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Chapter 1122 Stupid people do not distinguish between groups

There was no need to wait for the thunder of the Waking of Insects to sound. In the southwestern forests, the beetles emerged from the dead branches and leaves and the cracks in the rocks. The main reason was that this year's spring came earlier than in previous years.

Li Si wore a power fence on his head, gloves on his hands, and long boots on his feet. He held an iron clip and grabbed a centipede nearly a foot long from a shallow crack in the stone.

The centipede's body is wrapped around the iron clip, its two shiny black mouthparts bite on the iron clip, and its countless hairy legs are rolled up and twisted into a pompom.

Li Si shook the centipede off the iron clip into a leather bag with air holes, then raised her sleeves and wiped her face. She didn't want to move forward anymore, because wherever there are such large centipedes with red legs,

80% of the time there are corpses of large animals nearby, and of course, these large animals also include humans.

She didn't like to see rotting corpses, but those Uman women who were invited by her to catch centipedes, spiders, snakes and other poisonous things didn't have so many taboos. A big centipede weighed a pound of grain.

Today, Li Si caught a lot of big centipedes. So, after returning to the camp, she put some of the centipedes in their heads with a clamp and put them in warm water to spit out the venom, then peeled them and fried them for Aye's dinner.

The other part looked at the highly toxic centipede, so they pinned the head with a bamboo stick to kill it, washed it, dried it in the sun, and used it as the best medicinal material. Sun Shenxian said that there are many people with paralysis in Chang'an City, and this thing is just the right medicine.


When he returned to the camp, Li Si found that there were many strangers outside the commander's tent. When he walked into the commander's tent and saw Lou Shide, he immediately said angrily: "Where is the thing I want?"

After Lou Shide stood up to greet Princess Anding, he said with a smile: "Your Highness, you don't allow it."

Yun Chu glanced at Li Si, who was still talking. Li Si muttered something in a low voice that others could not understand, and left the handsome tent obediently.

Lou Shide smiled at Yunchu and said, "He must be a prince."

Yun Chu said: "The children are obedient."

Lou Shide said: "Your Majesty, your troops advanced a thousand and two hundred miles without losing any blood. Your Majesty, the Crown Prince highly praises you."

Yun Chu said indifferently: "There are many people who call me a prodigal."

Lou Shide said: "When it is a good time to open up new territories and expand the territory, why should the ruler deal with fools?"

Yun Chu said: "Stop flattering, since you are here, the government governance along the way must be closely followed. Taking advantage of the increasing favor of the Southwest people towards the Tang Dynasty, it is best to arrange for officials to settle in as early as possible. Also,

Within three years, the government's responsibilities should be mainly to appease, help, and serve. We should recruit more people who want to make contributions, and don't recruit people who are greedy for money.

When those who are greedy for money and harm the people come here, I will kill them all on sight. Don't say that I will punish them without teaching them."

Lou Shide frowned and said, "Why are there only women and children, but no young men?"

Yun Chu said: "All the young men have gone to rebel, only women and children. The government has worked hard for five or six years. When the children grow up, there will be young men."

Lou Shide felt cold sweat break out down his back at Yun Chu's plain words. How could he not understand the meaning of Yun Chu's words - he didn't want a man at all.

"If there are no men, how can they survive in this remote mountainous area?"

"This commander-in-chief did not bring any civilian husband with him on this expedition!"

"Ah? Are you going to let the civilian husbands protect these women and children here, or do you want the civilian husbands to live here?"

Yun Chu took a sip of tea and said: "Common men go out with the army for two years. I don't need them to go to the battlefield. I only need them to protect the women and children in the southwest for two years. After two years, those who are willing to go home will go home, and those who are not willing to go back will go home."

It’s not impossible for my family to settle here.”

Lou Shide looked into Yun Chu's eyes and said slowly: "In terms of rules, what the commander said is feasible, but in terms of etiquette, it is not considered."

Yun Chu didn't even look at Lou Shide and said to himself: "Those who care about their families can just go home after two years. Those who don't want to go home will be exempted from taxes for two years.

It can be regarded as a repayment to my family, and it makes sense to stay and live in the southwest."

Lou Shide coughed and said: "It seems that the civilian husbands that the commander-in-chief wants are those who are poor and have no wives?"

Yun Chu raised his head and smiled: "The poorer, the better."

Lou Shide smiled and shook his head and said: "In this case, I wonder if you are willing to support me as some wine pot officials?"

Yun Chu frowned and said, "Jiu Gu Guan? What do you mean?"

Lou Shide smiled and said: "With a wine pot on your body, you care about the people. If the sun and moon are long in the pot, the people's days will be long."

Yunchu looked at Lou Shide and said, "What do you mean?"

Lou Shide said: "Among the officials of the Tang Dynasty, I don't know when a group of officials wearing silver pots appeared. All of these people were officials, and they were good herders. They acted in an eclectic way, and some of them were dissolute.

Dislike, but these people have a very good reputation among the people. A certain family once personally examined six people and found that all six people had the same resume - they were born in Chang'an."

Yun Chu said indifferently: "Who is the wine pot official and who is from Chang'an? They are all His Majesty's officials. Who do you want to use? You should ask the officials, not me."

Lou Shide smiled and said: "I feel that the southwest is the new land of the Tang Dynasty. Each of these wine pot officials has their own abilities. This place is completely blank, which is perfect for them to display their ambitions."

