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Chapter 3448 The Origin of Qianyuan

Zhang Qian couldn't figure out why the Fifth Supreme Master could survive, how he could retain his ultimate aura, and how he could live out his second life.

This is something that countless primordial beings and countless strong men who have attacked the end of the road have not been able to do. Obviously the Fifth Supreme Supreme has a big secret.

Zhang Qian wished he could suppress Daoyu Supreme and transform him completely to find out what happened.

But he knew this was impossible. By understanding other Tao Yu Supremes who were essentially nothing, Zhang Qian understood the terrifying aspects of Dao Yu Supreme.

Daoyu Supreme's trump card must be earth-shattering.

Zhang Qian had the urge to leave Wutai's primordial nothingness and stay far away.

Knowing the existence of other primordial non-existences improved his knowledge and increased his fear of Daoyu Supreme.

"Or is it because Fifth Supreme Supreme Being is lucky? Or is it because he has a unique way to live out his second life?"

Zhang Qian was puzzled and looked at the many Tao Qi in the ultimate aura. These Tao Qi degenerated from the Origin Qi were temporarily useless and were just introductions to the deduction.

And when he thought about his roots and his Qianyuan Tao Qi, he had a sudden thought.

"If I use a jade plate to deduce the Qianyuan Dao Qi, what will be the result? Is there a primordial nothingness created by the Qianyuan Dao Qi besides the primordial nothingness?"

Zhang Qian was really curious about this.

His roots were achieved because of the first path, and it was also because of the first path that he achieved the transformation of Qianyuan Dao Qi.

Logically speaking, Qianyuan Dao Qi should be a brand new Dao Qi, a Dao Qi that belongs exclusively to him, but the degradation of the Origin Qi made him less sure.

Because the Tao Qi that has degenerated from the original Qi is the origin of Tao Qi from a certain primordial place.


He aroused a trace of his own origin, turned it into a wisp of Qianyuan Dao Qi, beat it into the jade plate, and then used the Origin Dao phase to attract a trace of the Origin Qi.

Use the Qi of the Origin to activate the jade plate and begin to deduce the Qianyuan Dao Qi.

This time, not much Origin Qi was consumed. After attracting the Origin Qi three times in succession, Jade Disk's deduction was over.

Zhang Qian immediately connected with the jade plate, and a torrent of messages suddenly came.

"I see!"

Zhang Qian showed a look of sudden enlightenment. Through the deduction of the jade disc, he discovered that his Qianyuan Tao Qi was actually the origin Tao Qi of a certain primordial realm.

It's just that the primordial nothingness is still in the process of being conceived and has not yet been completely developed. Only when it is completely developed can a true primordial nothingness be created.

"I understand, it's a concept!"

Zhang Qian suddenly realized that because of the first path, his roots became the form of Qianyuan Dao Qi, which led to the emergence of Qianyuan Dao Qi.

The emergence of a new Tao Qi represents the birth of the concept of Qianyuan Tao Qi.

When this new concept of Tao Qi was born, the Qi of the Origin automatically used this new concept as the basis to deduce a primitive nothingness based on Qian Yuan Tao Qi.

It's just that not too much time has passed since Zhang Qian's fundamental transformation, and the original nothingness deduced by the Qi of the Origin based on the concept of Qianyuan Dao Qi has not yet been developed, and it is only a foundation.

"In other words, the Eternal Dao Qi of the Eternal Supreme Lord is actually the origin of a new primordial Dao Qi. His roots are born with the Eternal Dao Qi. After his birth, the concept of Eternal Dao Qi has become Appeared.

The Qi of the Origin automatically started to create a new primordial nothingness based on the concept of the primordial Tao qi. However, the Tao of the Origin did not know this at all because he was bound by the concept of the primordial infinity and could not perceive it. Everything out there!”

After careful consideration, Zhang Qian came up with a guess as to the reasons for the birth of many primordial nothings. There should be two reasons for the birth of many primordial nothings.

One is that the original Qi spontaneously degenerates, giving birth to countless kinds of Tao Qi. Each new Tao Qi is a new concept of Tao Qi.

