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Chapter 44: Rough Laws and Regulations of the Tang Dynasty

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Actually, the best suture is the fascia taken from the sheep intestine. This kind of suture is buried in the body and does not need to be removed later. During the wound healing process, these sutures will also

It will be absorbed by the body."

Unexpectedly, with just such a word, the frost on Doctor He's face immediately disappeared, and he cupped his hands towards Yunchu and said, "He admires Doctor Yun's wonderful ideas.

It's just that the weather is hot now, mosquitoes are breeding, and wounds are prone to festering. This makes it impossible for me to do anything even if I have a magical hand.

I wonder if Doctor Yun has any clever ideas?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I once heard the elders talk about it and said that the culprits of wounds ulceration and suppuration are insects. However, these insects are invisible to the naked eye. If you want to prevent wounds from ulceration and suppuration, you must kill these insects first."

Doctor He frowned and said, "This is not unreasonable. Maggots will breed when wounds become fester. However, how to kill these insects that are invisible to the naked eye?

Do you mean to use poison?

Well, you can give it a try, starting with the mild poison."

After muttering to himself, he turned around and left. This made Yun Chu a little confused. Who told him that poison could kill germs?

Ding Dayou raised his thumb on the side and said: "I'm not wrong about you, and I'm worthy of my recommendation of you as the chief physician. Doctor He has always been arrogant, and if he can personally admit your ability to suture wounds with your hands, he will be more able to learn from you."

It’s so rare to find a cure for a disease in someone’s words.”

Yun Chu looked at Ding Da for a long time, but couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you sad that Shangzhou's ninth attack has destroyed more than half of its mansion?"

Ding Dayou curled his lips and said: "You are lucky if you survive. If you die, you deserve the wind. Since you are here to serve as a soldier, you should take life and death lightly. Those who always think about living will die the fastest.

When I recover from my injury, you should come back to the camp with me. With a fairly reliable doctor like you, my brothers can live longer."

Yun Chu smiled and shook his head.

Ding Dayou said with a ferocious smile: "How dare you disobey military orders?"

Yun Chu showed Ding Dayou the admission notice for the four majors with a white-toothed smile.

Ding Dayou glanced at it, his expression changed, he lay back weakly, pointed at Yun Chu and said: "In this world, you deserve the rise of those with connections, and you deserve those of us without connections who work hard to survive.

Forget it, I've been carrying it for twenty years, I should accept my fate, the good things won't be ours' turn to enjoy."

Yun Chu moved to Ding Dayou's side, applied some medicine to the areas that had not been applied, and then said, "I heard that the Shangzhou Zhechong Mansion will suffer serious troop losses this time, and it will be transferred back to Shangzhou for repairs and reorganization."

Is there such a thing in practice?”

Ding Dayou sneered: "You want to go back with us? Don't even think about it. I despise you the most treacherous villains."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Why have I become a treacherous villain? I defended the city, went to the battlefield, and was shot all over by the Turks like a hedgehog. Isn't it considered a narrow escape?

Oh, by the way, it was you who gave the final order to go to the battlefield and die.

In order to cover your raid on the mulberry forest, all the people from my official court went out to fight to the death, and I was the only one who survived.

Everything I have now was gained in exchange for my life. I don’t think you should reject me. At least, we both earned our futures by putting our heads on our waistbands.”

Ding Dayou sneered and said: "This is true. Even if the Judicial Army came to question the Kucha War, a certain family has never blocked half of your contribution. He Yuanshan, Liu Xiong and others' second-level and first-level military achievements are even mine."

Take the top number obtained by the brothers.

Therefore, I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty when I gave you the order to fight to the death in Qiuci, and you don’t have to use the names of dead guys like He Yuanshan to seek advantage from me.”

Yunchu saw that Ding Dayou's mouth was dry as he talked, so he brought him a kettle and filled him with water.

Then he pointed to the prison mountain with thick smoke in the distance and said: "The war should be over soon, right?"

Ding Dayou said regretfully: "It's a pity that the ninth attack of Shangzhou suffered heavy losses, and Marquis Wu did not allow us to go forward. Otherwise, we should have made some gains."

When Yun Chu heard that the words were effective, he whispered to Ding Dayou: "He Yuanshan was rewarded with a thousand coins. How many things can this money do in the countryside of Shangzhou, such as buying other people's Yongye fields."

Ding Dayou looked into Yun Chu's eyes and said: "In Chang'an and Wannian County, one acre of paddy fields costs at least 50,000 yuan. Shangzhou has many mountains and little land. Although it is far from Chang'an, it still costs 30,000 yuan per acre. He Yuanshan

With the one thousand yuan, I can only buy an old donkey. If I want a donkey with good speech, I need to add another three thousand yuan.

It is often said in the military that a man is inferior to a donkey, and this is where it comes from.”

Yun Chu took out another small gourd from his arms, poured a little into his palm, then grinded it vigorously with both hands, put his hand that exuded the fragrance of flax in front of Ding Dayou's nose and said, "Does it smell good?"

Ding Dayou frowned and said, "Flax oil is naturally fragrant."

Yunchu asked again: "If this thing reaches the pass, how much is it worth per basket?"

Ding Dayou frowned and stared into Yun Chu's eyes and said, "Three hundred dollars."