Yun Chu was silent for a moment and said: "Is it your Majesty's idea, the prince's opinion, or the queen's opinion?"

Lou Shide said: "It's the lower official's suggestion."

Yunchu said softly: "Do you want to die?"

Lou Shide put his face close to Yun Chu and said softly: "Commander, do you think I am afraid of death?"

Yun Chu looked at Lou Shide's firm eyes and said, "You shouldn't gather many officials in one place to use them. It's too wasteful. Besides, can you control these people?"

Lou Shide said firmly: "I'm an acceptable officer!"

Yun Chu glanced at Lou Shide and said, "You're too arrogant."

Lou Shide said: "So, Marshal, is this accurate?"

Yun Chu said: "They are officials of the Tang Dynasty. As long as the court needs it, there is no need to ask me. Also, have you gone to any lengths to compete with Zhang Jianzhi?"

Lou Shide smiled and said: "Even if the handsome man spits on my face, I will remain motionless."

Yunchu took a long breath and said, "I believe you have the ability to do what you say."

After seeing off Lou Shide, Li Si came in, came to Yun Chu's side and said, "Aye, why is that Lou Shide so sneaky?"

Yun Chu said: "Because your eldest brother has begun to train and teach his subordinates."

"Teaching? Isn't he always training?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "This time we have started to train and teach Lou Shide, Zhang Jianzhi's subordinates. It seems that your prince brother's power is steadily growing. Otherwise, he will not get the management rights in Shuzhong."

At the same time, I also have extravagant hopes for the southwest."

Li Si sighed and said: "Ignore him, he has been unwilling to listen to people's good words since he was a child, as if he knows everything, and he has become more and more hateful in the past few years.

Aye, have Ajin and the others captured Shicheng?"

"No, I heard it was to gather more people there. We are not planning to capture Shicheng right away. We also want to see if there is any chance of encircling the area for reinforcements."

"Ah, haven't you defeated him yet? Didn't Aye give him a hundred heavy cavalry?"

Yun Chu said funnyly: "When did heavy cavalry be used to attack cities?"

Li Si let out a long breath and said, "That's good. When the opponent cannot be defeated, heavy cavalry can still give him a way out."

Yun Chu looked at Li Si, a military fool, and felt speechless.

The sparse spring rain has enveloped the forests in the southwest, but this little rain is not enough to extinguish the flames of war in Shicheng.

Today, the siege battle has entered the sixth day, and both the Wuman people and the Cuan clan have suffered heavy losses.

The tunnel dug by the Wuman people has reached under the city wall of Shicheng. Cuansheng heard the jingling sound of rock drilling everywhere from the big vat buried in the ground. As long as these rat-like Wuman people dug down the city wall, Stone City would be destroyed.

It broke.

Therefore, he had to send people out of the city to fight for the first time...

The fierce battle in the spring rain lasted from morning to evening, and Yun Jin also watched under the big banyan tree for the whole day.

This time the Wuman people were very organized in their battle. The Wuman people led by Shi Bao even formed a one-sided crushing force in some locations.

Therefore, Yun Jin could easily conclude that Cuan's soldiers were not as good at fighting as the Wuman people under command.

When it was getting dark, Cuan Sheng failed to achieve his goal of clearing the alleys under the city during the battle out of the city, and reluctantly withdrew from the battlefield after leaving more than two thousand corpses behind.

"The moment the city is broken, it should be the time for Piluo Pavilion to launch a surprise attack, right?" Li Chengxiu held up an umbrella. He was unwilling to stand under a big tree on a rainy day to avoid being struck by lightning.

Yun Jin didn't seem to care. The tall banyan tree was perfect for umbrellas.

"That fool thought that he was hiding well. Shicheng was about to be destroyed and Cuan Sheng was about to be destroyed. He, the reinforcements invited by the Cuan family, still wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. You think this person must be so stupid."

Di Guangsi also stayed far away from the big banyan tree. There was just such a big banyan tree on the top of the mountain. When thunder and lightning came, this banyan tree would be the first to be struck.

Seeing that Di Guangsi would rather stand in the rain than take shelter under a big tree, Ziqi Aguo asked, "Why don't you come in?"

Wen Huan, who was also standing in the rain, said, "I'm afraid of being struck by lightning."

Zi Qi Aguo said: "This banyan tree has been growing for almost five or six hundred years. Look, it looks like it has been struck by lightning. Besides, the Waking of Insects has not yet arrived, and there are very few thunders."

Di Guangsi said: "Standing in the rainy field, you will most likely get wet. Standing under a tree, you will easily be struck by lightning. The former can be resisted, but the latter cannot be resisted."

Yun Jin didn't have time to listen to their nonsense, so he said to Li Chengxiu: "It seems that Cuansheng can't fight anymore. He should send an envoy to negotiate with us. If the envoy comes, you go and give it a try and ask him for 500,000 kilograms of grain."


Zi Qi Aguo said: "How could he give you food?"

Di Guangsi smiled and said to Zi Qi Aguo: "He needs time to wait for the arrival of reinforcements. Five hundred thousand kilograms of grain, in exchange for us not attacking the city for two days, should be a very cost-effective thing for Cuansheng."

Zi Qi Aguo said: "You are about to win, why do you want to stop attacking the city?"

Di Guangsi showed his big white teeth and smiled: "Because we are the stupidest Wubarians."

This chapter has been completed!
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