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Chapter 333 People can’t, at least they shouldn’t

 Lin Cheng's condolences from the underworld made the two of them chat awkwardly.

Two of these three provocative sentences went straight to the heart, and Mr. Mingkai seriously doubted that he did it on purpose.

It took Qijiang a while to regain her composure, "Did you have a meal to celebrate after winning the championship?"

Lin Cheng's first reaction was that the factory director had seen the video of himself acting drunk and was deliberately raising the topic to make fun of himself.

So, he also fell into silence.

After a few simple greetings, both parties took turns in silence, and only the barrage in the live broadcast room was beating wildly.

Ming Kai: "Hey! Why is there no sound?"

Lin Cheng: "...My network card is stuck."

Ming Kai: "Oh, I have a day off today and I happened to be reviewing your finals yesterday to see if there is anything we can learn from."

The factory director took the initiative to change the topic. It seemed that he didn't mean anything just now.

Lin Cheng understood that he was overthinking.

Misunderstanding resolved.

Lin Cheng's tone became lighter: "Are you studying your opponents for the World Championship so soon? Do you have a chance to go to the World Championship this year?"

Ming Kai: "·····"

There is no time to talk today.

"Fuck! It's so heartbreaking. Do you have a chance to go to the World Championship?"

"This little kid is going to start a group with Qijiang every time. Piggy is ready to take action."

"It would be funny if the last two teams miss out on S10."

"I remember that the year before last, KZ was in the Spring Championship but did not go to the World Championship, and the coach was the current KT coach."

"Brother Chengzi's silence just now is really cool. Onmyoji makes everything look strange, 23333."

"Brother Cheng: This person wants to deliberately mention my dark history, so I have to be on guard."

"This forced me to compete with myself, but Qijiang didn't even watch the video of him acting drunk and crazy."

He probably also knew that he shouldn't go too far, so Lin Cheng changed the topic: "It's just a joke. We don't have anything to study. The way of playing is actually very simple."

KT's victory this season was so magical. Their dominance in the LCK in the second half was obvious to all. Many teams have actually analyzed KT's style of play, either explicitly or covertly.

KT's play style obviously has the shadow of the traditional LCK play style. It establishes an advantage online in the early stage, and the linkage operation snowballs, and finally kills the game when the snowball is big enough.

However, the traditional operating methods of KT and LCK teams are very different in the past.

In the past, traditional teams in the LCK snowballed more by plundering resources. This operation method was very stable and slow, but when the snowball failed to start, the situation would become very stiff.

KT has shown extremely strong offensiveness and fast pace this season, and its overall aggressiveness far exceeds that of traditional LCK teams. In particular, Lin Cheng's online suppression ability and ability to radiate into the jungle are both outclassed in global league statistics.

The presence.

Once they had an advantage, KT took the initiative to put pressure on their opponents to expand their advantage, and soon this snowball was enough to kill the game.

Lin Cheng's existence is considered by many LCK viewers to be similar to Ma Datou in S5. When you have a line that can absolutely suppress your opponent, you can really easily win the game by playing around that line.

Of course, the premise is that teammates from other lanes don’t send it away.

Mingkai sighed: "The playing style is very clear, but being able to do it to your level is really amazing. Most teams can't learn it."

Lin Cheng said shamelessly: "That's because other teams don't have a top laner like me. Do you want to learn? Make an appointment with us for a few training matches and I'll help you train your top laners."

"People can't, at least they shouldn't be so arrogant."

"It's so funny! You want to learn? I'll teach you."

"Audi is very sorry!"

"Audi: I also have dignity, but you still want to train me?"

"In fact, the easiest way is to poach Brother Chengzi, and EDG can take off."

"Brother Chengzi, have you mastered the practice? If you don't know, Dashu Guodian won't want it."

"I want to see if Brother Chengzi can dig up the grave of Guodian's top laner."

Lin Cheng turned a blind eye to the barrage of comments. In the past, when he was not a player, he could talk casually, but now that he is a player, it is not appropriate to discuss such topics with other teams concisely.

Because Mr. Mingkai is now the coach of EDG, the coach has the say in club transfer matters.

Riot Games officials strictly prohibit club staff from privately contacting players from other teams before the transfer period. Fans can make noises, but he cannot say anything in front of Mr. Mingkai about joining him next season, even if it is just a joke.

Of course, there are also big loopholes in Riot’s rules.

Riot prohibits club staff from having private contact with players, but it cannot impose many requirements on contact between players.

This gave birth to a very cool operation.

When the club has an idea for a certain player, it can send players from its own team to try and persuade the player first, and then let the staff make contact after confirming the other party's intention.

Among them, G2, the leader of the European division, is a master who knows this very well. This is how Caps was invited to G2 by Ah P.

As long as I take down all the opponents' corners, I will be the strongest fantasy god in the league.

Qi Jiang was very interested in what Lin Cheng said about the training match, and said that the club must contact him before the start of the summer split.

Later, Mr. Mingkai asked Lin Cheng about the LCK team’s current use of jungle core play in the current version.

Just in version 10.8, which was updated ten days ago, which is the version used in the LCK finals, Riot Games provided a very important update.

The monster camp provides 1.35 times the experience value when the hero is level 9 or above, and adds the healing effect of the jungle knife.

This change undoubtedly directly accelerates the development of the jungler, and Riot Games also intends to encourage competition in the jungler position.

In this way, some output junglers with fast jungle clearing speed can become the core that the team relies on.

As a jungle core, it is not necessary to force the jungler to gank online to help teammates build an advantage. Instead, it requires online teammates to help the jungler accelerate development and suppress the opponent.

For example, the male gun that T1 took out in the first game of the finals was undoubtedly an attempt. It must have been brought out after they achieved good results in the training matches.

It's just a pity that Lin Cheng's sword girl completely destroyed T1 in that round, and the effect of the male gun was not seen.

Because this version change happened to be stuck during the playoffs, there is no team in the LCK like JDG who has been playing jungle core throughout the spring split. Therefore, although everyone is practicing, the entire LCK playoffs will be rushed.

Not many wild cores appear.

Lin Cheng had nothing to hide from Coach Mingkai's inquiries.

"In the training matches at the beginning of the playoffs, many teams in the LCK actually tried jungle core play. The results were good and bad. The time was too short and I can't tell much yet."

Mingkai: "But there are some teams in the LPL that play jungle core very well. When we played training games, we obviously felt that in this version they are better than before. In the following games, jungle core may become more popular. You guys play

How are you playing with the wild core hero of the jungle player?"

"how is everything?"

Lin Cheng scratched his head: "It's probably to the extent that I can play better than them."

Ming Kai: "·····"

This chapter has been completed!
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