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Chapter 26 The Golden Mean

"After all, the Western Region still belongs to the Li family."

Gently spit out the tasteless licorice root you chewed in your mouth.

"This should be a contract reached by Master Xuanzang and the emperor and empress a long time ago.

My ancestors told me before that the emperor and the empress did not attach much importance to the Western Regions. They just wanted to regard the Western Regions as a place that could be supplemented by the Tang Dynasty's plunder. Later, they found that the trade from the Western Regions was pretty good, so they started

The idea of ​​maintaining this business road.

However, Datang had to pay a huge price to defend the Western Regions, and it was ultimately not worth the loss for Datang.

Therefore, Master Xuanzang said at that time, if I don't go to hell, who will? If the Tang Dynasty cannot guarantee that the people in the Western Regions can live a peaceful life, he is willing to use his Faxiang Sect as a pioneer, even if the bones are used to line the road.

To provide a possible good future for the people of the Western Regions.

At that time, His Majesty said that without the Li family, the Western Regions, even if they were in chaos and like Abi Hell, would have nothing to do with the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, Master Xuanzang wanted to convert a descendant of the Li family into the Faxiang Sect and was willing to make him the sect leader. In this way, the Western Region would have a relationship with the Li family and belong to the kind of community of interests you mentioned.

Unfortunately, Master Xuanzang's Faxiang Sect was not well-known and weak at that time. No one of the Li family was willing to become a monk, and no one was willing to go to the Western Regions to become the leader of a Buddhist kingdom. So they left Guiji, a dandy of the Yuchi family, to

The master.

It wasn't until you appeared on the streets of Chang'an with Naha that Master Xuanzang, Old Monkey and the others suddenly realized that they seemed to have another choice.

Yunchu, why do you think the Great Ci'en Temple will help you, and all your requests can be met? Do you think that a small official can come directly to His Majesty, and there can be an infant prince falling into your arms like this?

Weird things?

All the early benefits are for greater gains in the future.

Now, it’s time for others to harvest.”

When Yun Chu heard what Wen Wen said, he couldn't help but laugh. He patted Wen Wen's hand and said, "Don't think so wildly. Things are not what you think."

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and smiled bitterly: "I know, telling the truth doesn't sound good."

Yun Chu stepped on the solid ground with his feet and said: "Chang'an City is real."

Gentle said: "Do you really not care about being used?"

Yun Chu said: "Think about it, is the current Western Region better than the former Western Region that was prone to rebellion?"

He said gently and seriously: "It's good for Datang."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Don't let me recite a poem like "Pity the bones by the Wuding River, especially the people in the dream in the boudoir, it's a good one."

"Wuding River is in Qinghai."

"Don't take it too seriously. I'm just making a metaphor. In short, don't die to the Tang people and don't die to my brother.

The Tang Dynasty is good, that is, all of us are good. Even if we can't lose anything else, it is a great good thing to be safe.

This is how the world is. We work hard to live a good life. Today is a little better than yesterday, tomorrow will be a little better than today, and the day after tomorrow will be a little better than tomorrow. If we accumulate this little by little, one day you will find that we

Nothing you do is in vain.

As for other things, to be honest, they have nothing to do with us. We are working hard towards our goals. As for other things, we can leave it to heaven and Buddha to judge.

It is not because of them that we are great. It should be because of us that this world makes them great.

Since the history of China, there have been people who worked hard, people who worked hard, people who prayed for the people, people who sacrificed their lives to seek the law... Although it is the so-called "history" that is equivalent to writing genealogies for emperors, generals and prime ministers,

They often cannot hide their brilliance. This is the backbone of China.

We are the spine and they are the fat. When did the fat determine whether the giant body of China could stand up?

There is no fairness in this world, and all good things must be obtained through competition.

However, competition requires ability, means, and accumulation. Most people do not have these things. At this time, we who have excess ability need to help them allocate it.

So that everyone can have a better life.

It is the most stupid thing not to give in to anyone or retreat, and then everyone just sits back and waits for the result of mutual destruction."

"So, we are fucking saints?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "It's not that we want to be saints, we just enjoy the process of using the money that originally belonged to the rich for their arrogance and extravagance to feed the poor.

Well, we are not idiots who allow others to exploit us, nor are we saints who are noble and upright. It is just because the world needs people like you and me that we just happened to appear. There is nothing surprising about it."

The scene where the two of them were chatting was really heartwarming. Even people like Mr. Liu outside saw it and felt that the atmosphere of their county magistrate getting along with his old friends was really rare. It was several levels higher than the scene where they were chatting.


In previous years, every summer, the entire city of Chang'an smelled stinky, mainly because there were too many large livestock such as cattle, horses, and camels.

Everywhere is filled with the stench of large animals and the smell of things that have rotted due to high temperatures.

The most important thing is that the period from spring to early summer is the peak period of the plague.

Therefore, wealthy people are not willing to live in the city when summer comes.

It’s different now. First, there are no stagnant pools in Chang’an City. During last year’s construction process, Yun Chu and Wen Wen had connected all the large pools using canals with different heights. After the stagnant water turned into living water, mosquitoes

That's a reduction of more than 80%.

