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Chapter 551 As steady as an old dog

After Di Renjie and his party had eaten and drank enough, they began to walk towards the place where there were shouts and the sound of weapons clashing just now.

After getting closer, I found that the dry loess soil was covered with corpses. After counting them, I found that they were the same group of people who had just chased them.

There were sixteen people just now, and now there are sixteen corpses. Not one of them is missing, but their mounts are missing.

Yin Erhu looked at the dust raised by the galloping horses in the distance, looked at Di Renjie resentfully and said, "Master, they have run away."

Di Renjie squatted on the ground, looking at the body in Mingguang armor that was torn open between the legs, shook his head and said, "They can't run away."

Yin Erhu whispered, "Just watch them die?"

Di Renjie said coldly, "Some people are better off dead than alive."

Yin Erhu was stunned for a moment and said, "If that's the case, why do we still want to catch up?"

Di Renjie said, "Protect the people of Wannian County from harm."

After saying that, he took the reins of the war horse from the store owner, and followed closely with Yin Erhu and his companions in the direction of the flying dust.

When Li Hong came outside the city, he looked at the corpses arranged neatly on the ground. He looked at them from beginning to end. When he finally saw several corpses that had been torn apart by life, he cried loudly.

I don't know if it's because of fear or pity for my subordinates.

Zhang Ren, the general of the Sixth Army of the East Palace who had been kept by Li Hong as a retinue, saw the corpses of his comrades lying on the ground, coupled with the prince's crying, his eyes suddenly turned red, and the terrifying scar on his face also

He started to turn red and knelt down on one knee in front of Li Hong and said, "Please allow your highness to allow me to go out and kill this beast."

Before Li Hong could speak, Li Hong's personal eunuch Cheng Chun whispered, "You are His Highness's retinue. If you don't guard His Highness, where are you going?"

Zhang Ren stood up slowly, retreated behind Li Hong, and squeezed the horse in his hand until it creaked.

Cheng Chun looked at the young general on the left who looked pale in the hot weather and said, "General Wen, you have always boasted that you are unparalleled in swordsmanship and horsemanship. The important task of catching the assassin and avenging your comrades falls on you."

Wen Ruhu looked around and found that the brothers who were talking and laughing in the past, pushing cups and changing cups, all had their heads lowered, not even daring to look at him, so he cupped his hands towards Chengchun and said, "The general thought that at this moment, to protect

His Highness’s safety is the top priority.”

At this time, Li Hong, who was crying and his eyes were red, raised his head and shouted at Wen Ruhu, "I don't need protection. General Wen, go and get the heads of these thieves back to the lonely king. General Sun and the others died miserably——"


Wen Ruhu still wanted to speak, but found that Zhang Ren behind His Highness was looking at him. As long as he dared to disobey His Highness, this stubborn Zhang Ren would definitely tear him apart on the spot.

Then he yelled and rushed forward with the fifteen people he had personally recruited. He had already made up his mind to run around in the wilderness for a while and then come back and say he couldn't find it.

General Xin Mao, the servant, is not worried about the situation in front of him. Those big cannibals are just trapped beasts trying to fight. They have been surrounded by the strong men of Wannian County.

If it weren't for his insistence on not using the military forces at the edge of Qujiang Pond, these big cannibals would have been chopped into pieces by Yun Chu and the others.

Since His Highness the Crown Prince wants to use these people to test the combat prowess of his Crown Prince Liu Lie, General Xin Mao feels it is necessary to let His Highness know that his Crown Prince Six Leaders are actually a group of embroidered pillows, lest the Crown Prince think that those people are all Gancheng.

With this tool, thoughts arise that should not arise.

Just seeing the prince standing in front of a pile of corpses crying sadly, he couldn't help but said to Xu Jingzong, "Look at the prince, Zhang Ren is the only one who is considered a strong general. Why doesn't His Highness send out strong generals, but always sends some weaklings?"

Going to fight?"

At this time, Xu Jingzong had already understood the ins and outs of what happened today, so he smiled and said, "In the past, Emperor Taizong led a hundred cavalry into the battle to defeat Dou Jiande. I once advised Emperor Taizong

A king cannot enter the battlefield and fight hand-to-hand with the untouchables. It is not worth it.

