's mind rested on the small envelope, a translucent dialog box immediately appeared.

Task objects: no limit.

Cheng Yu was stunned when he saw this.

Regarding the task object, you can actually see it without opening the small envelope.

In the past, once the system released a task, it would automatically be transferred to the task system, and then the task object would be automatically displayed.

Perhaps it is because Cheng Yu is becoming more and more aware of the procedures after the task is released. He has already understood that after the task is released, he only needs to confirm acceptance of the task within 24 hours. Therefore, the system did not force the task object this time.

The information was displayed to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu was stunned when he saw the word "unlimited" appeared for the first time in the task target list.

Generally speaking, a task is triggered because someone appears and triggers something that may happen, and then the system will release a task.

Therefore, Cheng Yu has always believed that the triggering of the task must be closely related to specific people and events. When the task was triggered, the person who was within the scope of Cheng Yu's contact and conversation was obviously Xu Wanting.

Therefore, Cheng Yu always felt that the person responsible for this task should be Xu Wanting.

This is why he didn't even get to know the person he was tasked with.

But I never expected that the target of the task would be unlimited.

There is no limit, which means that if you want to complete this task, you can only choose the task object based on the task content.

It seems that this gives Cheng Yu more freedom, but Cheng Yu understands that the system will never be so kind. The system tasks will only become more and more difficult to complete, so how can it become simpler?

Cheng Yu analyzed that either, this unrestricted task object is difficult to find, and the restrictions based on the task content will be very strict, so Cheng Yu may not be able to successfully find a suitable task object around him.

Is it really necessary to cast a wide net?

Create a public account, or use Weibo to find the target of this task?

There is another possibility, that is, the task object is not difficult to confirm, but it is difficult to complete it according to the task requirements.

Regarding this point, Cheng Yu has some general ideas. There will not be too many restrictions on the task objects, but it will make the number of task objects that can be selected very small.

Even if the task target is someone whom Cheng Yu is familiar with, it is difficult for Cheng Yu to make any request to him to help him complete this task.

For example, the task targets are limited to those with a net worth of more than one billion or more, or they must hold an official position above a certain level in any government agency of the national system, etc.

In short, it is not too difficult to identify this type of person, but once identified, it is difficult for Cheng Yu to interact with them enough.

Just like Cheng Guangnian or Du Changfeng.

At the level of Cheng Guangnian and Du Changfeng, although Cheng Yu can meet with them every day, it is really difficult to get them to cooperate with him to complete a certain task.

After a slight pause, Cheng Yu looked down.

Mission duration: forty-six days.

This is not surprising. After all, Cheng Yu's life span has not been reduced for a long time. During this period, he has been using the reward duration after completing various tasks. That part of the solidified life duration has always stayed at 2

A little more than sixteen days.

The last primary mission one was forty-two days long, so it is not surprising that it will last forty-six days this time.

In the dialog box, the next item is the task content.

But there is no doubt that the comment with the task content must be "The host please check it in the task form."

With full curiosity, Cheng Yu opened the small envelope.

The envelope unfolded slowly as always, turning into a piece of letter paper.

“The host involves a completely new investment field compared to the past, and there are already mature professionals in this field who are willing to cooperate with the host.

The host must perform at least one effective stingy behavior in this investment.

And the host must find at least five task targets and complete this stingy behavior with the host.

Everyone, including the host, must complete at least one stingy behavior and are not allowed to provide any form of help to each other.

At the same time, the target who completes the stingy behavior at the same time as the host must have at least 100,000 real followers on any public social account.

Remember, the host must not use deception or coercion to prompt these task targets to complete the task, and after the stingy behavior is completed, it must be recognized by at least one-tenth of its fans."

After reading it, Cheng Yu's heart sank slightly.

Sure enough, there are many restrictions.

There is no limit to the target of the task, but it actually makes the task more difficult to complete.

However, Cheng Yu quickly distinguished the constraints of this task.

First of all, this task is about stingy behavior.

This means that the determination of whether the stingy behavior that only occurred to Cheng Yu in the past is reasonable will be extended to five other people.

Second, of course, is the number of five people.

This is the real reason why there is no limit to the number of task objects. After all, the number has suddenly changed from a single task object to five in the past. If all five are designated, the increase in difficulty will not be as great as usual.

The number of task targets for five people also caused a problem that Cheng Yu urgently needed to figure out, that is, if the stingy behavior of these five people is unsuccessful, or even wasteful behavior occurs during the duration of the task, will the system treat Cheng Yu?

Yu carries out punishment.

In most cases, it is impossible. After all, it is impossible for Cheng Yu to keep an eye on others and not allow them to spend money during the entire forty-six days of the mission. This is too ridiculous. Even if Cheng Yu is looking for acquaintances,

It is also easy to expose the fact that Cheng Yu has a divine picking system.

At the very least, it would make people suspicious.

