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Chapter 809 The world of mortals

Girls are generally more mature than boys. Li Si is four years older than Yun Jin. More importantly, Li Si comes from the Li family.

Just like Li Hong plotted against Naha, Li Si believed that he could plot against Yun Jin as a matter of course.

She had already discussed with Cui Yao that marrying Yun Jin was the most cost-effective option in the world.

The reason Yu Xiurong didn't like Li Si and Yun Jin being together was that Li Si was the ugliest child in the family.

In this family, Yun Chu is as tall as a tree, and Yu Xiurong's appearance is naturally better than others. Naha is a famous witch, and Yun Jin and Yun Jin are very good brothers and sisters. They picked out the advantages of Yun Chu and his wife.

Even though these two children are only eight years old, it is already obvious that they are beautiful women.

Li Si had a big head when he was young, and when he was twelve years old, his body finally grew, barely matching his body. If Yun Jin, the child, looks like a boy or a girl, Li Si's face and facial features are extremely three-dimensional.

After putting on men's clothes, he became a brave young man.

Yunchu told Yu Xiurong in private that Li Si's appearance was a bit atavistic, which meant that the Hu people in their family's bloodline had exploded in her body...

Yu Xiurong's mouth turned bitter because she discovered that Li Si had already realized how to make cooked rice from raw rice, that is, because they were both too young. Otherwise, Princess Li's strong bloodline would definitely encourage her to do this.

When Yun Chu came back at night, Yu Xiurong, who was lying next to him, worriedly expressed his worries.

Yunchu thought it was a trivial matter. If two children who knew each other well could get together in the future, there would be nothing wrong with it.

Compared with the thoughts of his children, Yun Chu thought further ahead. He believed that the basic physics of the Tang Dynasty would gradually emerge as these children grew older.

This is the mission of children.

My mission is to lay the foundation and try to create a suitable soil for the development of basic subjects such as physics, geometry, and chemistry that children will master in the future.

It's strange to say that Chinese knowledge generally develops because of people, that is, what Wen Wen said is the emergence of a master, and then the birth of this knowledge. There are clear barriers between them, and they appear without warning.

Lao Tzu is like this, Confucius, Mo Zhai, Zhuangzi, Gongshu Ban, Han Fei and Guiguzi are all the exceptions.

Therefore, the Yun family school should also appear in this way, and then slowly expand. In this matter, Yunchu is prepared to follow the precedents of Laozi, Confucius, and Mo Zhai, take it step by step, and make adjustments if it is not possible.

When I was thinking wildly, my palms felt plump. It turned out that it was Yu Xiurong who put his hand on her chest. The couple relied on this intimacy to maintain their relationship. It was naturally impossible to feel comfortable with only one hand, so Yun Chu put the other hand on her chest.

One hand also passed under Yu Xiurong's ribs. In this way, Yu Xiurong's warm and sweet body was close to his, and her smooth buttocks came close to him. It took only a moment to make people's hearts feel hot...

At dawn, Yunchu woke up relatively early, pulled apart his two jade legs wrapped around his waist, put on his underwear, opened the window, and felt a cool, moist air blowing in his face.

It turned out that it rained in the middle of the night. The rain fell very lightly and fell softly on the ground, moistening things silently.

This kind of rain is the most irritating to Yun Chu's temper. The heavy rain that fell in Chang'an a few days ago is not raining, but harming people. The heavy rain can turn Zhuque Street into a river. Yun Chu feels deeply pained by this.

Although more than 600 animal heads in the imperial city began spitting water, which was amazing and beautiful to look at, when the people in the low-lying areas began to scoop water out of their houses, the appearance of the splashing animal heads spitting water did not have much beauty.

There was just enough rain last night to soak the re-paved bridleway to avoid dust.

In the bamboo forest outside the courtyard wall, there was a flower bear climbing on the bamboo. Seeing its heavy body bending the bamboo, and then snapping it off, the flower bear's fat body hit a house with a piece of bamboo.

There was a crashing sound on the roof of the house, and it must have collapsed.

Then, Yunchu heard the roar of the owner of the house, but it didn't matter. He could at most kick the flower bear on the butt a few times, then drag it out and throw it away. In Chang'an, killing the flower bear was against the law.

However, their family can go to the government to ask for some compensation. The money may not be enough to repair the roof, and they need to pay some.

Yunchu also heard the sound of Li Si chasing Yun Jin and the three of them with a stick. Judging from the screams, Di Guangsi should have been beaten more. This kid was fat and ran the slowest.

A twelve-year-old girl can handle three eight-year-old boys, and she has a stick in her hand, which is more than enough.

The Yun family does not educate young ladies, the Yun family only educates girls who are full of vitality, self-reliant, and strong.

Because only a strong and confident woman can grow into a strong mother.

As for the boys, the Yun family has always been raised as wild dogs. Only those who can survive in any environment are called men. Only after they have the basic qualities of a man can they consider teaching and learning and consider the future of this child.

As for etiquette and self-cultivation, it will come naturally if the family has more money and reads more books.

