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Chapter 4: I don’t want to be a Huihe anymore (Thanks to my friends for the tip)

Chapter 4: I don’t want to be a Huihe anymore

Because they had to eat marmots today, dinner at Yunchu's house was a little later than usual. Both Selema and Naha were holding their knees and looking longingly at the black lump in the fire.

Selema is only twenty-eight years old. If you ignore her rough hands, sunburned face, and wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, she is still a beautiful woman.

In the Cypriot tribe, it is normal for a twenty-eight-year-old woman to raise a thirteen-year-old child.

In fact, beautiful women do not belong to ordinary Huihe people at all. As long as a girl reaches eight years old, she can tell whether she is beautiful or not.

At this time, ordinary herdsmen families are no longer qualified to raise this beautiful child. Abo, the steward of the tribe, will take the beautiful girl out of the house and give it to Master Aijin, who has a higher status than him.

Then Mr. Aijin personally delivers it to the hands of the regional steward Goli, and after selection, it must be delivered as a virgin to the Khan's wife Kehe Dun...

It can be said that every Cypriot beauty belongs to the Khan. The consequence of this is that his tribe would rather fall in love with the big-tailed sheep than find those dry firewood girls in the tribe.

Selema is a beauty who has gone through this process. After spending ten years in the Khan's tent, because of her old age and the presence of Yunchu, a person with black hair and eyes who was obviously not the son of the Khan, she

She was driven out and became an ordinary shepherd girl.

The Khan had many women, and except for his Ketun, the other women there were just tools for him to bribe or win over men.

It would be okay if Yunchu looked similar to other Uighurs. In addition, Yunchu was relatively healthy. Khan would think that Yunchu was his son, but... Yunchu's appearance was too similar to those arrogant and vicious Tang people.


In the past, they liked the Tang people very much, and they united with many tribes to build a "Tian Khan Road" in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

At that time, as long as the Sai people sent some dried Tianshan snow lotus, dried yak tails, dried meat, and dried fur to Tian Khan, they could get the linen, silk, and salt rewarded by the "Tian Khan" at that time.

Compared with the iron pot, this is very cost-effective.

In the past few years, I heard that the "Tian Khan" has been replaced. This "Tian Khan" is very stingy and unreasonable. Not only has the reward been much less, but he has also asked the Sai people to pay tribute to them with live cattle.

, sheep.

Not only that, the color of the cattle they want must be the same color, and the color of the sheep must also be the same. If the ram with black eye sockets like Yunchu's family is selected, it will not be selected.

They sent out as many cattle as dark clouds and as many flocks of sheep as white clouds, and got only a few pieces of paper, books, scriptures, and pictures, which made the Cypriot people very, very disappointed.

Tang people are stingy!

They wanted our cattle and sheep, our pastures, our women, and even the talk that I wanted our children to be their slaves became very popular.

Not allowing the Tang people to interfere in the internal affairs of the tribe is a consensus reached by all the Hu people in the Western Regions in the past two years.

Selema never mentioned her past to Yun Chu. After becoming a shepherd girl, the smile on her face never disappeared. She told her son that the life she was living now was the life she had dreamed of.

The marmot has been burned. The marmot caught today is very fat, even if it is not as fat as the big fat one, it is not much different.

While scraping the black ash off the burnt marmot, Yunchu suddenly felt that he had been tricked by Big Fatty. This guy might not be able to defeat this marmot in a group of marmots, so he lured him to Yunchu.

He hopes to use Yunchu's powerful power to kill his opponent.

However, this is nothing, after all, it is Yunchu who has made a profit.

Today's marmot was burned very well by Yunchu. After the black ash was scraped off, the marmot's skin turned brown, and a strong aroma came out from the opening along with the steam.

At this moment, the eyes of Selema and Naha, who were squatting next to him and preparing to eat, seemed to be glowing, still with that terrifying green light.

The hand fork easily cut open the marmot's round body, and Naha's screams rang out...

"As I said, you need to use chopsticks to eat this food. Just grab it with your hands... If I hadn't beaten you today, I would have started beating you by now."

Selema is very skilled in using chopsticks. She is not even afraid of the hot marmot meat. After Yunchu cut open the marmot, she never stopped using the chopsticks in her hand.

As soon as she starts eating, Selema will forget that she has a son and a daughter...

Naha had no choice but to seek help from her brother. She opened her mouth wide and waited for him to feed her.

At this time, Yun Chu didn't speak as usual, mainly because they couldn't listen to what he said at this time.

The plump heart and liver popped into Naha's small mouth and disappeared. The crispy skin was broken one after another under Naha's two rows of rice-like teeth, and then disappeared in an instant.

Yunchu slapped Naha's hand away as she tried to dig out the marmot oil with a wooden spoon, and then put a piece of greasy fat into her mouth.

Yunchu slapped Selema's hand holding the wooden spoon away again, inserted a piece of belly meat with a fork and put it into Selema's mouth.

