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Chapter 829 Li Zhi has no bottom line at all

"Yun Chu killed Yu Wenjing, Xue Rengui killed Pan Liang, and Pei Xingjian broke Han Rucheng's back with a military stick."

Li Zhi sat up, grabbed the giant bear's ears, and struck hard.

Wu Mei hugged Princess Taiping, and the spoonful of porridge she was putting in Taiping's mouth stopped at her mouth, and then she put it into her own mouth.

"This means that neither Yunchu, Xue Rengui, nor Pei Xingjian accepts restrictions, right?"

Li Zhi nodded and said: "These three people knew in advance the arrangements I made in the army, and they ignored them. Even Xue Rengui, who was with the army all day long, did not put forward any opinions on my arrangements.


However, when the three of them actually led the troops, they all made the same move, and the situation was extremely tragic. It can be seen from their reactions that they were not allowed to order too many troops when leading the troops.


Wu Mei hugged Taiping into her arms, and the young Taiping automatically opened Wu Mei's clothes and put her little head in.

Wu Mei hugged Taiping and shook it gently. After a moment, she said: "These three people can be regarded as the officials of the Tang Dynasty who can really lead the army in battle. If they are dissatisfied with His Majesty, it is not true.

It can only be shown that what Yu Wenjing, Pan Ming, and Han Rucheng did in the army was extremely excessive, exceeding the tolerance of the three of them, and by analogy, also exceeding the tolerance of most generals.

I don’t know what will happen if such a thing falls into the hands of Duke Ying, Duke Su and others. Fortunately, these veterans are now in Luoyang. Your Majesty can open your heart and talk to these veterans about whether the behavior of Yunchu and the three of them is universal.

, and then decide whether to punish them or encourage them."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "I haven't asked them before, but if I ask now, it's a bit embarrassing. Besides, I have a headache."

Wu Mei glanced at Li Zhi who was rubbing the giant bear's ears, lowered his head and said: "Since it is inconvenient for Your Majesty, I can do it reluctantly."

Li Zhi nodded and said, "Let Ruichun follow."

This time Wu Mei didn't answer, and pulled the open skirt of her clothes outward to make it easier for Taiping to drink milk.

Ever since Yunchu saw clearly the situation in the army, Yu Wenjing was already a dead person in his eyes.

The emperor's elite expedition to Shandong and Hebei this time was not a benevolent act in itself. Although it had the meaning of comforting the local area, the use of a powerful army to intimidate was stronger.

Therefore, when Yun Chu leads the troops this time, the probability of encountering a war is very high. Since there is a war, Yun Chu, as a general, will naturally not allow others to play a leading role in his military camp.

In the rear army, Yun Chu could not accommodate Yu Wenjing, Xue Rengui's central army naturally could not accommodate Pan Ming, the marching commander, and the same was naturally true for Pei Xingjian's front army. It was impossible to accommodate Han Rucheng, the marching commander.

This was not a joint act of the three colluding, but the unanimous choice of three fairly skilled generals who had experienced battles in the field.

Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian, like Yunchu, were prepared to eliminate this huge hidden danger under the emperor's nose and before the army set off.

The benefits of doing this far outweigh doing it on the road.

Take action in Luoyang, where the emperor feels safe, so that the emperor will not make some wrong decisions in a hurry because he feels danger.

Taking action in Luoyang gave the emperor enough time to think, so that he would not have random thoughts.

At present, it seems that this approach is correct. After killing the marching commander Shi, the emperor has not shown any intention to change the generals before the battle. Therefore, the three people must use the shortest possible time to reorganize the army.

The reason why people of the Tang Dynasty were willing to serve as soldiers was firstly to reduce taxes, and secondly to get promoted and make a fortune. Although they often talked about fighting for the country, no one took it seriously.

Therefore, the method of using food, equipment, etc. to suppress the soldiers that Yu Wenjing proposed before can be implemented.

Yunchu selected a hundred strong warriors from the army to serve as his personal soldiers and also as sword and axe-hands.

Although these people have their own subordinates, under Yun Chu's extremely unreasonable and luxurious rewards, these people have established a relatively close relationship with Yun Chu in the shortest possible time.

