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Chapter 148 A great craftsman with a single heart

Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng.

To Yun Chu, they are all gods.

Xuanzang was a Buddha to Yunchu.

He didn't understand why the fight between gods and Buddha would affect him.

Old Monkey has always been a man of his own opinions. Since he has given the warning in advance, he will definitely not be too safe here.

Yun Chu soon discovered the key point, that is, he must not throw away his official position as the eighth-grade physician in the Imperial Medical Office.

Without this official position, he would be like Di Renjie in Liquanfang, being suppressed miserably by the people of Chang'an County.

Eighty percent of Di Renjie's current pressure comes from the Chang'an County Government, because they are interested in the 500 gu cash in his hands every month.

As a result, many inexplicable expenses fell on Di Renjie's head. The most egregious one was the shopkeeper of Anrenju. He came to Di Renjie with the bill and asked for money. Di Renjie spent a lot of effort to figure out that Anrenju was a


That's where ugly men and pretty men sleep.

This kind of account was naturally rejected by him. This violent guy even beat up the shopkeeper of Anrenju in front of the people of Liquan Village because he pulled his sleeve.

Recently, he has been in a legal battle with the shopkeeper of Anrenju in Chang'an County. He heard that the future is not good, and he is likely to lose the lawsuit, pay money, and make amends to the shopkeeper of Anrenju.

I thought Di Renjie would be very disappointed, but when Yun Chu saw this guy in the dining hall, he was eating with a full rice plate.

Seeing the fatty pork being eaten deliciously by him, Yun Chu knew that the bureaucrats in Chang'an County had completely pissed off the young man this time.

Yun Chu also sat down opposite Di Renjie with a plate of rice. After he took a sip of egg soup, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

Di Renjie snorted and said, "What should I do? Cold salad!"

"Hey, you're flipping the table."

Di Renjie took out a thick stack of papers from his arms, slapped it in front of Yun Chu and said, "If you don't make it easy for me, none of them will be able to escape."

Yun Chu opened the papers, took a look at it and said, "Du Shanxian has a good official reputation, how can you get anything to do with him?"

Di Renjie sneered and said: "Your Majesty has been on the throne for three years, and Du Shanxian's youngest son is exactly two years old this year. What does this mean?"

Yun Chu looked at Di Renjie in confusion.

Di Renjie threw a piece of fat meat into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing it. He took another sip of egg soup and said, "I reckon, his little son was conceived while the entire Tang Dynasty was observing mourning for Emperor Taizong."


Yun Chu recalled the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty, took a breath and said, "You said this guy was messing around with his wife while he was serving Emperor Taizong?"

Di Renjie punched the table and said with a ferocious smile: "This is disrespectful! As long as Du Shanxian doesn't kill his son, I will even have evidence."

Yun Chu nodded. Du Shanxian, the magistrate of Chang'an County, was finished. He opened the file marked Wu Ziniu, the chief registrar of Chang'an. After taking a look, he immediately closed the file and said in surprise: "Wu Ziniu spoiled his concubine and killed his wife?"

Di Renjie said calmly: "Wu Ziniu's wife was an ordinary woman he married when he was studying hard. Although she was ordinary, she gave birth to two sons and one daughter to Wu Ziniu. There was no reason for her to be divorced.

After Wu Ziniu became prosperous, he married the daughter of a wealthy businessman. This guy disliked his first wife's old age and lack of a capable natal family, so he abandoned his first wife and her children to a small farm and ignored them.

Some time ago, I straightened up the concubine, and even invited guests to a banquet to cheer her up.

Tell me, if I expose this matter, what will happen to Wu Ziniu?"

"The Ministry of Rites will hate Wu Ziniu to death. His concubine has no chance of surviving. I'm afraid the least he can do is that he will never be used again, right?"

Di Renjie also wanted to show Yun Chu other files, but Yun Chu held Di Renjie's hand and said, "What do you want?"

Di Renjie took a long breath and said: "Let's shake the world!"

"Just take these things out when the Chang'an County Judge is hearing your case?"

"That's right, let them see what a true gentleman's anger is. Even if it is not as good as the emperor's wrath that lays down millions of corpses and floods with blood, we must make sure that these monsters and monsters have no way to escape."

Yun Chu let go of Di Renjie's hand and said, "I have a better way, will you listen?"

Di Renjie shook his head and said: "I understand the truth. If you want me to let these shameless thieves go, there is no need to say this."

Yunchu laughed and said: "How could I stop such a happy thing? I just want to introduce you to a guy named Copper."

Di Renjie said: "I'm not short of money."

"So, do you know that during the reign of Emperor Taizong, a set of the Diamond Sutra was published?"

Di Renjie nodded and said: "I heard that there are skilled craftsmen who carve words on the wooden board, then apply ink on it, and then brush the paper on it, and the book can be written in an instant. Why do you ask me to do this?"

“The first Yang-engraved Diamond Sutra in the Tang Dynasty was carved on a copper plate by his grandfather.”

"Then what?"

