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Chapter 1199 Wu Dalangs fate is doomed

There is no airtight wall in the world.

Even if there is, some wind can automatically form on the other side of the wall, turning the intermittent wind into a nearly continuous and eternal wind.

Li Zhi has such ability, but this is all caused by his status as the supreme emperor.

He does not need evidence to prove whether a person or a thing is correct. As long as he thinks so, things will inevitably go in the direction he thinks.

If it is wrong, it must be that his imagination was too early, and the final result of the matter must be consistent with his ideas.

This is power, this is the emperor's ability.

Looking around the world today, Li Zhi's power is unmatched.

Even if he is seriously ill, even if he only has one eye left, even if he is no longer able to boost his power, he is still the most powerful person in the world, and Yun Chu is unable to resist Li Zhi.

Yunchu couldn't fall asleep for a long time after falling asleep.

Yu Xiurong's plump body came closer, and Yun Chu just raised his hand to hug her. Even though his hand was placed where it should be, Yun Chu's mind was still filled with the words Li Zhi said.

"Liar——" Yun Chu muttered to himself in the darkness.

Yu Xiurong turned around and hugged Yun Chu and said: "Scholar-bureaucrats make the world peaceful is a very old saying, but there is no saying that scholar-bureaucrats make the world prosperous. This makes sense."

"What kind of songs are you singing while standing on that mountaintop? There is no point in following the crowd."

Yu Xiurong grabbed Yun Chu's hand and put it on her hip. She squeezed into Yun Chu's arms and said, "It's best to cherish the people in front of you. My husband will see General Xue who returns to court tomorrow. Go to bed early."

That’s the right thing to do.”

Yun Chu agreed and used a little strength on his hands.

The relationship between an old couple and an old couple has long been beyond the status quo of a young couple. They accommodate each other and comfort each other. After the emotions are reached, they are as smooth as a long river rushing down from the snow-capped mountains and finally flowing into the sea.

At dawn, the smoke shrouding Luoyang City was blown away by a northwest wind.

Thick smoke is still rising over Mang Mountain. If God doesn't rain, the fire will continue to burn.

Wen Wen, Di Renjie has stayed in Luoyang as an official, and Liu Rengui, who has remained unchanged in Chang'an for many years, will also return to Luoyang as an official. This time he will be promoted to Shangshu Pushe, the chief of Shangshu Province.

Of the old people, only Yun Chu is left.

Yun Chu stood on the street near the White Horse Temple, looking at the endless flow of people. He understood that the emperor's friendship with him was true, but the emperor's intention to control Chang'an was also true.

God helps those who help themselves.

This is a very, very ruthless statement.

The emperor hopes that his subjects will be strong and brave people, and hope that his subjects can solve all the problems they encounter by themselves, rather than relying on the government.

This is an extremely selfish idea. Many of the problems encountered by the people are actually caused by the government. However, the government hopes that they can be self-reliant and overcome all hardships. In the end, they can still respect and love him as the emperor and continue to serve him.

Give everything.

Is this something that humans can do?

Herdsmen, herdsmen... animals can graze on the grassland by themselves. If they are snatched away by wolves, they are careless. If they eat poisonous grass, they are stupid. If they have parasites on their bodies, they are unlucky...

...it can't be like this.

A short fat man was selling biscuits on a load. His biscuits were filled with roasted sesame seeds, and the aroma filled the air when the covering was lifted.

Yun Chu took out some money and threw it into the short fat man's money box. The short fat man looked out of the corner of his eyes and knew that the middle-aged man in front of him who looked very dignified had given too much.

Yun Chu took a bite of the crispy Hu pancake and said, "Is your surname Wu?"

The short fat man said carefully: "The villain's surname is Liu! The eldest son in the family is known as Liu Dalang."

Yunchu asked again: "Your wife's surname is Pan?"

The short fat man shook his head and said: "My surname is not Pan, my surname is Hu."

"Vixen's fox?"

"No, Gu Yuehu."

"Do you look good?"

"Ugly, the husband should look down on you."

Yun Chu took out another handful of money from his sleeve and threw it into the money box, encouraging Liu Dalang: "Make more money and try to marry a good-looking wife named Pan."

The short fat man Liu Dalang looked at the money box and said with a smile: "What Mr. Lang said is true, but the villain doesn't understand why he wants to marry the beautiful Pan."

Yun Chu squatted side by side with Liu Dalang and carefully helped him plan: "Look, if you can marry a beautiful wife named Pan, then the old woman selling tea next to you will become your wife in no uncertain terms.

A prostitute, help your wife meet a high-ranking official named Ximen Qing..."

Liu Dalang said: "What does Mr. Lang mean? At this time, I can transfer the wife I bought at a low price to a senior official in Ximen at a high price and make a lot of money from it?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Once your wife Pan hooks up with a senior official from Ximen, your wife will take advantage of your illness and put half a catty of arsenic in the medicinal soup you drink to make you poisonous.

Death, death with eyes open."

Liu Dalang listened very intently, but his eyes were always looking at the money box. He had no choice but to finish telling this guy's story, Yun Chu threw another handful of money into the money box.

Listening to the sound of copper coins falling into the money box, Liu Dalang asked with professional integrity: "After I died, those two adulterers and adulterers got away with it like this? I heard that a new Dali Temple came to Luoyang

Sir, you are very good at solving cases."

