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Chapter 489 No way to express my feelings

On New Year's Eve, a bright moon suddenly rose in the moonless city of Chang'an.

The bright moon doesn't fly high enough, but it happens to be hanging on the top of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, where it can be seen by everyone in Chang'an.

There are still some vague shadows on the bright moon, some are like flying ladies, some are like leafy laurel trees, some are like rabbits, some are like toads, and the shadowy black shadow beside the laurel trees is more like a lumberjack.


Li Zhi drank alone with his back against the giant bear. When the window of the palace was opened, he could overlook the entire Chang'an City. For many nights, Li Zhi raised a glass with one hand and lazily looked at the world under his feet. For him, this

It's the most comfortable time.

I don't know since when, Li Zhi no longer likes drinking with Wu Mei. He prefers to enjoy the current scene alone.

His clothes were open, revealing his white chest. Seeing a bright moon rising slowly from Jinchangfang, Li Zhi was stunned for a moment and immediately understood that this was just a Kongming Lantern.

Now, Chang'an lacked nothing.

Jin Yujia, who was already extremely tired, was even more tired now. Just now, the emperor had taken possession of her in the most brutal way. In addition, she was the first to taste the forbidden fruit. Her naked body was spread across the bed, and her beauty was shocking.

When Jin Yanzhen dragged his tired body to Li Zhi and was about to sit across from him to cultivate some feelings, Li Zhi called out coldly: "Come here and send Princess Lelang back to her resting place.


Jin Yanxuan looked at Li Zhi in shock. She couldn't understand why the two people who were still entangled just now became strangers after their entanglement.

Before she could think more, two eunuchs came over with blankets, rolled up the naked Jin Yuru in the blanket, carried them and walked out.

Li Zhi carefully peeled off a winter bamboo shoot sent as tribute from Sichuan and stuffed it into the giant bear's mouth. Listening to the sound of the giant bear eating the bamboo shoots, he also picked up one. It was said that it had been boiled with ginseng and then oiled.

Start chewing the fried chicken.

After spending a lot of energy, Li Zhi felt that he should also replenish his energy.

With such a bright moon, such Chang'an, such a world, and such a great Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi really wanted to recite a poem, but unfortunately his mind was filled with the poem he had recited before. No matter what kind of beginning he had, or what kind of emotion he felt, he could not recite a poem.

It is far different from the poems written by 250.

This made him very irritable.

At this time, Jinchangfang should be the busiest time.

"Come here, drive to Jinchangfang."

When Zuo Chun heard this, he immediately knelt down and admonished: "Your Majesty, the palace has been locked up and you cannot leave the palace. This is the ancestral system."

Li Zhi said angrily: "That's nonsense. Back then, my father also left the palace in the middle of the night and traveled to Chang'an with his ministers at night. How come it doesn't work when I come here?"

Zuo Chun said quickly: "That happened in the 17th year of Zhenguan. My slave also gave me the same advice."

Li Zhi said: "Why did my father go out?"

Zuo Chun whispered: "Emperor Taizong knocked the slave unconscious, tied him up with a rope, took away the slave's token, and pretended to be a eunuch when he left the palace."

Li Zhi took a look at the golden belt around Zuo Chun's waist, and saw Zuo Chun's head leaning towards him. He was not Emperor Taizong, so he couldn't do whatever he wanted. Although he wanted to knock Zuo Chun unconscious, it wouldn't be difficult.

It's not a good idea to do it after all.

He pointed to the bright moon hanging on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and said to Zuo Chun: "Send someone to go quickly to the 250th place and write me a poem about the moon for one cup of tea. I want to see it. He is writing it."

When it comes to poetry, is it really unrivaled?"

Zuo Chun whispered: "Your Majesty, the queen also issued such an order before a cup of tea."

Li Zhi smiled when he heard this, and said to Zuo Chun: "She is the Queen after all, and she has the same thoughts as me. In this case, we will go to the Queen's place now and wait to taste it together."

Royal slaves like Zuo Chun were most happy to see the close relationship between the emperor and the empress and their harmonious life. Only in this way could slaves like them have a good life in this palace, so they happily followed the emperor and the giant bear.

Wu Mei's Liangyi Palace Bedroom.

On such a good day, Wu Mei naturally couldn't sleep. Li Xian lay in the cradle and fell asleep soundly. Wu Mei looked at it for a while and was filled with joy. The child grew very strong, not as weak as when Li Hong was born.


After Li Xian was born, Li Xian was entrusted to the nanny. Wu Mei ignored the child, but the emperor often asked about it and occasionally went to take a special look.

After hearing the report from the female officer that the emperor was coming, Wu Mei sighed and said, "It seems that the Silla maid did not serve His Majesty well."

The female officer smiled and said: "The Silla maids are just a sight to His Majesty, just a temporary novelty. The Queen's place is His Majesty's home."

Wu Mei said: "I wish I could transform into a man."

The female officer did not dare to answer, Wu Mei sneered immediately, and saw the palace door opened a crack, and then, a huge and funny bear's head squeezed in through the crack, and then the palace door opened wide, Li Zhi

He walked in from the outside wearing a big cloak. He shook the cloak off his body and walked in wearing a pair of obscene clothes. After the giant bear reluctantly walked in, Zuo Chun quickly closed the palace door and stood guard outside.

