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Chapter 536 A plague of insects

After hearing the news that Changsun Wuji and Li Ji had given in, Yun Chu, who was standing behind, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is enough for one Chang Shulai to die tonight. If a few more die, it will affect the overall structure of the Tang Dynasty society.

Overall, Li Zhi won this game.

However, the consequences are endless.

Not many people in Chang'an City could sleep well tonight. When the officials left the palace, their faces were solemn, and they did not go home. Instead, they went to places like Pingkangfang where they could talk about things all night long.

The discussion between Yun Chu and Wen Wen Di Renjie was very short, and they reached a consensus in three sentences.

The first point is that neither Wannian County nor Chang'an County will become the emperor's experimental field!

The second point is to stay away from Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan immediately, and never have any work intersection with them.

The third point is to continue to move forward according to your own ideas and at your own pace, and never look back.

Others didn't know what the experimental field was about, so how could Yunchu not understand it? Because the experimental field had a large amount of resources allocated, it was indeed possible to achieve good political results in a short period of time.

However, if everything goes well in the experimental field, it's okay. If not, the heads of the officers in the experimental field will be the tool used by the emperor to explain to his ministers.

Furthermore, after paying such a heavy price, Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan will never tolerate others interfering with their fields.

Just like Pei Xingjian came to discuss with Yun Chu some time ago, but in the end he left without saying a word because he was more gentle and gentle with Di Renjie.

All in all, this was a thankless job. Yun Chu liked Datang, but he didn't like Liu Rengui to the extent that he was willing to dedicate his life to Datang.

Compared with Li Zhi's drastic reforms, Yunchu felt that Wannian County and Chang'an County were better developed in such obscene ways. By the time people discovered something was wrong one day, the general trend had already taken shape.

When Yun Chu came home, the whole family was waiting for him. Yun Jin and Yun Jin, the two little ones, even though they were dozing off constantly, they still insisted on waiting for their grandpa to come back.

Tonight, many people in Chang'an City are waiting for the head of the family to come back.

Seeing that her grandpa was back, Yun Jin opened her arms for her grandpa to hug her, and Yun Jin then made the same move.

After Yun Chu hugged the two children and made them intimate for a while, he washed up and then came to the dining table to have dinner together as a family.

After the child finished eating and went to bed, Yu Xiurong whispered, "Is it dangerous?"

Yun Chu sighed and said, "Chang Shulai was beheaded on the spot. Changsun Wuji and Li Ji will no longer block His Majesty's intention."

"So your Majesty won?"

"It's hard to say now. Looking at the future development, Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan have put themselves on the fire this time."

"I hope they can succeed, but it's a pity that Pei Xingjian comes from a distinguished family, while Li Jingxuan comes from a poor family, and neither of them is mentally tough, so it will be difficult for them to withstand the pressure."

Yu Xiurong pushed the dish in front of Yun Chu and said, "Eat something else, don't just eat what's in front of you."

Yun Chu shook his head and started eating again.

When resting at night, Yun Chu's eyes were so wide that he couldn't fall asleep, and Yu Xiurong couldn't fall asleep either. The tossing and turning made Yun Chu even more unable to fall asleep.

Really unable to lie down any longer, Yunchu got up with his clothes on and walked around alone in the yard.

The night in June in Chang'an is as hot as the day, and even because the sun cannot be seen, it makes people even more irritable. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda stands straight in the sky, and even the stars block a large area.

Yu Xiurong followed and sat next to Yun Chu and said, "Is this the reform that your husband mentioned before?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "Yes, this is the reform you are familiar with."

Yu Xiurong said in surprise, "Reform will kill people."

Yun Chu said lazily, "Chang Shulai is the first head, and there will definitely be many more heads in the future."

Yu Xiurong said, "Then don't change the law. Everyone can live peacefully."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "If you change the law, a group of people will die. If you don't change the law, the entire Tang Dynasty will have no future."

"And our emperor is now a far-sighted monarch. He wants Li Tang's empire to last for eternity. Even if it cannot last for eternity, he still wants to support it for a few more years."

"Furthermore, the emperor believes that the throne can be perpetuated by one surname for generations, but officials must not do this. You see, a contradiction arises."

Yu Xiurong was frightened after hearing what Yun Chu said. Yun Chu put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Every generation in our family has its own mission, and it has nothing to do with them."

"How could it be irrelevant? In the Tang Dynasty, only being an official was the right path."

"Then just live with it. The current emperor is too powerful and no one can defeat him. The fear of all of us comes from the emperor and what he will do next. How far will he go before he stops?"

Yu Xiurong said in a trembling voice, "As long as he sees the benefits, the emperor will keep doing it. It's like seeing a gold mine. It's not finished until all the gold is dug out."

Of course Yunchu knew this truth. He had seen many such operations before. Once a place found that a certain industry was suitable for the place, it would go all out to develop the industry until it reached its end.

