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Chapter 738 New redeemable items

At this point, the issues related to this system upgrade and mission system upgrade can be concluded. Cheng Yu really can't think of anything that is missing.

Of course, the benefits brought by the system upgrade are not completely over. With this system upgrade, there must be some redeemable items in the mall. Cheng Yu just glanced at it and confirmed that there is one redeemable item with one year of life.

He hasn't had time to take a closer look at the options and other options.

After finishing the communication with the system, Cheng Yu focused his attention on the eye-protecting green translucent light screen in his mind.

In the center, there is still Cheng Yu's current points accumulation, as well as the total points he has obtained in total.


This increase in points is enough to make Cheng Yu feel gratified.

If it weren't for the initial mission system, the mission reward points would not be included in the total, and Cheng Yu's current total points could be even higher.

Of course, it is not harmful to accumulate points that are now five digits and will soon be six digits, which is only about a thousand points. Later, when the task system opens additional tasks, the reward points obtained for the tasks will be

It can already be counted into the total, which also allows Cheng Yu to upgrade the mission system faster.

If this were not the case, Cheng Yu would probably still be at a very low level. Although the firearms technique also helped Cheng Yu gain a lot of points, compared with the large number of points obtained from mission rewards, it is still a relatively small part. Just like

The points gained in firearms skills this time seem to be a large number, but if it were not for the 80% bonus of mission rewards, Cheng Yu's total points would not have reached such a value.

Before reaching 30,000 points, Cheng Yu's points accumulation relied more on tasks.

The upgrade of the system has brought Cheng Yu more skills - those items that can be redeemed in the mall, and more importantly, it has brought Cheng Yu a lower discount on life time redemption.

In the upper left corner is Cheng Yu's current life span, which is more than 391 days.

What follows the life span is the eighty-six days of the non-tagging time period. Of course, there are only more than eighty-five days left. Just after Cheng Yu submitted the task, this time has been deducted in priority.


Then there are more than one hundred and seven days of unrestricted time period, which is the reward for additional tasks. During this period of time, Cheng Yu can spend money without restrictions without worrying about the penalties for waste.

At the same time, if stingy behavior occurs, he can still gain points for it.

Cheng Yu has already reached an agreement with the system. Unless specifically requested, his life span will count down and he will be limited to the time period that he cannot use.

According to the current discount, Cheng Yu can still exchange for more than twenty-one years of life, which means that even if Cheng Yu does nothing in the future, he can still enjoy nearly twenty-four years of life.

From a guy who only had five days left to live and had already stepped into the Palace of Hell with one foot, to now having a life of nearly twenty-four years again, this feeling is really sad.

If it hadn't been for the mysterious ball lightning they encountered on the plane, Cheng Yu would have been turned into a handful of ashes lying in a cemetery. Cheng Guangnian and Ning Kezhu would have been sad for a long time, but Cheng Yu estimated

, with Cheng Guangnian's urine, he should try every means to give himself another child, even if he and Ning Kezhu are already middle-aged and elderly people in their fifties.

Looking at the numbers that represented life, Cheng Yu felt filled with emotion.

In the past, in some science fiction works, Cheng Yu had seen ways of presenting life and even everything in the world as numbers, but he never imagined that such a situation would actually appear in this world, or even in himself.


Using previous thinking, Cheng Yu believes that life is the most mysterious thing in the world. A bunch of carbohydrates plus some trace elements are combined in some magical way to form cells, which eventually become completely different.

Individuals, is there anything more mysterious than this?

Where does life come from? This is far more confusing than the existence and collapse of the universe. Human beings have imagined countless times whether there are other higher life forms in other locations in the universe. And if higher life forms also exist in

In other corners of the universe, are the existences of advanced life forms based on carbon like humans on earth?

These were all thoughts that had crossed Cheng Yu's mind. He had not studied them in depth. After all, they were not within his professional scope. He knew even better that even if he studied them thoroughly, he would not know the answer.

But when this happened to him, when his life was suddenly announced to have only five days left, and from then on it turned into numbers, he could clearly see the growth and decrease of his life.

, this is really too mysterious a thing.

Under such mystery, Cheng Yu does not find it so strange that the items available for exchange in the mall can give Cheng Yu magical abilities once used, which are even beyond the magical abilities that science can explain the structure of the human body.


After all, such bizarre things as life turning into a string of numbers have already happened, what else is impossible?

For a period of time, Cheng Yu had not never thought about whether his life was not controlled by the God System. In other words, the so-called five-day life countdown was simply the result of this system's nonsense. Of course, this system must be

It has some abilities that Cheng Yu doesn't know. It can give Cheng Yu some magical powers, and it can also help him acquire many abilities that cannot even be explained at the physical level. But whether life is really as the system says, only the seconds are left.

The stage is still unknown.

This is most likely just an illusion created by the system. It influenced the doctors who examined Cheng Yu and made them think that Cheng Yu had brain cancer and had less than a week left to live. After all, brain cancer is a long-term disease process.

, after suddenly fainting, he was actually declared to have only about a week to live. This is actually not consistent with the current cases on earth.

When Cheng Yu thought he had less than a week left to live under the influence of the system, ball lightning and the system in his brain came into being, and this is what Cheng Yu has experienced in the past year or so.

The system used a series of magical means to convince Cheng Yu that he had brain cancer and had to rely on the system to continue his life. Every task Cheng Yu encountered was actually helping the system complete a certain mission.

This speculation is of course outrageous, but it is not impossible. Compared with the magical abilities endowed by the system, the complete digitization of life is obviously more unbelievable.

But Cheng Yu can't prove anything, because if he succeeds in proving it, he will lose the divine system. Even if the system will not get angry and kill him after being exposed by Cheng Yu (yes, Cheng Yu has no doubt that the system has such ability),

It must also be possible to easily erase all memories related to Cheng Yu.

