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Chapter 615 The first confrontation with the giant cannibal

The first moment the explosion sounded, Yusuf, the cannibalistic governor of the East, heard it. Because there were too many people on the battlefield, he could not see the consequences after the explosion, so he regarded these loud noises as the Tang army fighting.

some means adopted.

Just like their lion team, it can't scare people, but it can still scare horses.

The purpose of going to danger this time is to arouse the desire of the commander of the Tang army on the opposite side to fight. As long as his ten thousand people can last for one day, his remaining fifty thousand troops will surround him from all directions and strangle this Tang army in Sa.

In the land of Shanbosi, the corpses of these Tang soldiers will become clear evidence of the martial prowess of Governor Yusuf and a deterrent for further eastward march.

Therefore, the order he issued was very clear: hold on, hold on, and as long as the main force of the army arrives, they will win.

A cavalryman is called a cavalryman when he is running.

Cavalry is called cavalry when it attacks.

Obviously, Governor Yusuf asked the cavalry to defend.

Liang Ying was ecstatic when he saw this scene. He knew exactly what he saw. After throwing a gunpowder bomb to open a gap, he led one hundred of his men to kill through the gap.

The Great Cannibal's war horse has slender lines and beautiful colors, but its weight is not as good as the war horse that is a cross between the Guanzhong horse and the Western Region horse that the Tang Dynasty cavalry rides. The Great Cannibal's war horse generally weighs no more than 800 kilograms, while the Great Tang's war horse

The horses mounted by the cavalry weighed more than 1,100 kilograms.

Therefore, when the Tang Dynasty cavalry quickly entered the battle formation, they could use their speed and weight to squeeze out a path among the chaos, so that the following cavalry could continue to rush forward.

The Tang cavalry who were trapped in front would naturally fight and fight on both sides, and the following cavalry would continue to rush forward. Once the Tang cavalry penetrated this battle formation, it would represent the strength of the Tang cavalry.


After Liang Ying's cavalry broke through a gap, they decisively fought to the left. He believed that the Tang cavalry following him would know what to do.

Sure enough, thieves from all walks of life in the Tang Dynasty continued to rush forward along the gap opened by Liang Ying.

For a time, the neighing of war horses, the dying cries of war horses, the sound of cavalry falling to the ground, and the sound of gunpowder bombs exploding in the crowd spread across the battlefield.

Huo Du, an old thief from Qishan, was cursing while fighting, but the spear in his hand was like a poisonous dragon, moving across the battlefield.

These old thieves all despise this kind of fool-like face-to-face battle. They believe that they should hide in the darkness and avoid complex terrain, and then give the enemy a fatal blow when they are unprepared.

After being slashed twice by the giant cannibal's scimitar, Huo Du wanted to run away. He just looked to both sides and gave up the idea. There were more giant cannibals on both sides, so it was better to continue attacking forward.

As for retreating, he didn't dare to think about it. The demon-like Wannian County Lord was riding a horse and holding a horse to supervise the battle behind them. After dealing with this famous County Lord in the Tang Dynasty these days, he knew

, if he dares to deliberately take a step back, the county magistrate's horse will stab him through the throat without any accident.

At this moment, Huo Du, the old Qishan thief who continued to charge forward on horseback, regretted for the first time that he had come to the Western Regions to make some bullshit fortune.

Among the entire army, the most loyal to Yunchu were the group of bad guys from Wannian County, composed of government soldiers, followed by the group of people from the Western Regions headed by Lao Shitou.

The bad guys in Wannian County may still have some personal insistence in front of Yun Chu. These followers that Yun Chu recruited from the Western Regions have never had any doubts about Yun Chu. As long as their master speaks, they will carry it out.

The battlefield of more than 10,000 people was too big. Fortunately, the Tang army's troops were relatively dense and could drill into it like an awl under the influence of strong force.

Gunpowder bombs and kerosene bombs exploded in the crowd from time to time, or burst into flames. This made Tang Jun's awl seem to be greased and moved faster.

Yusuf had already seen the Tang army's flag, which made him vaguely uneasy, especially when he saw that the Tang army was advancing in his direction, so he immediately ordered to retreat!

The Great Food Cavalry, which was originally tortured by gunpowder bombs and kerosene bombs, immediately executed the order after hearing the clarion call to retreat. However, when executing the order, no replacement was arranged, so that most of the cavalrymen were ordered to retreat.

The food cavalry retreated in a chaotic manner.

Seeing that the big eater began to retreat, Yun Chu urged the bay red horse to cross the exhausted Liang Ying and others, and began to lead his men to launch a more violent attack. At the same time, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who had been maintaining their strength in the rear

They also surpassed a group of old thieves, raised their spears and horses, and followed Yun Chu like an overwhelming force to launch an even more fierce attack on the big cannibal.

The role of a fierce general is to tear apart the enemy's defense line. Yunchu is undoubtedly a fierce general of the Tang Dynasty. He has experienced life and death since he was a child. He struggled to survive in the rebellious army when he was young. When he grew up, he led an army to show off his power outside the territory.

