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Chapter 241: Destroy the enemy with a wave of your hand

 Chapter 241: Destroy the enemy with a wave of your hand

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly and said: "Thank you orc friends, but there is no need, we can solve it ourselves." After saying that, Zhao Hai turned to look at the jackals rushing over.

The jackals were all armed with weapons, and they didn't seem to be slowing down at all. It looked like they were ready to kill them on the spot.

Zhao Hai snorted coldly, then waved the evil spirit staff in his hand, and more than a hundred undead creatures appeared outside the car formation. These undead creatures were not humanoid, but undead creatures in the shape of Warcraft, and they were not

Zombies are all skeletons.

Zhao Hai did this because he did not want to hide their identities. When they walk on the orc grassland in the future, they will definitely attract the attention of those businessmen, who will definitely check their identities. Zhao Hai revealed his identity as a black magician in order to make those businessmen pay attention.

People know that Zhao Hai has arrived at the orc grassland.

These undead creatures were all brought into the space by Zhao Hai yesterday to deal with this situation. As long as a black magician does not use human undead creatures, he will generally not be too disliked by others, especially here in the orc grassland.

Even more so, here in the orc grassland, everything depends on strength. Even if you use humans to form an army of undead creatures, the orcs will not feel too disgusted. As long as you are strong enough, they will not provoke you.

There are currently a thousand beast-shaped undead creatures in Zhao Hai's space. Only a hundred of them are enough to handle this kind of situation, so Zhao Hai has not released them all.

But even so, the people of the Jackal Clan were shocked. The beast-shaped undead creatures released by Zhao Hai were all very huge. The people of the Jackal Clan were like a giant in front of those huge undead creatures.

A child under ten years old looks like he is standing in front of a giant man.

These undead creatures now all have seven levels of strength. This strength itself is stronger than those of the jackal tribe. Coupled with the difference in size, these one hundred undead creatures actually defeated the two hundred jackal tribesmen.

They were surrounded, and before the other Jackal Clan people could react, these undead creatures charged forward and wiped out the two hundred Jackal Clan people.

Although here in the orc grassland, if the humans kill the orcs, they will be hunted down by the orcs, but when the humans are in a state of self-defense, the situation is different, and the orcs will not care.

When Zhao Hai released the undead creatures, the young man who was the leader of the Hercules Bull Clan knew that Zhao Hai could deal with those Jackal Clan people, but he never thought that he would be able to deal with those Jackal Clan people so quickly.


As a prince of the Hercules and Ox Clan, he knows much more about magicians than the average orc, but he has never seen a magician take action with his own eyes. After all, on the orc grassland where he has been living, human magicians have arrived.

On the orc grassland, you cannot take action at will.

When Zhao Hai saw that he had solved the people of the Jackal Clan, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the young man of the Hercules Bull Clan and said: "Dear orc brothers, how about we join hands to deal with the enemy, and then have a good drink?"

Zhao Hai has a good impression of this Hercules God Bull Clan. They are willing to help them when they see them in danger, and Zhao Hai is grateful for this.

The man from the Hercules God Bull Clan was stunned when he heard what Zhao Hai said. Then he thought about it and understood what Zhao Hai meant. Zhao Hai wanted to help him, but he was afraid of hurting his face, so he did it.

Said that the two groups joined forces to deal with the jackals.

Although he understood Zhao Hai's good intentions, the pride of the orcs did not allow him to do so. He said loudly: "My human brother, the Hercules Bull Clan, Wells asks you to help drive away those hateful native dogs.


Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly. He liked Wells. Wells was very honest. He was just afraid that Wells wouldn't let him help, so he said that the two of them would join forces, but he didn't expect that Wells would

He was so proud that asking him for help was asking him for help and refused to take any advantage.

The conversation between the two of them was naturally heard clearly by the people of the Jackal Clan. The people of the Jackal Clan couldn't help but panic. They had already seen the combat power of the undead creatures released by Zhao Hai just now. To be honest,

They were not confident that they could handle it. If the three hundred warriors from the Hercules Bull Clan were added to the attack, they might not be able to get any relief.