Article 3: Cheng Yu is not allowed to guide the birth of stingy behavior, otherwise it would not be too difficult to complete it.

After all, it is not particularly difficult to induce five people to make a counteroffer or ask for a discount.

The fourth one is also the most stringent one, that is, the number of real fans of the social account reaches more than 100,000.

This is destined to be impossible for ordinary people. The most suitable targets are probably those celebrities. Their social accounts and fan numbers start from hundreds of thousands or even millions. Among them, the number of real fans exceeds 100,000. It is absolutely not a problem.


And an ordinary person, even a small Internet celebrity, even if it seems that the number of fans is 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands, there may not be more than 100,000 real fans among these hundreds of thousands.

The word "truth" is where the target of this task is most severely restricted.

Cheng Yu was thinking while scrolling through his Weibo.

Since there were some reports before that Cheng Yu was the youngest billionaire, Cheng Yu's Weibo account was also discovered.

It actually has more than 300,000 fans.

However, among these three hundred thousand miles, how many are real fans?

The most important thing is what is the definition of a true fan.

Several judgment criteria.

I really have an extraordinary interest and attention in this person or this account, and I will actively check the account and this person's updates every day or every short period of time.

This is a kind of.

This can definitely be considered a true fan.

But this is not a die-hard fan.

Iron powder is the second type.

In addition to meeting the above requirements, die-hard fans will definitely stand up and unconditionally support the character and account when they are criticized or accused by other channels, and even organize counterattacks and other activities. At least they will actively participate in the counterattack.

Go to the activities.

If true fans were this definition, then Cheng Yu estimated that it would be difficult for him to have more than a hundred true fans, and only people who really knew him would barely say a few words to him.

Therefore, Cheng Yu can make a simple judgment that the God Digging System should not be so harsh. This is no different from directly asking Cheng Yu to give up this task.

The third type of fans are passerby fans.

From a daily perspective, this can actually be considered a fan.

Actively follow and be willing to receive most of the information about this character or account. Even if this character and account are just advertising, passerby fans may also engage in consumer behavior because of this.

If this were the case, Cheng Yu estimated that the 300,000 fans on his Weibo account should be able to meet the requirement of 100,000 real fans.

But the problem is that Cheng Yu's number of fans may not be within the requirements of this task.

In the mission content, the Shenhu system did not directly mention whether Cheng Yu also needs to have 100,000 real fans, because Cheng Yu is the only confirmed mission target among the six mission targets who completed the mission.

This means that even if Cheng Yu has only three fans, the system still requires him to get at least one stingy behavior judgment during the mission.

Of course, this still requires in-depth communication with the system.

Anyway, after the task is released, Cheng Yu has the right to get an opportunity to communicate with the system based on the task content.

But it's not over yet.

There are several types of fans.

The fourth type, fans who are more transparent than passerby fans, are called transparent fans for the time being.

This type of people may not even actively follow the social account. They just chose the social account to follow among a series of social networking site behaviors.

For example, if you register on Weibo, Weibo will recommend a lot of accounts to you. Most people may not even look at them and just "next step" to the end.

This makes these recommended social accounts filled with a large number of transparent fans.

Transparent fans don’t mind being pushed information about these social accounts and people. Anyway, they just pass the time on social networks. Who they follow is not that important to them.

For such a fan, if you say he is not a fan, he does pay attention to your various information to some extent, but if you say he is a fan, your advertisement is probably the most disgusting to him.


The rest, on social networks, are still largely called zombie fans.

This type of fans comes from registered users who rarely actually visit the social networking site.

They registered, followed the "next step" all the way to the end, passively followed many accounts, and even actively followed some accounts.

But after they register and use it a few times, they will probably never appear on this social networking site again.

Even if it appears occasionally, the frequency is really too low, not only unable to bring any traffic to the account, but also unable to bring any traffic to the social networking site.

Their role in the fan circle is almost zero.

What's even more frightening is the pure die-hard fans.

Those fans are all fictitious fans created by public relations companies, or simply those who make a career out of being fans on social networks.

Their existence is just a concept of quantity.

Just like those super celebrities on Weibo now who easily earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, a considerable proportion of their fans are exactly this kind of die-hard fans.

This kind of fans are static in an absolute sense. They are just a set of data stored on the server and registered in batches by the computer. Their only function is to follow a large number of account customers who need fans.

After you follow it, you will never interact and it will never appear.

+1, is the best interpretation of them.

In addition to the above, there is also a special kind of fans.

Black powder.

This kind of fan is here to fight against your social account. No matter what you say, they will strongly oppose it or even discredit it.

Of course, if you break down the black powder, there are several types.

One is spontaneous, just to spite you, and he hates you extremely.

The second type is also spontaneous, but they come to social networks to vent their stress. They don’t just hack you, they hack almost anyone who has black spots.

Whoever is more popular recently, they will criticize.