Every new concept of Tao Qi will turn into a new primordial nothingness.

The second type is the many existing primordial nothings that appear by chance, or the new Tao Qi created by man.

For example, Gen Yuan Zhizun was born with the Qi of Qian Yuan Dao, and for example, Zhang Qian was artificially created with Qian Yuan Dao Qi through the first path.

Even if they are created by man, when this new concept of Tao Qi is born, the Qi of the Origin will create a new primordial nothingness for them.

"That is to say, the Supreme Being of Eternal Yuan is the destined master of the original nothingness of Eternal Yuan, and I am the master of the original nothingness of Qianyuan.

It’s just that the birth time of my Qianyuan Dao Qi was too short, and the Qianyuan primordial nothingness has not yet been born. On the contrary, the Eternal Yuan primordial nothingness of the Eternal Yuan Supreme should have been born, but the Eternal Yuan Supreme does not know.

No! Although Gen Yuan Supreme doesn’t know, Dao Yu Supreme doesn’t necessarily know!”

Thinking that Supreme Daoyu has completely transformed Supreme Supreme Genyuan and has the other party firmly under his control, is it because Supreme Daoyu has known this for a long time, has known many secrets of Tao Qi, and has known for a long time that there is nothing outside the original world? Are there countless primordial nothings?

Zhang Qian was secretly shocked, but he felt that this was probably the case. Daoyu Supreme had long known that Gen Yuan Supreme had special roots and knew that he was the incarnation of Gen Yuan Dao Qi.

We also know that after the emergence of the eternal Tao Qi, the original nothingness will be born, and an eternal nothingness will be born. Therefore, by controlling the eternal nothingness, the Daoyu Supreme indirectly controls the eternal nothingness?

Although Gen Yuan Supreme does not know the secret of his own roots, he does not know that after the birth of his Gen Yuan Dao Qi, it will lead to the birth of a new primordial nothingness. He is destined to become that primordial nothingness. dominate.

But he instinctively used his own Eternal Dao Qi as the basis, and tried to use his own power to open up his own original non-existence. He really succeeded, but the original non-existence he opened up was different from the real one. Original perfection is far away.

This might not be the secret inspiration of the Supreme Eternal One.

"Hiss, how many unknown secrets does Dao Yu Supreme know? How much has he gained in the process of attacking the end of Dao?"

Zhang Qian felt that he and Daoyu Supreme were not on the same level. His calculations were still within the primordial nothingness, while Daoyu Supreme's calculations and plans had vaguely touched other primordial nothingnesses.

The layout is too different.

"Now through the Jade Disc deduction, I also know many unknown secrets, which can be used. I am the root of Qianyuan Dao Qi, and I am destined to be the original non-master of Qianyuan.

Can I control the Qian Yuan primordial nothingness that is still in the process of being conceived?

If I can control a primordial nothingness that is still being nurtured and become the master of the primordial nothingness of Qianyuan, then all my plans will have a new situation!"

Zhang Qian was extremely excited when he thought that because of the emergence of the concept of Qianyuan Dao Qi, the origin of Qi was born with this new concept of Dao Qi.

That is a new primordial nothingness, a primordial nothingness that is still being nurtured. As long as you control it, the harvest will be extremely huge and beyond imagination.

The original non-being developed by Zhang Qian himself is far from the true original non-being.

The original nothingness of Qianyuan was conceived by the Qi of the Origin, and its level is exactly the same as the original nothingness created by the Qi of the Five Supreme Beings.

However, because he was bound by the concept of primordial infinity, Zhang Qian was unable to perceive the primordial nothingness of Qianyuan, and could only deduce it through the jade plate.

It was clear that the original nothingness destined to belong to him was outside, but Zhang Qian could not see it, which made him extremely depressed.

"Unless my ultimate aura continues to transform and transforms to the point where it can compete with concepts, I will not be able to get rid of the shackles of the original boundless concept, and I will not be able to go to the original nothingness of Qianyuan!"

Zhang Qian understands that the most important thing for him is to let the ultimate aura continue to transform. Only when the ultimate aura continues to transform can he possibly control the Qianyuan Primordial Nothingness!

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