Yun Chu nodded, took out a small gourd from his pocket, poured out some light yellow grease, put it in front of Ding Dayou's nose and said, "How much is this thing worth?"

Ding Dayou gritted his teeth and said: "Shizhi Shui Lamp Oil, five hundred yuan per basket!"

Yun Chu took out another small gourd from his arms, poured some red powder into his hand, placed it in front of Ding Dayou and said, "How much is this thing worth?"

Ding Dayou's eyes began to become confused, and he said indifferently: "Cinnabar...?"

Yun Chu took out a small gourd from his pocket, poured out some green powder, put it in front of Ding Dayou and said, "Where is this thing?"

Ding Dayou sat up unknowingly. He couldn't even feel the pain in his body. He looked at him for a long time and expressed that he didn't recognize him, so he had to look at Yunchu for help.

"The name of this thing is ultramarine, which is the ultimate color of blue. It is used on the algae roofs of imperial cities and temples. I heard that even on the algae roofs of Taiji Palace, they are reluctant to use ultramarine for painting, and only use it on the sea under the dragon.


Ding Dayou basically lost interest in talking. He stared blankly at Yun Chu taking out one small gourd after another, not much bigger than a knuckle.

"The name of this thing is orpiment. Yes, it is orpiment, because this color is used to cover words written on yellow paper or silk..."

Yun Chu's voice became softer and softer, but became clearer and clearer. Ding Dayou listened to every word and remembered it in his heart. He didn't know what else Yun Huan could take out from his arms.

I know that I really hope that he will never stop.

His body began to tremble... He understood the purpose and significance of Yunchu's words.

It was because he knew it that he couldn't control himself with excitement.

The law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that among the goods entering Yumen Pass, all gold, silver, copper, jade, skins, livestock... must be handed over to the officials for sale... In other words, if you bring the goods on the list, the officials will tell you how much they will sell for.

How much did it cost.

And many of the things Yun Chu said were almost unheard of by him. Since he had never heard of them, there was no need to hand them over to the officials for sale.

When Yunchu took the bunch of small gourds back into his arms, Ding Dayou looked around. Seeing that the medicine boy was not there, he lowered his voice and said, "How can we get these things?"

Yun Chu narrowed his eyes and said: "When Kucha City was in trouble, I once led a group of soldiers to kill some Hu merchants. Did the captain remember it?"

Ding Dayou nodded repeatedly and said: "They are all Turkic spies."

Yunchu sighed and said: "There are also many Hu people who are not Turkic spies. When they heard that the Turks were coming, they ran away from the tunnels."

Ding Dayou sat up straight and said: "Still a spy!"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I think so too."

"Since they are spies, there is no reason to let them escape."

Yunchu cupped his hands and said, "The captain is wise."

Ding Dayou looked at Yunchu and said, "But if I capture anything, I'll share it with you 10%!"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "10% is too much, half a percent is enough. People say that it is not easy for a rich man to live in Chang'an City. He just wants a place to live.

In two days, the Kucha Grand Administrative Office will be moved to Khotan, and the city of Kucha will be abandoned. However, there are many tunnels and bunkers in Kucha."

Ding Dayou said in a deep voice: "Shangzhou Zhechong Prefecture lost troops and generals in Kucha. When they left Tianshan and were about to return to Guanzhong to repair, it was necessary for the Zhechong Prefecture soldiers to return to Kucha to pay homage to the souls of those who died in the battle."

Yun Chu stood up, took out the wine flask hanging from his waist, poured some wine on the ground and said: "The corpses of the soldiers should also be taken out and burned to ashes, and brought back to Shangzhou to the ancestral graves."

Ding Dayou clapped his hands and said: "It's a no-brainer, it's a no-brainer. I don't believe that someone would disturb these heroes who died in battle along the way... You should come to my Zhechong Mansion to join the army..."

When Yun Chu came out of the tent where Ding Dayou lived, the sky had already darkened.

He Yizheng deliberately arranged the tents to look like a residence in the pass. Ding Dayou and other senior generals lived in the inner house. The atrium formed by dozens of tents was He Yizheng's operating area and pharmacy. As for the front hall, naturally people lived in it.

Injured soldiers.

When Yun Chu came out, he passed by the atrium and suddenly saw many injured Turks. They were all tied to the door panels. Several eight-foot-tall medicine boys were treating their injuries. However, when treating them, they were miserable.

The scream was so loud that the medicine boy immediately brought some wooden sticks and tied them to his mouth with a rope.

Yun Chu very much hoped that He Yizheng could find a way to treat bacteria. Even if he had an enlightenment and discovered penicillin, Yun Chu would never be jealous. He would only applaud him and would rather remain under his command forever.

Here we go.

When I saw the bay horse again, the child's injuries had improved a lot, but the scar on his butt would not disappear for a while.

When she saw Yun Chu, the bay red horse buried her head in his arms in grievance, with tears oozing out of her big eyes.

Yun Chu grabbed a handful of chickpeas and wanted to feed them to the red horse. Unexpectedly, this guy not only refused to eat, but instead knocked the beans in Yun Chu's hand and stayed away from Yun Chu.

The bay horse knows very well that after eating chickpeas last time, it went to the battlefield and received two arrows on its butt!

This chapter has been completed!
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