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Chapter 1106 He is the one who kills, and he is the one who saves people

Looking at Yun Jin, who was dressed in short clothes, had a machete on his back, a crossbow hanging from his waist, and was as agile as a leopard carrying gunpowder bullets, he followed Nong Yan and the others out of the village.

Yang Chunfeng said to the waiter beside him: "Look clearly, this is the backbone of our future. If you work hard, you can expect prosperity for three generations."

The man looked at the remaining women in the village, and the old man said to the child: "All the young men are gone, what will they do? Will those young men come back?"

A trace of pity flashed in Yang Chunfeng's eyes: "I hope they can survive until the good times."

The guy asked: "When is the good time?"

Yang Chunfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know either..."

The waiter added: "But the Yun family in Chang'an is so poor, and their houses are smaller than others."

Yang Chunfeng said: "Boy, you are still young. If you grow up in a few years, you should understand that the Yun family's doghouse is worth more than other people's lobby..."

It was night, the moon and stars were sparse.

Nong Yan, the leader of Qingyan Village, led 500 people. They destroyed Mu Nong, Gaojie, Liangping, and Yanmu all in one night. They ate them up, robbed all the grain stored in the village, and killed all the village owners, chiefs, witches, and holy men.

The last fire burned the four villages to ashes.

At dawn, Yun Jin, Wen Huan, Di Guangsi, Li Chengxiu, and the Cheng brothers stood on the top of the mountain overlooking the blazing Yanmu Village, and they were not very willing to talk.

Planning is one thing, being mentally prepared is another thing, but the reality after things actually break out is still far beyond their imagination.

Listening to the faint screams and wails coming from the bottom of the mountain, Yun Jin said indifferently: "Chang'an, Chang'an, long-term peace can only be achieved through long-term governance."

Di Guangsi said depressedly: "Ah Huan can isolate the damage to his brain caused by inferior food. It seems that you have blocked your conscience and only used the revolutionary theory taught by your master, right?

Smash the old world to pieces, then add some water to reshape it into a new one, right?"

Yun Jin took out a piece of licorice, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it slowly: "You still have to go through the tempering of blood and fire, and then the rain will pass, the sky will clear, and the clouds will break. Chu, Guang Si, if you can't accept this reality

, you can withdraw from this social practice activity."

Di Guangsi pointed to the fighting still going on down the mountain and said, "You call this a social practice activity?"

Wen Huan said: "This is a social practice activity. Our practice activities focus on truth."

Di Guangsi said angrily: "Look, they started killing women and children..."

Wen Huan looked at Di Guangsi and said, "I remember that Master was talking about the allusion about the year when there was a great famine in Hebei and people exchanged their children for food. At that time, you were still asking Master whether a fat boy like you could be exchanged for someone else's family.

The two skinny ones will come back to eat."

Di Guangsi said angrily: "That was in class."

Wen Huan said: "Let me ask you if it is true?"

Di Guangsi sat down slowly, scratched his short hair with his hands and said dejectedly: "Historical records are always different from what you see with your own eyes. What's more, we are the ones who started the evil things here."

Yun Jin said quietly: "Aye once said when talking about the Three Kingdoms that in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the heroes of the world competed to see who could kill more people. During the Three Kingdoms period, the Three Kingdoms were still in chaos, but they competed to see who could save people.


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, whoever killed more people was a hero. In the Three Kingdoms, whoever saved more people would win the world.

From the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the end of the Three Kingdoms, for eighty years, the population of this land dropped sharply from more than 50 million to less than 8 million.

We can look at the changes in numbers without any worries, but once we associate each number with a person, we will immediately stop being happy.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, thirty-six puffs of smoke and seventy-two streaks of smoke, the heroes of the world repeated the events of the Three Kingdoms again. For thirty years of continuous fighting, the household registration dropped sharply from 8.9 million in the late Sui Dynasty to 2.9 million in the early Tang Dynasty.

Hey, a good life of stability and peace never comes for free.

It took so many people to die for us to be safe. The people have just tasted what it is like to be a human being. I will not allow anyone to destroy their hope and peace.

Although Sheng Luopi calls himself a hero, he doesn't know what bullshit heroes I hate the most. These people are not so much heroes, in my eyes they are thieves who harm the people!

He has already had bad thoughts towards the Tang Dynasty. We must put an end to their bad thoughts in the shortest possible time and let them know before cutting off their heads that the Tang Dynasty is inviolable.

Damn it, if anyone calls himself a hero in the future, I will be the first to get up and kill him."

Wen Huan said quietly: "If we do this, the emperor will have nothing to fear."

Yun Jin clasped his hands and swayed back and forth and said, "If I can kill the hero who harms the people, I can kill the emperor who harms the people."

Di Guangsi also held his knees and rocked back and forth: "Who will kill us who are enriching the people and enriching ourselves?"

Li Chengxiu pointed to the blue sky and said: "Heaven!"

Wen Huan also squatted on the top of the mountain with his hands and knees and looked up at the sky: "Sure enough, all the knowledge and ideals in the world must have a true end in God."

Li Chengxiu retorted: "The sky I am talking about is not God."

Wen Huan said: "I know you are not talking about God, but it is God!"

Seeing that the killing in Yanmuzhai was coming to an end, Yun Jin said to Wen Huan: "Tell Chahei, just say that the master of Nongyan Village said that today, we will reward the three armies. Everyone can eat, drink and play as much as they want.

Two days later, we will send troops to Peacock Village!"

