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Chapter 3216 Deduction of the Treasure

By analogy, Gen Yuan Supreme will definitely stir up trouble in the dark and push many Dao Supremes to snatch the jade plate in the hands of the Sacrifice Dao Supreme.

Regardless of whether the other Taoist Supremes know the mystery of the jade dish, the jade dish is after all the treasure obtained from this sacrifice. It is a treasure that is superior to the Five Supreme Beings and transcends the original nothingness.

Who wouldn’t want a treasure of this level?

Even the original Yuanling came to snatch the jade plate.

The Supreme Sacrificer may not have had time to comprehend the wonders of the jade plate, nor have he had time to sacrifice this precious treasure, so he had to start a war.

A treasure of this level like the Jade Disc is not that easy to refine. Zhang Qian also started refining it from an inconspicuous fragment, then found more fragments and fused the fragments to refine the treasure.

"If my conjecture is true, then the Eternal Yuan Supreme is the driving force behind the catastrophe of the destruction of this world. He hides in the dark and promotes the sacrifice to the Dao Supreme, all the Dao Supreme and the original Yuanling. All were destroyed.

Moreover, Gen Yuan Supreme is born with the qualifications to replace the Qi of the Five Supreme Beings. With the help of this catastrophe of destruction of this world, this world has been destroyed. His chances of replacing the Qi of the Five Supreme Beings have been greatly increased, and the success rate has also increased countless times. .

Hiss! Thinking about it this way, Supreme Gen Yuan is indeed just like me, he is really insidious to the extreme!"

Zhang Qian admired Gen Yuan Supreme's methods. From any aspect, the destruction of this world would be of huge benefit to Gen Yuan Supreme.

Sacrifice to the Tao Supreme is to perfect the way of self-destruction, while Gen Yuan Supreme is to clear the roadblock. This world is the roadblock that prevents him from replacing Wutai's Qi.

In fact, if Zhang Qian wanted to know the causes and consequences of the catastrophe that destroyed his world, it was very simple. A jade disc in a perfect state could deduce everything, and he only needed to let the jade disc deduce it.

But he didn't do it because he couldn't bear it!

If you want to know the causes and consequences of the catastrophe of the destruction of this world, and all the details, if you use the jade disc to deduce it, Zhang Qian's will will be brought to the perspective of overlooking the original nothingness by the jade disc.

Then, everything that has happened since the primordial era, and the immeasurable information in this eternal river of time, will instantly destroy his will and make him a fool.

As for deducing a corner of the catastrophe of destruction in this world alone, he also needs to withstand such a terrifying impact. With his current state, he can only deduce everything that happened in the time period not far before and after him.

It is easiest to deduce everything in this era, it is a piece of cake. It is also very simple to deduce your own path, the path you need, magical powers, etc.

"It seems that unless I achieve the ultimate perfection of the Tao, the ultimate transformation, become the end point of practice, and keep pace with the Qi of the Five Supreme Beings, I will not be able to withstand the impact of the immeasurable torrent of information.

But it’s enough. The jade disc in its current perfect state has greatly helped me on the road to unification. It can even deduce various supreme paths based on my own ideas, my own foundation, and according to my requirements. Come!"

This is the most terrifying thing about Jade Disc. The supreme path is the path deduced by the Taoist Supremes after countless epochs of enlightenment and countless failures.

This is a way to peek beyond the end of the road, and the jade plate can actually deduce it as unscrupulously as it can deduce all kinds of supreme magical powers.

Even though Zhang Qian is responsible for the road to the unity of all realms and the road to the virtual world, he thinks that there are many supreme paths to the original nothingness. This is an illusion. The supreme path is something that can only be understood by the supreme being. Their orthodoxy is the foundation of control.

Without the understanding and wisdom of the supreme realm of the Tao, it is impossible to comprehend it. Only by achieving the supreme realm of the Tao and being above all the ways can one step on the ten thousand ways and comprehend the supreme path that suits oneself.

