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Chapter 30: Everything is complicated

When He Lanminzhi and his wife left the county government office, they saw five headless corpses lying on the ground.

Dunzhu was about to express his filial piety, but was hugged tightly by He Lanmin.

Yun Chu kicked the first corpse and said calmly: "It has been a long, long time since there has been a vicious incident in Chang'an City that killed eighteen people.

However, the day before you entered Chang'an City, so many people died that night, Helan, do you have to bring the habits of Tibet and the Western Regions to Chang'an?"

When Yun Chu saw that He Lan Minzhi remained silent, he continued: "People in this world are actually divided into three, six or nine levels.

We don’t expect everyone to imitate Chang’an, but at least they must abide by Chang’an’s rules.

Whether a country or a city is well governed depends on the people in these places. After all, talents are the concrete expression of a city.

The place in Tubo was actually not suitable for human survival. The Western Regions are better now, but it is not a place where good people can go.

The people of Chang'an have gradually adapted to the laws, but the Tubo people have not yet.

You and your wife can do whatever you want in Tubo, even do things as you please, but not in Chang'an.

The improvement of a tribe or a country is manifested by people becoming more and more like humans, rather than becoming more and more like beasts.

Helan, think about it carefully. Dunzhu may not understand it, but you should be able to think it through. After all, you have read so many books.

This time I won’t hold you two responsible for your lax conduct, but please don’t let it happen again.”

Helan's face was ugly. Every one of the entourage he brought to Chang'an this time was carefully selected by him. When it came to loyalty, there was nothing to say. As a result, he was cut off on the first day he came to Chang'an.

Five heads.

"Yun Chu, you and I are irreconcilable." Dunzhu still shouted out the hateful words with red eyes, completely forgetting the friendship that Yun Chu had just treated her to for a delicious meal.

He Lan Minzhi thought further. After looking at Yun Chu for a while, he suddenly said: "Will your people contact me? When?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I can't give you what you want. You need to think about it in the long term."

He Lan Minzhi nodded and said: "Okay, I can stay in Chang'an for six days, and I will go to Luoyang in six days."

Yun Chu cupped his fists and saluted: "Go away, I won't send you away."

Seeing Helan Minzhi getting into the carriage with the kicking Dunzhu in his arms, Wen Wenwen walked out of the public house next door with a book in his hand. He glanced at Helan Minzhi's carriage going away and said to Yun Chu: "

There's nothing good about Little Bolu."

Yun Chu said: "It may not last long if a family has a mountain of gold. If we don't do some things, others will do it. If others do it, our strength will be greater. If we don't do it, our strength will not increase by a part."

Back then, the Sima family pacified the world and beat the barbarians far away. Then they put their swords and guns in the treasury and released their horses to Nanshan. However, only a few years later, the descendants of the Sima family were tied up with iron chains around their necks by the barbarians and treated like dogs.


Wen Wen rolled up the book and held it in her hand and said: "If you don't live a hundred years, you will always worry about a thousand years. There is no need."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "You and I are different."

Wen Wen nodded and said: "I know, but who are you going to send to the Western Regions this time?"

Yun Chu said: "Profiteers, villains, and son-in-laws."

She smiled softly and said, "You hate these people? This is not the behavior of a qualified parent official."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "You are wrong. I actually value them very much. Whether they are profiteers or villains, they are actually a group of relatively capable people. Their vitality is relatively tenacious and they are suitable for living in harsh places. Some people

The harsher the environment, the better they survive."

"Aren't you afraid that their children and grandchildren will be ruined forever?"

Yunchu burst out laughing, pointed his finger on Gentle's chest and said, "Do you believe this?"

Wen Wen asked in confusion: "Can it be said that the descendants of bad guys will become good?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "It is not difficult for a person to do some good deeds, but it is rare to do good deeds for a lifetime.

In the same way, it is not difficult for a person to do bad things at all. It is rare for a person to do bad things all his life. You must not underestimate doing bad things. Just like doing good things, it requires a lot of effort. Even if this person does evil all his life, he will not be able to do it in the next life.

The descendants will definitely change for the better gradually.

After all, doing evil things is ultimately not tolerated by the world, and people must live in a group before they can be called people. Over time, the evil causes will slowly be eliminated, and maybe they will become better than good people.


"Because being a bad guy is enough?"

"No, it's because a good person will really change if he wears his skin for a long time."

"Where's the son-in-law?"

"They are not necessarily bad people, they are just a group of incompetent people. Give them a chance and maybe they will become upright men."

Wen Rou smiled when he heard this. He knew that what Yun Chu said was very impressive. In fact, it was not easy to find such a group of people in Chang'an.

Because, in Chang'an, there are profiteers and villains all over the place. However, today's profiteers and villains are under the majesty of the law and put on the skin of good people. Most people can't tell that they are profiteers or villains at all.

As for the son-in-law, it was completely stipulated by the laws of the Tang Dynasty. Whenever there was an opportunity to perform labor in distant places, they were the first choice.

Yunchu always hoped that the people of the Tang Dynasty could go out, see and experience the outside world. When he came back, he would face the country of the Tang Dynasty with a different mentality.

Whether it is Xiaobolu or Dabolu, which is occupied by Lunqin Mausoleum, they are now rare war-torn areas around the Tang Dynasty.

Yunchu believed that there should be people from the Tang Dynasty here, and the Tang Dynasty also needed such a group of talents with rich experience in war.

Normally, you won’t be full after eating an official meal, not to mention that this official meal was eaten with He Lan Minzhi and Dunzhu. During the meal, Yun Chu was busy introducing the dishes to the guests, inviting the guests to drink, and eating by himself.