Yun Chu shook his head sadly and said: "The government is unreliable. At this time, you should have a brother who is very skilled. He will help you take revenge, cut off Pan's head with his own hands, and then dig out her heart and sacrifice it to

You, in the end, chop off the head of the official Ximen and sacrifice it to you. Do you think such a life is pleasant?"

Liu Dalang clicked his lips and said, "No, I didn't catch anything."

Yun Chu slapped Liu Dalang on the back of the head and said angrily: "You must marry a beautiful wife named Pan. The old woman selling tea next to you must be a prostitute. Your wife must hook up with a high official from Ximen and commit adultery. You

You must be drugged and poisoned by your wife, you must have a brother to help you take revenge, and finally kill the adulterer and adulterer, then this story will be considered perfect."

Liu Dalang's chest trembled when he looked at Yun Chu's red eyes, but out of the consciousness of a businessman, he gritted his teeth and said to Yun Chu: "One hundred dollars, give me one hundred dollars, and I'll give it to you.

It’s all true.”

Yunchu didn't have a hundred dollars in his sleeve, so he fumbled around and found a golden bean, threw it into the money box and said sadly: "This is your fate, you can't escape it..."

Liu Dalang looked at the golden beans in the pile of copper coins greedily, swallowed his saliva and said: "What, I don't have any brothers..."

After listening to Liu Dalang's words, the sadness in Yun Chu's eyes became more intense, and he sighed: "I knew... how could you have such a good brother as Wu Erlang... Under normal circumstances, your death would be in vain, adulterer and adulteress

Take away your money, your house, and live a good life of shameless debauchery. This is the real end of the story."

Liu Dalang saw that Yunchu couldn't help himself with the sadness, so he whispered: "How about I recognize a brother?"

After Yunchu came back to his senses, he looked at Liu Dalang, who had a mouth full of black teeth and a wretched look. He was filled with anger and hatred, raised his leg and kicked Liu Dalang three inches away, and kicked Liu Dalang with both legs like lightning.

Rolling all over the floor...

When Yunchu realized that he was surrounded by vendors watching the fun, he stopped moving his legs.

Liu Dalang, who was holding his head like a meat ball and being kicked by Yun Chu, raised his nosebleed face and said to Yun Chu: "Mr. Lang, you feel better now. The reward cannot be less."

Yun Chu nodded, and in the envious eyes of all the vendors, he threw another handful of golden beans into Liu Dalang's money box...

Until Yunchu walked far away, Liu Dalang still shouted loudly from behind: "Lang Jun, next time you feel uncomfortable, come again. If you give me some more money, I will definitely marry a beautiful woman named Pan for you..."

Yun Chu was too lazy to listen to Liu Dalang's nonsense. He looked up at the restaurant in front of him and saw Pei Xingjian looking at him with strange eyes, while Xue Rengui was standing under the restaurant waiting for him.

When they went to the restaurant, they saw that the food on Pei Xing's inspection table was half-broken, and there were seven or eight wine jars on the ground. It seemed that they had been drinking for a long time.

Yun Chu grabbed a handful of roasted and crispy chickpeas from the plate and threw it into his mouth. He said to Pei Xing: "It's so strange to drink alcohol so early in the morning."

Pei Xingjian asked: "Is it any wonder that you beat others so early in the morning?"

Yun Chu said to Xue Rengui: "The general returned to the court with his troops, why is there no movement at all?"

Xue Rengui said: "I am greedy for money and lustful. I was impeached by the Yushitai. If I don't know clearly, I will be tried by the three departments. If I return the favor at this time, won't it add fuel to the fire?"

Yun Chu sighed and said, "Young Gong and his disciples are still as majestic as when they were still in court."

Pei Xingjian said: "You have beaten the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, which is impressive enough."

Xue Rengui remained silent and threw a jar of wine to Yun Chu. Yun Chu opened the jar and took a sip and said, "It is not popular to drink guzzlingly with a jar in hand. People will say it is vulgar."

Xue Rengui said: "It doesn't matter, just be vulgar. Anyway, I, old Xue, was born as a big-headed soldier, and I can't be more noble."

Yunchu took a sip of wine and raised his eyebrows at Pei Xingjian: "We are in the same group. Old Pei is from a noble family."

Pei Xingjian took a sip of wine and said, "Hard times are coming. Are you ready?"

Yun Chu chuckled lightly and said, "I'm going back to Chang'an soon. I'm going to stay behind closed doors. I can't do this anymore. Those people won't let me go, right?"

Xue Rengui suddenly asked: "How long has it been since you last seen His Royal Highness?"

Yun Chu said: "Since I came to Luoyang, I have basically never met the prince in private."

Xue Rengui said: "Let's meet before leaving Luoyang, otherwise the army will be so panicked that it will be difficult to lead."

Yunchu looked at Pei Xingjian and said, "Is that what you mean?"

Pei Xingjian gave a wry smile and said, "Let's unite to fight against the storm."

Yun Chu laughed and said, "The camp was burned clean even when it was set on fire."

Happy New Year to my dear brothers and sisters. I wish you and your family good health and all the best.

This chapter has been completed!
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