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Chapter 3137: Number One in Alchemy

However, the Refining World Supreme is also an extremely shrewd person. After obtaining the Miaowuji Pill, he never showed it in front of others and kept it secretly in his own hands.

In the eyes of outsiders, the World Refining Supreme is as if he has never obtained the Supreme Treasure of the Principle. When fighting against others, he only uses the primordial World Transformation Furnace, and the true Treasure of the Origin of the Principle will not be revealed.

Not all the supreme beings in this world have the supreme treasure in their hands. There are still some supreme beings who do not have the supreme treasure. Obtaining the supreme treasure requires opportunity, and it requires an unparalleled chance.

A Tao-Jin Supreme like the Sacrifice Tao-Supreme has more than one Tao-Source Supreme Treasure in his hand, but there are also Tao-Jin Supremes who don’t even have a Tao-Source Supreme Treasure.

The Taoist Supreme without the Taoist Supreme Treasure in hand will naturally not have the same status as the Sacrificial Tao Supreme. They also have their own Taoist power in this world, but they cannot reach the true peak.

The Supreme Refining World who has never revealed the Supreme Treasure of the Origin of the Principle, in the eyes of others, is a Supreme who does not have the Supreme Treasure of the Origin of the Principle in his hand.

Relying on this, the World Refining Supreme perfectly hid the existence of Hui Miao Wuji Dan, secretly collected the origin of this world, used the primordial world transformation furnace to refine the divine elixir, and allowed it to take form, becoming a giant in the Tao realm.

It also established the Danyang Sect into a terrifying ancient sect. What is even more frightening is that it has not aroused the suspicion of other Taoist Supremes. They only believe that the rise of the Danyang Sect is due to the magical effect of the divine elixir and the mysterious promotion of the alchemy way.

Zhang Qian, who was mentally connected to the primordial world-forming furnace, knew the mystery of this alchemy furnace very well. He soon understood clearly that this treasure seemed to be artificially refined, but it contained all the mysteries of alchemy and was the supreme treasure of the world-refining world.

The path appears.

The supreme path followed by the Supreme Master of the Refining World is called the Alchemy Path, but it is actually the path of refining. It can refine all things and spirits, and there is nothing that cannot be refined.

Therefore, he can refine the origin of this world into a divine elixir, and after the destruction of this realm, Zhiyang Daojun can refine the original universe and refine the original universe into a divine elixir.

What's even more frightening is that the divine elixir made from the original universe or the origin of this world can not only be transformed into a Taoist giant, but can also be taken by people to increase the original qualifications, increase understanding and wisdom, and even improve the base.

It can be said that the divine elixir produced by the Primordial Realm Furnace using the Primordial Universe is the highest-level elixir in the entire Primordial Realm. It has many incredible features and is extremely precious.

It's just that this secret has never been known to anyone. In the eyes of outsiders, the magical elixir refined by the Danyang Sect can at most take form, and no one has ever taken the refined elixir.

"This is clearly a supreme devouring method!" Zhang Qian's eyes flashed, "Refining the origin of this world into a divine elixir and taking it is equivalent to devouring the origin of this world. Moreover, after refining the divine elixir, there is no restriction on consumption, and you can use it without any restrictions.

If you take the End of Limits, if the conditions are sufficient, you can completely devour all the origins of this world into magical elixirs."

Zhang Qian guessed that this should be the supreme path of the Supreme Refining World, and also the path for him to achieve the Supreme Being. Unfortunately, this road is a dead end, and there is no way to go. If the Supreme Refining World is the first to resurrect and return, how many more people will there be?

Share hope.

Zhang Qian is taking the path of unifying all the ways. Naturally, among his hundreds of millions of cultivation systems, there is also an alchemy system. However, the alchemy system he has mastered is far inferior to the alchemy system in Hui Miao Wuji Dan. Yes, the upper limits are different and the levels are different.

This time he transformed into Yang Daojun and obtained the Hui Miao Wuji Dan, which allowed Zhang Qian to take the alchemy system a step further. As long as his alchemy absorbed the secret of the alchemy in the Hui Miao Wuji Dan, he could also refine it. The original universe, refining the magic elixir!

