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Chapter 1007 The anger of cultural people

Shangguan Yi did not get angry because of Yun Chu's sharp words, but quietly came to the Teppanyaki, sat down quietly, and said to the cook: "Give me a portion."

After the cook got Yun Chu's approval, she got a piece of steak for Shangguan Yi. Watching the steak sizzling on the iron plate, Shangguan Yi said to Yun Chu: "The strong wind knows the strength of the grass, and the rough wind knows the loyal ministers.

Yunchu, now that the court is in chaos, it’s time for you to do your part."

Shangguan Yi no longer spoke harshly, and Yun Chu naturally did not say anything harsh either. He sat next to Shangguan Yi and motioned to the cook to give him a portion.

As Shangguan Yi and Yun Chu both started eating steak, the atmosphere in the hall immediately relaxed. Although the others did not continue to take the gems on the roasted camel, they picked up the wine glasses one by one and divided them into small clusters.

, a small group of people chatted in low voices, probably making a bet between Yun Chu and Guan Yi.

The tit-for-tat confrontation just now was just the first scene of the battle between the two armies. Everyone knows that now that Shangguan Yi has come to Chang'an, it will be impossible for Chang'an to continue to maintain the current fragile calm.

Shangguan Yi was very good at eating, maybe because the steak was so delicious. He ate four pieces in one go, then dropped his chopsticks and knife, and said to Yun Chu who had stopped eating at the same time: "Your Majesty is seriously ill, and now the Queen has exclusive power.

You are the prince's master, don't you want to help the prince reorganize the affairs of the country?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "As long as Your Majesty is here, I will be His Majesty's minister. No matter it is thunder, rain or dew, I will accept it calmly."

Shangguan Yi waved his hand and said, "You think too simply."

Yun Chu said: "The simpler and purer you think at this time, the better."

Shangguan Yi took a deep look at Yun Chu and said, "In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Yun Chu waved his hands irritably and said, "Are you people really so careless that you can do anything to protect your wealth and lives?"

Shangguan Yi narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know what I want to do?"

Yun Chu said: "Instigating the scholars of Chang'an to build your reputation for Shangguan Yi, clamoring the scholars of Taixue, Four Schools, etc. to collectively submit a letter for you Shangguan Yi, using your Shangguan Yi's accumulated reputation for many years to fight for life and death with the queen.


However, why did the scholars of Chang'an deserve it?

Why should you, Shangguan Yi, have a family full of young people?

Do you really not think twice before doing something like this?

Killing you alone, and killing the entire family, are two completely different outcomes."

Shangguan Yi looked back at the officials who were hiding far away, and saw that the cook who had just served him and Yun Chu had gone to hide somewhere, so he said: "Since you know, why don't you prepare in advance?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "You are the only one who can do such a big thing by instigating scholars to cause trouble. People like me who pity the lives of weak wives and children at home would never dare to get involved in such a thing."

Shangguan Yi took a glass of leftover wine from an unknown source and drank it in one gulp. Then he listened for a moment and said to Yun Chu: "You have to try to know the result, not to mention there is no turning back arrow when you shoot the bow."

After saying that, he took out a document from his arms and slapped it in front of Yun Chu and said: "Zhongshu, Yun Chu, will you accept the order issued by my subordinates?"

Yun Chu opened the document, took a look at it, and sighed: "If Zhongshu Ling leaves Chang'an now, those imperial scholars who have arrived at the gate of Wannian County will be exhorted by me to go back and study hard. A certain family can even

If this matter is suppressed, it will be treated as if it never happened."

Shangguan Yi shook his huge head and said, "Are you going to take it or not?"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said: "Zhongshu, the big seal under the door is as bright as clouds, and the black characters on the white paper are very powerful. Yun Chu is a county magistrate of the Tang Dynasty. Under such an edict, he does not have a higher-level edict in his hand."

, if you don’t accept it, wouldn’t it be tantamount to rebellion?

By the way, are you really not considering stepping back from the brink?"

Shangguan Yi's charred face finally relaxed, and he looked at Yun Chu and said, "Okay, since you took over, for ten thousand years, the manpower in the two counties of Chang'an will be under my temporary command.

Come here, where are the county magistrate, chief registrar and county captain of Wannian County?"

When Yunchu saw that his power as county magistrate had been taken away by Shangguan Yi, he came to Yuchiwan with a wine glass and followed a large group of people to watch the fun.

Yuchiwan whispered: "Old man Shangguan is crazy."

Yun Chu looked at the few heroes behind him, shook the documents in his hands and said, "When you come back, please return all the stones and other things you took away. Whatever you eat or drink goes into your stomach."

Hu Shaoqing, the supervisor of the Young Mansion, was the most cheerful and immediately replied: "It's just some stones. I'll ask the housekeeper to take someone to dig two cartloads of them from the river beach to return them to you."

Yun Chu looked at Hu Shaoqing, who was smiling and could still make jokes, and then looked at the others who seemed to be indifferent, and felt curious.

These people have no sense of nervousness before big changes come.

Qin Zhonglu, the Minister of Household Affairs, said: "What can a group of scholars do?"

Zhang Qian, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, followed: "It would be great if you can take it out yourself."

Yun Chu looked at Yu Chiwan and said, "You really know everything and you just hide it from me, a fool, right?"