As a result, Emperor Taizong refused to listen. Although Dou Jiande was defeated in the end, Emperor Taizong still narrowly escaped death. If the great fortune had not been with Emperor Taizong, I don’t know what the situation in the Tang Dynasty would be like now.

A gentleman is too heavy to be in danger. This is what I focused on when I was teaching the prince. Now, His Highness the prince has followed my instructions and kept by his side those who can fight and dare to fight.

Is there anything wrong with ensuring that you are thorough and letting those boastful people join the battle to defeat the enemy?"

General Xin Mao said disdainfully, "You are just greedy for life and afraid of death, and you taught this trick to the prince."

Xu Jingzong stroked his beard proudly and said, "As you said, the ending of the Overlord of Western Chu is good?"

General Xin Mao sighed and said, "Why do I always feel that you are misleading me?"

Xu Jingzong smiled and said, "Those who teach the king should not regard them as ordinary people. There are Gou Jian and Han Xin. These people are in front of me. It is not wrong for me to teach the prince to cherish his life."

Even though I am older than you, I will definitely die later than you. After you die, I will write a biography for you. Your posthumous honor and disgrace will be all in my mind. This is the benefit of living a long life."

While the two were talking, another spy came to report. Wen Ruhu accidentally encountered the fleeing cannibal. After less than one fight with the cannibal, his arm was cut off and he fled...

Li Hong cried even louder when he heard this. Zhang Ren couldn't bear the embarrassment. He took off his armor, revealing his upper body covered with scars and roared, "Your Highness is humiliated. It's time for me to die."

Although Li Hong cried with tears, Cheng Chun still forcefully suppressed Zhang Ren and must put His Highness's safety first and not leave.

Xu Jingzong on the side praised Zheng Chunbang loudly, but General Xin Mao's eyes showed a little doubt.

In one breath, Chengchun drove out the guys who were surrounding the prince and pretended to be very vigilant, telling them that if they couldn't bring back the head of the big man-eater, they wouldn't have to enter the East Palace again.

Seeing a hundred people riding horses towards the wilderness, and then looking at Zhang Ren walking around like a violent tiger, General Xin Mao's heart suddenly thumped.

He finally remembered that many of the people in the Prince's Sixth Rank were not personally selected by the Prince. Instead, it was Zhang Ren who led eight hundred subordinates to search for onions for the Prince in the Western Regions and almost traveled throughout the Western Regions and killed many people.

A real tough guy who can take action.

He is regarded as a trusted general personally selected by His Highness the Crown Prince.

Could it be said that...His Royal Highness is purging dissidents?

However, looking at the prince, who looked a little weak because he had been crying for too long, leaning on Zhang Ren, he did not look like someone who could carry out such bloody methods to eliminate dissidents.

"Your Highness is purging dissenters."

Xu Jingzong saw the doubts that Xin Mao was hiding in his heart at this time, and boldly answered his doubts.

Hearing this, General Xin Mao felt a chill rise in his heart and looked at Xu Jingzong with awe.

Xu Jingzong smiled and said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's intelligence is something I have only seen in my life. It is common to have a photographic memory, and it is even rarer to draw inferences from one instance to another. Often there are alternative interpretations of the words of sages."

Nowadays, he is dissatisfied that the Sixth Army of the East Palace is full of drunkards and has taken decisive action to kill them.

What’s so strange about it?”

General Xin Mao's mouth trembled for a moment before he could speak, and then he heard Xu Jingzong say again, "Your Majesty is no less wise than Emperor Taizong, and His Highness the Crown Prince is even more powerful than his ancestors. We are just ministers, and we should do our job well."

That’s all, why bother? Only Your Majesty can say whether His Highness’s actions are right or wrong. What can we say? Do you think there is anything wrong with Your Highness clearing away the wine bags and rice bags in the East Palace?”

General Xin Mao looked at His Highness the Crown Prince who was crying and almost fainted and whispered, "You are the Tutor. You should advise His Highness that using onions and ginger to kill your eyes and induce tears is not good for your eyes."

