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Chapter 1591 River of Starlight

After carefully watching the stars in the starry sky for a while, Zhang Qian blessed one billion regular Tao gods. After becoming the True Immortal of Hunyuan, he could bless one billion regular Tao gods at once!

He began to deduce the starry sky and prepared to rearrange the stars.

The blessing of the Taoist God of One Billion Rules was extremely terrifying, allowing his understanding and thinking speed to reach an incredible level. It didn't take long for him to complete the deduction.

"It's a pity that I don't know the secret of Di Jun's Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. Otherwise, the stars in the starry sky can be arranged according to the directions of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation."

He is still a little greedy.

With a thought, the countless stars in the starry sky began to move. He moved all the stars in the starry sky at once, making all the stars circle around the galaxy at the top of the thirty-third heaven.

Zhang Qian nodded and was quite satisfied. Countless stars were circling around the galaxy at the top of the Thirty-three Worlds. This central galaxy slowly led to the stars in the entire starry sky.

After a while, the starlight emitted by the countless stars slowly converged towards the galaxy emerging from the center. Zhang Qian did not hesitate, shaking his hand to summon the Cave Abyss Sword Gourd. In the dazzling starlight, a branch was knotted, In the crown of the tree, the innate spiritual roots of three hundred and sixty-five fairy flowers appear, which is the Star Treasure Tree.

Since he obtained this star treasure tree, it has been placed in the vast world inside the Dongyuan Sword Gourd. Now the great world has merged with all the worlds in the heavens, becoming vast and immeasurable, and the entire starry sky has been rearranged by him. It is for this precious tree of stars.

His figure disappeared and reappeared at the top of the Thirty-three Worlds, arriving into the galaxy that contained loopholes in the universe.

Looking down at the center of the galaxy, it is impossible to tell that it contains the secrets of the entire universe. Pulling the majestic star treasure tree, Zhang Gan threw it towards the center of the galaxy.

Buzz buzz...!

As if the spiritual roots were alive, after sensing the surging star energy all around, the crown of the star treasure tree actually trembled, and every leaf flew rapidly, as if jumping for joy.

His instinct as a spiritual root made him have this wonderful reaction.

The Star Treasure Tree that had just left the Dongyuan Sword Gourd was only three feet high, but after appearing in the starry sky, it quickly transformed into its original appearance, reaching a height of one hundred thousand feet!

The giant tree slowly fell towards the center of the galaxy. Under Zhang Qian's careful tugging, it landed steadily at the center of the galaxy.


The roots of the Star Treasure Tree trembled, shaking off the soil entangled with the tree roots, revealing the dense root system. Then these root systems seemed to come alive, spreading in all directions and taking root in the center of the galaxy. Countless roots were even connected to the huge surrounding trees. Above the stars.

Suddenly, the star treasure tree that has taken root shines out an infinite amount of colorful starlight. This starlight rushes towards the world barrier, falls down to the Thirty-three Heavens, and flows down the river from the Thirty-three Heavens, magically evolving into a stream. River of Starlight.

This river of starlight, which is purely composed of the essence of stars, originates from the top of the Thirty-three Worlds, flows all the way, winds down in the Thirty-three Worlds, and finally flows to the top of Tianjie Mountain.

The tallest Tianjie Mountain in the Zhongjimax world shook, and the raging river of starlight washed out a huge lake on the top of the mountain.

The lake was round, and the force impacting down from the top of the Thirty-three Worlds made the lake bottomless. After a while, the huge lake was filled with starlight, and a hole opened at the edge, like a stream. Starlight flows down this gap, eventually flowing through the entire Tianjie Mountain and falling on the land of Zhongtianjie Continent.

When Zhang Qian looked again, this river of starlight had already washed out a river channel on the land of Zhongtian Realm Continent, and then merged into the Boundary Sea!

At the same time, the Star Treasure Tree continues to attract the star essence gathered from the entire starry sky. After absorbing it, it transforms into colorful starlight, which falls into the river of starlight and flows continuously, thus forming a wonderful energy. cycle.

"I didn't expect that a real treasure land would be created, and I didn't know how much killing this treasure land would cause!"

Looking at the Lake of Starlight on the top of Tianjie Mountain, Zhang Gan was thoughtful. This lake connects to the thirty-three worlds, and even reaches the other side of the starry sky. It connects to the Heavenly Mountain at the bottom. It has become the most important hub of the Zhongji World. It is also the most precious blessed land. Such a treasure will definitely cause countless killings and fights by countless forces.

The starlight in the lake is not an ordinary thing, but a kind of colorful starlight transformed by the Star Treasure Tree after absorbing countless star essences. If this kind of starlight is absorbed and refined by monks, the benefits are endless, no matter what kind of practice you take. Those who are strong on the road will receive great benefits.

Zhang Qian has no intention of changing this point. Even though this Lake of Starlight is destined to cause countless killings and battles in the future, he is happy to see it succeed. Because as the lord of the world, what he hopes most is the creatures in the world. Compete with each other, only in this way can the world come alive and the world develop faster.

At this time, he seemed to have a little understanding of the profound meaning of the Supreme Way of Heaven. The various calamities that have occurred from the beginning of the world to the present seem to have caused heavy losses to all beings in the prehistoric world. One by one, they were all powerful, and each one was a genius with amazing talents. The great god fell in a great calamity, but these calamities are the best catalyst for the supreme heaven.

It is these calamities that have caused great changes in the prehistoric world. What a world fears is that there is no change. A world without change will be a dead world.

Zhang Gan blessed a billion rules Taoist gods, and his understanding skyrocketed. Naturally, he saw these very clearly. After placing the star treasure tree, he remembered the sword gourd spiritual root in the Dongyuan Sword Gourd, and suddenly an interesting idea came to him. .

He entered the 33rd level of heaven, which is also the top level of heaven. At a glance, the land of this level of heaven is an endless sea of ​​clouds, with countless fairy islands and mountains suspended in the sea of ​​clouds.


Zhang Qian pointed a finger, activating the authority of the Lord of the World, and immediately began to create things out of thin air.

As the Lord of the World, he can directly activate the origin of the world and evolve all living things!

Pulling out the origin of the world's origin ocean, with a thought, a huge void island suddenly evolved in the center of the 33rd level of heaven.

The island spread rapidly and did not stop until it was almost the same size as Zhongtian Realm Continent.

The thought moved, and the origin of the world continued to fall, directly evolving into a vast and continuous heavenly palace.

Beautiful palaces appear one after another, falling endlessly on the huge land. The origin of the world is an almost omnipotent source of power.

It took no effort to evolve these palaces, and before long, one-third of the land that was about the same size as Zhongtian Realm Continent was covered by continuous palaces.

All palaces are made by heaven and are not man-made. Zhang Qian is heaven in the Zhongji world. There is no doubt about this.

There are no flaws in the palaces he created directly from the origin of the world. Each one is beautiful, and they are faintly blooming with colorful divine light, and the endless colorful clouds cover them, making this continuous heavenly palace like a dream.

With a few clicks of the fingers, the origin of the world fell, evolving into various kinds of strange flowers and fairy trees, dotted around it. With a stretch of the hand, the river of starlight with the fallen star tree branched out into a branch and flowed into the continuous celestial palace. There were already winding rivers, etc. There, the starlight flows through and nourishes all the exotic flowers and fairy trees.

This chapter has been completed!
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