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Chapter 1,740 Let it go

"It's a skull!"

Zu Long exclaimed, looking excited.

As everyone's figures continued to fall, the purple-gold light below became clearer and clearer, and even slowly began to be dazzling, making people involuntarily squint their eyes, unable to look directly.

Zhang Qian tried to look carefully at the brilliant purple-gold color, trying to see clearly the scene in the brilliance, but suddenly his eyes stung and he shed tears.

He quickly closed his eyes and it took him a while to recover.

"Just the brilliance radiating from the skull is hard to look at. If you get close..."

His mind moved and he immediately raised his mind. Since he saw the purple and gold light below, it meant that it wouldn't take long for everyone to land at the bottom of the big cave and get close to the real Pangu skull.

Facing the skull of a legendary being like Pangu, no one would relax. Whether it was Zhang Qian, Emperor Jitian, Zulong or Gai Xianfan, who was wearing the divine sword, they were all on extreme alert.

This kind of vigilance is not only vigilance for Pangu's skull, but also vigilance for other people around him.

Except for Zhang Qian and Gai Xianfan, who had a close friendship, everyone else did not trust each other. Even though Jitian Emperor and Zulong were allies, the two of them were wary of each other.

There is no other way. Faced with the treasure that is about to appear and the extremely mysterious Pangu skull, who knows what amazing things the other party will do.

Just when everyone was about to approach the bottom, Wanwuyi in Qingqiu Mountain moved. The moment the pressure erupted from Pangu's skull disappeared, he disappeared without a trace and rushed towards Shouyang Mountain.

The coercion of will that erupted from Pangu's skull had a terrible impact on him, making him deeply understand that no matter whose hands this skull fell into, it would become a weapon against him, and he had no way to resist. force.

Especially the Wu Clan. Once the Wu Clan obtains the Pangu Skull, his side sect will immediately face the attack of the Wu Clan. Ten trillion unicorns will all turn to the side sect and be restrained by the will of the Pangu Skull. When the time comes, There is only one extremely miserable ending.

He, who had just reached the top of the ancient world, would not allow this to happen. He would try every means to obtain the Pangu skull, or even destroy it, at least not to let it fall into the hands of the Wu clan.

Only the indestructible thought of immortality was incredibly fast. He directly used the magical power that could arrive at a moment's notice, flashing in the void at an unimaginable speed. Each flash was many light-years away!

Not only him, but at this moment, countless strong men from all over the ancient world began to flee towards Shouyang Mountain. That was Pangu's skull. What an amazing opportunity, no one wanted to miss it.

Ancestor Styx, who had been severely injured by the Twelve Ancestral Witches with the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, had healed his injuries in the sea of ​​blood and regained his strength. He also set out from the sea of ​​blood, carrying the mighty blood cloud, towards him. Drifting away in the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

Ancestor Kunpeng, who had already gathered all the demon clans in the wilderness of the north, was not willing to be left alone. This ancestor directly transformed into his original form, but it was a big roc that covered the sky and the sun. It was Kun in the water and Peng in the sky.

The original form of Kunpeng Ancestor actually has two forms, each of which is the posture of an overlord. When he transforms into Kun, he has almost no opponents in the water; when transformed into a big roc, he can capture dragons and slay phoenixes in the sky!

And the speed of the Dapeng is even more frightening. Every time its huge wings flap, it flies a terrifying distance.

He had no intention of hiding his whereabouts, and soon flew into the wilderness of the north. Huang Ni looked at Kunpeng's figure above the nine heavens, sneered slightly, and immediately sent a message to Zhang Qian.

Fuxi, Nuwa, Pangu Sanqing and other innate gods could not bear it any longer. From the beginning of the ancient times to the present, all the treasures that have been born combined are not as valuable as the Pangu skull that was born this time. They are so determined that they are tempted. .

The Great Innate Gods such as Yiqi Tianjun, Fuli Tianzun, Jiutian King, Taiyuan Holy Mother, Donghua Immortal Lord, etc. all flew towards Shouyang Mountain one after another.

Emperor Slayer, who was enlightening the Tao through the creation of jade butterflies in Yujing Mountain, asked Hongjun: "Master Taoist, Panhou's skull was born in Shouyang Mountain, why are you not prepared..."

"Let it go!"

Unexpectedly, Hongjun only said these four words lightly, and then continued to preach and recover from his injuries. He was not moved at all, as if he was not moved by Pangu's skull at all.

The emperor was confused and saw that Hongjun had no intention of explaining, so he could only pass the news to Zhang Qian through the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong.

Zhang Qian, who was about to reach the bottom, received messages from Huang Ni and Emperor Slayer almost at the same time.

After listening to their transmission, he had no reaction, but he was shocked that Hongjun could hold back.

According to Hongjun's past practices, if Pangu's skull was born, he would definitely take action, but now he has remained unmoved.

"Does Hongjun know some secret that others don't know?"

He could only make this guess.

"Are we here yet?"

At this moment, the purple-gold light below was shining like the scorching sun, and everyone felt that the bottom had reached its end.

Dang Dang Dang...!

With four loud noises in succession, Zhang Qian, Jitian Emperor, Zulong, and Gai Xianfan fell to the ground.

The strange thing is that the ground beneath their feet when they collided actually made the sound of gold and iron, and at the same time, a huge counter-shock force struck from beneath their feet.

The force of the shock was extremely terrifying, but it had no impact on the four of them.

Zhang Qian had layers of defenses, but Zulong directly used the law of power to control the counter-shock force. Emperor Ji Tian was a semi-saint in the flesh, so naturally he would not be hurt by this mere counter-shock force. Gai Xianfan was in the same body as the Divine Sword , as long as the divine sword is not damaged, he will not be injured.

Before everyone could see the surrounding scene clearly, Zulong suddenly shouted: "This is my destiny, hahahaha, my power law has been improved so much here!"

After landing, he suddenly found that he could use the law of power again. Not only that, his law of power also became extremely active, echoing the purple and gold radiance around him. The purple and gold brilliance was actually blessing the power of his law of power!

Zhang Qian and others also found that they could display magical powers and use laws here again, but their faces were very ugly. After hearing Zulong's cheers, no one calmed down.

"Zhang Qian, Ben Long has already said that Pangu's skull belongs to Ben Long. Now what are you trying to argue with me about? Hahaha... No, what the hell is this!"

Zu Long, who was laughing loudly, suddenly exclaimed. Zhang Qian hurriedly turned around and saw a shadowy figure appeared in front of Zu Long. The shadow was purple and gold, and his face was blurry. He looked completely different. In human form, he is a terrifying god and demon.

Moreover, this god and demon is still exuding a strange aura.

Waves of resentment, curses, evil spirits, and demonic auras swept over me.

"Get away!"

Zu Long roared and punched out. He did not hold back this punch, but was blocked by the weird shadow of the gods and demons with his hand!


The two collided and emitted a melodious roar. The shadow of the purple-gold god and demon was made of purple-gold divine iron. It looked illusory, but in fact it was indestructible!

"What is this!"

Zhang Qian frowned and saw more and more shadows of gods and demons slowly emerging around him. Each of the shadows of gods and demons was exactly the same, exuding a terrifying aura of evil thoughts, and slowly surrounded them!

This chapter has been completed!
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