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Chapter 737 Everyone has their embarrassing moments

Cheng Yu is somewhat accustomed to the system's increasingly humane behavior.

However, this did not prevent Cheng Yu from being curious about why the system made such a disdainful sound.

"Although you don't answer the question directly, but you need me to use another paragraph to prompt you to answer. It only takes a few seconds, but even if it is a few seconds, it is my life. You use such an attitude to consume my life

The length of life is somewhat unreasonable no matter what, right?"

The system paused, coughed twice, and said: "If the host needs it, I can add a few seconds to your life after this conversation is over to make up for the time I wasted. But,

Host, the system trains you to train a person who will not waste money, but not to train a shameless person."

"How do you say this? I was just asking a question, why am I so shameless? You'd better explain it to me clearly, otherwise, I reserve the right to accuse."

"The host just said that when the mission system enters the primary stage from the novice stage, the mission rewards and punishments have changed... and the actual situation is that the rewards have undoubtedly changed, but the punishment, because the host has successfully found a logic

The mistake makes the mission punishment in the primary stage the same as that in the novice stage. What makes the host so shameless to say that the mission rewards and punishments have changed?"

The system used a special accent for the word "Du". Cheng Yu's mind almost pictured the word "Du" shining brightly. He finally understood that the idiom "the lingering sound lingers in the air" was by no means a fiction. It must have been Confucius who

The old man also heard this kind of deafening sound, so he didn't know the taste of meat in March, and felt that the lingering sound was lingering around the beams.

The effect of the accent was so amazing that Cheng Yu's original embarrassment due to this conversation was perfectly covered up.

Cheng Yu also coughed twice and said: "Don't pay attention to those details. The point of this sentence is that you tried to change the rules of reward and punishment, and I just carefully discovered the loopholes in the punishment system. I am also helping you get rid of the bugs."

, you should even thank me."

The system was obviously too lazy to talk nonsense to Cheng Yu and said directly: "The mission system has been upgraded to the intermediate level, and the mission duration will no longer be linked to the host's remaining life span."

Cheng Yu felt heartbroken, which meant that all his original plans were in vain. After all, his life span has been fixed for a long time in the past year. These days, he almost relies on system tasks and the non-digging time period given by task rewards.

The life span has stayed at just over twenty-six days for a very long time. In fact, the time period he has accumulated is already quite long, plus the remaining time of this mission and the time period of the mission reward.

, Cheng Yu even had more than two hundred days before using his remaining twenty-six days of life.

There is no doubt that his life span will not change for a long time to come.

During this period of time, Cheng Yu will still encounter various tasks, which will allow him to have a longer period of time without changing the length of his life.

Cheng Yu had already calculated this. Although different life spans such as one day, five days, one month, etc. could be exchanged in the system mall, from the perspective of maximizing profits, he had no intention of seeking a greater exchange discount.

If you have questions, you will only choose the longest life span to redeem.

Now, he has reached level nine, and the maximum life span that can be redeemed is one year. This means that once he needs to redeem his life span, he will inevitably choose to redeem one year of life.

But if the system wants to wait until Cheng Yu redeems one year of life, it doesn't know that it's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

The accumulation of various time periods that Cheng Yu currently has over 200 days, plus the 26 days of life, is close to 300 days.

In such a long period of time, the possibility of Cheng Yu triggering the system task is conservatively estimated to be more than two or three times.

If the task difficulty is only set according to the remaining life time, Cheng Yu will have at least nearly two months of task duration, and then there is a high probability that he will be able to obtain more than two months or even more task rewards regardless of the time period. And even if according to

With the double difficulty triggering mechanism in the primary mission stage, this number will double again.

This means that in the next eight or nine months, Cheng Yu is very likely to continue to get at least eight or nine months of non-mocking time, which will be endless.

Although it is not known whether the system saw through Cheng Yu's little thoughts and changed the rules of the mission system, or whether it was originally set up like this at the intermediate stage, Cheng Yu has no possibility of arguing with the system.

In fact, Cheng Yu had already realized this before the mission started.

Therefore, he was somewhat prepared and said: "Then it cannot be said that the difficulty of the task will increase without limit. If you make a task that is beyond my current ability, wouldn't it be easy to cause a negative impact on my points?


"The host should rest assured about this. The system will never be as shameless as the host. Although after entering the intermediate stage, the task duration is no longer linked to the host's life span, but within the entire intermediate stage, the tasks that the host can trigger

The difficulty will not exceed the duration of an additional mission."

Cheng Yu frowned slightly and asked, "What is the duration of the additional task? So, the duration of the additional task is actually fixed at one hundred and eighty days?"

The system did not answer Cheng Yu's question, but said directly: "In short, host, you only need to remember this. As for the duration of the additional task, the host will be informed the next time it receives the additional task."

Cheng Yu's thoughts changed rapidly, and he realized that there was a high probability that the additional tasks would not last for another six months.

Judging from the previous two additional tasks, the difficulty of the tasks is not too great, but it often requires Cheng Yu to spend a lot of time to complete. It is not realistic to get extremely generous time rewards from the additional tasks.

From the perspective of task difficulty, the difficulty of additional tasks should also be linked to the task duration. According to inertial thinking, after he reaches the intermediate task stage, the task duration of additional tasks should also continue to be extended.

But Cheng Yu didn't think so.

He has been dealing with the system for so long and is well aware of the system's urinary nature. The system will not reveal the rules itself too proactively. At the same time, the setting of the rules often takes advantage of the host's inertial thinking to set up pits for it.

Therefore, in the intermediate task stage, the duration of additional tasks is likely not to be extended. After all, the difficulty of additional tasks is not that difficult, far less than ordinary system tasks. When it comes to additional tasks, Cheng Yu can even complete them relatively passively.