Very few.

So, I asked the kitchen to get him and Wenrou two bowls of wontons to fill their stomachs.

Just as the wontons were served, Di Renjie came, and Yun Chu had to ask the kitchen to order another bowl of wontons.

Today's wontons were delicious, stuffed with shepherd's purse and pork. The highlight was not the taste of the wontons, but the sour soup prepared by the chef.

Di Renjie didn't have enough after one bowl, so he wanted another. After he finished the second bowl, he said to Yun Chu: "This sour soup, even if you throw wood in, I can still eat two bowls."

Yunchu knew that although the seafood sour soup was good, it was not something Di Renjie would praise so much. He just had something he didn't want to say.

Wen Wen glanced at Di Renjie and said calmly: "What happened?"

Di Renjie said: "Did you know that Zhong Kui already has 600 disciples?"

Yun Chu said in confusion: "Zhong Kui resigned from office, joined the Taoist sect, and built eighteen levels of hell in Zhongnan Mountain. After so many years, it is not a big deal to have 600 followers, right?"

Di Renjie added: "Zhong Kui is not in the hell he created."

Yun Chu frowned and said, "Where has he gone?"

Di Renjie gritted his teeth and said: "I went to Luoyang and said that ghosts are rampant in Luoyang now and he needs to go to Luoyang to catch ghosts."

Yun Chu was startled and asked, "When did it happen?"

Di Renjie spread his hands and said: "He didn't discuss what happened six days ago with us. He took a hundred believers down to Luoyang. I checked in Ping'an today and learned that your side has solved the problem, so I thought of dropping by.

Zhong Nanshan looked at him, only to find out when he arrived at his hell that he had been gone for six days.

I quickly returned to the city and went to Si Tianjian, only to learn that Li Chunfeng and others had also gone to Luoyang. It seemed that this was a collective action by the Taoist sect. It didn’t take much to think about it. It was so big that Zhong Kui even

We all have to hide it.

Even if he left a message, he didn’t say anything.”

As he spoke, he took out an open letter from his arms and handed it to Yun Chu.

Yun Chu looked at the handwriting on the paper that penetrated the back of the paper and pondered for a moment: "Zhong Kui said that there are hundreds of ghosts running rampant in Luoyang City. What kind of ghosts are they?

What kind of ghost can he catch? Kill ghosts in the wind with a knife?"

She softly pondered for a moment and said, "I think you should go home and ask Naha. If Naha doesn't know, you should ask Master Xuanzang."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "Zhong Kui doesn't want us to know his whereabouts. In fact, he doesn't want us to get involved.

No matter what kind of ghost it is, there is an emperor, a queen, and a prince in Luoyang City, so they should be able to deal with it.

Besides, since it is appropriate not to tell us about the people in the Taoist sect, I am just surprised as to why Zhong Kui brought a hundred followers to Luoyang. You must know that most of his followers come from the group of people we traveled to the Western Regions.

If my guess is correct, there should be a hundred people fully armed, with Zhong Kui at the head. This would become a powerful assault force.

Who are they going to attack?"

Wen Wen sneered and said: "No matter who it is, let Mrs. Qian and the others be alert first. Zhong Kui is not a fool. On the contrary, he is a very wise man. At least he will not do anything detrimental to us."

Di Renjie said: "It's better to do whatever you need to do. Just do whatever you want. I always feel like something big has happened. I have arranged for people to prepare all the recent secret messages. I don't believe that we can't find some from these secret messages from various places."


Neither Yun Chu nor Wen Wen had any doubts about Di Renjie's ability to peel off cocoons. Seeing that Di Renjie seemed to have an idea, the three of them left Wannian County Government separately and went about their own affairs.

After Yunchu returned home, he went straight to Naha's room. At this time, Naha was sitting on a recliner in a daze, holding a giant bear doll.

Ever since this child came back from Luoyang, she has been clamoring to return to the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions. Now, the caravan from the Western Regions is desperately collecting supplies. Once the supplies and goods are collected, she will set off immediately.

Seeing that Naha, who used to be lively and laughing, became silent and speechless, Yun Chu hesitated, then came to sit next to Naha and said softly: "Zhong Kui secretly went to Luoyang with a hundred people. I don't know what Luoyang has."

Do you know what is happening?"

Naha turned her head, her face was pale, and her eyes were particularly big. She blinked twice and shook her head and said: "I have ignored the monks these days. If my brother wants to know, I will go to Ci'en Temple and ask Master Xuanzang."

Yunchu held down Naha who was about to stand up, patted her little face and said, "Be happy, being taciturn is not what my Naha should be like."

Naha took advantage of the situation and hugged Yunchu's arm and said, "Brother, when people grow up, it's really boring."

Yun Chu whispered: "Didn't you say you were going to pay your respects to the old god early in the morning? Did you get accurate information?"

Naha said aggrievedly: "I went, but the old god took one look at me and asked me to come back without checking my pulse.

I later went to the Imperial Medical Office, and the people at the Imperial Medical Office didn't say anything. When they saw me, it was like seeing the god of plague."

Yun Chu put his hand on Naha's wrist. For a long time, nothing came out. He couldn't help but sigh and said: "Silly girl, when an outsider enters the world of mortals, everything will change."

Naha buried her head in Yunchu's arms and said, "I hate this change..."

Yunchu didn't know how to comfort Naha, so he could only pat her back and look at the two old eunuchs hiding in the darkness in a daze.

This chapter has been completed!
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