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Chapter 87 Flying stones from the sky

Naha still didn't come back. Cui was playing cotton in the back house all by herself. It sounded lively, but Yun Chu felt that the back house was even more empty.

Fortunately, his words worked well in Jinchangfang. Liu Yi and all the carpenters and masons in Jinchangfang were repairing and remodeling the house.

Those houses that were originally dilapidated or dirty should be habitable after being renovated and covered with new grass.

Yunchu planned to paint all the exterior walls of the houses there with white dust. In this way, from a distance, elegant houses would appear one after another, and it would become a beautiful scene in Jinchangfang.

The monks at Daci'en Temple are very talkative. Although the land here has long been allocated to Daci'en Temple to build the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the money is not available. If Jinchangfang wants to use it, it will be used first.

The hardest money in the world to earn is the first pot of gold. Yunchu's first pot of gold came from war, and the first pot of gold in Jinchangfang had to be dipped in salt with dry fingers.

Dip if you can, cheat if you can, this is already a very gentle method. In fact, people in the Tang Dynasty are very suitable to rob, but unfortunately, it is not the turn of the people of Jinchangfang.

Without Naha, Yun Chu slept peacefully. No one pressed him down, no one used the strategy of flooding the Seventh Army, and no one stuffed their feet into his nostrils. He didn't even dream all night.

In the morning, Yunchu was woken up by the morning bell, not the bell of Chang'an City, but the bell of Da Ci'en Temple. From today on, Da Ci'en Temple will ring the bell one hundred and eight times every morning to wake up those who

Sleeping soul.

The bells sounded melodiously, but Yunchu felt a little sad, so much so that the sun that appeared in the early morning was flat and lacked any heat.

Ms. Cui ate with Yun Chu. Her face was very ugly, blue, and her cheekbones seemed to be protruding. Her body was almost exhausted in Guzang City, but she finally recovered a little by eating with Naha.

, I have been busy playing cotton to make money these days, and my energy and energy seem to have been exhausted again.

Big Fatty was picked up by the old monkey to accompany Naha. Fatty Two, Fatty Three, Fatty Four, Fatty Five, Fatty Six, Fatty Seven are growing fat steadily. They were originally selected into the palace as maids.

, looks not bad. After eating a lot of oil and water in the Yun family, the body that was originally haggard gradually became fuller.

If we continue like this, one day we will be worthy of our name.

"San Fei, you go buy two old hens today and cook them together with ginger and wolfberry. Remove the meat from the bones and continue cooking. Add a little less salt and don't add any other seasonings.

After cooking, just watch Cui and let me drink all the meat and soup. Er Fei, you don’t have to do anything else today. You are responsible for watching over Cui and not allowing her to leave the room. Lang Jun, I will

Cui's feet are forbidden."

The second fat man and the third fat man hurriedly accepted the order. The second fat man even helped Cui, who was about to burst into tears, back to the room with a wink.

Yunchu expected that he would be very busy today, so after eating the morning meal, he took two hard-boiled eggs in his arms and rode a bay-red horse to the Four Schools.

The Imperial College, where order had been restored, still had a somewhat solemn atmosphere. The courtyard was full of scholars, all of whom looked elegant. They had a scroll in one hand and a back in the other. The two streamers on the back of their hats could not float because there was no wind, and they were so soft that they hung down.

At the back of the head, it looks like two black snakes.

There was a rapid sound of horse hooves, and the students who were pacing slowly and pretending to be cool in the middle of the road suddenly screamed and got out of the way.

Yun Chu held a stack of books, pens, ink, paper and inkstones in his arms, and when he was looking for his classroom, a black horse passed him by and knocked over his inkstone.

A student not far away from him was not so lucky. He was knocked more than two feet away by the horse that was obviously a war horse. He saw blood coming from his mouth and nose. He must have been seriously injured.

Yunchu checked where he was standing again. Now he was very sure that he was not standing in the middle of the road to show off, but standing on the roadside looking for a classroom. There was no galloping horse in the Imperial College.


The knight did not apologize, nor did he care about the fallen student. He rode his horse to the end of the road, then turned back on another road.

Looking at the broken inkstone, Yunchu rubbed his feet on the ground, and the cobblestones originally embedded in the road fell out.

He unhurriedly took out the udo that was used to throw stones during the herding, and put the stone on the udo. He saw that the people on the road were either busy cursing the knights who were leaving, or they were busy taking care of the injured.

He picked up the udo, shook it vigorously a few times, then let go of one end, and the stone jumped over the treetops and chased the knight.

Yun Chu moved very quickly. After throwing the stone, he put Wu Duo back into his arms, picked up the broken inkstone from the ground, sighed, and threw it into the grass.

There were screams from the other side of a row of classrooms. Yun Chu, like other students, stretched out his neck and stopped to watch for a while. When he didn't see anyone, he picked up his books and entered the classroom.

The Wuduo, as well as the two-headed chain hammer and the three-headed chain hammer made of two stones connected with a rope, are weapons that Yunchu learned to use when shepherding sheep. Among them, Yunchu's skills in playing Wuduo are unparalleled in the entire Sai tribe.

If he can, the stone he throws can fly over a hundred meters and accurately hit the horn of the leading sheep.

He could even blindfold himself and just listen to the sheep's cry, and hit the sheep's head, while the guy just now was not only barking, but also laughing.

