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Chapter 1020: Its still cliche after all (Thanks to the confused BHC


With the emperor's backing, you can fight with others in a bold and open-fire manner.

When fighting with the queen, you can only hide the needle in the thicket and find the right opportunity to kill the opponent with one needle. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

The old god said that the emperor's disease was actually a disease caused by excessive blood and essence. Yun Chu thought it was a combination of high blood pressure and diabetes. Although they were both very bad diseases, he would not die immediately, as long as nothing unexpected happened.

, can still live for a long, long time.

In fact, even if the old immortal didn't say this, Yun Chu still knew that Li Zhi had been lingering on the sick bed for almost twenty years before leaving.

He lived five or six years longer than Emperor Taizong.

Yun Chu felt that he could afford to wait. For a man, his prime time is when he is forty or fifty years old.

The only thing he is worried about now is Li Hong.

This child died young in history and only lived to be twenty-three years old.

He was not sure whether he had changed this child's life. If history was really irreversible, Yun Chu would be ready to eat and wait to die.

Many wealthy people died in Chang'an City because of Zhou Xing. After these people died, the remaining wealthy people lived cautiously one by one. The most direct manifestation was that the market in Chang'an was further depressed.

Small people and small households consume a few needles, threads, brains, candied haws and other things, which basically do not make much contribution to Chang'an's economy.

What Yun Chu needs is a mansion, fancy clothes, fragrant cars, all-night banquets, singing and dancing... It is the jade belt around the waist of a nobleman, the flower in the eyebrow of a beautiful woman, the luxury of spending a lot of money, and even more, the Luo Luo who is stained by wine and sex.


Although the song "Jianjinjiu" made Pingkangfang lively for a while, it did not form a new economic growth point. The main reason was that Zhou Xing's butcher's knife and the madness of the scholars disrupted its original process.

Yun Chu was walking on the bank of Bahe River where there were only a few cars and horses, and was filled with emotion.

In previous years, when Yangliu Yiyi came, there would be many women here wearing spring clothes, dressing themselves up like the fairies who had fallen into the Yaochi, and using the Bahe River embankment as a stage to show off their beauty.

At that time, the river embankment was full of scholars or libertines with wolfish eyes. Some people would even pick some apricot flowers and distribute them to the girls they thought were the most beautiful.

There are even crazy wealthy people who spend huge sums of money just to see the beauty of a little girl wearing a curtain.

This year, when Yunchu was walking on the embankment of the Bahe River, he, a man, became the center of attention. The most asked question was - if an official is lonely, can he listen to a little girl singing?

Looking at the singer who was dressed in bright clothes but with a disheveled face, Yun Chu refused to refuse anyone who came. He listened to "Jian Jin Jiu" with various tunes dozens of times. After throwing out a bag full of copper coins, he watched the singer holding it in her mouth.

With a flattering look on her face as she thanked him with the copper coins, her mood waned even more.

"My Chang'an shouldn't be in such a dead state!"

The bay-red horse trotted briskly on the country road. The fields outside the city were already lush and green. There were not many people growing cotton in Wannian County now. The main reason was that cotton attracted insects too much, and the government no longer

Subsidies, plus the income from growing vegetables seem to be higher than the income from growing cotton. Even those who grow cotton only need it for their own needs.

Looking at the vegetable seedlings that had just sprouted green in the fields, Yun Chu felt somewhat sad. This year, the prospects for Chang'an's catering industry would not be very good. Who would these vegetables be sold to?

There are fish in the pond, ducks and geese in the ditch. The fish are already very big, and they are swimming in black groups under the water. If they are not caught and eaten, carp spirits will probably appear in Chang'an.

The ducks are as fat as geese, and the geese are almost as fat as ostriches. When they see a bay-red horse approaching, they pounce on them and give them a bite.

Such good things cannot be turned into money now, and it seems that farmers have to produce and sell them themselves.

The originally prosperous market economy was turning back to a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy, and Yun Chu felt that the previous ten years had been in vain.

The bay-red horse unknowingly carried Yunchu to Zhongnan Mountain.

Zhong Kui, a tall man, was standing in the field hoeing weeds.

This is obviously a pain in the ass for Xian. The wheat has only grown two inches long. Where are the weeds for him to hoe?

"Why do you have time to hang out at my place?"

Zhong Kui walked out of the wheat field barefoot, saying hello as he walked.

Yun Chu looked up at Zhong Kui and found that this guy seemed to have become uglier.

"Come and see you gods and couples."

Yunchu answered casually.

"Chaoyun went to the mountains to pick bracken. I stayed here at noon, just in time to have something fresh."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "You should treat me to a meal of Hun Yang at the Qianchi Tower, the most luxurious building in Chang'an."

Zhong Kui said in surprise: "I remember you don't like that."

Yunchu sighed and said, "The main reason is that it's expensive."

Zhong Kui said: "I understand, the results of this year's spring trade fair are not good, right?"

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Only 60% of the transaction volume in previous years. Many goods arrived in Chang'an, but no one took them over. The transaction prices of the large quantities of goods on the Liushui sign have hardly moved."

Zhong Kui placed the hoe horizontally on the field ridge, invited Yun Chu to sit on the handle of the hoe and said, "You are too anxious."