As for the rat problem, it has now become a specialized business in Chang'an City.

There was an old man in Qinglongfang who got a litter of civet cats from nowhere. The old man had no children or daughters, so he raised these civet cats as his sons and daughters. When the civet cats were young, the old man squeezed them through his teeth.

Provide food to feed these cats.

Until one day, a civet cat put a mouse in its mouth in front of the old man and invited him to eat together. The old man's eyes suddenly lit up...

The shop is collecting rats, no matter they are dead or alive, they will cost you two.

Not only Qinglongfang's Fangzheng accepts rats, but all 108 Fangzhengs in Chang'an City accept rats, and the price is fair and the price is fair.

A month later, the old man stopped doing the work related to lotus that he had done before.

He is old and frail. Whether planting lotus, harvesting lotus pods, or digging lotus roots, it is a huge burden for him.

The old man now has six cats, six cats that are very good at catching mice. When other people have mice in their house, they will hire the old man's cats to catch mice. Not only do the mice they catch belong to the old man, but the owner also gives the old man a lot of money.


Of course, if you occasionally catch long worms, it will cost extra.

So, an old man with cats all over his body appeared in Chang'an City. In the morning, he would find a corner in the cafeteria to eat delicious breakfast. After breakfast, he would go to the bathhouse to take a hot bath. The hotter it became, the more enjoyable he would be.

Get some sleep and wait until the sun sets over the mountains, then it will be time for the family to make money.

This kind of good thing can only appear in Chang'an City, and more and more industries that were unheard of before are also appearing in Chang'an City.

This kind of thing will not be recorded in history books. It will occasionally appear in some picture novels, with some weirdness and some magic. In short, it is quite beautiful.

The construction of Chang'an City is still proceeding in an orderly manner, and many unheard-of good things are slowly happening in the city. As long as this good situation can continue for a few more years, Chang'an will change beyond recognition.

When Yunchu walked among the streets, he could keenly feel the changes in Chang'an City.

The most important thing is that the city is slowly changing to the familiar appearance.

Whether they are sanitation workers who get up early, or delinquents standing at the crossroads, blowing iron whistles in their mouths to direct the carriages, or large groups of people with green cloth handkerchiefs on their heads and hanging on their shoulders.

A female textile worker with a flower bag filled with food boxes would bring Yunchu back to a distant memory.

The bastard who sells pancakes with mutton likes to push his amazingly plump wife towards Yunchu intentionally or unintentionally.

The young man turned into a greasy and wretched man, and the beautiful landlady who had worked for a wealthy family in his youth turned into a Tiger King Tank. This was what Yun Chu wanted to see. His mood changed a lot, even when facing the plump landlady.

You can also treat each other with courtesy, smile and ask how you are doing.

People in the Tang Dynasty valued righteousness over money. Yunchu's greeting brought the Tiger King proprietress back to that lush period in an instant.

At that time, beauties were like jade and gentlemen were like dragons. Today, gentlemen are still like dragons, but beauties have been drowned in firewood, rice, oil and salt.

No matter what, Yun Chu still got two grilled naan pancakes filled with minced mutton, each weighing a pound.

Seeing that the boss's face was ashen, Yun Chuyang pretended to give him money, but was blocked by the woman.

This situation is far more comfortable than when Yunchu was dealing with the emperor, empress, and prince.

So, he said, "Come back tomorrow."

No big deal is as interesting as watching these two couples having conflicts. The days are long and you can be happy for a long time.

Yu Xiurong was sitting in a pile of cotton, still pulling out cotton seeds with her hands. Her scarf was covered with cotton wool. The whole yard of Yun's house was filled with pure white cotton. It looked good, but it would make her sneeze easily if she looked at it for a long time.

A lynx with a white beard passed through the cotton pile with trembling legs. Its gaudy fur was covered with cotton. Yu Xiurong kicked it. The guy's upper body did not move. He just moved his butt dexterously, and Yu Xiurong let Yu Xiurong do it.

The surprise attack failed.

Yun Chu helped Yu Xiurong, who was about to fall, pulled off the cotton wool on her head, and handed her a cake weighing more than a kilogram with mutton.

"Eat it while it's hot. Your husband bought this in exchange for his color. It's delicious!"

Yu Xiurong held the pancake in Yun Chu's arms with a flirtatious look and said, "If you want to rely on your appearance to exchange money, you can get more good things from me."

Yun Chu slapped his wife on the butt and said, "The old god said some time ago that you were overindulging in sexual pleasure."

Cui Yao, who was also peeling cotton seeds in the cotton pile next door, yelled "filial piety" and left. When she passed by Fei Jiu, she even kicked him.

Mrs. Cui was not affected, she opened her mouth with a smile that was missing a tooth and urged the maids and servants in the yard to work quickly.

When Yu Xiurong saw her son coming out of the study, she stood up straight and whispered to Yun Chu: "Has your husband's mood changed?"

Yun Chu smiled and wanted to slap Yu Xiurong on the butt again. When he saw his son coming straight towards him, he retracted his hand and said, "This is natural. From now on, our family will follow the golden mean."

This chapter has been completed!
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