If a pebble half the size of a fist hits the Tianling Gai, the opponent will definitely get a concussion. If it hits the eye, it will cause blindness. If it hits the temple or the back of the head, the person will die.

Now, whether that guy can survive depends on his luck.

Yunchu came to the classroom and asked the servant to borrow an old clay inkstone. After putting some water in it, he began to grind the ink carefully with an ink stick. Today, he will start copying the great scriptures such as "The Book of Rites", so I won't grind too much now.

Some ink will definitely not be enough after a while.

For some reason, Yunchu had already grinded out an inkstone full of thick ink, and less than half of the students in the classroom had arrived. The hour had already come, and even the teacher had not arrived.

Seeing the other students looking around and asking in a low voice what happened, Yun Chu shook his head, took out a piece of rice paper cut to the size of a book, and began to recite "The Book of Rites, Chapter 1, Qu Li Shang" silently, and finished the entire text silently.

, I felt that I had not missed anything, so I picked up the pen and started writing silently.

""Quli" says: "Don't be disrespectful, look thoughtful, and calm your words." Peaceful to the people!"

After Yunchu finished writing the first sentence, he realized that he had written it wrong. Instead of writing from right to top, he habitually wrote from left to top to right.

Only Hu people write like this.

Yun Chu crumpled the rice paper into a ball, threw it aside, and started over again calmly. He couldn't finish this book. He had finished it, and Naha would use it. After Naha finished it, Yunchu's children would also use it.


Just when Yun Chu silently wrote: "If you are a husband, you sit like a corpse and stand like a vegetarian. The etiquette is appropriate and the people follow the customs. The reason for the husband's etiquette is to determine the relationship between relatives and distance, to eliminate suspicion, to distinguish between similarities and differences, and to understand right and wrong." Di Renjie hurriedly wrote

He ran into the classroom and shouted: "Sir, please get everyone out. Xu Yanbo, the grandson of Xu County Man, the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Huangmen, fell off his horse and died."

Di Renjie shouted once, but that was not enough, so he shouted twice more.

Yun Chu was so irritated that he put down his brush and said, "If you die, you will die. Don't you want us to mourn?"

However, Di Renjie didn't seem to hear Yun Chu's scolding and continued to repeat what he just said.

Everyone had no choice but to leave the classroom and follow the large group of people back to the road outside the classroom.

At this time, both sides of the road were lined with sergeants from the Jinwu Guard. After all the students came out, they ran into the classroom and searched again. No suspicious persons were found, and then they led the group of students to the other side of the school building.

By the time Yunchu and the others came over, the students in the school building over there had been closely watched by the Jinwu Guards. It seemed that the Jinwu Guards had determined that the murderer was someone from the school building over there.

The reason why everyone from Lian Yunchu's side called over was probably to be on the safe side.

After standing in the crowd and listening for a while, Yun Chu finally figured out that the Minister of Rites, the Minister of Huangmen, and the man from Xu County, was Xu Jingzong, one of the eighteen scholars of the Tang Dynasty.

The person who died was his grandson Xu Yanbo. I heard that the Xu County man didn’t like his son because his son slept with his new wife, and the Xu County man took the initiative to expose him and had him exiled to Lingnan. However, I heard that Xu

The county man regretted it again and begged your majesty again, hoping to get his son back.

The son had a grudge against Xu Xiannan for seizing his wife, but Xu Xiannan liked his grandson very much, and this grandson lived up to expectations and was quite talented in literature. He had this grandson write for him all the major books that Xu Jingzong handled.

Now this guy is dead. He was hit on the back of the head by a flying stone, which is still embedded in the back of the head. He fell off the horse and broke his neck. It can be said that he died in a miserable way.

Just as the people of Jinwu Guard were looking for witnesses, a group of men in black attire and Tang swords on their waists walked in from behind the circle formed by Jinwu Guard. I don’t know what was wrong with these people, but they actually dragged Yun Chu with him.

These people stare into their eyes.

The eyes of these people were extremely ferocious, and many students were a little frightened by the sight and turned their heads involuntarily.

So, these men in black pushed the students who had turned their heads into another group of people.

When a strong man stared at Yun Chu and asked Yun Chu to look into his eyes, Yun Chu felt helpless. After all, he only saw a thin, sticky mess in the corner of the man's eyes. Other than that,

, nothing was seen.

Yun Chu also pushed the chest of the man in black who was very close to him, and said irritably: "How much garlic have you eaten today?"

The man in black who was about to get angry was restrained by another man in black and said to Yun Chu: "Have you ever seen the assassin?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and said, "When the incident happened, a group of us were writing silently in the classroom. Who had time to care about anything else?"

The leading man in black pointed to the other side of the school building and said, "Are you behind this row of houses?"

Yun Chu nodded.

The man in black muttered a few words in a low voice to the Jinwu Guards who were still standing guard, apparently scolding those people.

Soon after, Yunchu and his group were all sent back to continue writing the "Book of Rites" silently.

Yunchu was worried that the ink in the ink pool would dry up, so he ran faster than anyone else. When he returned to the classroom, he found that the ink was still usable, so he picked up his pen and continued writing silently.

In his heart, Yun Chu had always had a question. He wanted to know what method the old monkey used to make Xu Jingzong's grandson run wildly in a place like the Imperial College.

Since he can do this, it would be easy for the old monkey to kill Xu Jingzong's grandson. Why do he have to throw a stone here?

This chapter has been completed!
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