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Chapter 886 Li Zhi is always possessed by Taizong

When Yun Chu came to Li Zhi's Animal Skin Hall to report the defense, although the room was full of people and everyone's expressions were serious, Yun Chu felt that they were all suppressing laughter.

For no other reason than because Li Zhi's two tightly wrapped light brown ears were stuck together, it was really ridiculous.

Therefore, when Yun Chu reported the defense arrangements according to the facts, no one was listening. Everyone was more interested in Li Zhi's two long ears than Yun Chu's report.

Yun Chu felt that this was a reflection of Li Zhi's surge in self-confidence. In the past, Li Zhi was a very elegant emperor. Whenever he faced his courtiers at any time and in any place, his appearance was impeccably gorgeous.

Now, this guy dares to come out to meet civil and military officials wearing a pair of donkey ears, which shows that he no longer cares about the external sense of majesty. He is majestic himself, even if he wears a pair of donkey ears.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Zhi opened his mouth, no one cared about his donkey ears anymore.

In the incident, five people, Liu Jingxian, Huangfu Wenliang, secretary-supervisor Yang Sizhong, Zhongshusheren Guo Zhengyi, and Sanqi regular attendant Liu Yi, were deposed by the emperor without warning, demoted, and exiled... The furthest exile was to Xinjiang.


The crime is - forming a party for personal gain.

Yun Chu stood in the animal skin hall and had a clear view. When the five people were escorted out by the inner guards, they didn't seem to be surprised. Liu Jingxian even waved goodbye to Guo Zhengyi, the scholar in the middle school, and said that they would go to this life.

It will be difficult to see each other again.

The fact is indeed like this. Liu Jingxian was sent to Silla County to serve as a recorder and join the army, and Guo Zhengyi was sent to the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions to serve as a doctor. They were separated by tens of thousands of miles, and there should be no chance of meeting them in this life.

After the five people were escorted out by the inner guards, the sound of falling leaves could be heard in the animal skin palace.

Li Zhi raised his head and looked at the officials in the hall and said: "I know that you are unhappy. You feel that I deposed Liu Jingxian because I was dissatisfied with them for repeatedly rejecting my edict. In fact, that is not the case. You are bidding farewell to Liu Jingxian.

When you are waiting for someone, you can ask them if it is true that they are forming cliques for personal gain.

Okay, now that the troublesome matters have been dealt with, Chen Ruyi, you have stepped down from the position of military envoy of the Five Lingnan Prefectures, and you are here to tell me about the recent barbarian riots in the Annan Governor's Mansion.

I don't believe that a group of savages who just came down from the tree know what honor is and what shame is, and they also know that they are attacking our Jisi area in the Tang Dynasty in groups. Tell me that there is an urgent request for help from the Annan Governor's Palace.

Why don't you go through the Five Government Offices in Guangzhou and send it directly to me?"

Chen Ruyi, the doctor of Yinqing Guanglu, thought about it for a moment, then held the wat board and said: "Your Majesty, although the administrative offices of the five governors of Guangzhou are in charge of wild lands, there are still forty-five states in Lingnan.

These forty-five prefectures are under the jurisdiction of the five governor's offices of Guangzhou, Guizhou, Rongzhou, Yongzhou, and Annan respectively. The five governors of Guangzhou also govern the five governorates of Guangzhou, Guizhou, Rongzhou, Yongzhou, and Annan.

A governor's mansion.

However, the Dudu Mansion has troops and horses, but the Yamen of the Five Prefectures do not have soldiers and horses. At this time, once there is a rebellion in one of the Dudu Mansion's territories, and the violence of the rebellion exceeds the capacity of the Dudu Prefecture, at this time, if the Five Prefectures' Military Envoys are

If you want to mobilize troops from other governor's offices, you need to request an order from the imperial court.

Cheng Gongyin, the governor of the Annan Governor's Mansion, must have encountered a strong enemy this time, so he reported the matter to a higher level. He only hoped that the imperial court could send troops to rescue as soon as possible.

As for the rebellion of the Annan barbarians that your majesty said, I also thought that it must have been deceived by others. If my prediction is correct, it must be Nanzhao!"

Li Zhi pondered for a moment and said: "I just sent three groups of troops to attack Nanzhao not long ago. Unexpectedly, they have already been entangled with the savages of Annan. Ren Yaxiang, you are the Minister of the Ministry of War, don't you say a few words?"


Ren Yaxiang said: "It is better to establish the Annan Protectorate..."

Li Zhi asked interestingly: "Aren't you going to govern the state or county?"

Ren Yaxiang said: "Savages who are illiterate, ignorant of etiquette, and indistinguishable from human to beast are simply unable to govern states and counties, and will only be a huge waste of the national funds of the Tang Dynasty.

It is better to follow the policy of the Protectorate, as our Tang Dynasty only needs money and food from barbaric places like Annan."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "What Ai Qing said is absolutely true. It will be decided after deliberation in the political hall. Since the Annan Governor's Mansion is in trouble, it must be quelled. Even if we have other plans, we must kill all these traitors first."


An imperial edict was prepared to order Pang Yuan, the governor of Yongzhou, to attack Annan."

In the morning, after Yun Chu reported the defense strategy, he stood quietly in the crowd holding the wat board. Unknowingly, he who used to have to stand outside the palace to drink tea when the emperor and ministers were discussing things.

The idlers and others have now appeared in the emperor's field of vision. It is not easy to take a nap or make pots of tea and enjoy themselves.

