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Chapter 10: A peaceful transfer of power

 The old wolf is gone. It is impossible for this guy to be domesticated into a dog. At the last moment of his life, he is still willing to die in the name of a wolf instead of continuing to live in the name of a dog.

Selema fell asleep holding Naha in her arms, while Yunchu stared at the bright moon on Tianshan Mountain and couldn't sleep.

Just like that day, it was very quiet and peaceful on the Grasshopper Lake side, but fighting was in full swing on the other side of the tribal camp.

Just tonight, there should be many, many small tribes fighting the same battle, because a new king is about to ascend the throne.

At dawn, Yunchu grilled some fish, and the bar-headed geese were wandering in the lake, looking very leisurely.

"Did nothing happen last night?" Selema squatted by the lake and washed her face. She also liked living by Grasshopper Lake.

"We can go back. If Jiesika becomes Great Apo, I will leave the tribe. If Jiesika dies, I will continue to stay."

"Why did Jasika die?" Selema was a little frightened.

Yun Chu smiled and handed the grilled fish to Selema and said: "Because he wants to be the great Apo, and when he gets ahead, he always has to pay some price."

Selema was panicked as to whether Jasika would die. Fighting was a common occurrence for Sai men. If they were lucky, they would survive. If they were unlucky, they would die. She had seen this kind of thing a lot.

It can even be said to be part of her life.

"Are you going to find Lao Yangpi?" Selema was concerned about Yunchu's future again.

There are many cattle and sheep traders on the grasslands, Gobi, and deserts. These cattle and sheep traders are very important to herdsmen. They can bring high-quality cattle and sheep from far away, and they can also bring good local cattle and sheep breeds to distant places.


In this way, it ensures the diversity of the cattle and sheep populations raised by herdsmen, and ensures that the cattle and sheep will be continuously optimized during breeding, and will not gradually wither due to too single bloodlines.

If there are cattle and sheep traders, there will naturally be human traders too!

Lao Yangpi is the most famous human trafficker in this area.

His work is actually not evil at all.

If there are too many women and too few men in a certain tribe, Lao Yangpi will take away the women from this tribe and send them to a tribe with more men and fewer women, and send the men in exchange to a tribe with fewer men.

He is a person who makes a living by buying and selling people and extracting a certain amount of profit. He is an indispensable person on the grasslands, Gobi, and deserts.

Yun Chu had no intention of selling herself to Lao Yangpi, and Selema had no intention of selling Yun Chu. She just hoped that through Lao Yangpi's introduction, Yun Chu could go to a place he liked.

On this grassland, only Lao Yangpi might have a way for Yun Chu to go to the Tang camp he always wanted to visit.

"Lao Yangpi is not just a simple human trafficker. I might go directly to Qiuci City where the Tang people live to try my luck.

Selema, you should know that my luck has always been good."

"Mom, brother, the tent is on fire."

Naha, who went out to pee, came back with a not-so-surprising question.

Yun Chu climbed up the big rock and took a look at the tribe's headquarters. He found that many tents had been burned and were still smoking.

The tribesmen were standing together in the open space, not knowing what they were doing, but the battle seemed to be over.

Yun Chu and Selema simply packed up and prepared to go back.

On the way, I got two marmots from Da Fei. After they were beaten to death, they were picked up on a stick and pretended to be the prey caught last night.

Jasika was very excited. When she saw Selema and Naha, she hugged them tightly in her arms, and her mouth rained down on Naha's face, causing Naha to dodge left and right.

Yunchu took a look at the scars on Jiesga's body and found that he probably wouldn't die, so he went to clean up his tent.

There are many strangers in the tribe, and they all look fierce.

The ground next to the sink was wet, not because of water splashing, but because a lot of blood had soaked the area. Flies kept flying over from a distance and landed on the ground to rub their hands.

Curly-haired Mi Man sat on the edge of his tent and kept staring at the outsiders. His leather jacket was torn in a mess and his face was covered with wounds. He must have been beaten just now. Within an hour, this

The guy's eyes will swell and his entire face will turn into a pig's head.

Jiesga's identity seemed to have changed a lot. After being intimate with Selema and Naha, he greeted the armed idlers and left on horseback. Judging from the direction they left, it should be

It was to go to the royal court where the Khan lived.

As soon as these people left, Yunchu's neighbors ran out of the tents screaming and headed straight for the big ditch to the west of the camp.

The big ditch in the west is actually where tribal people usually go to the toilet and throw away garbage.

It’s not that Cypriots are very fond of cleanliness and have special places to deal with sanitation issues. The main reason is that human excrement and garbage will attract wild animals.

Human digestive organs are far more delicate than those of animals and wild beasts. Therefore, the digestive products excreted by humans have good secondary utilization value for many animals.

Therefore, herdsmen can do whatever they want on the grassland, and they will never lay mines anywhere in their residential areas.

Watching everyone rushing towards the ditch, Yun Chu lowered his head and continued to tidy up his tent that was knocked down by the horse.

It is difficult for him to have empathy for the Uighur people. This is not because he is cold-blooded, but because the Uighur people themselves have not cultivated this great emotion.