After all the disciples of Danyang Sect were transformed, Zhang Qian stayed in this extremely secretive void rift.

The escape path left by Zhiyang Daojun is still intact, and the Tao Qi in the relics of this world is also very abundant, which can be used as the Holy Land Universe of Danyang Sect, without Zhang Qian creating a spiritual root of this world for them.

So far, there is one more ancient sect under the control of Zhang Qian. Together with the Infinite Divine Sect, Luoyao Sect, and Yuanming Sect, there are a total of four ancient sects.

With the four ancient sects in hand, Zhang Qian's power base can be said to be extremely strong, but compared with the Yuanyang Sect, which has endured for countless epochs, it is still far from enough.

The Yuanyang Sect does not need to be born or use its own strength. It can occupy only half of the original power by relying on the heroes of the times they have conquered in countless eras and the ancient sects used by them.

This is just their chess piece, and their own strength is even more terrifying. The Heart-Crossing Demon Lord has long understood the background of Yuanyang Sect very clearly, but the number of strong giants on the surface of the original Wuzhongming is only It's so shocking, there will only be more hidden cards.

Therefore, Zhang Qian had nothing to be proud of. He harnessed the rudiments of Ten Thousand Daos and began to absorb the mysteries of alchemy in the Miaowuji Dan.

After all, the Hui Miao Wuji Pill is the most precious treasure of the Taoist source, and the secrets of the Tao of the Tao contained in it are profound and unfathomable, far beyond those that Zhang Qian himself has mastered.

Even the mystery of alchemy in Wuji Dan is not only the mystery of alchemy, but also includes the principles and principles of creation, life and death, reincarnation, transformation, etc.

Absorbing the mystery of Wuji Dan, Zhang Qian's alchemy system was completely transformed and ushered in a terrifying transformation. He only felt that he was now one of the original alchemy giants, and only Zhiyang Daojun could compare with him. No one else can compare with it.

As for the means of refining the original universe, Zhang Qian also has it in his hands, but he only needs the primordial realm furnace. This treasure of protecting the way is refined by the world refining supreme. With this treasure in hand, he can refine the original universe. time, it will be simpler and easier.

Of course, without this elixir furnace, Zhang Qian could still refine the original universe into a divine elixir, but it would only take an extremely long time.

"With the five virtues of transforming spirits, coupled with this method of refining the original universe, if I am willing, all the heavens and universes will be transformed into forms, and the endless original universe will become a giant in countless Tao realms."

Zhang Qian opened his eyes and had fully comprehended the secrets of the alchemy in Miaowuji Dan. He glanced around and realized that all the creatures and spirits he saw could be used as materials for alchemy, and countless different kinds of elixirs could be made into gods. Dan.

"My road to the unification of all realms will eventually integrate hundreds of millions of different cultivation systems into one. However, the fusion method is extremely difficult to understand, even with a jade plate in hand. However, this newly obtained alchemy method has It may become a hub for integrating billion-dollar systems.

Based on the Tao of Alchemy, using hundreds of millions of different cultivation systems as spiritual herbs and elixirs, and refining hundreds of millions of systems into a Taoist Divine Pill, wouldn't it be possible to integrate different systems?

Going a step further, since Alchemy can do it, what about other systems? There are hundreds of millions of different systems, which are billions of different ways and principles. In fact, any one system can be used as the foundation for integrating hundreds of millions of other systems. In the end, Bear the ultimate fruit!"

Zhang Qian had a vague enlightenment, and this time he obtained the elixir Daomiao in the Hui Miao Wuji Pill, which was of great help to him, allowing him to vaguely see the way forward and the hope of the unification of all paths.

After realizing it for a while, Zhang Qian calmed down and peeked at Qidao Supreme and others through the eyes of Fuji. He did not forget that the target of Qidao Supreme and others was not just Danyang Sect, but more than a dozen ancient sects. !

This chapter has been completed!
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