Not only did he occupy a very forward position, but Wen Wen and Di Renjie also occupied a very forward position in the main hall. Of course, Prince Li Hong's position was closest to the emperor.

Ever since Yunchu suspected that Li Ji wanted to kill Li Zhi, he looked at everyone and found it suspicious. Even Li Hong, who was standing under the emperor's chair, Yunchu was plotting whether Li Hong could succeed in the Manchu Dynasty with his ability.

Kill Li Zhi before Wenwu reacts.

After weighing it up, it was found that it was no good. The bear-like Lao Lei was standing on the left side of the emperor, and on the right was Ruichun with a horizontal knife on his waist. Although I didn't know what Ruichun's ability was, but which way to think about it, Ruichun

This person is beyond what Li Hong's three-legged cat skills can handle.

As soon as the morning court begins, the meeting time is very long. Although Li Zhi is already handling state affairs very efficiently, by the time Ruichun calls out to withdraw from the court, the time has almost reached noon.

When Yunchu was about to leave the Animal Skin Hall, Ruichun came over and asked Yunchu to stay.

Li Hong glanced at Ruichun very dissatisfied, and then left with Wen Wen and Di Renjie. He had originally agreed to eat catfish stewed with dried eggplants today, but it looked like he couldn't eat it.

After being brought to the side hall of the Animal Skin Hall by Ruichun, Li Zhi was drinking thick lotus root starch. Gong E also filled a bowl for Yun Chu. After Yun Chu ate it, he felt that it was not as delicious as his own lotus root starch, mainly because of the

Li Zhi seems to like to eat sweets, and there is a lot of sugar in them.

"Sugar is a good thing for soldiers, but for Your Majesty, the harm far outweighs the benefit."

Yunchu finished eating the lotus root starch, put down the small bowl, and then said to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi pointed to his donkey ears and said: "Because I was drained of two ounces of blood by Taoist Sun, why are you saying such nonsense that sugar is not a good thing?"

Yun Chu said: "Your Majesty, it is not that Qi and blood are insufficient, but that Qi and blood are too full. This is why bloodletting is needed to reduce the pressure on blood vessels. Sugar is the food closest to the origin of the human body. A weak person can recover quickly if he eats sugar.

, if Your Majesty eats too much sugar, there will be a lot of excess nutrients in the body, which will only make the body fat."

Li Zhi didn't want to talk about the candy, so he pointed to his ear and said, "Is it true that bleeding like this won't do much harm to my body?"

Yun Chu said with a smile: "Dean He from Chang'an Tai Hospital is currently studying a new treatment method called blood circulation, which means to transport blood from healthy people to people with ischemia. It's just the same rice.

, but several types of people were raised. Some people had very good effects after receiving blood, while others died immediately after receiving blood.

The strangest thing is that even as close as father and son, mother and son, there seem to be differences in blood. Dean He and the others have now determined that there are roughly four blood types, namely type A, type B, mixed type A and B, and type C.

Planted with great results.

It won't take long before the problem of blood type identification will be completely solved. From now on, people suffering from ischemia will no longer have to worry about not having enough blood in their bodies, especially your Majesty."

Yun Chu's words successfully aroused Li Zhi's interest, so he touched his donkey's ears again and said: "So that's it, I'm still wondering. When Sun Daozhang took my blood, he didn't even have the slightest worry.

It turns out there is a backup method.

However, you said that the blood of father and son and mother and son are not the same?"

Yun Chu said with a smile: "If someone uses the blood method to resolve a case again in the future, Your Majesty should kill this ignorant official..."

"This is wrong. The child's essence and blood come from the parents. How can it be different from the parents?"

"Your Majesty, we don't know yet, but as long as the Taiyuan Hospital continues its research, it will become clear one day..."

By the time Yun Chu finished chatting with Li Zhi, the sun had already set in the west. After Li Zhi yawned, Yun Chu prepared to leave with a wink.

Li Zhi said slowly: "This is the end of the matter for Ying Gong. I promised him that I will give him enough honor whether he is alive or dead. There are not many veterans who founded the country, so we cannot all end well."

Yun Chu said: "There is no one more merciful than Your Majesty."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "I feel that my mind is much broader after I can go through this hurdle."

Yunchu didn't answer the question. Li Zhi had already said a lot of things in his words. This time, Li Ji followed him, and he may not have had any good thoughts in his heart.

After becoming the Minister of Su Wei, Yun Chu no longer personally controlled the army. The real commander of all the soldiers and horses here became Li Zhi himself. Yun Chu only had the power to arrange the troops and horses for defense. As for how to attack and where to attack,

It's all Li Zhi who has the final say.

In this military camp, the saying that one person is below and above ten thousand people refers to the current Yunchu.

When they returned to their military tent, Wen Wen and Di Renjie left after eating the eggplant and catfish stew. Li Hong did not leave, but was muttering to Li Si and the other four without knowing what they were talking about.

Next to Yu Xiurong was Yun Luan, who was already sleeping soundly. Yun Jin seemed unwilling to join Li Si's circle, studying with Cui Yao, and paying no attention to outside things. At first glance, he seemed to be a book lover.

When Li Hong saw Yun Chu coming in, he hurried over and whispered: "What happened?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Your father suddenly has a big heart. I don't know whether he is forced by the current situation or comes from his heart."

Li Hong asked in confusion: "What's the whole story?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Actually, I don't know either. If you want to know, you can only ask Your Majesty. However, I guess His Majesty won't say that this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't ask about it. Once you know it,

, but it’s troublesome.”

This chapter has been completed!
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