Ten guan of money was nothing in Yun Chu's eyes, but it was enough to buy the lives of these one hundred people.

What's more, Yunchu also promised that after the eastward patrol is over safely, those who perform well among the 100 people will move to Chang'an with their families.

As soon as this promise came out, Yun Chu could see that these one hundred people wanted to die on his behalf.

After giving the best war horses, the best armor, the best weapons, and the most generous treatment to these one hundred people, when Yun Chu beat the drum again to gather the generals, when the generals looked at Yun Chu again, they finally had something in their eyes.

A look of fear.

Some people also began to publicize in the army the fate of those soldiers who followed Yun Chu to fight in Liaodong. Nowadays, none of those people are living a comfortable and good life in Chang'an.

Fighting with Yunchu, you can make a fortune regardless of military merit, which is fatal to the soldiers.

Yunchu didn't like soldiers at the level of Captain Zhe Chong to lead the troops in person, but instead handed over the power of leading troops to generals at the level of Colonel Guo Yi, regimental commanders, and brigade commanders.

This came from Yunchu's understanding of the government soldiers. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the generals of the Zhechong Duwei class were all formed step by step from small soldiers, using their military exploits and accumulating heads.

During the Zhenguan period, the captains of Zhechong had to face frequent foreign wars, so they were all regarded as heroes. Just like Ding Dayou, the captain of Zhechong whom Yunchu knew before, he could fight with just a Mo Dao.

He fought his way through the army and opened a large gap for his men to continue their attack.

Unfortunately, more than ten years have passed, and Ding Dayou, who was as strong as an ox, finally died six years ago due to injuries all over his body.

I had seen Yun Chu, the captain who succeeded him, and he looked as weak as a bird, but he could make a loud cry.

Therefore, Yunchu did not want these people to harm his army...

Yun Chu doesn't care about the fact that the captains are not convinced. In the army, force comes first. If you are not convinced, you can challenge Yun Chu. Only those who are recognized by Yun Chu will have the opportunity to continue to lead the army.

Yunchu always felt that killing Yu Wenjing would cause a storm in the court. When he learned about Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian's choices, he was even prepared to be impeached by the censor.

As a result, after ten days passed and he had truly controlled these ten thousand troops, there was still no movement from the emperor's side, and even the court was calm.

When Ren Yaxiang, Secretary of the Ministry of War, came to inspect the Yunchu military camp again, Sikong Li Ji walked at the front, followed by senior generals such as Su Dingfang and Liang Jianfang, all with serious faces.

Li Ji sat on the only chair on the stage and said to Yun Chu, who was riding a horse under the stage, "Let's get started."

After the heavy cavalry, light cavalry, heavy armored infantry, shield bearers, jumpers, crossbowmen and other soldiers skillfully changed their formations according to the flag waved by Su Dingfang, Li Ji said to Yun Chu: "Good kill.

There are fewer kills.”

Yunchu heard a strong murderous aura and full of unwillingness from Li Ji's voice.

Su Dingfang looked at Yun Chu's subordinates with envy in his eyes. This man who had spent his whole life leading troops in wars now almost no longer has the power to enter the military camp. General Youwuwei, this is Su Dingfang's official position. Unfortunately,

This official position is not a real job, it has long been turned into a reward for getting more money and food. After all, in the Tang Dynasty, there were seven generals Youwuwei, but there was only one who really meant what he said, and he was a damn civil servant.


In the bleak autumn wind, Li Ji's white beard and white hair looked very dazzling. Although Su Dingfang was still wearing armor, the horizontal sword he was used to carrying on his waist had turned into a magnificent ceremonial sword.

If you open the front, you can't withstand a horizontal cut with the sword.

"When the Tang Dynasty became rich and had no enemies, Wen Tian and Wu Xi's bad habits emerged...

Yun Chu, you kill well. If you have the chance, kill more for me. This time the three of you did not disappoint me.

I only hope that you can lead the troops well, and the soldiers you bring will not let you down in the future."

Ren Yaxiang was the last one to leave. The fat man was smiling when he left, just like the smile he showed after watching Yu Wenjing's head fall to the ground.