Yu Chiwan looked at Yun Chu with pity and said: "The turmoil in Luoyang City is about to turn upside down, and you haven't heard anything about it?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "Look at the current chaos in Chang'an City, do you think I still have the mind to take care of Luoyang's affairs?"

Yu Chiwan sighed and said: "It's too late to say anything now. The Queen wants to kill Shangguan Yi, but Your Majesty has not taken away Shangguan Yi's authority. Shangguan Yi controls the center, with the Queen's confidant Wang Dezhen from Zhongshushe, Sanqi Changshi

Liu Zhiwei often visited the palace and was suspected of being unclean, so he imprisoned the two of them. He also ordered the censors to impeach all officials who were close to the queen. Not only that, it is said that he also compiled a book called "Kunchen Lu"

, cut off the Queen's mouthpiece, and even implicitly accused the Queen of being a member of Taizong's palace, and now she was suspected of being unchaste as the Queen of the Tang Dynasty.

Although we all know the origin of the queen, can we still talk about it?

The queen naturally went crazy on the spot, saying that Shangguan Yi, the deposed prince Li Zhong, and the eunuch Wang Fusheng conspired to rebel, and ordered Baiqisi to rebel. The Huarang disciples captured Guo Guangjing, the general of Zuoweiwei, Gao Guogong, and was tortured to death that night.


Liu Xiangdao, the left prime minister who supported Shangguan Yi, resigned from political affairs and was appointed as the Secretary of Li Tai Changbo, which also cut off Shangguan Yi's right and left hand.

Just when the queen was about to perform an operation on Shangguan Yi, Shangguan Yi came to Chang'an and seemed to be desperate and struggling to the death.

If you want to join the Queen, all you need to do now is to order Shangguan Yi to be captured and delivered to Luoyang, which will be a great achievement."

Yun Chu looked at Yu Chiwan and said, "Why don't you seek refuge with the queen? It's not like you don't have thugs in Honglu Temple."

Yu Chiwan said proudly: "Your Majesty, Prince, one is recuperating in Shangyang Palace, and the other is receiving the Buddha's bone relics. They are not in a hurry. It would be too ugly for me, a young minister who is not much bigger than a dog, to jump out.

I also heard that Shangguan Tingzhi, Shangguan Yi’s son, has been in Chang’an for a long time, didn’t you know?”

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "A shabby running water brand has already made me very anxious..."

As Yun Chu spoke, he took out the Daming Palace acceptance document that had been prepared long ago and asked Yu Chiwan to sign on it as one of the acceptance officials.

Yuchiwan said in surprise: "Do you still have this skill now?"

Yun Chu said, "Don't you realize that now is the best time?" As he spoke, he gave Yu Chiwan his short-barreled writing brush for signature.

Shangguan Yi finally waited until the chief registrar and county magistrate of Wannian County and Chang'an County came over and issued a series of instructions. Among them, he only asked the officials of the two counties to arrest sixteen officials immediately.

Shen Ru, the chief registrar of Wannian County, complained endlessly...

After He Qingshan, the chief registrar of Chang'an County, heard Shangguan Yi's instructions clearly, he fainted with a groan...

As for the county magistrates of the two counties, their bodies shook like chaff after hearing this.

There is nothing these little officials can do.

Yun Chu was busy here looking for the officials who had taken his gems, ate his roasted camel and saw a big fuss here to sign and seal.

When Yunchu confirmed that his Daming Palace project had passed the inspection, he tore off a strip of meat from the warm camel and chewed it slowly.

Shangguan Yi's beard was twitching, and he urged repeatedly, urging the four officials present. Seeing his angry look, even Yun Chu and Yu Chiwan who were watching the fun couldn't bear it.

It is really disappointing that a dignified prime minister, a figure who is inferior to one person and is superior to tens of thousands of people, is now living in such a state.

Yu Chiwan whispered: "Once a civil servant has his wings cut off, how can he fight with the queen without soldiers and horses... Hey, if you want to do something, do you have anyone to help you?"

Yun Chu said: "A certain family can come and go freely among thousands of troops. If it ends up like this, I will first chop to death all of you who are watching the excitement, and then seize the mastermind..."

Yuchiwan said: "How could I be so unworthy..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shangguan Yi striding out of the hall and hurried out of the county government gate with more than ten scribes outside. No one knew what he said outside.

The already huge crowd of scholars broke through the human wall formed by the government officials and rushed into the Wannian County Government Office.

The county magistrate Zhang Jia rushed forward to reason, but was slapped in the face with a brick by a tough Tang Dynasty scholar. He screamed and ran away.

"Get rid of the sycophants and restore the Qingming Dynasty!"

I don't know who shouted such a voice, so a group of scholars from Wuyangyang Boss rushed towards Yunchu and his group of sycophants, and the slogan "Get rid of the sycophants and restore the Qingming Dynasty" has resounded throughout Wannian County.


However, the delinquents and government officials in Wannian County faced off against the scholars who had always had a bad temper but were extremely skilled. They were chased by the scholars in just one round and were unable to resist.


Although Yu Chiwan was born as a general, it was a pity that he had not practiced martial arts much since he was a child. Seeing this group of scholars who were bewitched by Shangguan Yi and came to kill him with passion, he grabbed Yun Chu's arm and shouted: "Yu Chu, save me."


This chapter has been completed!
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