Once Cheng Yu is proven wrong and loses the bet, he will lose everything, and the world will cease to exist for him.

Because of this, Cheng Yu could never confirm his conjecture.

And when Cheng Guangnian fell into a deep sleep for some reason, Cheng Yu did not hope that his guess was correct, because only if what happened to him was not a complete lie, Cheng Guangnian seemed to have the possibility of waking up.

In other words, at least the Shenhu system has the ability to make Cheng Guangnian wake up again.

The thoughts in his mind were chaotic, and Cheng Yu let out a long sigh before finally letting go of these unwarranted speculations.

Now is not the time to think about this. Cheng Yu must move forward without hesitation. He must obtain more points as quickly as possible to reach the moment when the system has been vaguely hinted at to get rid of the system.

Only when that moment is reached can Cheng Yu make it possible for the Shenhu system to leave his brain and inherit it into Cheng Guangnian's brain, causing it to come back to life with a drastic change in personality.

Moreover, Cheng Yu also needs to continue to strengthen himself, because the system once told him that the Shenhu system comes from a higher civilization planet deep in the universe (of course, it may even come from the earth billions of years ago)

.On that planet, the advancement of science and technology has long reached a level beyond the reach of humans on earth. There, the final explanation form of civilization is divided into two factions, one is the gene faction and the other is the cell faction. According to the system

, it came from the Cell Sect, but that planet was destroyed by the Gene Sect.

But Cheng Yu also thought of another possibility, that is, the former civilization was actually destroyed at the hands of these people with cell technology.

When the civilization of a planet must be divided into two irreconcilable factions, there is no way to examine such things as evil and good. History is written by the victors. In the history of that civilization, even

There is no winner, because the outcome is that both sides suffer losses and the entire army is annihilated. What is left of that civilization is the Shenhu system and the system that once existed in Cheng Guangnian's mind.

These two systems are just a program. Of course, they are set to be loyal to their creators at the lowest level of logic. That is to say, the Shenhu system will only agree with the history writing of the Cell Sect, and Cheng Guangnian once occupied the mind of the Cell Sect.

The system he lived through only recognized the history written by the Gene Sect. Even if one day these two systems could confront each other face to face, Cheng Yu would not be able to know the truth in that civilization.

The truth is no longer important. What is important is that after Cheng Yu meets the conditions to get rid of the divine system, it is possible to rescue Cheng Guangnian from his endless coma.

Or, Cheng Yu can find another system and bring it back to Cheng Guangnian's mind, which can also save Cheng Guangnian.

After all, according to the clues given by the Shenhu system, Cheng Guangnian's deep sleep should be just a matter of the genetic chain being locked. Now that he is lying there, he can even clearly perceive everything happening around him. In addition to the obstruction of his vision due to the closing of his eyelids, other

Taste, touch, hearing, smell and all other senses are always present.

Since that system can lock Cheng Guangnian's gene chain, it naturally has a way to unlock the gene chain. This is exactly what the Shenhu system cannot do, because in its program, there is only a general description of the gene sect.

And it does not actually master any genetic technology. Of course, after entering Cheng Guangnian's body, it can use cell technology to unlock its locked gene chain - and even so, this is only a matter of existence.

It's just a possibility. The God-Taking System has not confirmed whether it can finally unravel the genetic chain in Cheng Guangnian's body.

Therefore, in addition to continuing to trigger tasks to obtain more points and thus meet the conditions for unbinding the Shenhu system, Cheng Yu is actually more eager to finally get in touch with the system that was once buried in Cheng Guangnian's body and use it in some way

Bringing that system back into Cheng Guangnian's mind is the most practical way to solve Cheng Guangnian's problem.

But here's the problem. To find that unique individual among the more than seven billion people on the earth is undoubtedly a very huge project. Even if Cheng Yu has a certain degree of basis for judging the existence of that individual, he can

As for the changes that system can bring to that individual, there will also be a considerable number of similar templates, which will ultimately take time to resolve.

Cheng Yu clicked on the shopping cart icon in the upper right corner, and the mall interface slowly expanded. Cheng Yu once again saw the items that he could redeem.

In addition to a series of life durations that can be exchanged, all other items that can be exchanged have undergone a unified change.

This change was visible at a glance, and Cheng Yu could see the change at a glance, because all the items available for redemption and the current redemption amount had become ten points.

There is no need to click, Cheng Yu also knows that the applicable scope of these redeemable items must have undergone some changes. Some may last longer, and some may cover a wider range, or the intensity of the effect


All in all, these items that can be exchanged, unless there is a possibility that they will be permanently effective once exchanged in the future, should have reached their corresponding strongest state.

After all, the system has reached the highest level, and there will be no more upgrades in the future, so naturally there will be no upgrades for those items that can be redeemed.

Looking carefully, in addition to the hypnosis, wall penetration, martial arts, etc. that existed before, this time, there are a total of two more items that can be exchanged.

One of them was of course one year's life span, while the other one made Cheng Yu extremely excited.

The pattern of that item is also different from the previous ones. It is actually a pattern with animated effects. The previous patterns were all in jpg format, but this time it is in gif format.

The animation of the pattern looks like a map. There are simple mountains and rivers on the map. The three-dimensional effect is amazing. Even if it is small, it still gives people an extremely realistic three-dimensional effect.

There is a bright spot on the map, and then the map is slowly folded in half. A ray of light passes through the folded map, and then slowly unfolds. After unfolding, the bright spot on the map has appeared on the other side corresponding to the fold.

Cheng Yu had almost guessed what this redeemable item was.

This chapter has been completed!
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