Wu Mei came up to her with a smile and asked, "How do you serve Princess Lelang?" Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei's belly and said, "You can't serve me."

After that, he opened the window of Liangyi Hall, took a look outside and said, "It's blocked by the eaves of Taiji Hall."

Wu Mei then opened another window and said, "Only a corner of Chang'an can be seen from here, but the moon created by Yun Chu can still be seen.

Oh, your majesty came here to see me, or to see the new poems written by Yun Chu."

Li Zhi laughed and said: "I was alone in the Tai Chi Palace overlooking Chang'an. I had many thoughts in my heart and wanted to compose a poem. However, my mind was always blocked by the poems written by Yun Chu and I couldn't get out.

I originally wanted to ask him to compose a poem, but I didn't expect that the queen had already given the order first. I came over to see how this two hundred and five person wrote about the moon and expressed his feelings.

By the way, if you ask people to write poems, won't there be any rewards? Don't lose my royal face during the Chinese New Year." Bai\./degree\./search\./search\.7\./4\./文


Wu Mei snorted and said: "At my night banquet, his sister took out a stick from behind and wanted to hit someone. In the end, she gained the gratitude of a group of people. I haven't cared about this yet. He still wants to

What kind of reward?

The same goes for Your Majesty, wouldn’t it be nice to spend New Year’s Eve with me? But I’m greedy for that Silla maid’s body, and feel it’s boring after I’m done, can’t I just wait a day?”

Li Zhi leaned on the soft couch by the window and said lazily: "Just because I knew you would be nagging, I did the things I had to do tomorrow in advance.

At least, Qibi Heli is still loyal to the Tang Dynasty, and such a minister should be brought back as soon as possible."

In addition, I have fulfilled my promise, and the next step is up to you." Wu Meijiao smiled and said: "Everyone wants Liaodong, and no one can take Liaodong. Is this your Majesty's Liaodong strategy?" Li Zhi laughed and said: "

Liaodong affairs, after Liaodong, since the Silla people have captured Qibi Heli and not killed him, they have to sell it at a good price. I am the only one in the world who can offer a good price for Qibi Heli, so I want to see my uncle

What kind of tricks can be played in Liaodong?" Wu Mei smiled and said: "It is best to do something that is traitorous and seeking glory." Li Zhi said with a smile: "I think so too, there are four words for betraying the country and seeking glory.

It’s not appropriate to put it on him. I can only say, let’s see what kind of things he can do to betray the interests of the Tang Dynasty.” After saying that, he frowned and said to Wu Mei: “We are obviously talking about the bright moon in the sky, why are we talking about it?

Start talking about these upsetting national affairs?

If you bring it up again, I will leave. ""Okay, okay... I won't talk anymore, how about we talk about how the Silla maid served His Majesty?"

"Wow, I'm leaving..."

Aunt Chun, who was sent out by the queen to ask for poems, found that her eyes were not good enough after entering Jinchangfang.

After walking a short distance, she saw a woman crawling around in a tube as softly as a snake.

I saw a man as strong as a mountain carrying a rafter on his shoulders, and a beautiful woman with a big butt climbing up the rafter. Everyone was staring at her butt, but the woman still wanted to do it.

Some actions make their own advantages more obvious, and then cause a pack of wolves to howl.

When the woman fell down from the rafters with a large bamboo basket in her mouth, people threw bamboo chips at her like raindrops.

Aunt Chun touched her buttocks and felt that that part of hers was not small, and she should be able to climb that rafter... She thought about it for a while.

However, when passing through a bamboo forest, she saw a handsome man in a wheelchair, throwing a gleaming knife into a rotating disk, and there was actually a Tibetan man tied to the disk.

Every time the beautiful woman in clothes threw a knife, the crowd screamed, but every time the knife landed accurately on the side of the Tibetan woman's head, on top of her head, under her ribs, on her crotch...

The most terrible thing is that not only was the woman not afraid, but she also deliberately kept twisting on the disk to make it more difficult for the lame man to throw the knife.

Seeing a knife firmly nailed to the Tibetan woman's crotch, Grandma Chun felt a sudden chill in her crotch... It was really interesting and exciting...

The royal carriage would not stop just because of Aunt Chun's preference, but would continue walking towards Yun's house.

However, as the carriage passed through the street, Aunt Chun still harvested a lot of things, among which soft dolls in various animal shapes were the most numerous.

As soon as she walked into the Yun family's gate, she saw Miss Naha holding a stick and chasing His Highness the Crown Prince, who was also holding a stick.

His Highness the Prince's counterattack was also very fierce. The two of them were fighting around a rockery, and from time to time they would jump on the rockery and fight.

Aunt Chun has never seen such a fierce little lady Naha, and it is also the first time she has seen such a sturdy prince. Although she is not as tall as little lady Naha and not as strong as little lady Naha, she can climb up without any effort.

After climbing a rockery as high as a person, after being hit three or four times, I could always hit Naha with one stick.

Neither of them cried out in pain, and the fight was in full swing.

This chapter has been completed!
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