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Chapter 267 A simple plan

Wenrou arrived at Xianyang Bridge one day early.

He came to bid farewell to his friend Zheng Jia, who was going to Zhechong Mansion in Kucha Town to serve as Colonel Guo Yi.

Until she watched Zheng Jia leave, Wen Wen couldn't figure out why Zheng Rentai would send his direct grandson to a dangerous place like Kucha Town to become Colonel Guo Yi.

If it were another Zhe Chong Prefecture, Wen Wen could understand it. What kind of future would the Zhe Chong Prefecture in Kucha Town have as Colonel Guo Yi?

In addition, Zheng Jia is a person who can dance even if he reads poems and songs. However, as the son of a general, he has hated practicing martial arts since he was a child, but he is very interested in taking care of flowers and plants.

I really don’t know if Zheng Rentai sent Zheng Jia to Qiuci because he had the same thoughts as Ying Gong, because he hated his own grandson for not dying.

After just a moment of silence for Zheng Jia, he remembered that his father had given him a memorial and asked him to hand it in the next day.

Then, his face twitched slightly, feeling that this world was really boring.

Because of the cold wind, Wen Wen didn't insist on returning to Chang'an. Instead, she looked for a guest house near Xianyang Bridge and asked for a quiet room, where she planned to sleep happily all day.

There are many guest houses next to Xianyang Bridge, mainly because the scenery here is very good, and people usually see off guests at Xianyang Bridge, so Wen Wen chose a house with a full view of Xianyang Bridge.

He really wanted to know how Yun Chu ensured that he was invincible within thirty steps.

In the past, some people said that Yun Chu broke out from the crowd of thousands of troops and was considered a strong soldier. Wen Wen believed this because he had seen the battle description of Yun Chu's breakthrough from the archives.

First came the fire ox, followed by the crazy camel. They followed the fire ox and the crazy camel and charged into the enemy's position. Moreover, while they were charging, Ding Dayou's Shangzhou Zhechong Mansion also charged in the other direction.

Therefore, it is normal for all of Yun Chu's colleagues to die, and it is normal for Yun Chu to survive after defeating the enemy.

Some of the later rumors are no longer credible. What does it mean that Yun Chu rushed forward and backward among a hundred thousand troops and killed countless enemies before he could escape?

What does it mean that Yunchu was invincible among hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops? He just killed the enemy until their blood flowed into rivers, and then retreated calmly.

Of course, Yun Chu's words about killing millions of Turks by himself were even more unbearable.

Tomorrow, Wen Wen will be ready to take a close look at Yun Chu's invincible figure. If he can really defeat all the military formations in the world within thirty steps, Wen Wen will be ready to help him wholeheartedly, because, like this The future of human beings is really too damn lofty.

Wen Wen asked the store to prepare some side dishes, and while drinking and eating, Wen Wen searched for Yun Chu's subordinates on the grass market beside Xianyang Bridge. He thought this should be a very interesting thing.

When Wen Wen saw a vendor carrying a huge straw basket with many candied haws on it, he happily drank a glass of wine. This guy was definitely one of Yun Chu's extremely secretive subordinates of the dead soldiers.

You know, candied haws on a stick is originally a specialty of Jinchangfang.

A strong man sitting on the bridge pier came into Wen Wen's sight. This guy was carrying a reed mat on his back. Judging from the appearance of the reed mat, there were at least three Tang knives hidden inside.

Wen Wen drank another glass of wine.

A plump woman in red was holding a pink handkerchief and leaning against a small door. Wen Wen had never seen such a broad-shouldered and round-waisted woman. It could be seen from the huge bulging bag on her chest that this was him.

Damn, a man pretended to be a woman. Whose woman's breasts are as big as a human head? Besides, this woman has a black chin and an Adam's apple. Do you really think everyone is blind?

Wen Wen looked at this woman who was originally unable to drink, but finally closed her eyes and drank a glass.

The man selling bamboo poles at the end of the bridge should be responsible for keeping the horses away, so his bamboo poles were leaning against the wall. As long as he fiddled with them a little, those bamboo poles with very sharp ends would fall over and form a very sharp gap with the shelf.

A good Jima can block the bridgehead.

Wen Wenwen kept looking outside and drinking. When he drank too much, he suddenly became very unfavorable to Yun Chu's action.

Because, he not only found people from Yunchu in the crowd, but also found many people poking their heads, and even found a few men with obvious Tubo characteristics but wearing Tang clothes.

It makes no sense that he could discover Yunchu's people, but those spies wouldn't.

At this moment, he really wanted to stop Yunchu's actions. Not to mention the danger, the possibility of success was almost non-existent.

However, it is too late to say anything at this time. At this time, no one can find Yunchu.

Just when Wen Rou thought that Yun Chu was hiding in the dark and started making final preparations before the operation, Yun Chu's people were at the Imperial Medical Office, carefully studying a man covered with scars.

Since Doctor He ran away to Liuzhou and has not been heard from since, Yun Chu has become an authority in this field if he encounters people with many and big wounds.

