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Chapter 589: What did Lao Dapeng do?

After Zhou Datong described the entire mission, he looked at Cheng Yu with some concern and said, "Mr. Cheng, although I can't see what the accident plan provided by the Russian is, but based on the content of this mission,

Request, it can basically be concluded that Lao Dapeng is absolutely inseparable from the matter involving Director Cheng."

Cheng Yu nodded heavily while driving the car and said: "Judging from the current clues, it is indeed true. What did Lao Dapeng do when he logged in three days ago?"

"I can't find any valid operations. It just shows that he logged in once. Moreover, the login time should be very short and did not leave any other traces. It is not as long as the time two months ago."

Cheng Yuyi frowned: "The first login lasts a long time? How long?"

Zhou Datong waved his hand and said: "I can't find the specific length of time he logged in, but through his several modifications to the bounty amount for that task, it can be concluded that the duration of the first login was at least two hours.

The time when the Russian accepted the mission was also after Lao Dapeng increased the reward for the mission to three million U.S. dollars."

Cheng Yu pondered for a moment and said: "In fact, it can be judged that after the Russian accepted the task issued by Lao Dapeng, he still needed some time to formulate a plan and sent it to Lao Dapeng. Finally, Lao Dapeng confirmed

His plan, right?"

Zhou Datong nodded and said: "Although once they are contacted, they can theoretically use other contact methods, but since the task publisher still needs to confirm the person who accepts the task, even if I can't find the specific time for this operation,

Obviously, the operation should only be carried out after the Russian provided the plan and received confirmation from Lao Dapeng."

"Then why did he log in three days ago?"

Zhou Datong shook his head and said in a daze: "I have been thinking about this for a long time, but I can't figure it out. Normally, when he logs in again, he should end the task completely, because once the task is over,

If others want to query, they can only find the issuer and recipient of the task, but it is impossible to check the details in such detail."

Cheng Yu frowned again, and seemed to have some realization in his heart. He asked: "The task has not been submitted and closed. Most likely it is because the task has not been completely completed, right?"

Zhou Datong thought for a while and said: "There is such a possibility."

"You said that Lao Dapeng's mission was to cause an accident related to a car accident and kill the target, right?"


"Are you sure the condition is death?"

Zhou Datong thought about it carefully and replied with absolute certainty: "Sure."

"And my father is not dead yet, so this task is not completely completed, so the other party is probably waiting for Lao Dapeng to pay, and Lao Dapeng chose to refuse after logging in. Therefore, you can't find his second

The behavior of logging into the dark web for the first time. Could this be the case?”

Zhou Datong thought for a while and said: "This possibility does exist, but I think it is unlikely.

Because if Lao Dapeng logged into the darknet to refuse payment to the other party, his reason could only be that the target was not dead according to the plan given by that person.

Then he should close the mission, or reject the Russian's mission completion application, and put the mission back into a state that can be accepted by others."

Cheng Yu nodded, what Zhou Datong said was indeed reasonable.

Although Cheng Yu didn't understand the specific steps and modes of operating on the dark web, he imagined that this should be the case.

A person can be called A.

A publishes a task, and then it is seen by people on the dark web. One person - let's call him B - B chooses to accept the task, and then provides the task plan, or directly performs the task steps.

In order to prevent different task recipients from taking action on a task at the same time, the darknet has restrictions in this regard. Unless it is a task that requires teamwork, otherwise, after A accepts B, the task will be closed

The state cannot be accepted by the second person.

The task is still there, but its completion needs to be verified urgently.

Once the task is completely completed as required, B can submit an application for task completion. After A receives it, it will either approve it, pay the money, or reject it.

Once it is passed and the payment is made, the task will be completely closed.

Of course, B may behave in some way after receiving the money, which is beyond the scope of Cheng Yu's thinking.

And if B submits an application for task completion, and A rejects it, and the application is well-founded and the facts are clear, then the task will naturally enter the next cycle and be reopened, allowing B and others to continue to accept the task.

Now that this task is still in a temporarily closed state, it means that Lao Dapeng did not agree to the other party's application to complete it, nor did he choose to refuse it.

What kind of behavior pattern is this?

From a distance, Cheng Yu could already see the mountain gate of Dahonggouzi Resort. Along the road inside the gate, he could also see several wooden and stone buildings with obvious Northeastern style standing on the low hillside.

Just the four characters Dahonggouzi appear on many buildings.

It seems that this is the right place.

The car quickly drove into the mountain gate. There were signs on the road to guide him. Cheng Yu drove the car to the parking lot and stopped.