A marmot weighs seven or eight pounds, and when roasted it weighs three or four pounds. In a short time, the mother and daughter ate it up.

After Yunchu forced a large bowl of dandelion tea into the stomachs of the mother and daughter, they finally broke out from the halo of delicious food.

Selema looked at her handsome son with contentment, and while picking her teeth, she said, "What kind of woman can be worthy of my son?"

Yun Chu smiled slightly.

Selema spit out the shreds of meat embedded in her teeth and forced Yunchu's face to her oily face and whispered: "When I was in the Khan's tent, I saw a man with skin as white as milk and as white as jade.

A smooth beauty with a butt as big as a sheep's tail and a chest as bulging as a cow's.

Did you know that when she sings, she can really enchant people to death? The nightingale's voice is not as beautiful as her singing voice.

Do you want her? If so, I will sneak her out during the sheep shearing the day after tomorrow, and you will burn a marmot for her..."

Yunchu looked at Selema's obscene action of stuffing a finger into the hole made with her other hand, shook her head and said, "I'm not an adult yet."

Selema patted Yunchu's chest in confusion, glanced at the middle of his legs, and immediately became melancholy.

"You've never bullied a big-tailed sheep?"

Yun Chu said impatiently: "I am a human, not a ram."

"However, a 13-year-old Uighur is already a man. He can find women, fight, graze, and have his own tent."

Yunchu was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately came to his senses and said to Selema, "Selema, do you really want to enter Jiesga's tent?"

Selema nodded slightly, looked at Yunchu happily and said, "Do you think Jasika is a good person?"

Yun Chu used a wooden stick to pull at the dark red charcoal and whispered: "If you want to enter his tent, I would rather he not be so nice."

“Aren’t good people bad?”

"The problem is that only bad guys can truly protect you and Naha."

"Don't you protect Naha?"

Yunchu thought for a moment, lowered his head and said slowly: "Selema, your little goshawk is ready to leave the nest and fly in the sky."

"Are you going to wander?" Selema couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Yunchu held Selema's hand and smiled: "I don't want to be a Huihe anymore, is that okay?"

Selema was not surprised, and sighed: "I knew the Uighur tent couldn't keep you, but it would be difficult for you to become a Tang person."

Yun Chu lowered his head and smiled: "In the eyes of the Huihe people, I am an alien, like a horse mixed with a herd of cattle, or a wolf mixed with a sheep herd. The younger ones are afraid of me, and the older ones are on guard against me.

In the past, they just observed me and ignored me, but something has been going wrong recently, and some warriors from the tribe have started to cause trouble for me.

I'm very worried that it won't be long before conflicts arise.

Fortunately, you are about to enter Jiesga's tent, and little Naha will follow you. Without your ties, I want to do something quickly so that I can vent all the anger I have accumulated in my heart.

As for whether I can become a Tang person, I don't care. Even if I become a wanderer, I don't want to stay in this tribe that doesn't belong to me."

Selema saw that half of Yunchu's face was hidden in the darkness, and half was exposed to the firelight. His expression was as solemn as ever before, and she couldn't help but become afraid.

"What are you going to do?"

Yun Chu said absently: "You just need to make sure to enter Jiesga's tent, and I will do the rest."

"What are you going to do?" Selema was anxious.

After living with Yunchu for thirteen years, she still understood this cheap son. This child could not stand any humiliation at all, let alone anyone bullying her and Naha.

When he was ten years old, the reason why he went to chase the blue sheep on the cliff was entirely to protect her. If Yunchu didn't chase the blue sheep, she would enter the big Abo Gesalu's tent...

When he was eleven years old, the reason why he fought with that crazy argali was entirely to prevent Gesalu from taking away the already beautiful Naha.

When Yunchu killed the argali weighing 150 kilograms with a fork and stood in front of Gesalu covered in blood, even that shameless guy never mentioned taking Naha away.


When Ge Salu's son led a group of teenagers to besiege Yunchu, he looked like this now, with a smile on his face and a cold light in his eyes that could kill someone.

If Jiesiga hadn't stopped him at that time, Yunchu would have even killed Gesalu's son.

Everyone in the tribe knew that Yunchu would definitely kill Gesalu one day, and they were very certain.

If it weren't for Yunchu's ability to select breeding sheep and raise the best breeding sheep, so that the number of lambs in the tribe would increase year by year, and gain more attention than Sogdaqin, Gesalu would have taken advantage of various conveniences to kill Yunchu.


Selema had seen Yunchu wielding a sword under the guidance of the tribe's fierce warrior Jasika. No matter it was winter or summer, he never stopped.

I also saw Yun Chu shooting arrows under the guidance of Jiesika. Similarly, he never had a moment's rest.

This child is now a qualified Uighur warrior, and can fly up and down on horseback as nimble as a kite circling on horseback.

Now, Selema feels that Yunchu wants to kill that fat pig-like Gesalu!

This chapter has been completed!
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