Just as they were preparing to make adjustments, a large number of undead creatures suddenly appeared around them. These undead creatures were the same as the one hundred undead creatures released by Zhao Hai before. They were all animal-shaped, and they were also giant beasts. These thousand undead creatures

An undead creature surrounded nearly two thousand jackal cavalry alive.

What is the most tragic situation for the cavalry? It is that they are surrounded and lose the space to charge. The knights who have lost the ability to charge are often not as scary as the infantry.

The reason why the jackals are the most famous bandits on the grassland is because of their mounts. Their mounts are the wind-based magical beasts, the Shining Jackals. The Shining Jackals are the beast relatives of the jackals. They are level 5 monsters that are capable of speed.

They are clever and very flexible. It is precisely because of this that the people of the Jackal Clan can come and go like the wind on the orc grassland, making it impossible for anyone to catch them.

But now they are surrounded, and the mobility they are most proud of has been lost. The thin jackal tribe has now really become a decoration on the coffee table, which is a complete tragedy.

However, they soon discovered that they were not the furnishings on the coffee table. It was not quite appropriate to describe them as furnishings on the coffee table. It would be more appropriate to describe them as furnishings in the kitchen. They were surrounded by those immortals.

When surrounded by creatures, their ending was destined to be a tragedy, an extremely tragic tragedy.

While the Jackal Clan people were still panicking and not knowing how to deal with this situation, Zhao Hai had already issued an order to attack, and a thousand tall undead creatures launched an attack on the Jackal Clan people.

When Wells saw this situation, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, but he quickly came to his senses. Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity to beat the drowned dog, and immediately issued the order to attack.

These warriors of the Hercules Bull Clan have been surrounded and attacked by the Jackal Clan, and they have been feeling extremely aggrieved. Now when they heard Wells giving the order to attack, they all shouted as if they had taken stimulants.

With a cry, he called his mount, turned over and rode on the back of the bull, and rushed straight towards the jackals.

The mount of the Hercules Ox Clan is not the Stone Skin Ox. The Stone Skin Ox is very powerful and has strong defense, but it is not fast and is not the best choice for cavalry. Therefore, the mount of the Hercules Ox Clan is another kind of monster, the Earth Ox.


The Tu Xing Niu is a level 5 monster. Their speed is not slow, their defensive capabilities are pretty good, and they are very powerful. They are the most suitable mounts for the Hercules Ox Clan. However, the Tu Xing Niu is not a beast from the Hercules Ox Clan.

My dear, the Hercules Cow Clan has always believed that their beast relatives are stone-skinned cows, and the process of killing the stone-skinned cows and absorbing the beast souls has always been considered by them to be the process of combining with their beast relatives. This is also the case here in the orc grassland.

It's a special case.

For the beast tribe here in the orc grassland, their beast relatives are usually their mounts. There are very few people like the Hercules Bull tribe who regard their soul beasts as their beast relatives.

Zhao Hai looked at the charge of the Hercules Bull Clan, and he had to admit that the charge of the Hercules Bull Clan was really powerful. Such a charge was even several times stronger than the heavy armored cavalry according to legend on the earth. As you can imagine, it was more powerful than the legendary heavy armored cavalry on earth.

What is the concept of turning a two-hundred-jin heavy ax during a charge?

There is a saying in the Chinese martial arts circle that if a weapon is really rotated, one tael can weigh one pound. In other words, if you hold a one-pound thing in your hand and rotate it, it can exert a force of ten pounds.

When the ancient Chinese cavalry charged, the hand swords in their hands would not really turn. The swords were usually just laid flat, leaning on the saddle, and used horse power to kill the enemy. It is precisely because of this,

That's why the people on the grasslands in ancient China used scimitars, because they were more lethal in such cavalry charges.

However, the charge of the Hercules Bull Tribe did not leave their weapons stationary, but actually turned the ax weighing more than two hundred kilograms. In this case, coupled with the conflicting force of the Tu Xing Niu, this

How many kilograms of force does the ax have to push down? Zhao Hai really couldn't calculate it.

Zhao Hai is a military fan, so he knows that the reason why ancient cavalry did not turn around their weapons when charging was because it could easily cause shoulder dislocation. Therefore, when ancient cavalry charged, if they

If you are using a long weapon, then the weapon will not be held by your hands, but just supported by your hands and tucked under your arm.