But Jade Disk can deduce various supreme paths according to Zhang Qian's requirements!

It is worthy of being the most precious treasure needed by the Supreme Sacrificial Dao. If this treasure is in the hands of the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and is not broken, sooner or later he will be able to rely on the incredible deduction ability of this treasure to achieve the ultimate goal.

Zhang Qian could not withstand the impact of the endless information torrent brought by overlooking the original nothingness, but he could, as long as the perspective of the sacrifice to the supreme being was carried by the jade plate to overlook the original nothingness.

Then the primordial nothingness will no longer have any secrets for him, and everything about the primordial nothingness throughout the ages, including how the primordial nothingness was formed, how the Five Supreme Qi was born, etc., will be clearly seen by him.

Not only can he see it clearly, but the endless mysteries contained in it will also be open to him for him to understand and observe!

How big of an opportunity is this?

With such an all-conquering perspective, coupled with the Jade Disk's ability to deduce, it is almost certain that he will be able to sacrifice himself to the Supreme Being and achieve the ultimate goal.

It's a pity that the Gen Yuan Supreme has other plans, pushing all the Tao to become the Supreme, and all the original Yuan spirits to come out to snatch the jade plate, without giving the Sacrifice to the Tao Supreme the chance to gain enlightenment.

"The road to the unity of all realms is the supreme path deduced by the Supreme Sacrificial Dao, based on the Wordless Taoist Book. The path of the virtual world is the supreme path deduced by the Supreme Yujin, and they have nothing to do with me. , are all realized by others.

It’s just that I didn’t have the opportunity before. I can only try to integrate two different supreme paths so that they complement each other and promote each other.

But now that the jade disc has returned to perfection, I can deduce the supreme path that suits me. I can completely use the jade disc to deduce the path that suits me perfectly, based on the path of the unity of all realms and the path of the virtual world. Coming on the way!"

The more Zhang Qian thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. In the final analysis, the road to the unity of all realms and the road to the virtual world are other people's supreme roads. Although he set foot on them, he could not compare with what he had understood.

But for him to comprehend the supreme path that suits him is simply a fool's dream. If he doesn't achieve the ultimate perfection of the Tao, or even achieve the supreme perfection of the Tao, there is no way he can comprehend his own supreme path.

Each supreme path is the integration, combing, and sublimation of the Tao, principles, practice system, own roots, understanding, and other causes and conditions that it has understood for countless epochs!

It is impossible to carry out this kind of integration, sorting and sublimation until the Tao reaches the supreme and perfect state.

But with Jade Disc, it was different. Zhang Qian could use his own foundation and conditions to deduce the supreme path that suits him in advance.

Moreover, Zhang Qian thought of Li Qingque and others. They are now also in the realm of the Four Perfect Dao. If there is a supreme path that suits them, then their hope of achieving the supreme Dao will be greatly improved.

You can use the jade plate to deduce for them the supreme path that suits them. The supreme path is a great blessing to the achievement of the supreme state, especially the supreme path that suits them.

It seems that there is only one step between the fourth realm of Tao and the fifth realm of Tao, but this step is a chasm, a gap in the sky.

Since all ages, how many people have crossed it? There are only a hundred or so Supreme Beings!

No one else has succeeded.

"The jade disc in the perfect state is of great help to me. Moreover, if I want to achieve the supreme realm of Tao and cross the chasm between the fourth and fifth realms of Tao, I can also use the jade plate to reduce the difficulty and time."

Zhang Qian was very satisfied after he figured out all the changes after the Jade Dish was completed. He finally resolved a heartache, and then he looked at the Supreme Altar.

The fragments of the Supreme Altar obtained from the Supreme Qi Yuan this time are also the missing fragments of the Supreme Altar. As long as they are merged into one, the Supreme Altar can be restored to perfection!

This chapter has been completed!
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