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Chapter 240 Prophet

 Chapter 240 Prophet

Laura took a deep breath and took a closer look at the battle flag on the tent. It was indeed the flag of the Bull-headed King. It was correct. Laura turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Brother Hai, it is indeed the flag of the Bull-headed King. What should I do?"


Zhao Hai frowned. He was a little unsure now. The Jackal Clan dared to attack the Hercules Bull Clan. This was very unreasonable. Zhao Hai always felt that this thing was weird, but what exactly was this weirdness?

There was something he couldn't explain.

Zhao Hai glanced at the battlefield again, sighed and said: "It's useless, we are too close to the battlefield now, they have already discovered us, let's move on."

Laura glanced at the battlefield and found that someone had already noticed them. At this time, even if they wanted to turn, it was too late.

They are not afraid of what the other party will do to them, but don't forget that they still have the friendship flag of the pot-bellied pig clan on their car. Even if they can escape, they will cause a lot of trouble to Spear.

After all, there is no impermeable wall in this world. Whether it is the Hercules Cow Clan or the Jackal Clan, Spear and his small Sheephead Hammer Tribe cannot afford to offend them.

Zhao Hai and the others slowly walked towards the battlefield, and their reaction was obviously beyond the expectations of both sides of the battle. The ones on the offensive side were the Jackal Clan people, and the ones on the defensive side were the Jackal Clan members.

People of the Hercules Bull Clan.

This time, the Jackal Clan sent out quite a lot of people, nearly two thousand people, and they were constantly attacking around the small camp that could only house a few hundred people.

On the defensive side, there are only about three hundred Hercules Bull tribesmen, but they are all elite men. They wear leather armor and hold heavy double-edged axes in their hands, but they do not ride mounts. Their mounts are parked in the camp.

Here is a kind of khaki-colored bull that is more than three meters tall. This kind of bull only has a layer of fine hair on its body, but it is extremely strong, muscular, angular, and has a pair of big horns that are nearly one meter long.

, very sharp. Now these big bulls are standing in the camp, tapping their hooves uneasily, as if they want to rush forward to fight immediately, and Zhao Hai finally understands why they are called the Hercules Bull Clan.

This Hercules bull tribe is over two and a half meters tall, and his muscles are comparable to those of a bodybuilder. If they want to participate in a bodybuilding competition on earth, even Schwarzenegger will have to step aside.

Their skin turned golden yellow and shone with a metallic luster, just like those actors on earth who played the role of the Eighteen-Bronze Man and rubbed gold powder on their bodies.

A huge bull's head, a pair of horns half a meter long, and a huge double-edged battle ax that was over three meters long, including the handle in his hand. Just looking at the size of the ax, it definitely weighed more than two hundred kilograms.

Although their number was small, they formed a circle and guarded the big tent in the middle of the camp, which was like an iron wall. No one from the Jackal tribe could break in. There were already many Jackal tribesmen in front of them.

's corpse.

On the other hand, the jackals opposite them were much different. These jackals were all riding on their mounts. Their mounts were animals that looked like wolves and dogs, very similar to jackals on Earth.

It's just that they are much larger in size, with a height of nearly two meters, sharp claws, and cold eyes, all showing their extraordinary attack capabilities.

There are not many people in the jackal tribe who wear leather armor. They only wear the ordinary leather clothes that orcs wear most often. They are only about 1.7 meters tall and have a variety of weapons in their hands. They have all kinds of weapons.

His head was also like that of a jackal, with a ferocious light flashing in his eyes.

Zhao Hai really didn't expect that the people of the Jackal Clan were not tall, and were even shorter than the average human race. With their stature, they could actually become the most outstanding bandits on the orc grasslands. It was really true.

It surprised him.

At this time, the two warring parties also saw them. Zhao Hai did not move forward, but formed a circle with the carriages, pretending to be resisting the enemy.

The reason why Zhao Hai did this was to test. He wanted to see if the people from the Hercules Ox tribe would ask for help from him. If the people from the Hercules Niu tribe asked for help from him, he could help them. If they didn't ask for help from him, he would help them.

, then he can just wait here to die.

The performance of Zhao Hai and the others stunned both sides of the war. They had seen many human businessmen, but this was the first time they encountered such a bold human businessman as Zhao Hai.

Generally, human merchants who come to the grassland will understand the situation on the grassland in advance and be aware of it. If other human merchants encounter a fighting situation like theirs, they will definitely hide as far away as possible.

Far, how could Zhao Hai and the others actually walk up to them and pretend to resist the enemy? How could they resist the enemy with just the few people in their caravan?

It's no wonder that the Jackal Clan and the Hercules Ox Clan have such thoughts. Now there are only more than fifty people in Zhao Hai's caravan, fifty drivers, plus Zhao Hai and four others.

