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Under Zhang Qian's gaze, the Eternal Demon did not hesitate and went straight through the last layer of void. Then Zhang Qian saw a vast and strange world through the Eye of Unlimited.

This world stretches as far as the eye can see, and its shape is irregular at all. It seems to be a huge fragment, and the whole body is filled with a strong aura of this world. It is clearly a huge fragment of this world.

No, it shouldn’t be called a fragment of this world, it should be called a part of this world. If such a huge fragment were not blocked by countless layers of void, it would have evolved into a huge primitive universe long ago.

"Hiss! This is the foundation of Yiqi Immortal Lord. I have taken away a demonic primitive universe, but I still have such a trump card! This huge fragment of this world can evolve into a vast primitive universe and a new primitive universe at any time. universe!"

It has to be said that Yiqi Immortal Lord is the first person in the original world, and his background is indeed terrifying. This huge fragment of the world hidden deep in the relics of the world has never been known to outsiders, and it must be the opponent's hidden trump card.

Maybe there are many other opponents with trump cards like this, otherwise where did the original universe of the Eternal Demon's demonic path come from? It may be that Yiqi Immortal Lord used a huge fragment of his own world as the foundation and evolved from countless smaller fragments.

And this newly appeared fragment of the world is so huge that it is not known whether it was found and hidden by Yiqi Immortal Lord, or whether it was a trump card that the opponent had prepared long ago.

Zhang Gan looked at this huge fragment of the world through the Eye of Fuji. This huge fragment was somewhat similar to the previous battlefield, and both looked dilapidated.

The outside of the fragment is wrapped by countless layers of void, isolating the influence of the original nothingness, allowing the place to maintain its original appearance, not much different from the original world.

It's just that you can see the traces left by countless fierce battles. These traces are not as good as Zhang Qian's battlefield, but they should not be underestimated.

Countless mountains have collapsed, the earth is full of cracks, and even the void is full of cracks. There is not a single soul in the whole world, and it is a dead world.

But there was nothing else in this dead world. Zhang Qian was keenly aware of a familiar fluctuation.

This fluctuation made him squint his eyes, and the next moment the eternal demon flew towards the center of this dead world by riding the ocean of demonic energy.

As time went by, Zhang Qian saw more secrets through the Eternal Demon. The closer to the center of this ruined world, the more obvious the traces of the war were, and the strong men who left these traces were probably some of the supreme beings. .

Zhang Qian could even see many eternal imprints left over from ancient times. These imprints were left by the Principle Source Spiritual Treasure and the Principle Source Supreme Treasure. After countless cosmic epochs, they still retain their original power.

The Eternal Demon does not dare to touch these brands. He has no way to transform these eternal brands into one-time treasures like Zhang Qian.

After escaping countless brands, the Eternal Demon finally arrived at the center of this ruined world, and what appeared here made Zhang Qian stand up suddenly and exclaimed.


He could clearly see through the eyes of the Buddha that in the center of this ruined world, there was a dark mountain. There was nothing unusual about this mountain.

But the qi emanating from this pitch-black mountain made Zhang Qian terrified, because that kind of qi was unique to the altar.

The altar is made from the sacred blood of all Taoist bones and contains the supreme way of sacrifice. There is actually a small part of the altar, or fragments of the altar, still left here.

The altar in Zhang Qian's hand was incomplete, and part of it shattered. It was unknown where it fell. The dark mountain where the Eternal Demon arrived was obviously made up of some of the fragments.

Although it is not all the fragments, it is still a large part. Who would have thought that the Eternal Demon or the Yiqi Immortal Lord would have such a trump card.

I don’t know when he discovered this mountain. Since the other party has discovered this mountain a long time ago, he must know the mystery of this mountain, that is, sacrifice, omnipotent sacrifice!

The altar in Zhang Qian's hand can offer sacrifices to any being under the end of Dao. The dark mountain of Yiqi Immortal Lord certainly cannot do this. After all, it is only a small part of the fragment.

But even so, even if it is only a small part of the fragment, it still has the power of supreme sacrifice. This is the power and mystery of the altar itself, and it is the power given to it by the Supreme Being of all Taoism!

Regardless of the size of the altar, even if it is just a piece of black stone, it has this kind of sacrificial power.

"Yiqi Immortal Lord should have found this place a long time ago, obtained this mountain, and clearly understood the power of sacrifice in it. He doesn't know how many benefits he got through the sacrifice.

Maybe the countless transcendent beings demonized by the Eternal Demon were all used for sacrifice!"

Zhang Qian had a flash of inspiration and thought of the countless transcendent beings demonized by the Eternal Demon. Some of them became demon gods under the Eternal Demon. However, for countless cosmic epochs, more of them have disappeared. Now it seems that they should have become sacrifices. Sacrificial offerings.

"This dark mountain is the result of a large part of the lost fragments of the altar. If the altar can be fused with this mountain, it will be a big step closer to completely repairing the altar."

Zhang Gan looked at the dark sacred mountain with burning eyes, wishing he could go there immediately, take this mountain away and integrate it into his altar.

But he knew that he couldn't do this for the time being. Now that he was in the dark and Yiqi Immortal was in the light, he couldn't take the initiative to expose him.

"It's strange how the Yiqi Immortal Lord found the mountain that was transformed from the fragments of the altar. I had a jade plate in my hand and found the altar through the jade disc's induction. Although the Yiqi Immortal Lord has been there for countless universe epochs I looked for the jade plate, but I probably didn't find it, otherwise I would have sensed it a long time ago.

How did he find this place without the jade plate in hand? Could it be said that it was purely luck? Then this luck is too good, right?"

Zhang Qian didn't believe that Yi Qi Xian Zun found this place through luck. He always felt that Yi Qi Xian Zun was hiding a bigger secret.

It's just that we don't know what the secret is.

"The mountain that the altar fragments turned into is right here, and it can't escape. There are plenty of opportunities to get it back. I want to see why the Eternal Demon came here!"

Under Zhang Qian's gaze, the Eternal Demon came to the dark mountain. At the foot of this black mountain, there was a magnificent palace.

Each palace is extremely towering and majestic. It was obviously built by later generations, probably by Yiqi Immortal Lord.

Behind the largest palace, there is an even higher platform. The platform is connected to the black mountain, and a straight road connects to the top of the black mountain.

The eternal demon took the form of a human and walked on this straight road. His face was extremely solemn, and his body was filled with demonic energy. He looked extremely terrifying.

His speed was not fast, he walked step by step, as if he was taking a walk, and as if he was performing some kind of solemn ceremony.

Finally, he came to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is extremely flat and empty, with only the dark ground reflecting everything in the sky.


At this moment, the Eternal Demon suddenly knelt down on the ground, and then let out an extremely painful howl. Along with the miserable howl, his figure and the basis of his existence gradually disappeared. To be precise, he was sacrificing himself!

This chapter has been completed!
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