"Mr. Cheng, can I go in and check in?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "If everything goes well, we can open two rooms. If it doesn't go well, we can open one room. Don't argue with the other party."

Zhou Datong smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know this."

There were already people coming out of the car to greet me with smiles on their faces. Even though business here is good, it is mainly concentrated on weekends or holidays.

Mondays like now are when the resort business is at its worst. When someone comes, it will naturally make the operator feel happy.

Zhou Dadong opened the car door, and the person who greeted him greeted him with a smile.

"Is there any room available today?" Zhou Datong stepped forward slowly and asked.

The person who came forward was a woman in her thirties or forties, wearing a red-flowered singlet with distinctive Northeast characteristics, and an apron with a green background and white flowers around her waist. It was very local and looked particularly festive.

"Brother, don't worry, there are plenty of rooms on this Monday."

"You can move in now." Zhou Datong probably meant that you don't have to wait for cleaning or anything like that.

The woman smiled and said: "Most of them checked out yesterday afternoon and have already packed up. How many rooms do you want?"

"I'll reserve two rooms for now. There may be people coming later." With Zhou Datong's style, almost anyone would know that this is a wealthy and powerful owner.

As he spoke, Zhou Dadong strode forward: "Lead the way, where can I go through the formalities?"

The woman was obviously stunned and looked at the car. Although she couldn't see clearly what Cheng Yu looked like in the windshield due to the reflection of the sun, she could still see the outline of the person clearly.

"Wait for the one in the car?"

Zhou Datong waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about him. I'll just do the formalities. How can he, a driver, have the money to go through the formalities? He has some things to pack in the car, and he will come over later."

The woman hurriedly got ahead of Zhou Datong and led him up a hillside not far ahead. Along the steps, they quickly arrived at the resort's living room where all formalities were processed.

Seeing that Zhou Datong only had an ID card but said he wanted to rent two rooms, the young woman in charge of the front desk seemed a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter, you still have to call my driver over?" Zhou Datong squinted his eyes and looked at the girl at the front desk with some dissatisfaction.

The woman who brought Zhou Datong over quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay. It might be really difficult on the weekend. It's Monday... Xiaoqian, hurry up and get the room card for the guest."

When the girl at the front desk saw the woman speaking, she nodded and started to operate.

In the middle of the process, she asked in a low voice: "Second Aunt, his room can't be paid for. Now it's all registered under real names."

"It doesn't seem to be the case. Doesn't your uncle have another account book in his hand? When you see him later, tell him and give him the money for a room directly and let him enter the account himself."

The girl then continued to check in.

After a while, the two room cards were processed. The woman smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou, let me take you to the room."

Zhou Datong waved his hand and said, "No, just tell me where it is."

The woman stood at the door, pointed to a house on the hillside on the right, and said, "The two rooms you rented are in that house. Do you want us to help you two carry your luggage there first?"

"I just came out for a casual walk, I don't have any luggage. Don't worry about it. I heard that you have many projects here, and you can also hunt, right?"

"You can tell that you are well-informed, and I don't dare to brag about it. Hunting is what I told the city people. In fact, it is just a piece of land enclosed, and some pheasants, rabbits, roe deer, etc. are put in it. Guns.

It's not a gunpowder gun, it's a pellet gun, but don't worry..." The woman lowered her voice and whispered: "If you change your attitude, it won't be a problem to kill the stupid roe deer."

Zhou Datong nodded and said: "That doesn't seem to mean much. Come on, you can go about your business. I'll go around for a while. I'll arrange a lunch with you guys later. After that, we'll see what kind of projects we can do in the afternoon.


The woman hurriedly said: "Okay, then you turn around first."

Zhou Datong turned around casually and went straight to the car.

After Zhou Datong got off the car and followed the woman to check in, Cheng Yu also got off the car.

I didn't follow him, but wandered around the resort casually.

It seemed that he was watching the customs and customs in the resort, but in fact, he had been thinking about something in his mind.

He was mainly thinking about why Lao Dapeng logged into the darknet for the second time three days ago, and couldn't find any operations on his part, and the task was still pending there.

And Lao Dapeng happened to have an appointment with Cheng Fu at Bayan Pavilion three days ago, and the time he logged into the darknet was at noon, and he had an appointment with Cheng Fu for dinner. Who would believe that there was no contact?

Why did he look for Cheng Fu after logging into the dark web?

Moreover, Cheng Fu didn't even tell Ning Kezhu that he was off work first, and left the company directly. This seemed to indicate that Cheng Fu didn't want to see him at all, but that Lao Dapeng insisted on seeing Cheng Fu.

What's the connection here?

Cheng Yu didn't think of the answer for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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