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Chapter 48: Heavenly Demons

The sound of this bell contains a strange power of attraction. It is not a charm, but an attraction that makes people yearn for it.

It seems that the temple in the distance is the supreme holy sanctuary and the place where all things originate.

Zhang Gan was shocked and got rid of the longing in his heart. Before coming, Zhang Gan once asked his senior sister what kind of scene was in the Eight Views Palace of Shangyuan. Unfortunately, according to Li Qingque, everyone saw in the Eight Views Palace of Shangyuan. The scenes you see are all different, there is no fixed scene.

"Didn't you say that there are countless demons in the Eight Views Palace of Shangyuan? How come I didn't see any of them?"

Zhang Gan spread his tyrannical mind and discovered to his surprise that there was no trace of the demon at all. Moreover, according to his mind's telepathy, the golden brick land under his feet and the temple in the distance were real and not false.

"How is this going?"

At first, Zhang Qian thought that everything he saw was the devil's fantasy, but when his strong mind swept away, he found no sign of falsehood.

However, Zhang Qian did not panic. Thinking of the means he had prepared, he smiled slightly and a wave of waves rose up under his feet, dragging him towards the temple in the distance.

The temple was only ten miles away from him, which was considered very close. There were no strange phenomena along the way, only the fairy flowers in full bloom falling from the void.

When Zhang Qian came to the temple, he suddenly smelled the refreshing scent of sandalwood.

"The Pure Land is in front of you, why don't you go inside and have a look?"

An inexplicable Taoist sound suddenly sounded. This sound attracted Zhang Qian's mind, making him unable to help but feel shaken, and he had an urge to rush into the temple.

There was no reason for this impulse. It just made Zhang Qian feel that the splendid temples in front of him were the source of all things, and that entering them would bring huge benefits.

And this feeling is more powerful than any charm technique. If Li Qingque's words hadn't awakened Zhang Qian before, Zhang Qian would really be controlled by this feeling and plunge into the temple.

"Since the palace is the Pure Land of Whirlpool? Then where am I now?"

"Of course Jambudvipa is the mortal world of desire, and the path to transcendence is right in front of you."

Zhang Qian shook his head slightly and sighed: "People have six senses of color, sound, smell, taste, touch, and Dharma, which hinder the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. You take Dharma as the basis, and the color, sound, and fragrance are the branches." , the method of confusing my six senses is quite clever, but it’s a pity that you underestimated me.”

From the moment he entered this world, Zhang Qian found that everything he saw and heard had corresponding obstacles and confusions. If you are a weak-minded person, as soon as you enter this world, you will immediately be fascinated by the colors, sounds, fragrances, touch, and deep desires. Wonderful realm.

However, this is only the first palace, and it is not very powerful. As long as a monk with some temperament resists greed and is not swayed by sex, sound, smell, touch, and law, it is not difficult to get through this palace.

Tap tap tap...!

Zhang Qian stepped lightly, but did not go around the temple, but directly stepped onto the steps of the temple.


The golden door of the temple opened, and a dazzling golden auspicious light bloomed. Looking into the temple, the vast hall was thousands of feet wide, filled with rare treasures of different colors, and various fascinating magic weapons were placed on the shelves beside it.

These magic weapons looked exactly like the real ones, and even the spiritual pressure emanating from the magic weapons was not fake at all. Zhang Qian's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw these magic weapons, and greed suddenly arose in his heart.

Looking at the shelf on the other side, I saw that it was filled with golden books and jade volumes, all of which were incredible spiritual practices and magic books.

Take a closer look and see what these golden books and jade volumes contain: "Nine Transformations of Mysterious Skills", "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills", "Together to Transform the Three Purities", "Zhangliu Golden Body", "The Holy Way of Three Corpses", etc. The supreme mysterious power in Zhang Qian’s memory!

"Is the first house aimed at the monks' greed?"

Looking at these incredible mystical arts manuals, Zhang Qian was surprised even though he knew they were all fake. These mysterious arts manuals were the most secret greed deep in his heart. They were originally secrets deep in his memory. But after entering the first palace, the demon appeared and used it to seduce him.

After looking around for a while, Zhang Qian was deep in thought when he secretly made a strange fingerprint. This fingerprint was shaped like a pagoda, as if it was suppressing something.

Holding the fingerprints, Zhang Qian entered the temple.


Suddenly, the palace door behind him closed with a click, and the appearance of the golden palace door changed drastically. Instead of looking like a golden door, it was clearly a row of dense fangs.


All the rare treasures in the temple disappeared, and a bloody red and smelly giant tongue appeared!

Zhang Qian was still shocked. Although this change was sudden, it did not surprise him. After all, he had already guessed it.

"It's been so many years since you Jianhu Palace were all cowards. Today you finally got some blood food. If it comes into my mouth, you still want to run away?"

A rumbling magic sound sounded, and at this moment Zhang Qian understood that the previous temple was clearly the head of a demon, and when he entered the temple, he walked into the mouth of this demon.

The existence of demons is extremely miraculous. No matter how powerful your mind is, you can't see through the illusions they incarnate. They are exactly the same as the real ones. There is no falsehood at all using ordinary methods.

However, Zhang Qian knew the Heavenly Demon Clan relatively well. The Heavenly Demon Clan said they were powerful, but they were extremely powerful. They said they were weak, but they were pitifully weak. There was only one thing between the strong and the weak.

You can't stand the illusion of the demon, and all the methods of the demon are real to you. Even if the demon suddenly takes out the legendary Pangu Divine Ax, to you, this Pangu Divine Ax still exists and can cause terrifying things. The damage would be enough to be chopped down by an axe.

But if all illusions can be broken, then no matter what terrible methods the demon uses, as long as you firmly believe that it is all fake and will not harm you, then you will really be unscathed, even if you are struck by the Pangu God's ax manifested by the demon. middle.

But it sounds simple. When faced with extremely real demonic illusions, there are not many people who can still firmly believe that everything is false.

Seeing the giant tongue of the devil in front of him curling up, and the intertwined fangs falling down with a chilling light, Zhang Gan comforted the restless jade that was about to move in the depths of his soul, as well as the dark pagoda flying in the remains of the jade, and suddenly sat down cross-legged, with only one thought in his mind :Fake, all fake.

Zhang Qian could clearly smell the stench of the giant tongue and feel the evil wind caused by the falling fangs. Everything seemed real. He could not help but feel a sense of fear. This fear was beyond his own control. This was a It is a survival instinct, and this instinct is not easy to control.

Under this survival instinct, Zhang Qian couldn't help but take action several times and escaped from here, but he resisted.


At this moment, the interlaced fangs fell hard on Zhang Qian, making a terrifying roar.

However, Zhang Qian was unscathed and not a single hair was injured.


With a sigh of relief, Zhang Qian finally defeated his instinctive fear and believed in his own judgment from beginning to end, everything was false.


The demonic sound was rolling, and Zhang Qian opened his eyes and found that he had arrived outside and escaped from the demon's big mouth.

Looking up, a figure appeared in front of him. The appearance of this figure surprised Zhang Qian, because this domineering figure in black robes clearly looked like Mo Zuluo.

"Luo! How could this happen?"

Zhang Qian suddenly remembered that the demon is invisible and formless. What is your greatest fear? What does the demon look like in your eyes?

"It turns out that what I feared the most was Mo Zuluo. That's right, I was killed by Mo Zuluo in the first place, and then lost everything I once had!"

This chapter has been completed!
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