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Chapter 334 KT's Black Fan

Lin Cheng's words left Mr. Mingkai speechless, thinking that he was talking dirty again.

"As expected of you, you are always cheating on your teammates, and you are very good at playing with their teammates' mentality."

"Bono: Are you going to stab me in the back when I'm on vacation? Are you talking like a horse?"

"What on earth is this wild core they are talking about?"

"To put it simply, it's the poisonous spider that Da Sima plays. He reaches level 18 and then goes out to watch the base explode."

"Is there any chance that the Jewel Sword Master will appear?"

"No chance. The male gun Kanavi used a few days ago is very strong in early invasion and anti-jungle fighting against small groups. What is the Juggernaut?"

Because version 10.8 was updated at the tail end of the spring split, jungle play didn’t appear much in the LCK playoffs. The most impressive game was probably the man-gun played by T1 in the finals.

However, that game is remembered entirely because Lin Cheng’s Sword Girl completely destroyed T1, and the effect of Wild Core was still not visible.

However, LCK teams are very proactive in exploring version updates. Naturally, there are teams trying wild core play during training matches, including KT.

However, the effect is very poor.

Although KT's jungler core lineup also has a high winning rate in training matches, it has nothing to do with the jungler. The others are just taking care of it, and they can still win if they change to another jungler.

Neither Bono nor substitute jungler Malrang are used to jungle core play.

Let's not talk about Malrang. He is a youth version of Spicy Hot Pot. He can do it by squatting on the sidelines for two minutes in a training match. It is too difficult for him to keep his head in the jungle.

Although Bono plays Death Song very well, other wild core heroes have a strange taste in playing.

Lin Cheng: "Anyway, our jungle core is just average at the moment, but Bono said that he will play more jungle heroes during the RANK holiday to see if there is a chance to save it."

Mr. Mingkai joked: "The jungle style is not that easy to change. This move by Fist feels aimed at you."

The reality is so cruel, not all teams can adapt to every version change.

Some teams take off immediately when they encounter a suitable version, while some teams are dissatisfied and immediately pull back.

Lin Cheng is very confident: "As long as we keep winning, it doesn't matter whether the version is different or not."

Ming Kai: "Okay! As expected of you."

Lin Cheng's idea is very straightforward: Can't you junglers be able to farm? If I destroy your wing, how can you farm?

The weakness of the jungle core is also obvious. The jungler needs feedback from online players so that they can invade and squeeze the opponent's jungle area to open up the gap.

But if you are defeated online, you still have to play a wild core.

After just chatting for a while, twenty minutes passed. Mr. Mingkai said goodbye and went offline to eat.

Lin Cheng muttered a little regretfully: "I thought the chat would end in an hour, but I didn't expect that we only chatted for twenty minutes."

I originally thought that the fans in the live broadcast room would be furious, but after hearing Lin Cheng's muttering, the majority of fans enthusiastically asked him to continue playing for a longer period of time and talk about his feelings as a player this season.

According to the barrage: Your skills are so good that we can’t learn from them. Why don’t we just talk about life, fencing and beating drums? Wouldn’t it be fun?

So, while Lin Cheng began to talk about his club life experience in the past few months while playing professionally, he opened the website out of boredom and browsed around casually.

"The most popular person in the team is Park Yong Hyuk. You should have noticed this, but you must not have guessed who the most powerful person in the club is."

"Haha, the person I'm talking about as the worst person is...fuck! If it's not me, who posted this barrage? Stand up for me."

"It's useless for you to issue so many protections. Where is the house manager? Block that guy and then talk about it."

In a battle of wits and courage with the water friends in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng opened the club's Youtube homepage.

KT released a video of their victory yesterday that was made in advance. The experience of counterattacking from the bottom of the standings was accompanied by exciting shots of the players and exciting music. The whole video went viral.

The comment area below was very lively. Countless KT fans who have been with KT for ten years jumped out to join the celebration.

However, there are also some unknown elements mixed in among them.

First of all, he showed his identity as a KT fan, and then analyzed from a rational perspective that KT’s championship was not very valuable and that other LCK teams were too weak. Then he listed the obvious mistakes that KT players made in the game, and finally came to the conclusion that KT won the Summer Split.

will lose its dominance.

If he just saw this, Lin Cheng would think that this is a KT fan who is wary of danger in times of peace.

When I looked back later, I found out that this guy himself said that he had cut out all the mistakes made by KT players throughout the season and made a video. The address is below, so everyone can share.

Lin Cheng first clicked on the video collection of his own mistakes.

The portion is quite small, and it only takes one minute, but the operation of giving it away for free and forcing it seems very satisfying.

This is how it is in competitions. Every player makes mistakes. If you really have to take a magnifying glass to see, no one can escape unscathed.

After seeing less than half of the highlights of his mistakes, Lin Cheng decisively turned off the video.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers, we don't need to say more about this guy's composition, right? He is undoubtedly a black man. Let's take a look at other videos before talking about it."

"Brother Cheng, please stop it! I haven't finished reading it yet."

"I just like to watch Brother Chengzi's cooking operation, 23333."

Lin Cheng ignored these guys and clicked on Kuro's mistakes collection.

Good guy! A full ten minutes! How much hatred is this against Kuro?

While helping his teammates to fight the injustice, Lin Cheng watched with interest.

As soon as he came in, Kuro Tsar drifted in a figure-7 shape, and the opponent was completely out of position with his ultimate move.

Lin Cheng complained: "Brother Shiheng, what are you doing? I can't help you with this operation."

Then, Kuro's card bottom lane gank flashed on the spot and took the titan hook, but was counter-killed by the opponent in a two-on-three attack.

"Hahaha! It was so delicious that I didn't notice this scene when I was on the road?"

As soon as the screen changed, Kuro's snake girl was ambushing in the jungle. He flashed his ultimate move and pressed repeatedly to catch the opponent's jungler, but he flashed past the wall.

"As expected of you Kuro! Ouch! Brothers, it turns out there are so many details that I didn't notice during the game. Is this my teammate?"

Lin Cheng forgot his original intention and laughed while watching his teammates prepare meals in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck! This guy just said that the person who made the video was a black fan, but he laughed the loudest."

"Lin Cheng really doesn't know how to restrain himself."

"You can watch the highlights of your own mistakes for more than ten seconds before turning off the game, and you can lose a bowl of rice just by watching the mistakes of your teammates."

"It turns out that the leader of KT's anti-fans is actually himself."

Just as Lin Cheng continued to immerse himself in complaining about Kuro's stupid operation, the phone next to him rang.

Lin Cheng took a look.

"Hoho! Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Brothers, I'll answer the phone first."

Just after the call was connected, Kuro's roar sounded:

"Yeah!!! You bastard, turn off the video right now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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