At the time, I thought this fat guy was a bit perverted. Looking back now, I realized that he had long wanted to kill people like Yu Wenjing. He could have stopped Yun Chu from killing people, but he talked a lot of nonsense and used up Yu Wenjing's last hope of survival.

The nonsense has been polished off.

Just when Yunchu felt that everything in the army was improving, and when he was confident about this eastward tour.

Four eunuchs walked into the rear army camp...

Seeing the eunuchs pulling out the emperor's decree and reading it babblingly, Yun Chu didn't listen to a word... The four words "eunuch and supervisor" rumbled in Yun Chu's head like thunder.

After the eunuch finished reading the edict, Yun Chu raised his hand and pinched the neck of a eunuch, lifted him up high, and said sternly: "Eunuchs join the army, what do you want to do?"

The eunuchs were very courageous. Although Yun Chu squeezed his neck and couldn't breathe, the other three eunuchs had no intention of stepping forward to help. Just when Yun Chu squeezed the eunuch's neck so hard that it made a cracking sound.

Yun Chu let go of the eunuch's neck and said to the eunuch who read out the emperor's decree: "Lead the way. I want to knock on the gate. I don't believe that your majesty can't send a suitable marching commander Shi. He must use you domestic slaves to do it."

Humiliate me."

The eunuch Wang Sheng who read out the decree said: "The slaves have no intention of monitoring the prince. Your Majesty sent me and four others here just to take care of the prince's daily life."

"Straight bitch——"

Yunchu roared angrily, mounted his bay-red horse, left the military camp, and ran all the way into the city.

When Yunchu arrived at the palace city, the sun had already set and the gates of the palace city were closed one after another.

Xue Rengui rode a white horse and stood guard at the door. He looked at the closed palace door in despair. When he saw Yunchu coming, he clenched his fists and said, "We can't retreat!"

Yun Chu had already calmed down over this matter. He was just angry for a moment. What he couldn't understand was why Li Zhi, who was so powerful in the world at this time, would think of such a funny thing as using eunuchs to supervise the army.

"If Your Majesty does not withdraw the eunuchs, I am prepared to plead ill and shirk the heavy responsibility of leading the troops."

Xue Rengui said: "It will only make Pei Xingxing's inspection easier."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Old Pei is not that confused. Once eunuchs supervise the army become the norm, no one with lofty ideals will be willing to lead the army in battle."

Xue Rengui said: "The martial arts between the two of us is still there. Pei Xingjian only thinks about his official position as Minister of Rites, and may not be willing to offend Tianyan."

Yun Chu said irritably: "Why do you always keep your eyes on Pei Xingjian?"

Xue Rengui said: "I often keep an eye on you. Having said that, if a certain family doesn't keep an eye on you and Pei Xingxing, who do you want me to keep an eye on?"

Yun Chu snorted angrily. How could he not understand Xue Rengui's thoughts? Fighting between him and Pei Xingjian was the safest and most cost-effective fight for him, a general born as a commoner. Whether it was Yun Chu or Pei Xingjian.

They won't kill him.

When Pei Xingjian arrived, Yun Chu and Xue Rengui had been at the gate of the palace for half an hour.

"You two shouldn't have come."

Pei Xingjian complained irritably to Yun Chu and Xue Rengui before he could get off his horse.

Yun Chu sneered and said, "If you can, don't come."

Pei Xingjian frowned and said, "You two idiots, couldn't you see the connection?"

Xue Rengui said: "No matter what, a certain family will not allow eunuchs to enter my camp."

Yun Chu said: "I just had four murderous intentions towards those four eunuchs!"

Pei Xingjian said: "If His Majesty agrees not to send eunuchs into the army, will you two agree no matter who he sends?"

Yun Chu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Xue Rengui who was also stunned. The two of them jumped on their horses almost at the same time and prepared to run away.

However, after all, it was a step too late, and they saw the palace door wide open, and the fat man Ren Yaxiang stood at the door of the palace and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty has a decree to announce that Xue Rengui, Yunchu, and Pei Xingxing have entered the palace to see you..."

This chapter has been completed!
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