This is why officials develop local industries to cultivate strong industries. One tree is better than a field of grass.

Now the emperor is ready to dig into the gold mine of poor families. He hopes to find some new talents from poor families to replace those deep-rooted noble groups.

And these children from poor families are just leeks to him. New leeks will grow after cutting them. The most important thing is that the leeks have no chance to grow into towering trees.

In Li Zhi's deepest fantasy, in the fertile land of Datang, there was only one towering tree, and under this towering tree, endless leeks grew neatly.

Although June is not a good time to eat leeks, as the leeks at this time are not only very old but also clogging your teeth, the breakfast at Yunchu’s house is a box of leeks that they haven’t eaten for a long time.

When the sun rose, the people of Chang'an City began a new day of life. The terrible court meeting last night had no impact on them.

All the cotton in Wannian County was pulled out, and the cotton in Chang'an County was also pulled out. When the farmland was plowed deeply and exposed to the sun, for some reason, the fields in Wannian and Chang'an counties were crawling with insects.

The number of insects of all kinds is appalling.

Even the main road is covered with soft, colorful bugs. When the wheels of a vehicle run over them, two ruts will appear on the road.

Some bugs will crawl into the water and drown, and some bugs will climb up the tree and soon spin out some messy silk to wrap the leaves.

Because there are so many bugs, I don’t know where so many birds come from. They fly in the sky like a blanket, eating bugs on the ground and trees over and over again.

In stark contrast to the birds in the sky, there are a large number of ducks raised in Wannian and Changan counties.

They formed a large queue and ate from one end of the earth to the other.

It only took eight days from the time when the bugs appeared to when none of them were visible.

Although most of the bugs were eaten by birds and ducks, some bugs successfully turned into cocoons. In about ten days, these bugs will turn into various butterflies and moths, and then lay eggs everywhere.

Keep brewing for the next pest disaster.

There were only a few woodpeckers pecking away at the cocoons, but such hunting intensity was simply not enough to eliminate the disaster.

In fact, an insect disaster of this scale is not a big problem. Farming people have been coexisting with such disasters for thousands of years, so it is not a big deal.

Therefore, Yunchu ordered the purchase of trees in the fields. These trees were growing in the fields and no longer benefited the fields at all.

Chang'an County immediately followed suit, and the wilderness outside Chang'an City was already flat.

Collecting too many trees with insect pests will affect the price of charcoal this year, because Yunchu burned all these trees into charcoal on the spot.

So, outside the endless Chang'an City, thick smoke rose.

"What are Yunchu doing?" When thick smoke enveloped Chang'an City, Li Zhi smelled the smoke and asked unhappily.

"In the past ten thousand years, an insect plague has broken out in Chang'an and Chang'an counties. Yun Chu ordered all the trees outside the city to be cut down, and now they are burning charcoal." Wu Mei answered with a smile while hugging Li Dan.

"We found an insect infestation, why did we cut down the trees?"

"Because the trees are full of insect eggs. If they are not removed, there will be insect pests next year. In order not to waste the trees, he burns the trees into charcoal, so there is no waste."

"Even the Baqiao weeping willow, one of the eight scenic spots in Chang'an, will take a few years to see."

"What? He even cut down the weeping willows on both sides of the Bahe River?"

"Yes, if we don't cut it, it will become a disaster next year."

"In order to kill the bugs, the price is too high."

"What's the difference between Yunchu's current behavior and what His Majesty is doing? If you want to accomplish big things, throwing a tantrum into a trap is not what Your Majesty should have in mind."

Li Zhi smacked his mouth twice and said, "Qujiang..."

Wu Mei raised her head and smiled and said, "Of course Qujiang will not be spared. Now there is not a single tree left. Anyway, Your Majesty likes bamboo. Yunchu left the bamboo to His Majesty. You can continue to chop bamboo to feed the bears."

"You said that I also need to do something like Izuku's pain in the foot and beheading?"

Wu Mei glanced at the emperor and said, "What you are facing is not just a foot pain, but a heartache."

Li Zhi was silent for a moment, looked at Wu Mei and said, "Everything is worth it, right?"

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Before you want to chop down the tree, shouldn't you prepare the tools first?"

Li Zhi nodded and said, "Then let Li Yifu return to Beijing, and Xu Jingzong will move to the central government to write the order."

Wu Mei chuckled and said, "You have to think about it, there is no turning back when you shoot the bow."

Li Zhi spread his arms and said, "Recently, I always feel that the bed is not spacious enough, and I always feel cramped and cramped when sleeping."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Your Majesty is the real Dragon Emperor. Cao Ah Man once said: "A dragon can be big or small, it can ascend or hide. If it is big, it can stir up clouds and spit out mist, while if it is small, it can hide its form. No matter how big or small, it is nothing but your Majesty.

It’s just a thought”

This chapter has been completed!
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