, with just a handful of playing cards, the number of people dared to put on a show of resisting the enemy. Facing one, a powerful race of the Hercules, and the other, the most notorious bandit on the orc grassland, this gave people the feeling

, it was really a mosquito that kicked me in the head.

At this time, a man suddenly walked out of the tent in the middle of the Hercules Cow Clan. He was also a man from the Bull Head Clan, but this man from the Bull Head Clan was obviously not from the Hercules Cow Clan. This man from the Cow Clan had thin hair on his head.

He has black hair and is only about two meters tall. His horns are not very long and are long horizontally. He is wearing a black cloth robe and holding a cane made of animal bones in his hand.

It's only over a meter long and looks like a cane.

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he saw an orc wearing a robe. Most orcs wore leather clothes, but the tauren's robe looked like a magic robe. The most important thing was that this man who had been nearly two years old wore leather clothes.

The meter-tall tauren seemed to Zhao Hai to be very thin.

At this time, Laura suddenly said: "It's unmistakable. There must be a high-ranking figure from the Hercules Cow Clan here, otherwise there wouldn't be an orc prophet following him."

Zhao Hai was stunned. It wasn't that he hadn't heard of the orc prophet profession. On the contrary, he had heard of it, and the orc prophets were very famous.

Prophets are a very respected profession among orcs. They cannot practice beast soul skills, but they can roast animal bones with fire and then make predictions from the cracks on them. They can also make predictions from some special monster bones.

He uses dominoes to summon souls of beasts to attack. The prophet's status among the orcs is higher than that of the magician among the humans.

It is precisely because of the status of prophets that generally only the War Clan will have prophets. Moreover, these prophets are not only extremely capable, but they are also very smart people. In the War Clan, they generally play the role of strategists.

Zhao Hai turned to Laura and said, "Is that the prophet of the orcs?"

Laura nodded and said: "That is a prophet from the buffalo tribe. The buffalo tribe is known as the smartest race of the tauren. Most of the tauren's prophets were born in the buffalo tribe. It is precisely because of this that the buffalo tribe's combat effectiveness

Although they are not very high, their status in the Tauren clan is very high."

The prophet of the buffalo tribe also saw Zhao Hai and the others. A trace of confusion first flashed in the prophet's eyes, and then he saw the friendship flag of the pot-bellied pig tribe stuck on the roof of Zhao Hai's car. His eyes couldn't help but tremble.


As an orc prophet, he could naturally tell at a glance that it was a battle flag representing the friendship of the orcs, and if Zhao Hai and the others could obtain this battle flag, it meant that they had gained the friendship of an orc tribe, which for ordinary businessmen

It is said that it is a goal that cannot be achieved in a lifetime.

Obtaining the friendship flag of the orcs not only means that you have gained the friendship of the orcs, but also means that the orcs no longer treat you as an outsider. In other words, Zhao Hai and others can be regarded as orcs when they operate on the grassland.

Zhao Hai doesn't know about this. Even if he knows, he won't have any reaction. As long as the battle flag is useful, he just doesn't want to cause trouble.

As soon as the orc prophet saw the flag on Zhao Hai's car, he was stunned for a moment, then turned back to the tent. After a while, another man from the Hercules Bull tribe walked out of the tent.

This man from the Hercules Bull Clan seems to be very young, only about two and a half meters tall, and his muscles are not that exaggerated. Moreover, he is not wearing leather armor, but is wearing a black cloth coat.

Although the style looks simple, you can see that the material of the clothes is very good. You must know that the orcs themselves do not produce cloth, so cloth is also in short supply in the orc grassland. Only some people with status will wear cloth clothes.

And a cloth made of such good materials must have a high status among the orcs.

Zhao Hai carefully observed the man from the Hercules Bull Clan, and he found that the man had two golden hoops on his horns, which flashed with golden light when illuminated by the sun.

As soon as he saw this situation, Zhao Hai knew that the warriors of the Hercules God Bull Clan must have been protecting this person. Just seeing that the prophet was standing behind this person, he knew that this person's status was not low.

Zhao Hai looked at the person from the Hercules God Ox Clan, and the person from the Hercules God Ox Clan was also looking at him. Zhao Hai's black magic robe was so conspicuous that it was difficult for that person not to notice him.

At this moment, suddenly the people from the Jackal Clan started to move. A group of two hundred Jackal Clan cavalry rushed towards Zhao Hai and the others, but Zhao Hai did not move. He wanted to see what these Jackal Clan people were thinking.

What to do? If these Jackal Clan people don't deal with him directly and just threaten him, he won't fight back. But if these Jackal Clan people attack him without saying a word, he won't be polite either.

Before the Jackal Clan people could reach Zhao Hai's car formation, the leader of the Hercules Ox Clan said, "Friends from the human race, come to our camp. I will ensure your safety."

This chapter has been completed!
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