The Cypriots were originally an ethnic group established based on blood. After the natural reproduction population of the tribe increased, they began to plunder other tribes and accept people from other tribes into their own tribe to accept their exploitation.

It is impossible for shepherds to have a group of more than 3,000 people. Once this number exceeds this number, there is not enough pasture within their control for them to feed so many cattle and sheep, and it is impossible to feed more people.

Therefore, the royal court would break up the people and re-establish small tribes one by one. In this way, the blood ties would become even weaker.

Generally speaking, this is a tribe of people who want to embolden each other but don't want others to interfere too much with them. As long as there is a chance to split, they will choose to betray without hesitation.

Naha looked very excited when she came back.

"Brother, brother, many people died in Dagou. All the members of the Gelusa family and the Huishigong family died.

They can never bully me again."

Yun Chu leaned over and picked up Naha, who was only six years old. Logically speaking, she shouldn't be allowed to see dead people, but in the Huihe tribe, dead people are a normal occurrence.

Selema, who came back later, seemed very happy. The reason why she came back later than Naha was because she was driving a group of sheep.

Look at the markings on the horns of the sheep. Some of these sheep belong to the Gesalu family, and some belong to the Huishigong family.

"With thirty more sheep, our life will be easier. Yunchu, you don't have to leave. We have enough sheep to live a good life."

Yunchu helped Selema drive the corrupted sheep of Jiesga into the sheepfold. Selema immediately heated a thin iron bar red and re-marked the sheep with his own mark.

There was basically no possibility of repairing Yunchu's tent. The war horse broke the pillars of the tent and tore the cowhide that protected it from wind and rain.

Therefore, Selema and Naha had no choice but to stay in Jasika's tent tonight, which was intact.

Yunchu didn't want to think about why his tent was damaged like this by the war horses despite being far away from the battlefield.

At least, he doesn't want to think too badly of Jiesika now, or in other words, Yunchu thinks that Jiesika's current behavior is a normal behavior of a male lion, and no male lion who has just become the king would allow his female lion to

Continue to support the children of the former Lion King.

This is an instinctive reaction that has nothing to do with human nature, emotions, or even right or wrong.

And Jiesga just wanted to drive him away, which was already very, very kind.

In the next few days, Yun Chu went out early in the morning and came back late to chop wood and stockpile food. He even killed several marmots under Da Fei's command, so Da Fei was no longer willing to pay attention to him.

As the pile of firewood at home got higher and higher, Selema cried more and more often. She knew that once Jiesiga brought the war horse to Yunchu, it would be time for him to leave.

Naha seemed to feel something. This little girl who was usually only interested in eating became more and more clingy to Yunchu. Even when she was sleeping, she would hold her brother's arm, and sometimes she couldn't even tear it apart.

But Yunchu talked a lot with Selema, and sometimes they could talk all night long over the bonfire in the fire pit.

When the herdsmen returned the Yunchu family's breeding sheep, good news finally came from Jiesiga. They successfully killed Porun Khan and put Porun Khan into a cowhide bag. The cavalry lined up.

The team stepped over the cowhide bag and did not stop until there was only a bag of meat sauce left in the cowhide bag.

They piled soil on the leather bags again, and continued to let the cavalry trample them until they were firm. They continued to pile soil, and trampled them again until a bare mound appeared on the ground.

Being more diligent than Sogd, he became Bisu Khan, and Jiesika naturally became the new great Abo of Yunchu and the other two hundred shepherds.

This was a very peaceful way of transferring power. Only less than a thousand of the more than 100,000 Uighur tribesmen died for this transfer of power. It can be seen that Bisogdiqin had done a lot of work before this.

This time, Jiesika seemed very confident when she came back to Yun Chu's house. As soon as she came up, she hugged Naha who was kicking around and kissed her hard. Then she held Selema's waist and said to Yun Chu.

: "I, Jiesga Great Apo, will give you a tent, a horse, and a scimitar!"

Yun Chu shook his head and said with a smile: "I want the machete and the horse. Forget about the tent, you can live in this tent."

Jiesga frowned and said, "I have a tent! It's made of cowhide and it's big!"

"A big tent that's dirty, full of bugs, and smells like cow dung!" Yun Chu didn't show any dignity to the newly appointed Big Apo.

"I've moved in, where do you live? Oh, you can live in my big tent!" Jiesika quickly found the source of her confidence.

Naha slipped down from Jiesga's arms and hugged Yunchu's thigh tightly. She looked around with a pair of green eyes. Although everyone was laughing, Naha felt like a disaster was coming.


"You want to leave? Where are you going? Find the human trafficker Lao Yangpi to find an opportunity for you?

Yunchu, listen to me, Lao Yangpi won't arrange a good place for you. He will only trick you into going to the Stone Kingdom to participate in the battle cage selection there. You are still young and not suitable for participating in such a bloody battle!

Most of the young people who followed Lao Yangpi in search of a way out over the years died in the battle cages of the Stone Kingdom.

You are too young to defeat those tough warriors in the cage. If you go there, you will die, and the cheap old sheepskin will take your life money."

This chapter has been completed!
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