"Copper Plate has recently been studying how to carve a single character on the clay, and divide it into pieces. As many characters as there are, just carve out as many characters on the clay. Some commonly used characters, such as "Zi Yun Shi Yun", should be engraved with more characters.

Then put these mud characters into the stove and burn them. When the mud is hardened, take them out.

If there is an article that needs to be printed, just arrange the words according to the order of the article, and the article will be ready in no time.

Two days ago, I heard that the research has been successful. Do you think we should pay him a visit?"

Di Renjie looked at the thick stack of papers on the table and said suspiciously: "In three days, I will go to court. That bastard legal officer Chen Jinxiu specially sent someone to tell me that if he didn't want to embarrass himself in court, he could go to court in private.

They arranged for me to reconcile with the shopkeeper of Mr. Rabbit.

It would be a great shame for me, Di Renjie, to reconcile with a rabbit man. I would rather die than let any of them go."

Yun Chu pointed at the food in front of Di Renjie with his chopsticks and said: "Eat quickly, go early, and print the "Secret Records of Chang'an County" early.

When the time comes, you can take this book and go to court and ask one by one who is guilty of those guys who appear to be high-sounding but are actually full of male thieves and female prostitutes."

Di Renjie swallowed a mouthful of food and asked in confusion: "Is there any difference between holding a book and holding these pieces of paper?"

Yun Chu took a sip of the egg soup and laughed loudly: "The difference is huge. Let me ask you, how long does it take to print such a book using woodblock printing?"

Di Renjie thought for a while and said: "If it is inscribed in the dark, it will take at least one and a half years. If it is inscribed in the yang, it will take two years."

"So, let me ask you, where were you two years ago?"

"Studying in my hometown in Taiyuan."


Di Renjie held Yun Chu's hand and said: "I understand, you want to drag me out of the mud pit where these evidences are concocted?"

"Otherwise? If everyone knew that you had found out all these private evidences, who else would dare to take a step closer to you except for an upright person like me who dares to be friends with you?

At that time, you will only be a cruel official and a favorite.

It's not worth it for a good man to die with a bunch of bastards. Now, do you still want to go with me to find some coins?"

Di Renjie pushed away the rice plate, stood up and said, "I'm going to ride a horse. Let's go now."

Yun Chu pushed Di Renjie's unfinished meal back and said, "After you finish your meal, the copper plate will be at my Jinchangfang. No. 4 A on Green Bamboo Street is his home."

Di Renjie frowned and said: "If he knew about it, wouldn't it mean that he was not keeping things secret? You must know that there is no airtight wall in this world."

After Yunchu drank the last sip of egg soup, he sighed and said, "You really underestimate these craftsmen, they are not literate at all."

Di Renjie's eyes widened and he said, "How can you carve characters if you can't read?"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said: "This is how people save their lives. Many of today's books are secret. How many heads does a woodblock craftsman have to chop off for those wealthy families who want to keep secrets?

I don't believe there are such outrageous things in the world. As a result, this is the fact.

Those who can carve patterns on wood cannot draw, those who can make exquisite mechanisms cannot draw, and those who cannot use a ruler can measure even the smallest difference with one hand. Now, there is another illiterate engraving engraving.

Craftsman, do you still think it’s untrustworthy?”

Di Renjie stared and said, "This is really weird. Let's finish eating quickly. I can't wait to see such a strange person."

After eating, the two of them walked down the slope of the hut to Green Bamboo Street. The bamboo that had been growing for two months finally looked strong.

Some buds are sprouting green on the branches of the bamboo poles. Either these things are not growing, but once they start growing, they will definitely look different every day.

Yun Chu pushed open the door of No. 4 A, and saw a burly man squatting on a log to eat.

Seeing Yun Chu and Di Renjie coming in, he quickly raised his hands and said, "The chief is here, have you eaten?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I just had a meal in the canteen."

After saying that, he looked at Copper's rice bowl and saw that there was only some millet rice and wild vegetables in it. He knocked on his plump chest and said, "How can you become so strong after eating these things?"

Tongban chuckled and said, "I have a big appetite, and my family can't afford to eat good food. I heard that the food in the canteen is good, but I can't afford it."

Yun Chu took out the pile of papers written by Di Renjie, slapped them on a huge workbench, and said to the copper plate: "In two days, I want a hundred books like this, and the requirements must not be missing a single word."

Copper picked up the pile of papers and flipped through them quickly.

Di Renjie frowned and said, "Is this because you are illiterate?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "I'm counting numbers."

After a moment, Tongbang raised his honest face and said to Yun Chu: "The whole book has a total of 13,686 characters, and there are 27 kinds of the same characters, in 16 categories.

If there is no need for an engraving book cover, a small book can be printed in a day and night."

Di Renjie sneered and said: "How can you not use a book cover? It must be."

While talking, he asked Tongban to find a good wooden board. He first wrote "Secret Records of Chang'an County" on the wooden board, and then quickly drew a picture of a woman under the words. She has a graceful figure. What's wrong with Yun Chu?

Look, how he looks like Gongsun.

After Di Renjie finished drawing, he said to Yun Chu: "In this way, everyone will be interested in reading."

This chapter has been completed!
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