Xu Jingzong looked at the corpses on the ground and said disdainfully, "If they can get a few tears from the prince, they can be regarded as honoring their ancestors."

Seeing a dozen Donggong Liu, who knew they were trapped in a dead end and struggled to kill them, fleeing with their lives, Li Hong put away his tears, looked at the approaching giant man-eater with red and swollen eyes, and shouted, "Come on, you guys."

, the lonely king is not afraid!"

Zhang Ren held a horse in his hand and rode forward, shouting at Donggong Liu and others who had returned from fleeing for their lives, "Turn around and face the enemy."

"Fight to the death. Anyone who dares to take a step back will be killed!"

A general who ran the fastest turned a deaf ear to Zhang Ren's words. He ran back and shouted at Zhang Ren, "General Zhang, help me."

Zhang Ren did not answer.

Just when the man's two horses were crossing each other, he waved his horse, and the man's head was cut off by Zhang Ren's long horse blade, flew up in the air, and finally fell into the dust.

Seeing that Zhang Ren had blocked the retreat, the six men led by the prince screamed in despair. Some people rushed out from the diagonal stabs and escaped without a trace. However, a few sensible people gritted their teeth and turned their horses' heads, desperately heading towards

The fierce giant eater killed him.

Xu Jingzong and General Xin Mao are both used to seeing battles. They don't care about these big cockroach thieves running towards them. They each drew their swords and rode forward to block Li Hong's side. Don't look at Xu Jingzong's usual greed.

Hua is lustful and as timid as a mouse. At this moment, holding a horizontal knife in front of Li Hong, she actually looks heroic.

Yun Chu, who was in the distance, could see this scene clearly. He couldn't help but sigh and said to Di Renjie beside him, "He deserves to be the prime minister."

Di Renjie snorted and said, "When I arranged such a big battle, I thought I could see the ugly behavior of Xu Jingzong or General Xin Mao, but I didn't expect that these two old thieves would take advantage of me."

Yunchu jumped on the bay red horse and laughed loudly and said, "Nine out of ten things in this world are unsatisfactory. It's good to achieve half of the goal."

When Yin Erhu saw the Marquis riding away, he asked Di Renjie, "What are we doing?"

Di Renjie said angrily, "Go home and sleep!"

When Yin Erhu saw that Di Renjie looked unhappy, he shrunk his neck and led the people along the ditch towards Qujiang River.

The Big Man-Eater stopped a stone's throw away from Zhang Ren. These big guys with their heads wrapped in gray cloth lined up in a neat line. One of them, the burly Big Man-Eater, called out.

After drinking it, it also makes a sound like a wolf howling.

Xin Maojiang looked at the fearless Xu Jingzong next to him and said, "Do you think it's really to the point where the two of us have to go into battle to kill the enemy?"

Xu Jingzong turned his mouth to the left and said, "The thugs are coming. There is no need for us to take action. This is the right thing to do. The two of us going into battle to kill the enemy will be very detrimental to the face of the Tang Dynasty."

Xin Maojiang turned his head and looked to the left, and saw Yun Chu, who was all in armor, galloping over there holding a horse spear. The sunlight behind him shone on his dark armor, and he couldn't see his face clearly. He just felt

This man is very powerful.

Yun Chu rode his horse over and saluted the prince, saying, "I am late to save you, your highness, please forgive me."

Li Hongda cried, "General Yun, my people died so miserably."

Yun Chu looked at the corpses on the ground that had attracted a lot of flies and said, "Incompetent people will die when they die. Your Highness will just replace them with a group of warriors in the future."

Xu Jingzong slowly put the horizontal sword back into the scabbard and said sarcastically, "Finally, the county magistrate gave me some mercy, and didn't let me kill the enemy with my old body and lose the face of the Tang Dynasty."

Yunchu laughed loudly, closed his upper armor, clasped his fists on his horse and said, "The two and three children are playing in front of the army, please come and watch, your lord."

General Xin Mao shouted, "Kill this beast quickly, I am in urgent need of urination."

This chapter has been completed!
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