Yun Chu glanced sideways at Zhong Kui and said, "You know nothing."

Zhong Kui smiled and said, "I don't know. I only know that you are a useless person. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I didn't want to come to you. The bay red horse carried me here on its own."

Zhong Kui frowned and said, "It's very far, is it difficult?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Qinghai head!"

"What's there?"

"Salt, countless green salts."

"Do you need me to go to Qinghaitou to dry the salt?"

"No, there are mountains of salt there, just put it in your pocket and transport it back."

"I remember that the salt used in Chang'an is the salt from the salt pond in Hedong."

"That's right, I just want to use salt, rice grain, iron, silk, cotton and linen cloth to form the basic plate of Liushui brand trading, so I need a lot of salt."

"Is it because these things are indispensable materials for human life?"

"Yes, this idea was inspired by the Queen two days ago."

"You have all done this. Once things change, will the people still have a way to survive?"

"The Queen and I have different ideas. I don't want to use these things to control anyone, I just want to coordinate everything."

"Have you ever thought about it? It's not wrong for you to think so. What if people in the future don't think so?"

"If there is no way to survive, then just rebel. If you can't fucking live anymore, what are you waiting for if you don't rebel?"

Zhong Kui looked at Yun Chu blankly and said, "There are not many officials who think like you."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "So, I am a good official."

Zhong Kui stood up, grabbed a handful of newly grown alkali grass, rubbed it in his hands, and treated it as washing his hands, then said to Yun Chu: "How many people can you give me?"

Yun Chu said seriously: "Five thousand five hundred people."

Zhong Kui said in surprise: "If five hundred people are overseers, then the remaining five thousand people should be slaves. Don't you always dislike using slaves? Why, have you changed your temper?"

Yun Chu said: "I have always believed in my heart that 'people of the Tang Dynasty are not allowed to be slaves'."

"You wouldn't have any taboos if you were a foreigner, right?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I know it's a bit unscrupulous to say this, but I really don't feel any guilt at all for using Japanese slaves as slaves. I even feel that using them as slaves is saving them."

Zhong Kui pointed at Yun Chu's nose and said, "If you don't go to the eighteenth level of hell in the future, it will be unforgivable."

Yun Chu pointed to his bald head and said, "So I have been working hard to recite the Buddha's name, hoping to alleviate my sins."

Zhong Kui said: "Let me go to Qinghaitou, who are you guarding against?"

Yun Chu said: "Xu Jingye, this time Mount Tai was enshrined, and both the Ying Gong's sons and grandsons were ennobled. Xu Jingye was not, so he left Chang'an. I heard that if he went to the Hexi area, he might become a real thief.

If you accidentally meet him, kill him."

Zhong Kui nodded. Yun Chu had been kind to him and he had always wanted to repay him. This was a good opportunity to repay his kindness.

I followed Zhong Kui to his home.

Zhong Kui's eldest daughter is eleven years old, and she is quite beautiful. Unfortunately, Zhong Kui did not give birth to her daughter, but his wife brought her to her.

Zhong Kui's second daughter is nine years old. The little girl is white and chubby. It looks like she is a lucky girl. Unfortunately, it is his wife who brought her.

Zhong Kui's son looks... how should I put it, very generous, with big eyes, a big nose, a big mouth, long hands and legs, and a green, downy birthmark on the back of his neck. Well, in short, he is a very generous man.

The child, at first glance, was Zhong Kui's biological child.

He was three years old this year, and he came over dragging a black-haired dog, asking Yun Chu to help him kill the dog and stew it.

"This dog is kept to look after homes and homes. It cannot be killed."

Zhong Kui likes this son very much...

Wen Chaoyun walked out from the foot of the mountain with a basket and a maid. Their skirts were wet with dew. When he saw Yun Chu standing in front of her house, he saluted from a distance.

Zhong Kui's house is located on a small hillside. The hillside is covered with dots of wild flowers. There is a bamboo forest on the left. In the bamboo forest, you can vaguely see bears looking for bamboo shoots to eat. On the right is the Jinxian Temple with strange peaks.

The stream winds from the mountain stream, and coupled with Wen Chaoyun's fragrant smiling face, even a picky person like Yun Chu feels that living in this place is really good.

Yun Chu entered Zhong Kui's house hungry, and left hungry too.

There was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't get enough of the bracken mixed with garlic. Although Zhong Kui killed a chicken to entertain him, Yun Chu never ate the chicken from beginning to end. The main reason was that Zhong Kui's son kept eating too much.

Mouth stood beside him.

When waving goodbye to Zhong Kui, Yun Chu felt a little guilty inexplicably. Zhong Kui had obviously become detached and did not want to experience the mortal world again, but he was dragged into the mortal world by himself.

Friends, sometimes they are a disaster.

When he was about to enter the city, Yun Chu stopped his horse and glanced eastward. He didn't know when the dark clouds had risen and shrouded the east side tightly.

Those who were busy entering the city didn't know it yet, but Yunchu knew that the first batch of Japanese slaves transported by the slave-catching group to the Japanese country had returned. The total number of people was more than 13,000, among whom were the Japanese slaves belonging to the Japanese Yun clan.

There are six thousand Japanese slaves!

This chapter has been completed!
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