Wen Huan nodded, and the smoke billowed down the mountain...

At the same time, the same thing was happening in this forest. With the help of Yun's caravan, more than 700 disciples from the Dandy Camp became the owners of many villages, doing the same thing as Yun Jin.


The forest obscured the sky, and even the sharpest golden eagle could not see clearly what was happening under the dense forest.

Perhaps, only the owl squatting on the tree with its big round eyes could tell that there was a black crowd heading towards the south of the colorful clouds.

By the time Yunchu led his army to the Bo Road, winter had already arrived in this hot and humid land. Winter brought nothing good to this land except dampness and coldness.

People in Guanzhong can still adapt to this kind of wet and cold weather. There is nothing to say except that the continuous rain is annoying.

Mainly because the army was not harassed at all by the enemy during the march, which made everyone very uncomfortable.

During the march, the only surprise attack came from a wild boar.

To be precise, it comes from a group of wild boars.

More than a dozen wild boars, large and small, ran into the advancing army's queue, which immediately excited the soldiers. However, the excitement did not last long, and the dozen wild boars were killed.

It was raining heavily outside the tent, mixed with a bit of cold air. Yun Chu was stewing pork on a small stove. It was a small pig, and the meat was quite fat and tender.

After joining the army, Yunchu no longer paid attention to the quality of food. He usually ate whatever was available. Today, the cook brought some pickled cabbage and vermicelli, so of course the only thing Yunchu could eat was pork stewed with vermicelli.

Yun Chu invited the three members of the Zhongjun team to eat this pot of rice together.

Not only did Li Yuance think that the pickled pork and vermicelli noodles were delicious, he also cautiously advised Yun Chu, the coach, that he encountered no resistance or harassment during the march. This was probably due to Sheng Luopi's strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the field. Maybe his army would be there soon.

A decisive battle with the army is waiting in the distance.

In order to prepare for the long and hard war ahead, the army should try to be frugal and avoid extravagance and waste.

As for Jiang Xie, he believes that the current environment around the army is very strange. It is different from all the situations after the Tang army entered the southwest forest. The army should slow down its advance, send more scouts out, and understand the surrounding environment before proceeding.

Starting from the purpose is the best policy.

Yun Chu glanced at Zhang Donghai who was eating vermicelli crazily and said, "You've eaten all the vermicelli, what do the three of us eat?"

The vermicelli in Zhang Donghai's mouth is very long. The front part has already reached his mouth, and the second half is still in the pot. This guy is not afraid of being burned, and his beard is covered with soup.

Seeing Yun Chu scolding him, he wanted to spit out the vermicelli in his mouth. After being glared at by Yun Chu, he sucked all the vermicelli into his mouth like a whale sucking water.

Yun Chu turned to Li Yuance and said: "There is civil strife in Nanzhao, and the Wu barbarians are advancing into the territory of the white barbarians. This is why we can't see many barbarians along the way."

Li Yuance looked at Yun Chu blankly and said: "Commander, are the barbarians fighting among themselves at this moment? Could this be Sheng Luopi's plan to let us go deep alone?"

Yun Chu looked at Li Yuance and sighed: "If you, Aye, were here, you would never say such a thing."

Li Yuance was furious. Yun Chu was still young, and he was already over fifty. However, the man in front of him always taught him a lesson as an elder and treated him like a child.

Jiang Xie hurriedly said to the side: "A fully loaded army of 50,000 people, even with Nanzhao's full strength, is no match for us."

Yunchu didn't care about Li Yuance's attitude and continued to say indifferently: "In less than three days, we will encounter many Wuman villages. What the army has to do is to appease these Wuman people and give them convenience on land and water on a flat terrain.

Build a new city wherever you want.”

Jiang Xie glanced at Li Yuance, who was eating with his head down and not paying attention to anything, and said to Yun Chu: "Is the commander-in-chief going to turn restraint into actual management?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "That's right."

Jiang Xie took a breath and said, "Commander, Wuman is ignorant and stubborn. I'm afraid he won't accept management."

Yun Chu said: "Yes, and you can't ask for it. When the time comes, you can see it in person and you will know."

Jiang Xie continued to eat with anxiety. After eating for a while, he said goodbye to Li Yuance.

Zhang Donghai wiped the juice from his beard with a handkerchief and said: "Commander, in less than ten days, the Crown Prince and the others will face the fortified city of Zhuti, which is the headquarters of the capital of the Jianwei Kingdom. As for the bandits led by the Crown Prince, how can they

Attack it?"

Yun Chu said: "Only when they capture the strong city of Zhuti can they truly become famous among the Wuman people, and more Wuman people will join them and save enough money for them to fight against Sheng Luopi.


Zhang Donghai said again: "All the young and strong people have fled, leaving only a group of old, weak, women and children. It is not easy to govern."

Yun Chu took a bite of pork and shook his head: "You are wrong. No matter when you have a woman, a child, or a house, you can call it home. This is especially true for barbarians.

Without these, they would be no different than wild boars roaming in the woods."

Zhang Donghai said curiously: "But they abandoned their women and children and followed the Crown Prince and the others to enjoy the popular food and drink spicy food. They didn't seem to hesitate at all."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "This is why I look down on them. They will always be dominated by desire and cannot achieve great things. When they want to come back again, they will find those women who farm by themselves, make money by themselves, and raise children by themselves.

It is no longer something they can afford.

Lao Zhang, remember, in this world, the economic base determines the superstructure at all times, and whoever controls the economy controls the right to speak."

This chapter has been completed!
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