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Chapter 3249: Sacrifice Moved

The Ancestral Demon Supreme is the transformation of the first god and demon. He is an avenger born from the ocean of boundless resentment. He is the ultimate god and demon. He is also the weapon born from the sea of ​​boundless resentment to avenge all the supreme beings.

This terrifying weapon is born with the ability to control the entire ocean of resentment. This ability is even more terrifying than the original Yuanling's ability to control the original power.

How big is the ocean of boundless resentment? It is vast and vast, occupying the land left after the destruction of this realm. This was the original location of this realm. After the destruction of this realm, the ocean of resentment appeared here and occupied the original position of this realm.

Such a vast ocean of resentment carries truly endless resentment, and the nature of this resentment is too terrifying and its level is extremely high.

The resentment born after the destruction of the entire world, coupled with the immeasurable powerful giants, and all the resentment born after the death of the Supreme Being, merged into one, and the source of resentment that emerged was itself the original limitless.

It can even vaguely break through the original unlimited limit. Such source of resentment does not play much role when facing the origins of the Sacrifice Supreme and the Gen Yuan Supreme.

It's because these two Supreme Beings are the two strongest Supreme Beings in the original world. They have essentially reached the ultimate limit of the original world, and their origins can resist the erosion and pollution of the source of resentment.

However, their ultimate aura is different. Even if their ultimate aura is comparable to the Taoist treasure, it is still their own weakness.

Any giant that is originally nothing will be completely destroyed as long as its ultimate spiritual light is destroyed, and there will be no chance of resurrection.

Therefore, the source of violent resentment corrodes their ultimate aura so easily, entering inside easily, and begins to corrode and pollute their will.

There is no doubt that the wills of the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and the Supreme Gen Yuan are powerful. They may be the two strongest wills in the original Wushu. However, these two strongest wills still appear so in the face of the resentment of the destruction and birth of this world.


Their wills have just awakened. At the moment when they are about to wake up, they are wrapped up in the source of immeasurable resentment. The illusory world in the source of resentment emerges and enters their wills. Among them are countless powerful giants, all the phantoms and madness of the Supreme Being.

Attack their will.

Not to mention, after discovering that the source of resentment poses a great threat to the ultimate aura of the Sacrificial Dao Supreme and Gen Yuan Supreme, Zhang Qian controlled his original clone, entered the center of the boundless sea of ​​resentment, and made crazy sacrifices on the boundless altar.

That's all. Zhang Qian directly ordered the Ancestral Demon Supreme to come near the Wuliang Altar. With his unique authority, he could control the source of resentment in the entire sea of ​​boundless resentment and turn it into a majestic sacrifice. Through Wuliang,

Sacrifice at the altar.

The Ancestral Demon Supreme Sacrifice is different from Zhang Qian. He is an avenger born from the ocean of boundless resentment and has the authority to control the entire ocean of resentment.

This terrifying authority allows him to mobilize the entire ocean at will, and the boundless ocean of resentment is surging at this moment.

The dark resentment surged from all directions in the ocean of resentment, and under the control of the Ancestral Demon Supreme, it condensed into its pure origin.

This origin is extremely terrifying. If ordinary people are contaminated even a little bit, they will be corroded and polluted, and become gods and demons in the ocean of resentment. They will lose their minds and be controlled by the ocean of resentment.

In order to prevent the secret Primordial Supreme from noticing, the Ancestral Demon Supreme regulates the source of the resentment ocean in an extremely secretive way. From the outside, you cannot see the changes in the resentment ocean at all, but within the resentment ocean, you can see the endless resentment. The source converges towards the center of the ocean of resentment.

Their final destination is the Infinite Altar. With the support of the Ancestral Demon Supreme, the Infinite Altar becomes extremely majestic, suppressing the center of the ocean of resentment and swallowing the source of resentment coming from all directions.

However, many of Zhang Qian's origin clones kept making sacrifices, and the immeasurable altar made from the corpse of Empress Huntian was completely unreasonable.

Forcibly trading sacrifices with the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and the Supreme Eternal Yuan to seize their origins, the price is to pay for the origin of resentment in large quantities.

This kind of sacrificial transaction seems very fair on the surface. After all, the source of resentment is also an extremely precious divine object. However, no one can use this divine object. Only the Ancestral Demon Supreme can control it.

Such a terrifying divine object fell into the origin of the Sacrifice Supreme and the Gen Yuan Supreme, and was instantly attracted, flying madly towards their ultimate spiritual light.

Their ultimate spiritual light was extinguished at the core of the Five Supreme Sources. As soon as it emerged, they encountered a great disaster.

And this catastrophe is extremely terrifying, not inferior to the ultimate catastrophe to achieve the supreme realm, and even more terrifying than the ultimate catastrophe.

The wills of the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and the Supreme Gen Yuan have been completely silent in the illusory world where the source of resentment evolves. In this illusory world, their wills are endlessly sinking, and they are defeated by the powerful giants and all Taoists in this world. All the supreme siege.

As long as the source of resentment remains, this kind of siege will be endless. Even if their will destroys the resentment that besieged them, it will be reborn in the next moment, and the source will be endless.

Through the Ancestral Demon Supreme, the master of the boundless sea of ​​grievances, Zhang Qian could connect with the grievances in the ultimate aura of the Sacrificial Dao Supreme and Gen Yuan Supreme, and vaguely see their situation.

After being personally led and collected by the Ancestral Demon Supreme, and through the crazy sacrifice of Zhang Qian's original clone, and the ultimate aura of the Sacrifice to the Dao Supreme and the Gen Yuan Supreme, the source of resentment not only did not decrease, but increased exponentially.

Two small oceans of resentment appeared, completely submerging their ultimate aura.

The remaining resentment of the supreme world, the only true world that was destroyed countless epochs ago, is making its final killing sound at this moment.

This is a revenge that has lasted through eternity. No one can stop it or stop it. Moreover, even the Supreme Priest and the others don't know about this terrible revenge.

The ocean of boundless resentment was only born after the great catastrophe of the destruction of this world. At that time, all the supreme beings had long been extinct in the source of the Five Supreme Beings.

Therefore, Sacrifice Supreme and others did not see the boundless ocean of resentment taking shape. At most, they could feel the birth of some resentment.

As the supreme beings of the Tao, they naturally would not take it to heart, but they would not have thought that after their death, an infinite ocean of resentment would emerge.

And this ocean will be so magnificent and huge.

This resulted in the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and the Supreme Gen Yuan being completely unprepared and failing to include the birth of the boundless ocean of resentment into their plans.

The occurrence of such an unforeseen event caught the Supreme Priest and Supreme Gen Yuan off guard. No one could help them at the moment. They could only rely on their own will to resist this revenge that would last for eternity.

And Zhang Qian, who has a dark heart, is still instilling more sources of resentment into the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and the Supreme Gen Yuan. He can't wait to transfer the entire ocean of boundless resentment into the ultimate aura of the Supreme Sacrificial Dao and the Supreme Gen Yuan.

This is what the Ancestral Demon Supreme is doing, moving as much of the source of resentment as possible through the immeasurable altar to the depths of the ultimate aura of the Sacrificial Dao Supreme and the Gen Yuan Supreme.

This chapter has been completed!
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