The person who called Yun Chu over was the Imperial Physician Cheng. He was one of the two high-ranking officials under the Imperial Physician's order. Although his rank was not high, it was on the same level as Yun Chu's sixth rank, but his status was far from Yun Chu's sixth rank.

The county magistrate can compare.

For a person with such a status and special profession, even if he were to face a third-grade prime minister, he would not bend down.

"Yun Chuzheng, can the trauma on this man's body be sutured?" Fu Jiuding, the imperial physician, asked when he saw that Yun Chu was still reluctant to take action.

Yun Chu cupped his hands towards Fu Jiuding and said, "The doctor doesn't know something. There is still a lot of rust in this man's wound. It needs to be removed one by one. Otherwise, even if it is sewn, the end will be similar to Qiu Shenji's."

Fu Jiuding waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, the people from Dali Temple are still waiting outside for questioning. As long as he can save his life for a while, don't worry about long-term matters."

Yun Chu happily obeyed the order and stopped cleaning the man's wounds. Together with the two doctors, he fished out the needle and thread from the alcohol and began to act.

An hour later, after the wound was sutured, Yunchu took a spoonful of alcohol and poured it on the Tibetan man's wound. Then, the Tubo man screamed weakly and woke up.

When Fu Jiuding saw this, he glanced at him with disgust. Seeing that the Tibetan man's eyes began to shine, he said to Yun Chu and others: "Go down, the rest of the matter has nothing to do with my Imperial Medical Office.

However, you all remain on duty at the Imperial Medical Office and are not allowed to leave the Imperial City."

Yun Chu and others accepted the order with clasped fists, and then went to their respective official houses to rest, waiting for the call from the imperial physician.

Although Yun Chu was very curious about the identity of the Tibetan man who was covered with injuries, he couldn't show it at this time. Someone would naturally tell him after a while.

While eating in the small cafeteria, Yunchu already knew that the person coming from Dali Temple was Shaoqing Peng Shou.

When he was halfway through eating, he already knew that the injured Tibetan man came from Luoche and was sent by Princess Wencheng.

When he finished his meal and started washing the dishes at the sink, he learned that this person was sent by Princess Wencheng to ask for help, hoping that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty could seize Lun Qinling and not let him return to Tubo.

If Princess Wencheng were in front of Yun Chu at this time, he might rush forward and kiss the princess wildly. I have never seen such a considerate woman before.

In the year when Emperor Taizong Long Yu passed away, Songtsen Gampo voluntarily abdicated to express his sorrow and gave up the position of Zanpu to his son Gongri Gongzan. As a result, in Gongri Gongzan's life

After the next child, he died inexplicably.

Songtsen Gampo was furious and came to power again. Unfortunately, less than three months after he came to power again, Songtsen Gampo also died.

Today, Tubo Zampu is a six-year-old child. With the help of Ludongzan, he happily faces Zampu in front of the Tubo people.

Lu Dongzan was very powerful, and with the help of Lun Qinling, no one dared to question any decision they made in Tubo.

Now, if Qinling dared to enter the Tang Dynasty, Princess Wencheng, who was Zanpu's grandmother, might have thought she had an opportunity, so she had the Tibetan people travel thousands of miles to deliver the message.

Judging from the injuries on this guy's body, the wounds on his body were not injured at the same time. They should be wounds that formed a stage pattern after experiencing many fights along the way.

When Yunchu started to change his clothes, he learned that the Tibetan man was dead, but he still passed on the most important news.

He is an amazing hero.

The Imperial Physician Cheng did not issue the order to end the stay, or he may have forgotten it. This is a very small matter.

Three hours later, Yun Chu left Chang'an City under the last ray of light.

Wen Wen didn't feel sleepy at all, there was no light in his room, and the moon in the sky was slowly changing from a fishhook to a crescent moon.

Although it is not very bright, you can still get a general idea of ​​the situation outside.

The Xianyang Bridge looks extremely quiet under the dark moon, and the black river water occasionally glows with a cold light under the moonlight.

Except for the whining sound of the rushing river, there was no sound. It seemed that Yun Chu had not considered doing anything on the Xianyang Bridge.

Originally, Wen Wen thought that Yunchu would break the Xianyang Bridge and let all the troops in Lunqinling fall into the river, and then attack these landlubber-like Tubo people from the river.

At present, Yunchu has not adopted this strategy.

His gentle and anxious eyes seemed to be shining red in the dark night. He pinched the two corners of the short boy tightly with both hands and asked himself in a low voice in a tone that was almost like a groan: "Can he really rely on martial arts and brute force to kill many people?"

On Qinling Mausoleum under protection?

There is no such possibility..."

Just when Wen Wen was enduring the torment, less than a hundred steps away from Xianyang Bridge, Yun Chu asked Yin Erhu softly.

"Have things been arranged?"

Yin Erhu whispered: "It was laid out three days ago, and the paint was repainted, and no one noticed."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "After that thing explodes, we will go to the bridge and kill everyone on the bridge."

Yin Erhu nodded and said: "Understood!"

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 2 pm on the 30th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

This chapter has been completed!
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