, just like when he received the first additional task, he did not make any special efforts to complete the task. Instead, he followed Lao Bian's investigation work and waited for the police to help him complete the task.

Moreover, suddenly extending the task duration from the previous longest of fifty-two days to one hundred and eighty days does not seem to be in line with the system's urinary properties.

"In the intermediate task stage, the duration of additional tasks has actually been shortened, right?" Cheng Yu seemed to ask casually.

The system's voice became a little dry and said: "The host is indeed the University of Southern California..."

"Hey, we agreed that you won't use such boring clichés to communicate with me anymore..." Although Cheng Yu was complaining, he said yes in his heart. It can be seen from the performance of the system that he

Got it right again.

"Indeed, after upgrading to the intermediate task stage, the duration of additional tasks will be shortened accordingly, but for the specific duration, the host should wait patiently to find out when receiving additional tasks again. Currently, the host has not yet

Be qualified to ask directly about the task duration of additional tasks.”

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't care about this. After all, the duration of this mission is relatively easy to guess. I have twenty-six days left in my life, and if I double it, it will be fifty-two days. There is no doubt that.

The difficulty of the starting tasks in the intermediate task stage will also exceed this number.

This means that the task duration of the additional tasks is at least two months. Assuming that this rule is newly added for my current situation-I mean hypothetical-then the original task duration of the intermediate task stage should be me

Three or four times the remaining life span, that is, between seventy-eight and one hundred and four days.

Now that the rules have been changed - of course, I am still making assumptions - this means that the difficulty of the system tasks in the intermediate task stage will most likely need to exceed this range. This is also my fault, for not redeeming a little more life time before so that the system can

The task is triggered according to the original rules.

Moreover, the system cannot allow the task difficulty to jump substantially, at least it cannot directly continue for more than half a year. Therefore, the rule setting this time is linked to the additional tasks. I guess the duration of the additional tasks is about

It has been reduced by one-third, which is equivalent to increasing the difficulty of additional tasks in disguise.

Four months and a cap of 120 days should be a more appropriate value. I would make an irresponsible guess that the next time I trigger a system task, the task duration will most likely be set at 110 days.

Nearby, the difference in length is about ten days."

"Host, please don't guess the system rules for no reason."

The system answered this non-issue question very mechanically, but its performance undoubtedly confirmed Cheng Yu's guess once again.

"No more guessing. It's boring. But forget it. The difficulty of the mission is basically over. Let's continue talking about the rule changes in the intermediate mission stage."

The system was silent for a moment, and then continued: "In the intermediate task stage, the task rewards will continue the previous changes, and the task duration will be divided into three sections. When the host completes the task in less than one-third of the time

, you will eventually get three times the task reward. The remaining time of the task is still the remaining time, but the point reward will be three times."

Cheng Yu nodded, this was expected, but he couldn't determine whether it was three times or doubling again based on the basic level.

"When the host uses more than one-third of the task time and completes the task within less than two-thirds of the task time, it will receive a reward equal to the remaining task time."

Hearing this, Cheng Yu was slightly startled. He quickly realized that the reward rules for the intermediate mission stage had undergone some changes that he did not like to see.

He originally thought that if he completed it within one-third to two-thirds of the time, he would receive twice the reward, but the system now said that the reward would be equal to the remaining task duration.

This almost means that if he uses more than two-thirds of the mission time to complete the mission, he will not be able to obtain any mission rewards.

What the system said next also confirmed this.

"When the host uses more than two-thirds of the task duration and finally completes the system task within the task duration, it will only be able to obtain the remaining task duration, but not any task rewards."

Cheng Yu felt a little cold in his heart, but he thought about it for a moment and did not raise any questions.

The system was also slightly surprised by this. According to Cheng Yu's usual behavior, he should not accept it so calmly, but would definitely break up with the system.

"Huh? Doesn't the host have any doubts?"

On the contrary, the system couldn't hold back and took the initiative to ask.

Cheng Yu shook his head and sighed: "Do you really hope that I have any doubts? The setting of this rule does not violate any basic logic, and this is not a rule that I can avoid by playing tricks on points and life time. I

What’s the point of raising doubts with you?”

"The host is indeed..."

"I'm going to fuck you, it's endless, right? Let's just talk about the punishment rules for mission failure."

"Okay. As for the punishment after the mission fails in the intermediate mission stage, the usual punishment method will also continue. After the host returns the mission duration, the life duration equivalent to the mission duration will be deducted accordingly. Of course, after the mission fails, if the host has the remaining

If the life time is not enough to offset the penalty, the points will be deducted at the rate of 20 points per day."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and returned directly to the main page of the system, then entered the system mall and redeemed himself for one year of life.

"Don't bother me with this nonsense. Now that the mission duration is no longer linked to my remaining life span, why should I still withhold points and not redeem them for life span? Now I have more than 390 days of life span, and

The task duration of the system task is destined not to exceed one hundred and twenty... Okay, okay, one hundred and eighty days, it can't be enough, right? In short, you can just ignore this. I am destined to become

How could a man like me allow you to deduct my points at the original price? Don’t even think about it.”

"Well... the host doesn't need to be so cautious. I don't know how many days will pass before you trigger the system mission next time. Even during the ongoing mission phase, you can still redeem your life time."

This time, the embarrassment is the system.

"Actually, it doesn't make much sense for me to keep my points now. To redeem those mall items, it's enough for me to keep three to five thousand points. Now I even dare to exchange them for twenty years of life. Don't hit me with points.

We have an idea, why don’t we all be honest?”

"Ahem, the host is really watertight."

This chapter has been completed!
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