The noble sons of the Yun family are different from the noble sons of other distinguished families in the Tang Dynasty. The noble sons of the Yun family can plant rice when they go to the ground, plow the fields by grabbing a cow, hunt in the mountains, catch fish in the river, and mount a horse.

You can fight, you can cook delicious food when you dismount, you can write chapters when you speak, you can write quatrains when you pick up a pen, and you also need to have the heart to come back after all your money is spent...

Yes, the above are the training standards that Yu Xiurong set for the sons of the Yun family and the disciples who entered the family based on the template of her husband Yun Chu.

It was deeply recognized by Wen Huan's mother and Di Guangsi's mother... They felt that as long as their children met the above requirements, it didn't even matter whether they became officials or not.

Yu Xiurong woke up, put on a gauze dress, and lazily leaned her body on Yun Chu's back. Her body was warm, and leaning against Yun Chu's slightly cold body could easily make Yun Chu fall again.

Become enthusiastic.

Old couples are no strangers to their own bodies, they have been enjoying each other for a long time, and every move is on point. This is the reason why many couples can grow old together.

Yun Chu felt the tenderness conveyed by Yu Xiurong, and sighed softly: "Last night, I instilled some new standards of weights and measures into the three children. As a result, Yun Jin said that I am 180 millimeters tall, and Wen Huan said that I am 100 meters tall.

Eighty meters, this kid Mitsugu said I weigh 140 tons... They all perfectly missed all the correct answers."

Yu Xiurong didn't understand the conversion relationship between millimeters, centimeters, meters, grams, kilograms and tons, so he snorted and said: "Zheng Shutan, don't talk about those unlucky children.

Just let Li Si chase him for a while, and he will eventually come back.

Back then, when I was teaching Naha knowledge, I wanted to strangle this dead child to death and then commit suicide!

Didn’t you get through this?

I firmly believe that none of these three children are stupid, and sooner or later they can be taught and just get started."

In the early morning in Chang'an, the drizzle was like a crisp, and the heat had completely subsided, showing a somewhat gentle and charming look, which made people linger.

After daybreak, the majesty of Chang'an City was immediately revealed. Large groups of camel caravans from the Western Regions approached Chang'an in an endless stream, and river ships one after another crowded into a long queue on the river.

The shops in Chang'an City opened very early. Groups of clerks held various kinds of food in their hands and walked to the trading market outside the city while eating. Although they didn't know what good goods they would receive today, they were all in high spirits.

Very full and full of hope for a good life.

Before leaving the city gate, they would always stroke the copper bull's egg closest to the Suzaku Gate, hoping to imbue their hands with the aura of wealth, open a big business, and skyrocket.

If there is a sky-rocketing man, there will naturally be a business that collapses. There is no shortage of wine, beauties, gorgeous houses, fat horses, and fancy cars for the sky-rocketing man. After the fallen man gets drunk, he immediately starts to think about how to change his business.

Wherever I can get the money, I will keep working hard to start the business.

Chang'an City is a very challenging place for people. There is countless money for them to grab. Of course, this requires a little talent and a little luck... This is the reason why people love Chang'an.

The autumn rain fell in patter on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and the off-white blue bricks turned into azure. A pillar stood in Chang'an City, contrasting with the green bricks and green tiles of the palace. Such beautiful scenery can only be maintained indefinitely.

For a long time, thick smoke will rise in the chessboard-like streets of Chang'an City. This is caused by craftsmen, workers, and weavers burning charcoal for breakfast. Soon, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda will be destroyed.

The beauty created by the imperial city and palace city has been completely destroyed.

However, the streets of Chang'an City became full because people came out.

The thick smoke coming out of the Jinchangfang cafeteria was the most ferocious. Seven or eight thick pipes of thick smoke as thick as buckets rushed straight into the sky against the light rain. Under the thick smoke, there was a roar of people, mixed with the unique curses of Guanzhong people.

The sound completely woke up Chang An, who was still a little sleepy.

Li Xian and He Lan Minzhi each held an umbrella and stood outside the third gate of the palace city, looking down at the city that had just woken up.

After looking at it for a long time, Li Xian suddenly said to He Lanmin: "Who doesn't like this picturesque country and who doesn't love it?"

He Lanminzhi smiled and said: "As far as I know, these picturesque mountains and rivers belong to your elder brother and have nothing to do with you."

Li Xian stubbornly shook his head and said: "As long as I am smarter and wiser than the prince, this country will be mine. After all, I, the Li family, have never established eldest son, only virtuous ones. What's more, Li Hong is not the eldest son."


He Lan Minzhi laughed and said: "Everyone can say it with empty teeth. If you want to really get a good thing, you have to grab it. Everyone wants good things, and no one is willing to give up good things."

Li Xian nodded and said: "I am thirteen years old this year, and I still have time..."

He Lanmin said: "His Majesty enshrines Mount Tai, the Crown Prince is the Yaxian, and the Prime Minister is the Houxian. His Highness can only stand aside holding the sacrifice and act as a domestic servant."

Li Xian didn't seem to hear He Lan Minzhi's instigation, but continued to look greedily at the thousands of fireworks in Fangshizi, took a deep breath of the dirty air with soot, opened his arms and said: "I want this mortal world."


This chapter has been completed!
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