Whoever is hacked will be punished.

They may even become black unconsciously because of their own emotions.

The third type is organized and purposeful.

This category does not need any introduction, the navy is talking about them.

Of course, behind this type of black fans, one person often controls hundreds or thousands of accounts. If there are a hundred such people among the fans who follow you, they can easily reduce the number of your real fans by at least 100,000.


In fact, Cheng Yu suspected that if he encountered such a navy fan, professional or organized, in the Shenhu system, no matter how many people were behind these accounts, they would all be regarded as the same person.

Not even.

After all, they really aren't paying attention to you, they are just getting paid to do things.

This is their job, they don't care whether you are ice or water, or anything else.

But among the black fans, the other two categories, you have to say that they are not fans, right? In fact, they really pay more attention to you than many casual fans or even transparent fans. They are always looking forward to something happening to you so that they can come and contribute.

They may even take the initiative to fabricate your dark history.

Are these considered fans?

Therefore, the four words "real fans" are really mysterious. Cheng Yu felt that he needed to confirm with the system to find out what kind of behavior patterns people have in order to be called real fans.

Otherwise, Cheng Yu can really only look for people with at least seven digits of fans.

Whether there are 100,000 real fans among hundreds of thousands of fans is actually an unspeakable thing.

Even some so-called celebrities with more than a few million fans on their social accounts do not have a real number of 100,000 fans.

The key is definition.

Too vague.

The last task limit.

In this mission, the determination of stingy behavior is no longer a matter for the system, but a matter for the fans of the mission targets.

As for the restrictions on Cheng Yu, he has to resort to coercion and other means. These are not important. Anyway, every mission will have similar restrictions.

The real limitation is that the system requires that at least one-tenth of the fans of the task target judge his stingy behavior.

This means that if you are stingy, you have to let your fans see it, and you have to let your fans know, and they need to make a judgment on whether you are stingy.

The most direct thing is that after fans saw the person’s stingy behavior, they sincerely said, “I didn’t expect you to be such a stingy xxx...”, or “xxx, does your mother know that you are so stingy?”


Of course, there are many other similar determination methods.

But the question is, is the judgment of these fans what they think in their minds, or do they have to express it clearly on various social networking sites?

If it is expressed clearly, this means that a task target with 100,000 real fans will need at least 10,000 retweets or comments.

This is just the minimum requirement. After all, among the 10,000 retweets or comments, there is a high probability that no more than 30% of the comments will be involved in judging whether his stingy behavior is valid.

The difficulty is not that great.

Therefore, Cheng Yu still needs to confirm this with the system.

After all, it is really difficult to get more than 10,000 stingy comments from 100,000 followers.

Take Weibo as an example. There are many accounts with 100,000 followers, or based on the requirements of real fans, the threshold is raised to 1 million followers.

It is really difficult for a Weibo account with one million fans to reach 10,000 or even 30,000 or 40,000 retweets and comments, unless the content of this Weibo is something that has already

A hot-spot event.

Of course, if those traffic stars shout out, even if they are bored enough to ask "Am I handsome?", their retweets can easily reach tens of thousands.

But the problem is that the system is very stupid and requires recognition of one-tenth of the number of real fans, not recognition of more than 10,000.

This means that if Cheng Yu really gets popular celebrities like Lu Han and Cai Xukun, they will also be willing to cooperate with Cheng Yu to help him, but their real number of fans will easily exceed one million or even higher. So,

The level of recognition they need to achieve is one hundred thousand or even hundreds of thousands or higher.

Therefore, when choosing the remaining five task targets, Cheng Yu must control this point. It does not mean that the more real fans, the better, but it is best to stick to the number of one hundred thousand.

It’s difficult!

Just as Cheng Yu was thinking, a girl walked towards the bathroom.

When she saw Cheng Yu standing at the door of the bathroom, she was slightly stunned. She probably thought Cheng Yu's behavior was strange.

But when she pushed open the door of the women's restroom, she suddenly let out a scream.

Cheng Yu turned around suddenly, and what he saw was a round inch. He immediately understood why the girl screamed.

There are very few women with round haircuts.

This girl is very lucky to meet her.

Especially since she had already seen a weird man at the door of the bathroom, who didn't come in and was not washing his hands, and now she suddenly saw a "man" running out of the women's bathroom, it would be strange if there was no misunderstanding.

Fortunately, Qin Manyuan is very "capital".

She raised her chest and swayed slightly. The amplitude and effect of the tremor were surprising.

The girl suddenly covered her mouth. Qin Manyuan smiled, patted her shoulder, and walked towards Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu put his right hand on his waist, and Qin Manyuan put her hand on Cheng Yu's arm. This undoubtedly completely explained why Cheng Yu was standing at the door of the women's restroom doing nothing.

The girl was a little frightened and closed the bathroom door. Cheng Yu also smiled and asked: "Do you often encounter misunderstandings like this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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