He has already developed all the characteristics needed for a strong general.

After experiencing too many life-and-death battles and killing enough people, Yunchu didn't think highly of others, so the pitch-black horse-stem in his hand became a sickle for harvesting lives.

Under Yun Chu's attack, seeing the Big Eaters retreating faster and faster, as long as the last few Big Eaters around him who were still resisting fiercely died, Yun Chu believed that the defeat of the Big Eaters would truly take shape.


The horse spear struck hard on the spear of a big cannibal general. The soft pole of the horse spear bent under the strong force. The sharp head of the horse spear cut off the ear of the big cannibal general. He was sure that this guy

His resisting movements were deformed. Unexpectedly, the Dashi general advanced instead of retreating. He stood up from the beautiful Dashi horse and tried his best to block Kai Yunchu's pushing horse, and faced his subordinates who were retreating in embarrassment.

Roared: "Fight, my brother."

Before he could say another word, Yun Chu's sharp horse cut off his neck.

This dead General Dashi should have been very respected on weekdays. Although most of the Dashi people were still retreating, there were still a few Dashi cavalry who rushed towards Yunchu, shouting in grief and indignation.

Yun Chu's horse speed had slowed down, so he naturally got out of the way. Immediately, those big cannibals who were still resisting sporadically were overwhelmed by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

The sound of gunpowder bombs exploding was heard intensively, and the retreat speed of the Great Eater finally changed from retreat speed to escape speed, which allowed the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to speed up their pursuit.

At this time, the retinue of the Western Regions carrying the horses prepared by the Tang army rushed into the battlefield. Some of the Tang people who fell off their horses and survived by luck changed their horses. Liang Ying and other cavalrymen who were the first to participate in the war also replaced their tired horses.

Thus, a huge pursuit began.

Yun Chu had been staring at the flag of the Governor of Dashi. It was a beautiful flag composed of a lion and a star and a moon. Yun Chu approached the flag twice and could even distinguish the blue picture on it, which should be made of lapis lazuli.

Dyeed with fine dye, this should be a very wealthy governor.

Every time Yunchu approached the governor, the governor would always send some people to stop Yunchu, which made Yunchu extremely annoyed.

When Liang Ying changed his horse and caught up, he naturally helped the prince to disperse the enemy troops. He very much hoped that his prince could capture the governor alive.

Because, the prince said before, the harvest from getting this governor may be richer than what Wen Wen and the others would get from digging up the treasures of the restoration of the Sasanian Persians.

However, the happiest people on the battlefield were the group of Tang Dynasty old thieves. The battlefield was full of ownerless Dashi war horses, and there were dead Dashi cavalry everywhere. The Dashi war horses, because of their beauty and lightness, were Chang'an's

The ladies' favorite riding horse, as long as you catch one, you can get a thousand horses in Chang'an without any problem. Those man-eating iron armors are also because of their strange shapes and the fact that they use precious gold and silver in their armors.

Metals, as well as pearls and gems used for decoration, can also be bought at a good price in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty.

It's a pity that the army is now going all out to pursue the cannibals. They have to suppress their greed and follow the Tang army to expel and chase the defeated cannibals.

The Tang army's continuous killings made Da Shiren completely forget that he was still a soldier and that he could still turn around and resist.

As more and more big cannibals were caught up and killed by the Tang army, they finally dispersed.

The remaining thousands of people first split into a team of several hundred people, and then quickly split into a team of hundreds or ten people under the attack of the Tang army. When the people in these small teams found that the Tang army was still chasing them, they immediately split into a team of ten.

A group of people came and fled in all directions.

Yusuf's team was undoubtedly the largest among them, so Yun Chu gave up chasing those small groups and focused all his attention on the battle to kill Yusuf.

During the retreat, Yusuf kept calling his men to move closer to him. However, whenever he called some people, the Tang army that was chasing them would throw something like thunder over them, and they would finally gather them.

The army was once again dispersed.

Yunchu also saw Yusuf at this time. This guy was riding a horse that even a fool could tell was a BMW.

This war horse ran at a very fast pace. If Yusuf had not wanted to leave the team, he would have run very far.

Yun Chu threw a short spear, which flew a dozen feet and then landed on the ground, only two feet away from Yusuf.

This was the first time that the Tang army launched a threatening attack on Yusuf himself. Out of fear, Yusuf accelerated his horse speed and gradually threw away the men around him.

A wudo used for throwing stones hangs from Yunchu's hand, and in the leather pocket under the wudo there is a gunpowder bomb with the fuse already lit.

The bay horse stretched its neck and ran forward hard, its long mane flying, and it looked very excited.

The Wu Duo in Yun Chu's hand had already begun to make rhythmic circles in his hand. When the Wu Duo rotated until almost only the afterimage remained, Yun Chu let go of one end, and then, a sparkling gunpowder

The bullet drew a high arc in the sky and chased Yusuf, who was running wildly.

This chapter has been completed!
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