Moreover, at that time, the general cavalry used spears. They did not actually stab the enemy directly. Instead, they raised the spear high before hitting the enemy. They did not hit the enemy hard, but just hit it once.

Just disengage, otherwise the rod will break.

This is the charge of ancient Chinese knights, while the charge of ancient foreign knights is different. They wear heavy armor and hold straight spears in their hands. However, it should be noted that the spears in their hands are all used with a spear.

It is made of very brittle wood. During the charge, as long as it hits the enemy, their spear will break. If a cavalry has excellent riding skills, his spear will only break off the front part.

, other parts can still be used.

This problem was also taken into consideration when the Chinese rope was manufactured, so the pole of the rope was not made of a whole piece of wood, but made of strips, just like today's steel wire ropes.

Similarly, it is not only full of toughness, but also has a certain hardness, so when attacking the enemy, there will be a certain buffer. The cavalry can use this force to break away. That is, as I just said, click, and the horse will

When you lift it downwards, don't use all your strength, so that the pole of the hook won't break.

It can be said that the ancient cavalry on the earth did not use the power of humans when they charged, but the power of horses. In this charge of the Hercules Bull Clan, they did not just use the power of earthly cattle.

Or their own strength, the superposition of these two forces is more powerful.

Of course, this is also directly related to the fact that the human body here in Ark Continent is much better than the people on earth. The plants here in Ark Continent have sufficient magic elements, and the elemental abilities of space air are much more than those on earth.

In this case, the physical constitution of the creatures here on Ark Continent is naturally much stronger than that on Earth, so they can do things that people on Earth cannot.

If Zhao Hai could use one word to describe the charge of the Hercules Bull Tribe, it would be beauty! Zhao Hai could only think of this word, beauty, a kind of cruel beauty, a kind of beauty of power, and a kind of beauty of killing.

A charge by three hundred earth-walking bull knights, the battle was basically over. Not to mention that they wiped out all the jackal tribesmen at once. Their charge this time wiped out more than four hundred jackal tribesmen, leaving only

However, all the jackal cavalrymen were wiped out by the undead creatures released by Zhao Hai.

After a charge, the three hundred earth-walking bull knights returned to the camp. They were in a daze looking at the corpses of the jackal tribesmen outside the camp.

It's not that they haven't seen the corpse. These knights were sent to protect Wells' safety. That one was not experienced in hundreds of battles. They just sighed. They never expected that nearly two thousand knights of the Jackal tribe would be wiped out like this.


At this moment, suddenly a large cloud of black energy suddenly enveloped the battlefield. When the black energy slowly dissipated, there was nothing on the battlefield. If it weren't for the trampled and broken grass, it would be really difficult to see the battlefield.

There is no need to believe that there was once a battlefield.

At this moment, Zhao Hai's carriage slowly drove into the camp. The carriage stopped nearly 20 meters away from Wells. Zhao Hai and Laura walked up and down from the carriage, slowly

They were walking towards Wells. The rustic bull cavalry tried to stop them, but Wells shouted them back.

Zhao Hai led Laura and the three of them to a stop two meters in front of Wells. He gave Wells a very standard chest-supporting salute and said: "My brother Wells, hello, Zhao Hai.

You send me your most sincere blessings!”

Wells performed a chest-supporting salute, then hugged Zhao Hai and laughed loudly: "Brother Zhao Hai, you are such an amazing magician. You actually defeated the jackals with just one magic. Starting today,

, you are my closest and most secret friend, Wells."

Zhao Hai was very uncomfortable with Wells's sudden enthusiasm. He finally broke away from Wells' arms, and then he gasped and said: "My brother Wells, please don't hug me like this."

Yeah, I almost choked to death from you."

Zhao Hai said this, causing all the orcs in the scene to laugh. They found that they liked Zhao Hai a little bit, because Zhao Hai said whatever he wanted and was very sincere, unlike the hypocrisy of the human race they had seen.

Laura and the others also laughed. She discovered that Zhao Hai was more relaxed and comfortable when facing the orcs than when facing the humans. This was something they never expected.

This chapter has been completed!
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